Kyle's Story - Book One - Cover

Kyle's Story - Book One

Copyright© 2024 by JTrevor

Chapter 18: Prom

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 18: Prom - Kyle's Story is that of a young man's coming-of-age adventures in high school. Although not an autobiography, the author does draw from his own experiences and personal feelings, with small, slice-of-life moments that form rich ingredients for storytelling. If you’re looking for a fun, erotic, coming-of-age story with relatable characters, then Kyle’s Story may be for you.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Cream Pie   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting  

Sunday was a rough day for Tiffany, she texted me at 6:00 in the afternoon, saying she was finally starting to feel better after the worst hangover she’s ever had. We texted back in forth for a while, laughing about pushing Jodie and Justin in that cold pool; we hope we didn’t ruin Veronica’s party though.

Later on, Marc texted me that he had a great time at the party and stayed late to help Veronica clean up. He didn’t get up to her bedroom, but still has hope. He told me that she agreed to go with him to the Prom, which is in a couple of weeks. I’m happy for him, although, I still think he’ll have his hands full keeping-up with her.

Veronica told him that she actually doesn’t get a lot of guys asking her out, she knows she intimidates them. Marc thinks she appreciates that he had the guts to do so. I asked if she was mad about what happened by the pool. He said, “She shrugged it off and said, ‘Things like that happen.’ She was happy that no one was hurt, nothing was broken, and the patio furniture wasn’t thrown in too.”

Things around school have been fine. One day at lunch, over at the jock’s table, I noticed that Justin and Jodie appeared to be complaining to Dirk by the way they were pointing over at Tiffany and I. Dirk just smiled, laughed, and patted Justin on the back like, it will be okay, get over it. Even Isaac was rolling his eyes, it’s kinda cool to have the two biggest guys in the school on your side.

On a Friday afternoon at work, Bill Moore told me that Dirk came through on his word and paid for everything they agreed upon regarding the security camera.

After things slowed down in the kitchen, Sonia and I spent some time in the stock room rearranging and cleaning. I was in a particularly open and talky mood; I told her about the trip to the mall with Tiffany, even what happened in the Forever 21 dressing room. She had a good laugh about that. She really brightened up when I broached the subject of sex in our conversation. “Ohhh, to be your age again, Honey-Pie! I would do anythin’ to turn back the ‘ol clock, even if just for a day.”

She told me about a time when she was a teenager and was with a boy she liked at a party. They had some fun in a closet playing a game called “7-Minutes in Heaven”.

“We was probably in there more like 20-minutes! Hah hah hah! When we finally come outta there, ever-body knew what we was doin!”

Talking about sex is apparently something Sonia enjoys and shared a few other funny stories that were similar in nature. She even went so far as to tell me, in a hushed voice, that she especially liked to take her boyfriend’s penis into her mouth. As she described it, “It’s such a nice way to admire how he is shaped and all put-together,” followed by her trademark side to side head nod and vocal affirmation of, “Umm, mmh!” It sounds like Sonia was quite a fun girl in her younger years.

I share a few more of my experiences with Tiffany, but keep quiet about my times with Renee. As much fun as it is to exchange sexy stories; I have something else on my mind. I mention that Tiffany is also thinking about what is going to happen when we go off to college.

We sit down on some boxes and Sonia explains it to me like this, “You need to look at your choices here. You could stay together and only see each other when you can. You can break it off and go your separate ways; or, you can free each other to live your lives these next few years, stay in-touch and see where you’re at when college is over.”

I rub my face and mutter, “God, this is so hard. It really sucks, you know?”

“Oh, I do, Honey-Pie, but you gonna need to figure out what works for you two.”

“I kinda like the idea of freeing each other and seeing where we’re at in a few years, but I hate the idea that she might meet someone.”

“That’s a risk she will be takin’ too, what if it’s you that meets someone?”

“We could try a long-distance relationship, I suppose...”

“Yes, you could try that...” Sonia doesn’t seem as confident with that option, but I don’t press her as to why.

I really don’t know what I want to do, but I do know that Tiffany and I are going to have to talk about this at some point.

I received letters of acceptance from three colleges this week. Of the three, I like Northbrook University the best, they have a great Human-Psychology Studies Program. Northbrook is about a 3-hour drive north of here. My parents said they will go up with me when I have my appointments to set up student loans, my course schedule, figure out campus living options, all of that.

It all seems to be going so fast and so big-time to me ... so much happens at this time in a person’s life.

On Friday before the Prom, I go to President Tuxedo to try-on and pick up my tux. I find Charles and he brings out my suit. Once I’m in the dressing room, I hold the pants up and examine the top portion of the legs. Yup, the right one really is slightly wider than the left to, “accommodate my package.”

It’s a nice fit, Charles double checks to make sure everything is perfect and soon I’m on my way. I stop at the florist and pick out a corsage for Tiffany and find one that has three pink sweetheart roses nestled in green. Tiffany said anything with pink will work with her dress.

Prom Day Saturday arrives, the event starts at 5:00. I need to be at Tiffany’s house by 4:15, her mom wants to take pictures. I’ll admit that I’m a little nervous about this whole Prom thing, I’ve never been to a dance before and I don’t know squat about dancing.

