Sophie's Terrible Choice - Cover

Sophie's Terrible Choice

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 54

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 54 - Sophie is entrapped in a terrible dilemma by Edward Pembroke, a twisted pervert whose actions lead her to a world of nightmares

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Teen Siren   Heterosexual   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Anal Sex   Analingus   Enema   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Violence  

Darya’s constant harking to life outside, and implied thoughts of escape, were always an unwelcome intrusion for Sophie. Deep down, Sophie felt a secret shame about her acceptance of their predicament. She knew she should want to escape and dream of a life outside, but she never wanted to act on it. Instead, she had found a strange contentment in the routine and the closeness she shared with Darya. The occasional sex and games with their captor had grown tolerable, and at times she even found herself dreaming of him.

The first time it had happened she had dreamt she was sucking his cock, looking up at his grinning face, his sagging jowls quivering, his double chin swallowed by his neck, and his eyes full of crazy lust under his furrowed brows.

She had woken up in Darya’s arms and immediately admitted with a purr that she thought she was having sex with ‘daddy.’ Darya’s initial amusement had curdled into concern as she saw the lingering happiness on Sophie’s face. “You’re not actually...” Darya’s voice hitched, the accusation hanging heavy in the air. “You can’t be falling for that monster, can you?”

Sophie had quickly laughed at the suggestion and brushed off the dream, curving her arms around Darya as they spooned to try and get back to sleep. But both Darya and Sophie lay awake, thinking.

Darya was now seventeen. She could bear a childhood lost, but a whole life? Could she kill herself, or would she end up like Sophie?

Sophie hated to admit that she did not dream of freedom anymore. She felt sadness for her mother and sister, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier that had grown around her, even more than the cell and basement doors, that made her think escape and freedom were just not real possibilities anymore.

A few days later, the two girls were in their pyjama vests and pants in their cell, eating mashed-up potatoes, turnips, and chicken with their hands. Pembroke had long since stopped giving them knives and forks for fear either might do something with them, and the girls were long used to eating with their hands.

“Sophie, what is the first thing you will want to eat when you get out of here?”

“What do you mean?” Sophie asked, flustered. She hated talking about the outside and escape.

“You know, I really miss the food from home,” Darya said wistfully to her friend. “There’s this dish called kubba, which is like stuffed meatballs made with onions and minced meat, and they’re fried until they’re crispy and golden. They’re so good! All that man gives us is boring, disgusting mush.”

“It’s healthy, that’s why Daddy gives it to us. Neither of us gets ill or fat.”

“Yeah, great for him. He doesn’t look like he eats healthy, let’s face it. He wants us nice and slim for his fat, disgusting body.”

Sophie didn’t say anything.

“Come on Sophie, tell me what you want to eat.”

“Well, before I was taken, I used to love McDonald’s, ice cream that sort of thing. But it would be weird to eat it down here.”

“Yeah it would be weird, that’s why I asked what you want to eat when you get out of here.”

Sophie nibbled on her remaining food. “I don’t know”

Darya put her food on the tray, refusing to eat anymore. “You have to dream of the outside Sophie. You can’t just surrender to this.”

“If you don’t finish your food, daddy will get angry” Sophie simply responded.

“Fuck daddy!”

“Darya, please, he can hear us! You’ll get yourself in trouble again!”

“I don’t care. I want to get out of here. I want to see my mother again. I want to see other human beings.”

Sophie finished her food. “What’s wrong with seeing me?”

Darya gave Sophie a pointed look, her eyes blazing with anger. “You know, Sophie, all that talk about how you got bullied at school and I felt sorry for you. Three years my senior, yet here you cower like a frightened child. But I’m no servant like you. I have courage, something you lack! It’s humiliating to stoop to your level.”

Her voice trembled with frustration. “My sister died a hero, and I? I waste away here with you, my potential rotting alongside this miserable existence!” Tears welled in her eyes. “My sister died helping others, and here I am, stuck with you, doing nothing! My life is slipping away, and you’re content to wallow in this fucking filth!”

With a shriek, Darya flung her plate at the wall, scattering food everywhere.

“Darya! Alright, I’ll clean it up, just calm down!” Sophie pleaded.

