New Twins in Town - Cover

New Twins in Town

Copyright© 2024 by AuroraAccident

Chapter 7: The Most Interesting Day in Belews Lake History Pt. 1

Author’s Note: Here we are at the end of Part I. Thank you to everyone who has kept up with the story. Especially if you’ve left a comment. Part II starts with Chapter 8, to be released at the start of December. In the meantime, I’ll at least have 1 release in the form of a Deep Dive for one of the characters in NTIT. I’m still debating on whether I want to submit a one-off story for Halloween.

Big thanks again to AuroraIncident, everyone who has given me feedback on the early drafts of this chapter, especially Boots and adub. For all updates regarding release schedule and opportunities to Beta Read future chapters (or entire parts) check my author’s bio.

Monday, August 21, 4:20 AM, Belews Lake

Through all the years they’d been friends, Pixie never realized how sharply Melissa Gordon had honed her deductive skills.

“So you ... were the reason,” Mel took her time as she processed what Pixie’d just told her, “he wasn’t skinny-dipping with the girl?”

Pixie had wanted to brag about it when it happened, though she doubted she would. Then, afterward, she never wanted anyone to find out. Now that her friend knew, she didn’t know whether she should feel proud or ashamed. It caused her stomach to churn and her voice to falter.

“Well, if you two are banging how come you’re sneaking around watching him from the trees?” Melissa asked flippantly.

She is too good at this. Pixie stared at Mellisa in wide-eyed bewilderment.

“Is that why you weren’t feeling well? Are you avoiding him? Wait. Pixie! Was it ... consensual?”

Maybe not THAT good at this. I should say something before she castrates him.

“Hah, if anything, I may have been the one taking advantage of him,” Pixie snickered. “But seriously, bang? Jeez, Mel, way to set the tone. Sure you don’t wanna go with shag? Or bone? Why not screw? Oh, how about ‘going heels to Jesus’?”

“You’ve been keeping that last one in your back pocket for a while haven’t you?”

“I thought it sounded like something Chris might say.”

Mel giggled, “Would he be the one with his heels in the air?”

“Oh God, why are you putting that image in my head?”

“I dunno. Why’d you change the subject?”

“We changed subjects?” Pixie gave Mel her saddest puppy dog eyes. I have a good friend. Why am I keeping secrets from her? “Oh, right. No. We didn’t ‘bang’ as you so romantically put,” Pixie clarified. “We ... I ... he ... let me explore his body.”

“Okay, first, that sounds hot, and we’re definitely going to talk about it later, and you’re sure he wasn’t taking advantage of you?”

“I convinced him to get naked then practically forced him to let me touch his body. Yeah, I’m pretty sure.”

“Okay, well, that doesn’t explain why you’re over here spying on him instead of further cementing the fact that your lesbian card was obtained under false pretenses.”

Pixie couldn’t help but scowl at the remark.

“We can talk about that later, too,” Pixie said sheepishly. “Right now there’s something a bit more urgent.”

“Right! Who stole his clothes?”

If she can figure that out, she’s probably earned that story.

“I don’t have a clue,” Pixie saw the look on Mel’s face change significantly. “What?

“He’s getting out of the water. Shit, I think he can see you.”

In her haste to ensure his clothes were where she’d expected to see them, Pixie had stepped into the moonlight.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Do I turn and face him, or do I run and hope he doesn’t know it was me? Yeah, because he’d think it might be some other short-haired person under five feet tall who knew he’d be here in the middle of the night.

Before Pixie could decide the proper course of action, she was distracted by something deeper in the woods. She furrowed her brow as she tried to make sense of what she’d seen. Melissa observed the expression change on her friend’s face and turned to see what had diverted her attention.

“Lights?” Mel said absentmindedly, then more alarmingly added. “Flashlights! Pixie, chaperones!”

Instinctively, Pixie cupped her hand over Mel’s mouth to keep her from drawing attention to their spot.

How the hell would they know we were here. Unless...

“You sure he said this site?” The burly voice couldn’t conceivably belong to a man under the age of 30.

“Yeah, kid said some others were swimming at the dock near the West campground, isn’t this the West Campground?” The second person was also an older male, and they were definitely getting closer.

Whoever took his clothes. They ratted him out.

“I know, I’m just saying what if-”

Pixie wasn’t waiting to hear the rest of the conversation

“Mel, go back to the cabins!” She said with as much assertiveness as she could manage at a whisper. “I have to help Miles.”

