The Magician - Cover

The Magician

Copyright© 2024 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 4

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - By chance, Freya is offered a job as a Magician's Assistant and things couldn't have worked out better for her.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Heterosexual   Spanking   Masturbation   Public Sex   ENF  

Back at the hotel Mike asked me if I wanted another drink in the hotel bar. When we went in there I saw half a dozen other people, 4 guys and 2 youngish women, plus Andy who was behind the little bar.

Andy introduced us to the 6 other people. The girl and boy couples were on holiday but the 2 men were business men.

When Andy told everyone that Mike was a magician who was just about to start a run at the theatre, everyone wanted to know more and for him to do a couple of tricks. The first was a simple trick with a coin that I think I know how he did it, but the second one was embarrassing for me. I still don’t know how he manages to relieve me of my top with me feeling only a slight tickling. I think that it’s something to do with him distracting them but I’m not sure.

I was sat next to him but everyone else was sat in a position whereby they could see me.

A couple of the people asked me what my role in the act was. It was Mike that answered.

“Jodie my assistant, she helps me with the magic but she’s the real star on the hypnotism side of the show.”

“So you hypnotise her?”


“So how do we know that it’s not faked?”

“I get her to do things that no self-respecting young woman would do.”

“Like what?”

“I can’t tell you because part of the hypnotism is for Jodie not to remember anything when she’s ‘under’, but I can show you if you like?”

“Yes please.”

Mike clicked his fingers once and said the word ‘elephant’. I stared straight ahead as Mike said.

“Jodie is waiting for me to tell her to do something.”

“Like what?”

“Anything that I like, like, Jodie, tweak your nipples.”

I did and one of the guys immediately commented on the size of my nipples.

“Can I tell her what to do?”

“No, she only responds to my voice.”

“That’s a shame. So let me get this straight,” one of the girls said, “Jodie goes out onto the stage wearing only a flimsy bikini, you somehow make both parts disappear then you hypnotise her and make her do all sorts of degrading things.”

“No, not degrading, things that she likes doing but wouldn’t normally do.”

“You mean sex things?”

“Pretty much.”

“And Jodie is ‘under’ at the moment so you could tell her to take that skirt off and play with herself. I can already see that she isn’t wearing any knickers.”

“Do you want me to tell her to do that?”

Just about everyone there said that they did, and even Andy came over and sat almost opposite me. No sooner that he was sat down he said,

“How about on one of the tables, that way we’ll all get a good look...”

“Okay, but you have to promise that when I take her out of it you won’t let her know what she did, because she won’t remember it, just that she was, and still is happy.”

Everyone agreed so Mike said,

“Jodie, stand up, take your skirt off, get on that table and play with yourself, make yourself cum.”

So I did, and every eye in the room was glued to my pussy. I was actually enjoying doing that and it didn’t take long for me to reach a climax.

Once the orgasm had left me I just sat there with my legs still spread.

“So,” one of the guys asked, “could you tell her to fuck me.”

“I could, and I know that she’d really enjoy it, but I’m not going to, I’m not going to turn her into a whore or a slut. I only tell her to do things that she would do if she weren’t hypnotised.

“Okay,” one of the girls said, “you’ve proved your point, can you tell her to get dressed now?”

“I could but she can hold a normal conversation and do normal things when she’s like this, it’s just that she won’t remember things. Jodie, come and sit here and join in the conversation.”

“Tell you what,” Mike clicked his fingers twice and continued, “Jodie, ‘giraffe’.”

I was already about to sit down but I stopped and said,

“Mike, have you been making my clothes disappear? You really are going to have to tell me how you do that so that I can stop you.”

I sat down as the others there laughed a little and I continued,

“So where are they? Oh what the hell, everyone here has seen me now so what’s the point, what’s everyone talking about?”

There was a few seconds silence before one of the guys said,

“So when is your first show Mike?”

“The day after tomorrow.”

“I think that we might just come along and see it.”

“Well make sure that you come to the evening show, the matinees are very different, very tame and kids orientated.”

