A New Beginning - Cover

A New Beginning

Copyright© 2024 by AwkwardlySet

Chapter 4

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4 - This is a story about a lesbian D/s relationship. It will be consensual and romantic, with an age gap and plenty of fetishes, focusing on oral worship and foot fetish, but some other fetishes as well. It will build up slowly, but it will feature plenty of sexual content as well as some drama as the story progresses.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Foot Fetish  

I just want to say that although you might find taboo content in my stories, you shouldn’t expect any incest. I have absolutely nothing against it, it’s just not my thing. I understand many readers love reading such stories so I thought I should let them know in advance, in case someone gets the wrong impression from the teaser. Enjoy!

“In a few days, my daughter is coming to visit.”

After a long moment, Jenny removed her lips from Diana’s high-heeled shoe and looked up from her knees in stunned silence.

“I know it’s a shock to you, but everything will be all right,” Diana said reassuringly.

“But how...” Jenny mouthed staring at Diana. Then she remembered what she was going to do. She reverently removed Her Lady’s shoes and placed a pair of red high-heeled mules on Diana’s feet. Her posture was anxious, her hands showing a slight tremble.

“Come, My Pet. Let’s have a talk while you cure the ache in my feet,” Diana said and walked towards the sofa. She sat down and extended her feet towards Jenny who shuffled to kneel in front of the sofa and take Her Lady’s feet in her lap.

“I guess I didn’t tell you too much about Vanessa,” Diana continued, sighing in relaxation as Jenny expertly massaged her feet. “Well, as you already know, she is several years your senior, and while she did move away for work and her postgrad studies, she still visits sometimes. This is still her home.”

“My Lady, I wasn’t-”

“I know, Sweetheart. There is nothing to worry about.”

“So ... How should I ... act?”

“Well ... Vanessa is probably the only person who knows about my tendencies ... Actually, I already gave her some hints about you.”

“You ... you did?”

“Yes, My Pet,” Diana said, looking at the girl with great affection.

“And I just act as I always do?” Jenny said with a worried expression. She was clearly pondering how it would feel to act submissively towards Her Lady in front of a third person.

“Well, obviously we won’t be doing anything sexual in front of her! But other than that ... yes,” Diana said looking at Her Pet’s eyes. “Actually, I was thinking ... Vanessa has a very dominant personality, but as far as I know, she never tried expressing it. So I would like you to ... help her nurture it. You know, give her a glimpse of what it’s like...” Diana trailed off, watching for Jenny’s reaction.

“Eh ... but I...” Jenny said, blushing fiercely. Diana laughed.

“No! Nothing even remotely sexual, My Pet,” she said, still chuckling. “God, no. I just want you to clean and sort her things, rub her feet maybe, you know, regular stuff.”

“Oh ... okay,” Jenny said, relieved.

“Am I asking too much of you, Sweetheart?” Diana said sweetly, reaching out with her foot and caressing Jenny’s face.

“Mmmm...” Jenny purred, kissing and licking the delicious foot. Diana’s other foot joined, rubbing Jenny’s face and neck, the girl smiling in satisfaction.

“It’s okay,” Jenny said after a moment. “I’d do anything for you, My Lady,” Jenny said, raining kisses all over Diana’s feet.

“I know, My Pet, I know...”

“Hmm, let’s see...” Jenny said, her brows furrowed in concentration at the task in front of her. Well, it wasn’t really a task for her. She was going to enjoy doing this so much! Still, her newly acquired skills were being put to the test and she intended to give her absolute best.

“You sure that’s the right color, My Pet? ... I don’t think it is. I never used such dark nail polish...”

The mani-pedi course had finished, and Jenny was now carefully studying Diana’s hands and feet, her tools arranged neatly around her. A small bottle of dark nail polish with a purple hue was in her hands.

“Not sure that works with my tan and-”

“I wonder if Michelangelo was disrupted this often,” Jenny said, her voice sounding annoyed.

Diana barely managed to stifle a laugh. Jenny’s submission to her was profound, yet when it came to caring for Diana’s body, Jenny was as determined and unmoving as a rock. It was endearing but it also spoke volumes about their relationship. It was a sign that they shared something deeper than a simple D/s relationship. She wondered if Jenny would find some nuance her previous beautician missed. The girl was so good at everything she did.

“Mmm, yes...” Jenny murmured, taking Diana’s hand, and after studying it for a minute, began her treatment.

An hour later, Jenny was still on her knees in front of Diana who was sipping coffee. The girl was gently blowing on the older woman’s toes.