“What are you gonna-”

“Just go!”

The truth was, Pixie had no idea what she was going to do. She just turned and nearly ran into Miles.

“Pixie?” He embraced her to keep her from colliding into him. “What are you doing out here? I thought I heard voices. Was there someone el-”

“Someone stole your clothes. Chaperones are coming,” She saw the look of terror in his eyes as he took in her words. “Run to the lake!”

Fear of getting caught propelled her faster than she knew she was capable of sprinting. It took her significantly more steps to hit the edge of the dock and slip into the water, but she was fairly certain the flashlights never landed on her.

“Stay near the dock,” she whispered, not necessarily telling Miles, but just processing her thoughts aloud. “If we stay near the dock they won’t see us.”

“Unless they come out on the dock,” he pointed out a flaw in her plan. “S’funny though.”

“You mean the fact that I was mad at you and now here I am saving you?”

“No. Not that, though now that you mention it, why are you out here saving me?”

“No, no. No changing the subject. If that wasn’t it, what was so funny?”

“It’s nothing. Just something Chris said earlier.”

“Chris? Oh no. Don’t tell me. Was it from the Old Testament or New?”

“It wasn’t that at all,” Miles chuckled. “He made it sound like you can’t swim.”

As the words escaped his lips, Pixie became painfully aware of her surroundings. She looked down and saw nothing in the murky deep enveloping her. Panicked, she lurched at Miles, scrambling up his body to keep her head above the surface.

“Easy, easy. We can’t splash,” Miles said as he took her in his arms. “Here, you can hang on to this. Now just kick and you’ll stay afloat.”

She forced herself to ignore the slimy substance that coated the support beam of the dock. Her fingers clutching it were the only thing preventing her from the terror she felt being in the lake.

“Thanks,” she said, trying to convince herself she wasn’t scared.

Together they floated there, unable to do anything but wait as the beams from the flashlights zigzagged across the water like spotlights.

With every passing second, the need to feel solid ground under her feet eroded the knowledge that they had to remain hidden, tempting her to peek over the edge of the dock. To see if the people manning the flashlights were coming closer, but the unpredictable pattern of the lights didn’t provide enough of a lull for her to do it safely.

“Better?” Miles asked.

She kicked at the nothingness beneath her. Her grasp tightened on the wood keeping her from floating away.

“Uh, a little,” she confessed. “I still feel like something is going to rise up out of the depths and pull me down to my doom.”

All it took was him placing a hand on the small of her back to assure her that everything was going to be okay. She wasn’t in danger. He wasn’t going to let anything happen to her. Just as she’d known on her birthday, Miles was going to keep her safe.

“Better?” He repeated.

“Better,” she said enthusiastically.

Instead of enjoying the moment, Miles twitched and turned his attention to the dock. Before she had a chance to question the reaction, she heard it herself.


“Under,” he suggested.

“But I-”

The hand behind her cradled her hip. She didn’t know if he’d intended it as a sensual act, but it caused her heart to pound harder than the fear of getting caught. She bit her bottom lip, nodded at him, and allowed him to guide her under the support frame of the dock. Within seconds, they reemerged beneath the planks, looking up through the gaps in the wood as the steps got closer.

She couldn’t imagine the chaperone seeing them through the finger-wide spaces between the slats. Still, she wrapped her arms and legs around Miles. In return, he brought both hands around her back and held her against him. There was no guilt knowing he was the only one keeping them buoyant. His touch assured her, letting her know that her concerns were the only thing he was concerned about.

The increasing thud of footsteps down the length of the dock drew their focus. Silently, they watched as the inverted spotlight allowed them to track the chaperon’s steps along the planks. As the shadow fell upon them, they held the breath and waited an excruciatingly long time for him to turn and walk back to land. The thunderous clap of his footsteps fell away, only to be drowned out by the booming lub-dub of Pixie’s heart.

“Man, there’s no one out here. I think that little pissant was having a laugh, sending us on a wild goose chase,” the burly man called to his friend on the shore.

“Did you catch his name?”

The teens listened intently to find out who had ratted on Miles.

“Fuck. Well, we know what he looks like,” he started making his way back.

“I gotta be honest, I’ve met like forty kids in the past week, and I’ve seen like sixty others. I have no idea if I could pick him out of a lineup.”

“We know it’s a boy at least.”