The conversations went on for around another 20 minutes or so then people started heading up to their rooms. Mike handed me my clothes but I didn’t bother putting them on.

Before I went to sleep I watched some YouTube videos of pilates and yoga for beginners and downloaded them onto my phone so that I could watch them on the terrace.

The next morning we got up very early, both of us keen to go on our first run. As I put the skirt on I ran my hands down the side of it and smiled to myself as I imagined it bouncing around and showing the bottom half of my butt and my slit.

Off we went, slow jogging. Mike knew his way around much better than I did so he led from the rear, telling me that he’d shout out the directions. I just knew that he wanted to follow me for the obvious reason. I also knew that the ‘fresh’ morning air was making my 3 protrusions very hard and they were all tingling.

We only jogged for about 20 minutes and when we got back I went straight out to the terrace while Mike went and got my phone When he got back I had taken my clothes off and was doing something called the roll-up.

About 30 minutes and quite a few revealing exercises I was getting a bit tired so I admitted defeat for the day and went up to our room to do my daily bathroom routine. As we went up the stairs another couple of guests were coming down and they stared at the naked me, and they didn’t respond to my “Good morning.”

Over breakfast I asked Mike what was planned for the day and I was told that in the afternoon we could get into the theatre to sort out the props and get a stagehand to rig up the bunting,

“So not much sunbathing then?” I replied.

“You can sunbathe for a few hours on the terrace this morning if you want Jodie, you could even go for a swim. Or, you could go to the beach for a few hours and swim in the sea.”

“It may be the middle of summer Mike, but the sea will be freezing. It always is in this part of the world.”

“Yeah, I know, but think of how big and hard it will make your not so small nubs.”

“Aren’t they big enough for you as they are Mike?”

“They certainly are, I just wondered if they’d get any bigger if they got really cold.”

“Get some ice cubes from Andy then. The sea around England is way too cold for me. The promise of lots of huge free handouts must really be attractive to those people who come across the channel in the tiny rubber boats. I would never risk falling out of one of those.”

“Me neither, so which is it to be Jodie, the beach or here?”

“Here, so I can work on my all-over tan, and Andy tells me that he keeps the pool temperature reasonably warm.”

And that’s what we did. We weren’t the only guests relaxing on the terrace and in the pool, another youngish couple were there as well but they kept themselves to themselves. To me they looked like they were madly in love. The girl started out wearing a thong bikini, but after while she discarded her top then a bit later her thong came off so she was just in her birthday suit like me. Mike said that he was happy to see that she kept her pussy area as bald as I did, buy he wasn’t impressed by all her labia flaps.

“So is that why you offered me the job, because I haven’t got any flaps?”

“Not just that Jodie, it was your 3 nubs that sold you to me.”

“Really, you picked me because of my sex organs?”

“No Jodie, I was just joking, it was the overall view that swayed me, to me you are the perfect assistant both in looks and character.

“You don’t have to butter me up to get to fuck me Mike, we are committed fuck buddies so you can fuck me anytime that you want.”

“Thanks Jodie, I’ll hold you to that.”

“You’re welcome Mike, so are you going to fuck me before we go and unload your van?”

“Yes, in about 30 minutes.”

“I can’t wait. Hey, do you think that my white bits are disappearing?”

“Getting there, if this weather holds you should have a perfect tan in a couple of weeks.”

“Good, I hate white skin.”

We did go up to our room about 30 minutes later, and we did fuck before leaving the hotel and driving to the theatre.

I was wearing a short skirt and a plunging neckline and I’m sure that the only stagehand there kept looking up my skirt or down my top. I nearly told him to come and watch the show but I remembered that he probably watched all the shows.

As we were lifting the vaulting horse out of the van I asked,

“Why are we taking this thing into the theatre Mike, I haven’t seen you use it even once yet?”

I was lying, knowing that I had enjoyed laying over and on it, but I couldn’t admit that to Mike.

“I’ve got a few changes to my act planned and this horse features in at least one of them.”

“And will I get to know what these changes are?”

“Probably not, but I know that you’ll enjoy them.”

“I will, will I?”

