73 Short Stories - Cover

73 Short Stories

Copyright© 2017-2024 ahorsewithnoname

Justice May Be Blind, Deaf Perhaps, but Definitely Dumb

Fiction Sex Story: Justice May Be Blind, Deaf Perhaps, but Definitely Dumb - Over the past 7 years, I've written 73 short stories for writing competitions, having placed (1st/2nd/3rd) in 39 of them. About half are erotic. They are ALL at or under 1,000 words, as that was a rule. So, a bunch of short stories that will make you laugh, make you cry, make you go WTF? Hard to go wrong with this many short stories for just a few bucks if you opt to go to Bookapy and buy the book. Well under a penny per word! Thank you for your consideration.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Incest   Brother   Sister   BDSM   Light Bond   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Illustrated  


“Your honor, the defense calls its only witness, Jackson Stafford.”

The courtroom quickly became abuzz with hushed conversations as the defendant arose and walked over to the witness stand.

Judge Alexander “Maximum Al” Maximillian banged his gavel, summoning quiet. He nodded to the attorney for the defense.

Willa Kather double-checked, subtly, that her suit jacket was buttoned before she strode around the defense table and walked toward both the jury and witness stand, stopping about a dozen feet from each. She looked over the jury as the defendant was being sworn in. Once he took his seat, her gaze focused on him. This was her first capital crime case, and she admittedly was nervous.

“Mr. Stafford,” she began, the courtroom very quiet now, except for her voice, “you stand accused of assassination of a government official, an offense punishable by death. You’ve heard testimony from nearly a dozen witnesses who were standing around Senator Kingsley when you allegedly strode up to him and shot him six times at point blank range. You’ve watched video accounts of said alleged crime from two different television networks, neither of them affiliated with the other, as well as several amateur videos taken by those who were in attendance when the event took place.

“Earlier this week you heard from Federal Bureau of Investigation ballistic experts who tested the 9mm allegedly wrestled from you at the scene and found that bullets fired from that weapon were a 99.44% match to the ones that struck and killed the senator. These tests were further corroborated by the United States Secret Service Investigative Division. You also heard from the FBI and Secret Service that fingerprints found on the 9mm matched your fingerprints. Further, upon testing after being arrested, there was gun powder residue found on your right hand, the hand that allegedly was used to fire the weapon. The gunpowder residue on your hand was shown to be a 99.99997% match with the powder found inside the barrel of the weapon.

“At the house that you rent, investigators found a hidden room which contained maps of where Senator Kingsley planned speeches, along with dozens of photos of each the locations from a wide range of angles, along with notes on trajectory, wind shear, and the effect of heat waves on optical scopes. There was also a vast amount of information on how to successfully create a new identity, how to survive in the wild, how to live unnoticed in foreign countries, plus thousands of dollars worth of Euros, and Yen.

“Testimony was presented with regards to your social media presence, which, although not extensive, did include a number of videos of you allegedly attending speeches by the senator, and, you, well, flipping off the senator, which you said you were posting on the social media site YouTube because, and I quote, ‘someone will want to see these someday after that asshole is gone.’ There was also the manifesto that you allegedly posted on Facebook.

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