“It’s done!” Jenny proclaimed victoriously. Diana smirked and extended her foot, placing it on Jenny’s face. She flexed her toes, looking appraisingly at the result of Her Pet’s work and feeling Jenny’s satisfied moan underneath her sole. The girl did it. Again. She found an improvement. It was subtle, it was just a small change in the shape of Diana’s nails, but it was there. Diana also had to admit that the color looked amazing.

“My Pet, you are incredible,” Diana said, moving her foot back into Jenny’s lap. “This color is fantastic and the way you changed the shape of my nails is astonishing. You are so good at this!” Diana said with unhidden pride.

“Thank you, My Lady!” the girl said, bowing down to kiss the hands and feet she had been working on for an hour.

“Maybe you could do this for Vanessa too. She will be here tomorrow,” Diana said with a question in her eyes. Jenny nodded after a moment of hesitation.

“Jenny,” Diana said, exchanging the usual seductive tone she used with Her Pet for a more serious one. “I want you to know that this is one hundred percent your decision. We could act just as in a regular employer-employee relationship for as long as she is staying here. I don’t want to put you on the spot or to make you feel like I am pushing you in any way,” Diana said with a warm, encouraging smile.

“Thank you, My Lady,” Jenny said, smiling back bravely. “I honestly don’t know where I stand yet. I am still anxious about it and I suspect I won’t know for sure until she arrives.”

“Okay, Sweetheart, I understand. It’s good we had this talk.”

Jenny bent down to kiss her feet once again, this time with a hungry look in her eyes. She made a tentative lick on Diana’s sole, looking up at Her Lady’s eyes. She never failed to recognize the arousal on that beautiful, domineering face.

“Mmm ... I feel I could use some further relaxation...” Diana said, spreading her legs and placing them on Jenny’s shoulders and trapping the girl’s face between her thighs. Passionate moans echoed through the house as the wonderful tongue eagerly began working its magic...

“Today is the day...” Jenny thought as she was doing the final touches on the lunch. Salmon soup with milk and potatoes, roasted salmon with vegetables, and for dessert, a creamy cake with a hint of coffee. She wanted to impress.

“Why am I so afraid...” Jenny thought out loud, her eyes straying towards the clock on the wall. Her Lady would have gone to the airport to pick up Vanessa straight from work. They should be here soon...

Straitening her ‘work’ blouse and skirt, Jenny walked to the mirror and looked at the reflection staring back at her. “I look like a mouse compared to My Lady...” she thought, sighing. Diana had told her countless times how pretty, how lovely she was but she just didn’t see it...

“I wish I could reach some decision ... but I am just as indecisive as I was yesterday. Maybe I should-”

The sound of a car, Her Lady’s car, startled her and she rushed to the house entrance, feeling sudden panic. The doors opened after a moment, and in walked Her Lady and a young woman. There was a moment of awkward silence as Jenny stared at the newcomer - Her Lady’s daughter. The young woman was shorter than her mother, but not by much. She wasn’t wearing high heels like Diana, but Jenny had a good eye for height so she could take it all into account. Her dark hair was long, longer than Diana’s, with streaks of red in it, which somehow made her look exotic and ... tough. For a long moment, Jenny found her eyes straying all over the slender but shapely body that the thin summer dress failed to conceal.

“My god, she is stunningly beautiful...” Jenny thought, her brain waking from the stupor.

“Jenny, this is my daughter, Vanessa,” Diana said, piercing the silence. Jenny glanced at her, their eyes locking for a brief moment.

“My lady doesn’t want to push me ... She is leaving the decision to me,” Jenny thought, noticing the formal tone Diana had used. A warm, if somewhat anxious smile was on the older woman’s face. Her Lady was also feeling awkward and Jenny found the thought strangely reassuring. She smiled back, feeling sudden determination. “I can’t believe how much of a coward I have been. Nothing will stop me from showing all my devotion to My Lady.”

“Welcome home, Miss,” Jenny said, smiling at Vanessa. She moved closer, then went on her knees before Diana. “ ... and welcome home, My Lady,” Jenny said, looking up adoringly at Diana and then bent forward and kissed both of her high heels. She removed them gently, placing mules on her Lady’s feet, the same as she did every other day. Her eyes glanced at Vanessa’s slender feet, the dark-painted toes clearly on display in the stylish, flat sandals she was wearing. Her feet were as pretty as the rest of her.