Darya slumped to the ground in tears. “That bastard, I have to kill him. I don’t care if I die. God, I only pray that my mother doesn’t ever find out what happened to me. If he kills me for trying to kill him at least it will put me out of my misery.”

“Darya, please, I love you. Don’t hurt yourself.”

“Love you? Don’t be ridiculous, Sophie. You’re just the only other human here. Nearly three years cooped up in this cell and this dungeon! If we ever get out, I swear I’ll never speak to you again!”

“Darya, you can’t mean that!”

Darya’s eyes burned with hatred. “Why would I want to be with a pathetic coward like you? He fancies you a lot more than me, you know. If something happened to you...” A dark thought festered in her mind. Perhaps getting rid of Sophie would be the answer. The monster would be enraged, eliminating Darya in the process, freeing her from this torment, and he would have no more playthings.

Sophie recoiled in fear. “Darya, please, don’t be like him!”

Darya spat at her feet. “Being a monster is preferable to being his useless slave.”

Darya’s rage subsided as quickly as it flared. She slumped against the wall, defeated. “But why am I here? Why have I let myself be a prisoner for three years? I am nothing but a loser.”

Fresh sobs wracked her frail body.

“You’re not a loser, Darya,” Sophie stammered, reaching out in comfort. Darya flinched away.

The two young women sat in silence for hours, slumped in opposite corners of the cell, lost in their own thoughts and despair.

Afshan Bharwani stood in the confines of Sophie Yidiz’s childhood bedroom. The air hung heavy with the passage of time. Afshan tried to imagine what it must have been like for Sophie all those years ago. The fear of being blackmailed, the violation ... could Sophie have been forced to perform on a webcam, just like Afshan herself had been?

The room remained untouched, a snapshot of a teenage girl’s life frozen in 2013. Teresa stood in the hallway, looking at this young Asian police officer, wondering what the police may have found.

“So do you think she was murdered or killed herself?”

“We cannot say for sure about that yet. But I am here not directly about what happened to her on that day, but beforehand.”

Teresa shifted uncomfortably. Was she going to be blamed again?

“As you’re aware, we suspect she was being blackmailed by someone before her vanishing.”

“That monster,” Tracey choked out, tears welling in her eyes. “Whoever did it ... if they didn’t kill her, they still drove her to her death! How can they live with themselves?”

Teresa, with a touch of empathy in her voice, offered, “Actually, Tracey, something similar happened to you, didn’t it?”

Tracey dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. “Oh yes,” she whispered, the pain etched on her face.

Teresa opened up about meeting the man as a sex worker in the hotel and her shock at the footage appearing online. In the excitement of Stanley Bridgerton she had not mentioned him to police, not thinking him important.

The hidden cameras and her description of him made Afshan’s skin crawl. She was sure they had slept with the same disgusting monster. And she had a feeling he had done something to Sophie and Darya as well.

“Would you be prepared to speak to a sketch artist? Your case sounds very similar to a few other cases and if the sketch matches then we can maybe build a clearer description and find him.” She didn’t mention that she herself had been a victim of the same man.

Elsewhere, Yasmin barely heard the lawyer drone on about her asylum claim. “Have the police found anything?” she burst out, her voice raw with barely contained panic.

The lawyer’s sympathetic answer was a fresh stab of agony. “Nothing yet, Yasmin. Are you sure there’s no one in your family or community who might know something?”

London, this foreign land she’d desperately hoped for, felt like a prison. Her cramped flat was a monument to her misery, shared with a volatile Nigerian flatmate who’d nearly set the place ablaze and an Iraqi woman, her face horrifically scarred by her husband’s cruelty. All Yasmin could think about was Darya, her missing daughter.

Darya remained a ghost. No word from the police. No sign of the people who’d posed as refugee lawyers, stealing not just her money but a piece of her soul. Shame burned alongside the frustration. Her other husband and children had died, but it had been out of her control. But Darya...

The men she’d fucked, the leers and gropes she’d tolerated, all to scrape together the funds Farquhar demanded – a desperate attempt to give Darya a better life. Now, looking at the four walls of her tiny room, the picture of her smiling dead children the only splash of colour, Yasmin felt the crushing weight of failure.