“Yeah, great. Cause that narrows it down.”

“So ... what now?”

“Uh, tell no one about this?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Pixie couldn’t make out Miles’s face enough to see him laugh, but she felt the vibration of his chest against her own. She didn’t need to hear his laughter for it to have an infectious effect on her.

“Pixie,” he whispered. She could only imagine the expression he wore, shrouded in darkness. “Pixie, I’m so sor-”

Her tongue was down his throat before his apology was finished.

He pulled her body tight against his own. She encouraged him by aggressively assaulting his mouth while his hands found their way underneath the light fabric of her tank top. His fingers caressing her sides caused her desires to override any of her inhibitions. Her body screamed for more but his restraint had her wanting. When she brought her hand to guide his to her chest, he broke their kiss.

“Hi, friend,” she said between breaths before launching her mouth at his again. He reciprocated in a way that assured her his breaking off the kiss wasn’t a rejection of her.

Their hands probed and groped at each other’s bodies without either feeling confident enough to touch the genitals of the other. His hands took firm hold of her hips and pulled her to his. Through her shorts, she could feel his bulge.

If I were in the same state of undress as he is... It was the first conscious thought she’s had since the chaperones left. And it was overwhelming.

“Too soon,” she whispered in his ear as she struggled to regain her breath. It hadn’t dampened her mood in the slightest, but she didn’t feel comfortable with the idea of her second sexual encounter being the one that broke her cherry.

“Yeah,” the sound of him panting made it difficult for her to pull away, but she had lost track of time and felt it was safe to extract themselves from the water.

Her hands found the crossbeams of the dock and she managed to pull herself to the ladder. Her clothes clung tight to her skin as she climbed out. She knew the thin material would do nothing to mask the pointedness of her nipples.

Once she felt the sturdiness of the wood under her feet, she glanced back to the tree-line for any sign of the chaperones. Satisfied, she turned to watch as Miles extracted himself from the water. His attention was on the shore. No doubt he was worried about the same thing she’d just put herself at ease about.

This’ll surprise him. She took advantage of his distraction by crouching in front of the ladder.

“Hi friend,” she whispered as he stepped on the dock. Without waiting for a response she took his member in hand, pressing her lips to the tip and swirling her tongue around its head.

Had she given her actions some thought ahead of time, she would have realized she was occupying the space he’d thought he’d be able to stand in. And another thought would have caused her to realize what a shock it might be to be greeted in such a fashion.

She could do nothing to prevent him from losing his footing and falling back into the water. She watched in horror as the water from his unintentional plunge splashed up over her.

That was not the surprise I had in mind.

He resurfaced and looked over at her.

Is he pissed? Is he laughing?

“Are you okay?” She called out.

“Don’t you move a muscle.”

The command left no room for argument. Oh, shit.

He climbed out of the water but stopped once he was halfway up the ladder.

Uh oh. What’s he gonna do?

He grabbed her ankle, pulled so her legs parted, then leaned down and kissed her inner thigh.

This is new. She hadn’t anticipated the reaction the kisses sparked within her.

“Miles...” She still wasn’t sure what he was planning, “W- what are you-”

She wiggled away, not certain she was ready for what he had in mind. He followed, bringing the rest of his body onto the dock, his head still nuzzling against her legs.

“You got to make a new friend the other night,” he whispered before running his tongue along her goose-bumped skin. “I like making new friends too.”

She squirmed and couldn’t help but lay back. His soft touches would have tickled if she wasn’t so turned on.

Pixie stared at the cloudless sky, unfocused at the stars as they winked their assurance not to disclose what was transpiring with anyone. The night air felt cool against her skin, accentuating the warmth provided by his touch. She had imagined someone kissing along her skin would feel like aggressive tapping along her body. Instead, she reveled in the sensation of his mouth fondling every inch of exposed flesh that she made available to him.

The amount of time and attention he gave to her legs made her forget she was the smallest girl in school. Her mind refused to believe he could take that long lavishing her short legs. She knew she was still just 4’10, but suddenly she felt like she might just be 10 feet tall.

Miles’s lips weren’t the only thing exploring her body. His firm hands caressed everywhere his lips had found and everywhere he intended to explore. Pixie let out a gasp as she realized his hands had found their way to her sides. Without needing to exchange words, his fingers curling around the waistband of her shorts and she instinctively raised her hips. The cool morning air draped across her flesh as the fabric slid away from her body.

