Sky Watchers - Cover

Sky Watchers

Copyright© 2024 by man-of-sea

Chapter 2: Rock On

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2: Rock On - Story of two women finding each other through wactching a comet

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   DomSub   Light Bond   Massage   Oral Sex  

The late afternoon light bathed the gym when Ann and Skyler walked in. You could tell they’d been here a hundred times before by the way they moved. Ann’s big t-shirt bounced a little with each step – picked for comfort, no doubt. Skyler’s outfit was a different story – bright bra, patterned shorts, the whole nine yards. It was said a lot about her right there.

“Remember that first time at the gym?” Skyler chuckled. A twinkle in her eye. “You, the brilliant stargazer. Looked like your feet were superglued to the floor!”

Ann chuckled. I remember those hesitant early days. “And you, the fearless comet chaser. Scaling the walls like gravity didn’t apply.”

Despite the playful banter. There was a new energy between them. It wasn’t about teaching or learning anymore but about partnership in its purest form. They were here to push their limits. To conquer new routes side by side.

“Let’s skip the warm-up.” Skyler declared. Heading towards a notoriously challenging overhang. “We’re not here to play.”

A smile spread across Ann’s face. El Capitan might have been her peak, but it was just the beginning of her story. Every climb with Skyler was a new adventure, a chance to defy expectations – both her own and the world’s.

Chalk dust tickled her nose as she tightened her grip on the first hold. A familiar ache flared in her forearms. But it felt good. This wasn’t just a workout. It was the focus. A thrilling dance of strength and strategy.”

With each move. Ann felt a connection with Skyler. An unspoken communication within their shared rhythm. Up here, they were a team. Pushing each other. Celebrating each other’s triumphs with every conquered hold.

Ann’s thoughts raced as fast as her pedals churned. The city’s evening sounds. – A distant hum of traffic. – Couldn’t drown out the worry swirling in her mind. How could she give Skyler the ticket? A simple handoff felt too pushy. Too much like she was trying to control her friend. Ann wanted Skyler to soar. not feel trapped.

So this is what it’s like, Skyler thought, wonder filling her. Dazzling stars, more than she could count, painted across the Chilean desert sky. Her energy crackled, matching the intensity of their cutting-edge work. And those nights ... just the two of them, laughter swirling with the intoxicating promise of the unknown.”

But there was a nagging fear too. What if Skyler craved the freedom that her unpredictable life offered? Was Ann being selfish? dragging her into a future she didn’t want?

By the time Ann reached her apartment building. She didn’t have an answer. Only a deep yearning to try. Taking a shaky breath. She reached into her bag and retrieved the envelope containing the ticket and visa paperwork.

The delicious scents of garlic and basil filled Ann’s small apartment as she stirred a pot of simmering tomato sauce. It was a simple meal. A comforting ritual. But her mind was far from still. The envelope is tucked beneath Skyler’s climbing guide on the coffee table. Felt heavier by the minute. This was an act of quiet hope. Laced with a healthy dose of fear.

The familiar creak of her apartment door brought a smile to Ann’s face. Skyler breezed in. She slams her jacket and immediately flopping onto the couch with an exaggerated groan.

“Rough day at the stellar playground?” Ann asked. She was keeping her tone light.

Skyler chuckled. “My forearms are ready to revolt. That new route’s a beast.” She paused, her eyes landing on the climbing guide out of place on the coffee table. A flicker of surprise crossed her face as she spotted the envelope.

“What’s this?” Skyler’s curiosity was evident in the way she tilted her head.

Ann wiped her hands on a dishtowel and took a deep breath. “Just something I picked up. Thought you might find it interesting.” She busied herself setting the table. Trying to project an air of nonchalance that she was far from feeling.

Skyler’s silence stretched for a few long moments. Broken only by the soft rustle of paper. Ann tried desperately to focus on the plates in her hands. But the air buzzed with anticipation.

Finally, a sharp intake of breath. “Ann ... is this...”