“100% sure Jodie, that’s another reason why I like you as my assistant, You trust me and don’t ask questions about what you do when you are hypnotised.”

“That’s because I feel good at the end of each show, well the evening shows. Can you stop doing the matinees please Mike, I hate those swimsuits?”

“Sorry Jodie, they bring in a fair chunk of money. If it’s any consolation, over the either months when the kids are at school, there’s very few matinees and I, sorry, we, will sometimes put on special evening shows.”

“Good, I’ll look forward to that.” I replied and wondered what these ‘special’ shows were.

It took a good couple of hours to get things as Mike wanted them then he sprung a surprise on me. He’d had a phone call asking him to put on his first show that evening rather than wait until the next day.

Apparently, there was rugby tournament going on in the town and the organisers have asked that Mike puts on a show for all the teams, their plan being to keep the players out of the pubs for a few hours

“So the theatre will be full of hunky men?” I asked.

“Probably but I’m told that there are women’s teams in the tournament as well.

“Oh well,” I thought, “there’ll probably be other times when I can be the only one naked in a room with 100 or so of guys.”

We finished up then took the van back to the hotel where we collected our costumes and headed off back to the theatre on foot, stopping at a cafe to get something to eat.

The dressing room was bigger and after I’d done my hair and makeup I jumped up on the counter and said,

“I hope that you haven’t forgotten, I still need something to help me relax.”

With a big grin on his face, Mike dropped to his knees between my spread legs and his tongue and teeth gave me a wonderful orgasm.

As that orgasm faded away Mike said,

“I need to relax you before we put the egg and the bunting inside you Jodie, I much prefer eating you when you are really wet.”

“Fine by me, just so long as you relax me.”

It felt a little strange walking out onto a new stage wearing just the lingerie set that has no fabric between the strings, but the audience seemed to appreciate it. Well I think that it was me that they were cheering.

I took up my usual place, close to the edge of the stage with feet well apart, and looked down to see 2 rows of hunky men, those near me looking up at my pussy.

My 3 protrusions started tingling.

On went the show virtually the same as the previous times, even at the start of me being hypnotised. The walking through the audience with the playing cards was more fun because I picked rows with just guys on them and just about all of them had wandering hands. I had to quickly move on when one guy who had a finger inside me asked,

“What have you got stuffed up there luv?”

Mike had changed the format a little, and after he’d got some of the audience to spank me, and before he got people to use the magic wand on me, he invited 3 men from the audience to come onto the stage and he told me to give them blowjobs.

Now I wasn’t very experienced at blowjobs. I’d given a couple of my mates one in shop doorways or alleyways, and I’d given Mike a few, but as I knelt in front of the first rugby player I thought,

“I hope that Mike incorporates this into every evening show so that I can get real good at giving these.”

One of the guys decided that he was going to throat fuck me. I’d never had a cock in my throat before and at first I panicked a little when I realised that I couldn’t breathe but I soon got over that by telling myself that Mike was there and that he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me so I just held my breath and let it happen.

None of the 3 asked me where they should spray their loads and I didn’t ask. One filled my mouth, the second guys cum went straight into my stomach and the third sprayed my face.

After he got people from the audience to use the magic wand on me and the jumping jacks where the egg came out of me, Mike finally clicked his fingers and said the word ‘giraffe’.

I pulled a face, put my fingers on my face and said,

“What’s all this slimy stuff on my face, where did that come from?”

To lots of applause and cheering, the show ended and I was pleased that this venue had a shower.

As I was showering I thought about the extra part of the show, the blowjobs, and my fingers washed my pussy as I started to think about how I could get Mike to get some of the audience to gang-bang me.

Of course I couldn’t enlist Mike’s help with that challenge. Nor could I tell him that I liked the extra part, the blowjobs, but I was happy that he was being creative. Maybe he’d come up with the idea himself.”

As we walked back to the hotel Mike said that he was pleased with how the show had gone and he asked me if I was ready for the matinee the next day.

“I am, but you’ll really have to relax me before it starts, those industrial strength swimsuits are not going to feel comfortable.”