While her hips were up, he pulled her closer.

His lips found their way to her pelvis.

Touch me. She begged internally.

He kissed the smoothly-shaven skin of her pubic region. His course facial hair gently prickling her labia.

God, he’s so close.

Her hands moved down to try to guide him.

Don’t make me wait anymore.

“I’m not gonna make you wait,” he whispered.

Did I say that? Or just think it?

His strong hands took hold of her wrists and held them down next to her hips.

Why does that make me more wet?

He planted a firm kiss on her clit, sending a jolt up her spine.

“Good?” The was no mistaking the enjoyment in his voice.

My nipples are so hard, they might just carve their way out of my top.

“Mmm-hmm,” she whimpered, fearing what she might say if she tried to form actual words.

She had hoped that would mean he was going to repeat the action, instead; he ran his tongue from the bottom of her slit to the top. He made sure to give her button a firm flick before plunging his tongue inside her.

“Oh! Fuck!” Her own words took her by surprise as she lurched upward. Her legs trembled slightly.

He released her hands and pushed her legs over his shoulders.

Yessss. She felt his tongue extract from her hole and his lips seemed to wrap around her clit before he began sucking on it.

Having her legs draped over him gave her a feeling of control, as she could now use her knees to pull him deeper into her.

He propped himself up enough to get his hand palm-side up under his chin.

What the hell is he- Her eyes went wide as she realized what was about to happen next.

His middle finger penetrated her tiny hole.

Oh, shit. His fingers are way bigger than mine.

She arched her back as she became use to the unfamiliar sensation. The corners of her mouth turned up and her breathing became erratic.

“Uughh,” she cried out. She reached down, wanting to force him further inside, but realizing touching his head wouldn’t affect that, she settled for running her fingers through his hair and grabbing a handful with her shaky hand.

She couldn’t help but feel a slight tinge of disappointment as he seemed to remove his finger entirely. To her surprise, he pushed back in, though again it didn’t feel as she’d expected.

Holy shit! Two? I’ve never done two and my fingers aren’t just shorter than his. Slimmer too.

Pixie let out a brief cry as her body adjusted to the foreign mass penetrating her, and the sense of pain was quickly replaced by delectation.

“Yes!” She cried as he coaxed both fingers in and out of her. She had to remind herself she needed to be quiet.

God, that’s only two fingers, and already it feels like he’s stretching me out.

His free hand pressed against her hip, and slid along her skin, brushing up her tank top and exposing her nipples to the night sky.

“Nnngh nnngh!” The words failed to form in her mouth.

His large hand covered her small breast and tugged playfully.

The sensation was so delightful, she brought her own hand to replicate the experience on the other side.

Fuck. Fuck. Fucking Don’t Stop. The words wouldn’t come out, but internally, she cheered for him to continue.

He curled his fingers inside her.


Without conscious influence from her head, her body responded. Back arching in response to him applying pressure to a spot she never discovered on her own. His fingers stroked the new spot and the pleasure she felt manifested in her hips bucking wildly.

“Don’t stop!” Somehow she managed to articulate it.

“Don’t ... Stop...” She repeated.

As her body convulsed, she was afraid her hips would fling him back into the lake.

“I’m gonna ... I’m gonna...” She felt her abdomen begin contracting franatically.

“Unnngh ... I’mmmmm cummmmmiinnnng!” She cried out long after her juices had found their way to his lips.

Oh God, why isn’t he stopping?

Her body was responding to the pressure of his mouth and fingers without any concern for commands from her head. Her box contracted around his fingers, trying to pull them further inside.

He knows I just came, right? She felt like a bull trying to toss its rider.

His fingers continued massaging her from the inside.

Fucker! I’m gunna pass out if you don’t stop.

A pinch reminded Pixie of his other hand as he tugged harder at her nipple. Her own hand refused the orders from her head not to repeat the motion on her other side.

It’s so fucking good!

“Don’t Stop”

What? No! Stop!

“Never stop!!”

Oh, Christ! How much more can I take?

Her legs pulled him to her, pressing his face against her, too tight for him to do anything but apply a steady amount of pressure to her small bulb. Several ripples of pleasure coursed through her body.

Finally, she collapsed entirely.

“Holy shit, that was something,” he moved up towards her head. “Sweetie, that was unli-”

Her eyes were closed, and she had a content look on her face.

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