73 Short Stories - Cover

73 Short Stories

Copyright© 2017-2024 ahorsewithnoname

An American Revolution

Fiction Sex Story: An American Revolution - Over the past 7 years, I've written 73 short stories for writing competitions, having placed (1st/2nd/3rd) in 39 of them. About half are erotic. They are ALL at or under 1,000 words, as that was a rule. So, a bunch of short stories that will make you laugh, make you cry, make you go WTF? Hard to go wrong with this many short stories for just a few bucks if you opt to go to Bookapy and buy the book. Well under a penny per word! Thank you for your consideration.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Incest   Brother   Sister   BDSM   Light Bond   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Illustrated  


The clickity-clack of my fingers as they danced across the keyboard of my laptop was silenced by the sounds of nearby waves crashing upon the beach. It was still early enough in the day that the sun wasn’t yet high enough to burn my skin to a crisp, paleface that I am.

Next to me was my 24-year-old girlfriend, this her first trip outside the United States, first cruise, lots of firsts, laying on a towel, bathing in the warmth provided by the aforementioned sun, her tiny bikini providing a distraction each time I glanced in her direction. She was oblivious to my pervy peekings at her, and my typing as her iPhone and earbuds had silenced the outside world.

Absentmindedly, I suspect, she reached back and pulled at her bikini bottom which was somewhat wedged in her butt crack, lifting it and then letting go, her hand returning to her side. During that brief interlude, I was able to see her sex for what had to have been a fraction of a second, but to me, a lifetime. My resolve to work on the short story this morning was temporarily broken.

Based on where we were located, she alone would be difficult to spot, and anyone coming by would most likely be near the water, not back toward the tree line, like us. Using that to my advantage, I straddled her lower legs and then reached up and deftly started peeling her bottom off.

Her head quickly turned back toward me. “Hey! Don’t do that, someone will see us!” She was a bit shy regarding sex but resolved to be more adventurous this year.

I lay down partially on top of her legs, her bottoms at her knees, and face planted on her butt, my tongue reaching out and licking her bare lips.

“Seriously, we can’t--oh God!” she said as she first felt the probing of my tongue along her sex.

“If you quiet down,” I replied, my hand now upon her butt cheeks, “no one will see us or hear us.” I went back to licking pussy and she put her head back down, resigned to my cunning linguist advances upon her.

The sand wasn’t an issue as we were on a nice, thick towel. As always, she tasted sweet, almost a peachy, syrupy consistency. I could hear her mewling as my face would push against her, my tongue extending to tease her clit, then back to her lips and opening for seconds, thirds, and more of her creamy delight. Her hands were now clutching at the blanket as her body lifted slightly and she pushed back now, helping me prepare her for release.

Taking advantage of this positioning, and the agreed-upon need for no fussing, simultaneously I moved my tongue to her anus and began a rapid licking while I pushed my thumb inside her, using my fingers to massage her clit.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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