“Good evening girls.” Pembroke strolled in through the basement door, his face a grotesque parody of cheer. Sophie and Darya sat up in unison, Sophie fully attentive and Darya with a flicker of defiance quickly, quickly snuffed out by weariness.

Darya watched him, a fresh wave of frustration gnawing at her. He used his thumb for the fingerprint identification pad, as well as pressing the ever changing code. It was so infuriatingly simple for him, a stark contrast to the prison they inhabited. He swaggered around the basement like a king surveying his domain.

Sophie and Darya hardly ever got out of their cell to explore the basement, it was usually only to ‘play’ with Pembroke. They stayed within the clear glass doors of their now ten feet by thirty feet cell which occupied only about a fifth of the total space, with their only view being the grotesque sight of horrors, of bondage equipment, obscene posters of the girls themselves, and Pembroke’s own workstation.

Darya’s eyes fixated on the cage door, then flicked to the heavy metal door beyond it that sealed them within the basement. It was a constant, agonizing reminder. Freedom. So close, it felt like a cruel joke. Just a few feet, a flick of Pembroke’s smug thumb on the keypad, and that door would swing open. Yet, for them, it might as well be a mile-thick steel barrier.

“Now girls, I only have an hour, hope you enjoy your breakfast, but finish quickly because I fancy a blowjob. Don’t worry about shaving if you’re not smooth, just eat up, shower and be ready in a few minutes!”

Pembroke was talking like he was talking to a pet cat. He barely looked at them, just shrugged off his dressing gown, and showered himself under the main basement shower, then dried himself and lay on his bed, the picture of casual dominance, stroking his cock as he looked at the cell and his two pets inside.

Darya had finished her sparse breakfast and she and Sophie were now taking their clothes off. The routine was ingrained, a years-long dance of humiliation. Sophie, with a vacant expression, peeled off her vest, and then her panties. Shame gnawed at Darya as they showered together, soaping each other’s bodies.

“You on your period, Darya?” Pembroke quizzed her.

Blood poured down Darya’s legs on the shower, as she steeled herself to answer him. “Yes daddy.”

“OK, so I will fuck you in the ass then. Sophie, you get her insides clean, you’ll be sucking my cock after its been in that hole, and I don’t want to taste anything unpleasant when I kiss you afterwards.”

Darya flinched involuntarily. She could not bear to look at him as he gazed at them like she was a toilet utensil.

Sophie barely reacted at all to his request, as if it were perfectly normal. She placed her hand on Darya’s shoulder, then another on her hips, to bend her over, and then brought her finger to her asshole to loosen it for the shower head.

Darya sighed as the water came gushing into her rectum, as Sophie checked on her face, turning it towards her and raising her eyebrows in a concerned manner as if to check she was OK.

The girls hated the next part as Darya sat on the toilet bowl to expel all the shit from inside her. After several cleanings, Pembroke called out.

“Sophie, is her ass clean now? Come on I want to get started and then out of here!!”

“Yes, daddy, let me check.”

Sophie put her face to Darya’s ass crack, and spread her cheeks. She poked her finger in as far as it would go and then licked it to taste her. She then put her nose and tongue to her ass, knowing that not only would she be sucking anything that went in deeper than her finger, but that she would probably get a mild beating if her daddy found anything ‘distasteful’ after some hard anal sex.

“Yes, daddy, she is clean. Can we join you now?”

“Certainly, my horny young bitches! Darya put this thong on, I don’t want your blood everywhere, keep it on OK?”

Pembroke strode towards, them his cock now fully erect, as he opened the cell door.

The first position was one that Pembroke loved. He was lying on his back, with Sophie 69ing him. He loved the taste of her pussy and enjoyed licking the insides of her thighs that he knew made her extra ticklish.

Sophie was definitely the better cock sucker of the two. Darya had spent many, many hours on the cocksucking trainer with maximum shock punishment as he watched her, and he was satisfied she was doing her best. Darya hated it but after endless training, threats, a few black eyes, and other painful experiences, she had pushed herself to suck just as thoroughly as Sophie. But Sophie just seemed to have either more talent or more love for it. Pembroke reflected on their differences as he munched on her pussy, thinking that Darya sucked cock like an engineer, Sophie like an artist. Yes, he smiled that was a good comparison.