“Sorry, it goes with the job. We have to do the matinees, not just for the money, but prudish, woke idiots from the council want to approve the show so I have invited them to come to a matinee.”

“Yeah, okay, I can see that you magically stripping me might offend the woke brigade, they really are trying to stop women doing what they want to do.”

When we were back in our room in the hotel, neither of us had bothered closing the curtains and we’d had sex on top of the covers. When I got up to switch off the main light I glanced our of the window and thought that I could see a figure in one of the windows of the hotel out the back. When I told Mike he just said,

“I didn’t think that you were the shy type Jodie.”

I wondered if Mike was putting on another little show without me knowing.

The next day it was back to the old two shows per day routine. The only difference was the blowjobs and the hotel that we were staying at. I hate to say it but Andy’s hotel is much better than my parents.

We had the time for our morning jogging, unless it was raining, and then the pilates and yoga on the terrace. Word about me exercising naked on the terrace must have got out because people started appearing at the time that I was there. Some came out with a cup of coffee, some came just to watch me, whilst a few decided to go for a swim, but I noticed that the swimmers spent more time looking at me than swimming.

Whatever their excuse was I didn’t mind, I got some pleasure out of the fact that they were looking at my naked body, especially when the exercise involved me spreading my legs.

Another thing that I noticed one morning was that I saw someone in a window of the hotel next door. It was a man and he has some binoculars held to his eyes.

What I haven’t mentioned so far was that we only did shows 5 days per week, we had Sundays and Mondays off. When I asked if that would mean less money Mike replied,

“Yes, from the theatre, but I’ve managed to get us some bookings for private performances. These will be at clubhouses, hotels and even private homes. In the past these shows usually pay more than the theatre and we usually get lots of tips, The hypnotism part of the show goes down well at these shows.”

“Why is that Mike, do you make me do some sexy things?”

I knew the answer, and I when he didn’t say anything I had a vision of me being gang-banged, a fantasy that I’d had for quite a while. Mike and I have never talked about fantasies but I was quickly discovering what his were because he was making me live them for him and I was getting to think that he knew what my fantasies are, especially when he finally replied,

“You know that I will never get you to do anything that I’m sure you won’t enjoy Jodie.”

“I know Mike, I do trust you, and I hope that one day you will tell me what you make me do.”

“I will but I don’t want to risk the show by telling you now.”

I didn’t really understand that but I let it go because I was having so much fun. I also noted that Mike again hadn’t given me a straight answer about what he makes me do. He hadn’t lied, just not answered the asked question.

It turned out that all the Sunday and Monday bookings were for evening performances and that the audiences were usually just males. Every time that I’m on the stage and I realise that I am just one naked girl in a room full of men, my whole level of pleasure goes up one notch. I’ve also noticed that when the audience is 100% male, their language gets a lot more crude and suggestive.

Talking of stages, most of these show were in locations that didn’t have a stage, just an open area. We didn’t take all Mike’s props to these show but Mike is good at improvising, for example, the vaulting horse was substituted with a table. The bunting falling off the wall never happened. Mike just re-worded what he said.

Anyway, the first private performance was at a clubhouse and was to celebrate one of the club members turning 18. It may have been a Sunday evening but the place was heaving with young men.

We were met by a guy called Noah who showed us where we could get changed – the home team’s changing room, and he told us that the party was to celebrate the 18th birthday of a popular guy named Toby.

Whilst all this was going on, I couldn’t help noticing that quite a few of the guys there were staring at me. I was wearing a quite short skirt and a thin top that had 2 bulges in it.

We were then shown a clear area of the main room that Noah asked if it would do for our performance.

“We’ll need a table and my props boxes from my van.” Mike replied.

“No problem.” Noah replied and he quickly recruited some of the guys to get things organised.

Whilst Mike and the guys were moving things Noah asked me what I would like to drink, and as he led me to the bar I felt good because of all the eyes that were looking at me and I could see lustful expressions on a lot of faces.

I downed the G&T in one go then asked for a pint for Mike. The barman got that and another G&T for me.

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