I take a shower, shave what little facial hair growth I get and put on my tux and remember to spritz on a little of the cologne that Tiffany gave me. Mom helps me with the shirt tucking, cumber-bun, vest and making sure my bow-tie is centered. “There! You look so handsome, Kyle.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Will you have time to stop back here once you pick up Tiffany? I want to get pictures of you two.”

“Awww, Mom, really?”

“Yes, Kyle! You will understand someday.”


I arrive at Tiffany’s house at 4:10 and her dad lets me in, “Come in Kyle, Tiffany will be right down.”

“Would you like anything, Kyle?” Tiffany’s mother asks, “Water or iced-tea maybe?”.

“No, thank you, I’m good.”

“Okay, I’ll let Tiffany know you’re here.”

“So, the Prom is at the Regency?” her dad asks.

“Yes, sir.”

“That’s a nice place. I want you two to have a great time, okay?”

It’s such a tradition we’ve all seen in countless movies and TV shows, the Prom date waiting for his girl to descend the stairs and to be blown away at how beautiful she looks. Let me tell you, that tradition is so true.

Tiffany descends the stairs in the most beautiful pink dress I’ve ever seen. Her hair is done up in a loose bun with a few wisps dangling down on each side. The dress is floor length, but I notice as she is coming down the stairs that she has the white socks with the lacy tops on that I gave her for Christmas. Well played, Tiffany.

“Hi, Kyle.”

“Hi, Tiffany.”

“I got this for you,” she pins a boutonniere of small pink flowers on my lapel as her mother takes pictures.

“You look so beautiful, Tiffany,” I whisper, “I’m at a loss for words...”

She blushes as I tie her corsage around her left wrist. Her mother takes more pictures.

“Don’t make me cry, Kyle, it’ll ruin my make-up,” she laughs.

We pose in front of the stairway for pictures, we pose out in the yard by her mother’s rose bushes for pictures, and finally we pose in front of my Jeep for pictures. I’m sure glad my door is fixed and I don’t have to sport the huge Pizza Depot magnet anymore, I don’t need a reminder of those past events immortalized in Prom pictures.

We stop back at my house and go through a repeat round of pictures with my mother. Luke is being Luke again. He fake fawns, “Awww, look at you two, just so adorable!”

“Don’t you have anything better to do?” I shoot back.

“Smile, Kyle, I don’t want you scowling in these pictures,” Mom scolds and takes some more.

“Yeah, smile bro.” Luke is standing behind my mother, making faces and acting like a complete retard.

“Luke!” she shouts, “Go clean your room or something!”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” is Luke’s parting advice.

“God ... He is just like Bev,” Tiffany whispers to me.

About 100 pictures later, we’re finally on our way to the Regency. “You really look spectacular, Tiffany, I mean that.”

“Thank you, Kyle. You’re looking pretty damn hot yourself. I think this the first time I’ve seen you in something other than jeans, t-shirt and a hoodie.”

“Don’t forget my stylish sweat-pants,” I laugh.

“So, how does everything fit? Like with how you prefer to, ‘dress down?’” she giggles.

“The right pant leg is actually wider than the left, I checked.”

“Of course, you would...” she rolls her eyes.

The huge ballroom is elaborately decorated with hundreds of streamers and balloons, all in bold and bright colors to match the “Rewind Back to the 80s” theme. The 80s sure must have been a colorful decade with all the prominent use of primary colors.

The DJ is playing a wide mix of songs from the 80s, but also throwing in current favorites of our generation. A lot of these old songs are familiar to me, I’ve heard most of them a million times growing up. My parents were our age in the 1980s and always talk about what a fun decade/era it was to be young. Dad really got into the hair-bands and heavy metal, and Mom liked more mainstream pop of the time.

There will be a meal and then the actual dance will begin. We find our table and are sitting with Jeff and Bethany, Kayla and Melissa and their dates. In the middle of the table is a cube-shaped, lighted centerpiece made of cassette tapes. Sitting on the table is a Rubik’s Cube, a little mind boggling entertainment for if should we get bored.

At first, I have a hard time recognizing everyone, especially the girls in their evening gowns and hair done up. I’m so used to seeing these people in everyday clothes.

I spot Marc and Veronica at a table with her friends and their dates.

Donny is here with a girl he’s friends with and I recognize from my Economics Class last semester; I can’t remember her name at the moment.

Tyler is across the room with the dude I seen him with at Veronica’s party, probably dick-pic sharing Brandon.

Of course, all the jocks and popular crowd are here, Dirk, Blake, Justin, Isaac, Jodie, etc. There’s several hundred people here, at least. I would say most of our graduating class.

We have a wonderful five-course dinner of soup, a salad, roast beef, with sides of roasted potatoes and sautéed garlic green beans. In keeping with the 80s theme, for dessert we have chocolate cupcakes adorned with yellow Pac-Man shaped frosting. I’m extra careful not to slop any food on myself, my friend Charles at President Tuxedo would not be pleased with me.

After dinner, the DJ pumps up the volume, it’s time to get people out of their seats and on the dance floor. Some of the popular 80s songs I know are: Tainted Love, Into the Groove, Walk Like an Egyptian, Love Shack, I Wanna Dance with Somebody, Little Red Corvette, and Super Freak. There’s a lot of other songs I recognize, but don’t know the names. All of these tunes are pretty upbeat and I’m not too confidant when it comes to dancing. I admit to Tiffany, “I don’t know how to dance.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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