Darya was on her knees on the floor at the foot of the bed, leaning over the bed to reach between Pembroke’s spread legs. She was licking at his asshole and balls, constantly having to wave Sophie’s hair out of the way as she sucked on the cock above her.

Before long, the sweat and saliva had coated both their faces. Darya had grown used to this wrinkled hairy anus so much now, she could almost draw it from memory. “Come on Darya, try and get your tongue inside it!”

Darya pushed with her tongue, thinking it would soon be over. She hoped Sophie would make him cum.

Sophie often boasted of how quickly she could make daddy cum with her mouth. Darya could not argue it did not have its benefits, it made him less likely to beat them and it ended sex sessions more quickly. But it was so pathetic. She looked up and saw Sophie’s eyes smiling at her, as the drool from her mouth cascaded down his cock and balls onto Darya’s nose.

“Fuck! OK Sophie, stop, get off me, I want to cum in Darya’s ass not your mouth. Christ is that the time? OK Sophie get off, Darya, keep that thong on, I don’t want to see your disgusting bloody cunt, get on all fours here, come on!!”

Darya moved on to the now empty bed and adopted the pose. On her knees and elbow’s arching her back and sticking her ass in the air as high as she could. She gasped as Pembroke hit her as hard he could with an open-palmed spank on her ass cheek.

“What a fucking ass! God I’m so lucky I have two, I love your ass Sophie but this one is better, so curvy and hot!”

Darya sighed as she felt the string of her thong pulled to the side exposing herself, and Pembroke’s cock pushing against her asshole.

“Fuck yeah! “Pembroke slapped her ass again, marvelling at the firm flesh jiggling after each hit. He leaned with his weight, trying to force himself inside her.

Darya could feel the pain starting as the fissures of her asshole were breaking at the intruder. She tried to breathe out and push her sphincter out, to accommodate his cock. Suddenly, she felt his cock rush inside her, expanding inside her. She bucked her head up in pain. She never got used to anal sex, and never liked it.

“Yes, I’m in baby, that’s it, hey Sophie, get in front of Darya, let her lick your pussy while I fuck her asshole. I want to look in your eyes, so don’t look away!”

Sophie climbed on the bed in front of Darya’s face. Darya’s eyes were squeezed shut, the lids bunched tight. Beneath them, teeth were clenched hard enough to make the muscles in her jaw stand out starkly.

Sophie shuffled forward and moved her pussy against her face, inviting her to start licking, then looked at Pembroke.

Pembroke’s face was a picture of contented pleasure, his eyes half closed, and his mouth open in ecstasy, as he pummelled the poor young girl in front of him. He smiled at Sophie as if sharing a secret with her, Sophie smiled back.

“Is she licking you yet? Come on Darya, lick Sophie don’t be lazy!”

Darya felt Sophie’s moist pussy rub on her face but was too preoccupied with the pain from Pembroke’s cock in her ass to want to stick her tongue out. She was ass fucked regularly, but on each occasion, it was like her asshole closed up afterwards once healed, and she was a virgin for the pain of every new violation.

Pembroke spanked Darya again. “Lick, you little bitch!”

Darya raised her head slightly, and Sophie pushed herself into the void stuffing her mouth with he pussy. Darya lapped at her pussy lips, breathing hard into her, the sucked on her clit as hard as she could, trying to avoid the temptation to clamp her teeth down.

Sophie’s eyes widened with pleasure as she stared at Pembroke, feeling her tongue. This drove Pembroke over the edge and he came with a yell.

Darya sighed with relief as she felt his cock slide out of her ass.

“OK Darya, stay there, Sophie come round and lick your friend’s ass.”

Sophie obediently went straight to Darya’s asshole. She could see traces of blood as it winked at her. ‘Poor Darya’ she thought. Saliva was always a good disinfectant, Pembroke had taught them, and she rolled her tongue around Darya’s pained sphincter, hoping it would ease the pain, as well as give her pleasure.

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