Ann turned. Her heart pounding against her ribs. Skyler stared wide-eyed at the ticket in her hand. Her expression was a mixture of disbelief and a spark of something Ann couldn’t quite define.

“A possibility,” Ann said, her voice surprisingly steady. “If you want it.”

Skyler carefully set the ticket and visa paperwork on the table, her gaze never leaving Ann’s. “This is huge ... this is ... Chile?”

“The best observatory in the Southern Hemisphere. Cutting-edge research. A chance to...” Ann hesitated. Then plunged ahead. “A chance for us to do something extraordinary. Together.”

And with that. It was laid bare – the hope. The unspoken yearning. The fear that trembled beneath the surface. It was Skyler’s turn to choose the next move.

The silence crackled with tension for a moment. Then shattered completely. Skyler surged forward. Enveloping Ann in a hug so tight it nearly lifted her off the floor.

Yes—oh my god, yes! Like, a thousand times yes! Chile? Ann, we have to see the stars ... this is gonna be, like, incredible!

Pulling back slightly, Skyler’s eyes glittered with excitement. “This is ... this is the kind of crazy that changes everything! I mean, we’d be mapping out new constellations, breaking boundaries ... this is what I live for!”

Ann almost sagged with relief. Oh my god, then she wanted to jump for joy. Skyler ... Skyler was like, what, the only other person who wasn’t scared of the crazy stuff? The stuff Ann always craved?

“So,” Skyler said, a slow smile creeping across her face. She flexed her arm. Letting out a playful huff. “Guess I need to adjust my climbing routine. Gotta be telescope-wielding strong, right?”

Ann laughed. The tension of the past hours finally dissolving. “We’ll get you a customized training plan. And maybe a crash course in Spanish?” The words flowed out of her easily now. The future shimmers with thrilling possibilities.

“Deal.” Skyler beamed. Then with typical impulsiveness. She grabbed Ann’s hand and pulled her towards the door. “Come on, who needs dinner when we’ve got a whole new world to start planning for?”

As they stepped out into the cool night air. The stars overhead seemed a little brighter. The promise of Chile hung in the air like a fresh constellation waiting to be discovered. It was the start of a grand adventure, and it would be the kind of wild, beautiful climb they would face together.

The initial burst of excitement gradually gave way to a flurry of questions and a to-do list that seemed to unspool endlessly. Ann, the methodical astronomer, found a strange sense of thrill in navigating the chaotic logistics alongside Skyler’s infectious energy.

“Okay, visas first,” Ann declared one evening, armed with a laptop and a shockingly strong cup of coffee. “The observatory should have helped with the paperwork, but let’s double-check everything.”

Skyler, perched on the kitchen counter with a half-eaten energy bar, grinned. “Bureaucracy doesn’t stand a chance against Dr. Wilson. Seriously though, is there a form for transferring my entire climbing gym membership to Santiago?”

The practicality of it all made the adventure even more tangible. They waded through online forms, made countless phone calls, and debated the pros and cons of shipping their bikes versus buying new ones in Chile. Ann’s carefully ordered apartment bore the chaotic beauty of imminent transition – half-packed boxes, piles of climbing gear, and star charts spread out across the floor.

There were moments, usually late at night when the city finally quieted, when the sheer magnitude of their decision sank in. Ann would find herself staring at the ceiling, a familiar pang of uncertainty nibbling at the edges of her excitement.

“Hey,” Skyler’s voice would break through the silence, soft and reassuring, “you know those nebulae you showed me? The crazy gas clouds that look like explosions of color?”

Ann would nod, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

“Well, this is kinda like that,” Skyler would continue. “Yeah, it’s messy and unpredictable, but damn, it’s going to be beautiful.”

And with that, Ann’s doubts would melt away, replaced by the warmth of Skyler’s unwavering faith, leaving behind only a fierce and eager anticipation for the uncharted territory that awaited.

The energy in the apartment had shifted. The practicalities of visas and packing were still there, but a new current buzzed beneath the surface – a delicious blend of anticipation and unspoken desire. Ann had always been cautious, even reserved when it came to intimacy. Skyler, however, moved with a passionate boldness that ignited something new within her.