“I hope your flight was okay, Miss?” Jenny said, finally getting to her feet and turning her face towards Vanessa.

“Yeah, it was fine...” Vanessa replied after a moment. She was studying Jenny with unhidden curiosity, her eyes narrowing, as if trying to pierce inside Jenny’s mind.

“That’s good to hear. You know, I’ve never been on a plane myself, but I always hear people asking that question,” Jenny said, shrugging. Vanessa’s gaze was unsettling her but also ... exciting her somehow.

Diana laughed. Jenny turned towards her, meeting Her Lady’s beaming face. Diana pulled her in, kissing her on the lips. “You are amazing...” Diana whispered, caressing her hair gently. She stepped away after a moment and cleared her throat.

“Now, let’s see what you made for lunch, My Pet. I’d say that Vanessa is starving.”

“I am, actually. I’ll just need five minutes to freshen up,” Vanessa said, moving towards the bathroom, her eyes finally ungluing from Jenny’s face.

“All right, Love. We’ll be in the dining room.”

“Everything was wonderful, My Pet.”

“Thank you, My Lady!”

“Yeah, the food was great. You are quite the cook ... Jenny,” Vanessa said with an amused expression on her face. She kept glancing from Diana to Jenny, observing the dynamics between the two with unhidden curiosity.

“She is good at everything,” Diana said with affection and Jenny beamed at her. “What do you say we hit the pool now?”

“Yeah, I’d love that. I miss having one where I live now,” Vanessa said with a sigh.

“I’ll take care of the kitchen and go do some laundry,” Jenny said.

“Leave that for later. I want us all to lounge and enjoy some sun and some swimming.”

“But there is a lot to do and I hate leaving the dishes-”

“Jenny,” Diana said with a mock stern face. “I want you to get that cute ass in a bikini and enjoy some proper girl time.”

“Okay...” Jenny said meekly, glancing at Vanessa and blushing. Vanessa couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of her.

Twenty minutes later, they were all at the pool, sipping drinks for a while, and then they all went for a swim.

“Eeek!” Diana exclaimed, struggling to stay afloat for a moment.

“Aha!” Jenny cried out as she resurfaced and took some quick breaths. “That was so close!”

“You aren’t giving up, are you?” Diana said with a chuckle. “I think the score is still about five hundred to zero in my favor.”

“No matter! I will dunk you sooner or later. I can may- glub!”

“You were saying, My Pet?!” Diana purred when Jenny resurfaced. She could always dunk the petite girl without much effort.

“Gaaah! I won’t give up! Jenny can’t be stop- glub!”

“Bah!” Jenny said, resurfacing and spitting out water. “You win ... for now!” she exclaimed, laughing. Vanessa was laughing as well from her spot at the poolside.

“I love your spirit so much, My Pet,” Diana said, embracing Jenny and kissing her passionately only to suddenly break it off, remembering they weren’t alone. Jenny sighed out loud, failing to hide her desire, and then as if waking up, glanced towards Vanessa who was watching the exchange with curiosity ... and something else in her eyes, something Jenny couldn’t quite put her finger on.

“Your lips are getting purple. Let’s go out,” Diana said, grabbing Jenny’s butt for a moment and then swimming away, amused at Jenny’s reaction.

Diana and Vanessa dried themselves off and then lay on sunbeds, while Jenny stood indecisive for several moments.

“I already said I wasn’t going to be a pussy...” Jenny thought, taking the sun lotion and walking towards Diana.

“Shall I put some lotion on, My Lady?”

“Yes ... please,” Diana said after a moment of hesitation. She knew how sexual Jenny would get when she touched Diana’s body, but she had complete confidence in Her Pet.

Jenny squeezed some lotion into her palms and then knelt and started rubbing it into the delicious body before her, trying not to fondle Diana ... too much. Her deft hands knew every tender spot on Diana’s body, and even though the bikini was somewhat of an impediment, she managed to touch every spot. Diana struggled not to purr and sigh as Jenny’s hands massaged her shoulders and legs, especially when the little demoness teased her with her hot breath on her neck and lower back, all the while pretending she was only putting the lotion. But her face was betraying her and Vanessa was watching her with amusement in her eyes.

“Thank you, My Pet,” Diana said in a husky voice.

“Err, is it okay ... if she did me as well?” Vanessa asked suddenly.

“Of course, Love. Jenny, you okay with putting the lotion on Vanessa?”

