73 Short Stories - Cover

73 Short Stories

Copyright© 2017-2024 ahorsewithnoname

The Biggest Dick

Fiction Sex Story: The Biggest Dick - Over the past 7 years, I've written 73 short stories for writing competitions, having placed (1st/2nd/3rd) in 39 of them. About half are erotic. They are ALL at or under 1,000 words, as that was a rule. So, a bunch of short stories that will make you laugh, make you cry, make you go WTF? Hard to go wrong with this many short stories for just a few bucks if you opt to go to Bookapy and buy the book. Well under a penny per word! Thank you for your consideration.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Incest   Brother   Sister   BDSM   Light Bond   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Illustrated  

Today started out most promising. Mom had us young ones eating fresh fruit for breakfast, mostly berries, which are special this time of the year. Dad was off with the other dads in our neighborhood, keeping an eye on things. I believe some refer to it as a community watch or something similarly named. I don’t pay much attention to what he and the other dads are up to, but I do know that the Thinning is coming soon for my sister.

Apparently, it is today. My sister, she’s really cute, with long legs, thin, nice tan color, but she’s at the age now when the older males are giving her looks.1 I mean, they’re diks, so, of course, they’re going to look at her, but Mom won’t put up with that. So after breakfast, I could see the look that Mom was giving her. I saw it last month with my other sister, and Mom took her out for a walk and only Mom returned. I went over to her, nuzzled her, and then backed off as Mom approached. Sis had that look about her, like, she was looking for a male, so Mom just led her off.2

The rest of us pretty much ran around, exercising, and occasionally grabbing some more food when we got hungry. I don’t know about everyone else but damn, after I’d run, I’d get hungry again! It’s like my metabolism works overtime or something.

My brother, who’s also a dik, heh, got sent away by Dad months ago, but sometimes he sneaks by when Dad’s gone, and well, he’s bad. Twice now he’s tried to jump me from behind and he’s also trying to push his dick into me, which is not cool. I’m just not ready for that, I’m too young, but he doesn’t care, he’s just a big dik and is horny3 and doesn’t think things through. I tell you what, if Dad came back and saw him trying to put that thing in me, oh man, there’d be a huge fight to see who was the biggest dik because typically the biggest one ruled.

I guess with my sister gone, the other males are gonna be looking at me--ut oh. One is coming over now, walking straight toward me. He’s kinda’ hot. But he’s also got a lot of swagger. I mean, if I’m telling the truth, he does have the biggest dick that I’ve noticed. I’m gonna look the other way, act disinterested, and then we’ll see--WHAT?

Something must have grabbed him because I don’t see him but I do hear some shrill sounds, almost like whistles. Oh shit, it’s a gang of something, I can’t see clearly but it sounds like a bunch of them got him. From the noise, I’d say they were lions.

That’s a damn shame. I was considering giving my first time to that big dik. I suppose the moral is that the biggest dik usually gets what’s coming to them.


This was a story about Dik-diks, which are a species of small antelope that lives in eastern and southern Africa.

1 - Female Dik-diks reach sexual maturity at six months; males at 12 months.

2 - When males and females reach sexual maturity, the Mom runs off the females, and the Dad runs off the males.

3 - The males have horns.

Yes, I could have made this story longer to get closer to 1,000 words, but honestly, haven’t you had enough of these diks?

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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