One evening, as they shared a bottle of wine after a particularly grueling day of packing, Ann noticed a shift in Skyler’s gaze. It lingered on her lips, her fingers tracing the stem of her wine glass with unconscious sensuality.

“What are you thinking about?” Ann ventured, her voice surprisingly low.

Skyler met her eyes, a hint of mischief playing in their depths. “Just that...” she paused, tilting her head, “ ... this adventure isn’t just about Chile, is it?”

Heat bloomed on Ann’s cheeks. She’d never been good at this, the subtle dance of suggestion. “It doesn’t have to be,” she managed, surprised at her boldness.

Skyler’s smile was slow, promising. “I like the sound of that.” She set her glass down and moved closer, just a breath away. “We’ve always been about pushing limits, right?”

It was Ann’s turn to smile. Skyler’s touch, when it came, wasn’t a storm, but a flickering flame. A question. An invitation. “Lead the way,” Ann murmured, her voice laced with anticipation, and a hint of playful challenge.

Skyler’s touch was feather-light at first, a brush against Ann’s arm, a playful nudge of her shoulder. But with every soft caress, a spark ignited, a low thrum of energy building between them. The air grew thick with possibility, the half-empty wine bottle a silent witness to the slow, delicious unraveling of unspoken desires.

Ann, always the observer, found herself transfixed by Skyler’s movements. The way her eyes darkened, her lips parting slightly in an unconscious invitation. There was a rawness to Skyler’s desire that was utterly disarming, a far cry from Ann’s usual cautious approach to intimacy.

When their hands met across the table, the gentle press of fingers against fingers, felt like a secret language. Something unspoken passed between them – a silent agreement to explore this uncharted territory together.

“Can I...” Skyler began, her voice a husky whisper. She traced a pattern across the back of Ann’s hand, her touch setting off trails of fire on Ann’s skin.

Ann swallowed her heart unexpectedly loudly in the quiet room. “Yes,” she breathed, the word barely audible but vibrating with intent.

Skyler’s smile was slow and knowing. She leaned closer, her breath ghosting across Ann’s face. Their first kiss wasn’t a fiery collision, but rather a meeting of tentative exploration. It was a study of sighs and hesitant movements, a promise of something more waiting to be revealed.

As the warmth of Skyler’s breath caressed her earlobe, Ann found herself utterly lost in the moment. Her entire body seemed to melt into the soft, plush mattress beneath her, becoming one with the sensations that were coursing through her veins. Skyler’s hand, strong yet gentle, traced a path down her arm, sending tingles of pleasure dancing along her skin. The room, once bathed in the harsh light of the overhead lamp, was now shrouded in the soft, inviting glow of the flickering candles that cast flickering shadows on the walls. It was as if time itself had slowed down as if everything else in the world had ceased to exist except for the two of them and the intoxicating connection they shared.

Ann reached up, intertwining her fingers with Skyler’s, drawing her closer still. Their kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, more demanding. As their tongues tangled, she could feel the heat between them building, the tension coiling tighter and tighter. She arched her back, pressing her body against Skyler’s, wanting to feel every inch of her, to become lost in the sensation of being so close to another person in this way.

Skyler’s touch seemed to know her body as if it were a familiar canvas, tracing paths of desire across her skin, eliciting moans and gasps of pleasure. Her lips were soft and insistent, her breath hot against Ann’s neck, covering her body with goosebumps. The sheets beneath them grew damp and tangled, as their passion rose, their need for one another becoming more and more urgent.

Ann arched her back, pressing her hips against Skyler’s, feeling the hardness of her arousal through their clothes. She wanted to feel her skin against her own, to taste her lips and feel the softness of her breasts against her chest. Their kisses grew more frenzied, more desperate as if they were trying to consume each other entirely.