“Um ... sure,” Jenny croaked. Clearing her throat, she got to her feet and walked to Vanessa, and then knelt next to her with a touch of hesitation. Was that a subtle smirk she was seeing on Vanessa’s face? She put some lotion on her palms and then tentatively started rubbing it all over Vanessa’s back, barely touching the skin. Vanessa chuckled.

“I ain’t gonna break, Jenny.”

Jenny put some pressure into it, picking up speed and trying to do it as fast as possible. She blushed as she was applying the lotion to Vanessa’s thighs, and took care to avoid touching certain areas ... But by god, the older girl’s warm skin felt so good beneath her palms, and from up close, her body looked even hotter, if that was even possible. Every curve was so damn sexy, so damn attractive.

“Get a grip on yourself, Jenny ... She is My Lady’s daughter for god’s sake!”

“I have finished!” Jenny said after what seemed like an eternity to her. She was feeling warm and sweaty and not only from the sun...

“Thanks, Sweet Thing,” Vanessa said, winking conspiratorially.

Jenny stopped herself from scowling. Was Vanessa teasing her?

Jenny went back to Diana, knelt, and took Diana’s feet in her hands, the older woman releasing an immediate sigh of satisfaction.

“This is so not going to help with the heat I’m feeling, but I need the touch of My Lady to ... cleanse myself,” Jenny thought with a sudden smile. Yes, touching, kissing, worshipping Her Lady was a cleansing ritual for her mind and body. There was nothing in the world that felt better. Well, she couldn’t really do the latter two right now, but she sure was going to do some touching.

Her hands poured passion into Diana’s feet and Jenny met Her Lady’s amused look with a hunger that made the older woman chuckle. Her face, her body was literally telling Diana that, if Vanessa weren’t here, she would outright devour her ... and Her Lady’s twinkling eyes replied to save that lust for the night ... Yes, they could communicate like that now.

“Well, she sure doesn’t pack light...” Jenny thought as she went through Vanessa’s clothing and footwear. She had offered to sort, clean, and iron all of Vanessa’s stuff, all for Diana’s sake, of course. Her Lady had said that Vanessa was a very dominant if still somewhat closeted person in that regard, so she wanted Jenny to let her get a glimpse of it. And Jenny didn’t mind any of it, even if Vanessa was still a puzzle to her.

She was halfway through sorting the clothes when Vanessa walked into the room.

“Ah, Jenny...”

“Hi, miss.”

“Just Vanessa, please.”

“Okay ... Vanessa,” Jenny said, smiling timidly.

“I see you are quite busy there...”

“Yeah, your clothes will take some time still, and then I’ll sort and clean your footwear,” Jenny said, going to her knees and making some adjustments with the footwear as if to confirm her words.

Vanessa watched her for a moment, her posture changing.

“That’s great. Would you mind then cleaning first the sandals I am wearing? I am about to go out for a walk,” Vanessa said, putting her foot on Jenny’s thigh, the tip of her sandal touching Jenny’s white blouse. Jenny looked up at Vanessa from her knees, feeling the room going silent.

She knew she was blushing fiercely but she was unable to act so she just stared at Vanessa. The older girl’s dark hair was tied back in a ponytail, the dark red streaks loose at the front. She was wearing a light summer dress that came to her knees, and as her foot was in Jenny’s lap, a portion of her bare thigh was showing.

“My god, she is so gorgeous ... She looks just like My Lady, but she is also nothing like her...” Jenny thought, her mind working in overdrive. She had been so many times in this exact position with Diana, but with her, it was always about seduction, about worship, and about playfulness. Her Lady would run circles around her mind, playing with her, manipulating her even, in her own seductive and playful way ... But with Diana, she had always felt safe. Deep down, she was certain that Her Lady would never hurt her, no matter how far they went in their powerplay games.

Yet the beautiful face she was looking at was telling her something much different. There was an ... intensity to the look of dominance on Vanessa’s face and a sense of a feral hunger in those piercing dark eyes.

A long moment passed.

“Sure...” Jenny managed to mouth finally, her shaking hand reaching out to pick up the cleaning cloth. She started wiping the elegant sandal, taking care not to sully the skin of Vanessa’s foot. She felt intense heat in her body as she cleaned the expensive leather with delicate moves. Then, after some hesitation - and looking up at Vanessa as if asking for permission, she took hold of Vanessa’s ankle, gently, and lifted the pretty foot to wipe the sole of the sandal.

She could swear her hand was burning as she was touching Vanessa’s silky skin. But she managed to do it without an incident ... and then she repeated the process with the other foot.