Skyler reaching under their bed pulls out silk scarves and binds Ann’s wrists to the bedpost above her head, then blindfolds her. The touch of the cool silk on her skin, and the loss of sight heightens her other senses, making her more aware of the warmth of Skyler’s body pressed against hers, the rhythm of her breath, the taste of their kisses. She feels the weight of Skyler’s hand as it rests on her stomach, guiding her hips into each of her thrusts.

The friction between their bodies is exquisite, sending shockwaves of pleasure through Ann’s core. She gasps and arches into each movement, her bound wrists leaving her body completely exposed to the sensations coursing through her. Skyler’s other hand roams freely, tracing lazy circles around her nipple before pinching it roughly between her fingers, sending a jolt of pleasure through Ann’s entire body.

Ann feels Skyler shift, moving to kneel between her spread legs. Her heart pounds in anticipation as she feels the warmth of Skyler’s breath against her most sensitive spot. Skyler’s tongue darts out, circling her clit before delving in, sucking gently at first and then with more urgency. Ann’s hips buck off the bed, her back arching as she cries out, lost in the sensation of being so thoroughly taken by Skyler’s mouth.

Her bound wrists stretch taut above her head, the silk scarf digging into her skin, but the sensation only heightens the pleasure coursing through her. She feels Skyler’s fingers tease at her entrance, preparing her for what is to come. Ann whimpers as she feels the head of Skyler’s dildo press against her, slowly pushing inside. She gasps at the sudden fullness, feeling stretched and yet so incredibly desired.

Skyler’s free hand comes to rest on her hip, guiding her hips into a rhythm as she begins to thrust. Ann arches her back, meeting each of Skyler’s thrusts with equal eagerness. The friction between their bodies is intense, each stroke sending shockwaves of pleasure through her. She can feel the dildo pressing against her G-spot with every thrust, heightening the sensation to a nearly unbearable level.

The sound of their bodies moving together, the moist sounds of their skin slapping together, the rhythmic gasps and grunts fill the room, creating a symphony of desire. Ann’s mind is filled with nothing but the feel of Skyler inside her, the taste of their kisses, the touch of their skin. Her body trembles with the effort of holding back her orgasm, feeling the familiar tightening deep within her.

Skyler speeds up, thrusting harder and faster, her breath hot against Ann’s neck. Ann’s bound wrists stretch taut above her head, the silk scarf biting into her skin, but the pain only serves to heighten the pleasure coursing through her. She feels Skyler’s free hand reach between them, finding her clit, circling it expertly, driving her closer and closer to the edge.

Their bodies move together in perfect harmony, their skin sliding against each other in a frenzy of desire. Ann feels the dildo press against her G-spot with every thrust, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. She gasps and arches her back, her hips moving in time with Skyler’s, her cries of pleasure muffled by the blindfold.

Skyler tempts her bound lover to cum. Skyler bites and pulls Ann’s nipples with her teeth. Ann moans and arches her back, feeling the sensations travel through her body. Skyler speeds up, thrusting harder and faster, her hips slapping against Ann’s ass with each movement. The dildo buried deep inside Ann, hitting her G-spot with every thrust, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her.

Ann feels the familiar tightening in her core, the impending release building up inside her. Her body trembles with the effort of holding back, but Skyler’s skilled fingers on her clit push her over the edge. With a cry of release, Ann’s body convulses in a powerful orgasm, her inner walls gripping Skyler’s dildo with unyielding intensity. Her cries are muffled against the pillow, her body arching violently off the bed as wave after wave of pleasure washes over her.

Skyler smiling whispers into Ann’s ear with her hot breath Welcome to the new world order, lover. With that, she pulls out of her, revealing her now well-used body. Ann lies panting, her chest heaving, her body still quivering from the intense orgasm. Skyler leans down, kissing Ann tenderly on the lips before pulling the blindfold off.

Later, in the softness of pre-dawn, entangled limbs and whispered confessions filled the space between them. Awkwardness mingled with wonder, hesitation with a fierce, giddy delight in this unexpected discovery. Any lingering reservations Ann might have had melted away, replaced by a warmth that radiated from the woman beside her - Skyler, with her star-bright eyes and a heart that seemed to crave adventure in every possible form.

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