“All done...” Jenny almost whispered, breaking the complete silence in the room. She kept her eyes on Vanessa’s foot, not trusting herself to look up. Vanessa kept watching her with the same intense look for several moments until finally she withdrew her foot and left the room without a word ... and without a simple thank you.

“Okay, I am done here,” Jenny thought, finishing the morning cleaning of the kitchen. She yawned and then she smiled happily, remembering the reason for her sleepiness.

“My Lady was so full of pent-up lust last night ... It sucks we can’t make love during the day, but the night sure makes up for it,” Jenny thought, her hand straying towards her crotch unconsciously. Diana had ridden her mouth for more than an hour last night and it had been amazing as always. She didn’t get to come herself ... but she was slowly getting used to never knowing when and if she would get to come. It added so much excitement to their lovemaking and she knew now that she wouldn’t even want to come unless Her Lady wanted her to come. It simply wouldn’t feel right.

“Jenny! Are you there?”

Jenny felt a pang of worry. Her Lady had gone to the office, leaving her with Vanessa. She had said she wouldn’t be too long and promised an exciting day of girl fun.

“I am coming!” Jenny said, straightening up and moving to the living room. She couldn’t help feeling uneasy being alone with Vanessa, even if some small and distant part of her felt strange excitement...

“Ah, there you are. Would you bring me a slice of that cake you made? And make me an orange juice as well,” Vanessa said waving her hand nonchalantly. She was reclining on the sofa while watching some show on TV.


Jenny brought the cake and the juice and set them on the table next to the sofa.

“Anything else?” she asked, standing in front of the girl and pretending she wasn’t ogling the gorgeous body before her. Vanessa was wearing a T-shirt and jeans shorts that exposed her legs completely, while her breasts were pressing tightly against the fabric of the T-shirt. Her hair was a delightful mess.

“Actually ... Mom said you gave killer foot rubs. Would you mind giving one to me, Sweet Thing?” Vanessa said, her piercing but apparently emotionless eyes once again set on Jenny.

“Of course...” Jenny said, struggling not to feel unnerved. She had promised Her Lady, after all. But why were her palms suddenly sweating? Why was her face on fire...

She knelt before Vanessa, the older girl’s feet landing in her lap right away.

“Get a grip, Jenny...”

A myriad of conflicting thoughts ran through her mind as she massaged the pretty foot in her lap. Embarrassment, arousal, guilt...

“Oh, damn ... you are so good at this...” Vanessa moaned, adding fuel to the fire.

The foot in her hand felt so good, but more than that, Vanessa soon started to gently rub her other foot against Jenny’s chest. It seemed like she was doing it in an absentminded manner as her eyes were glued to the TV, but Jenny wasn’t sure. The gorgeous girl was still such an enigma to her. Either way, she was getting aroused uncontrollably and she was already feeling the wetness between her thighs...

“I hope My Lady hurries home...”

“Damn!” Vanessa exclaimed as a piece of the cake fell on the carpet.

“Eh, no worries, I’ll clean it up,” Jenny said, almost thankful for the distraction. She rose abruptly and went to grab a cleaning cloth. She expected she would need to scrub the carpet so it didn’t stain.

She returned with the cloth and knelt to scrub the stain, her body hunched forward. Then she felt a weight on her back.

Could it be? She was almost afraid to look up.

“Hurry up! My feet need you,” Vanessa said irritably. Her feet were poised on Jenny’s back but her face was impassive as if using Jenny as a footstool was the most natural thing in the world. Jenny murmured something in reply, too embarrassed to trust herself to speak. But why was all of this making her body tingle... “What is wrong with me?!”

Just as she was finishing scrubbing the stain, Jenny heard the sound of Diana’s car outside.

“My Lady is home!” she said in obvious relief, getting to her feet quickly and almost running to the door. As Diana entered the house, Jenny fell to her knees and started raining kisses of love and guilt all over Diana’s heels.

“Someone is so happy to see me,” Diana said with a chuckle, and when Jenny got up, she pulled the girl in and kissed her neck, coping her butt at the same time.

“I am so going to tire you out tonight...” she whispered, feeling instant shivers in Jenny’s body.

“Oh, I can’t wait!” Jenny blurted out a bit more loudly than she intended. She kissed Diana’s hand and then smiled affectionately at Her Lady. Everything was right once again.

“But first,” Diana said, raising her voice for Vanessa to hear, “We are going to have some girl fun. You two get ready and then we hit the city. We’ll eat in a fancy restaurant and do a ton of shopping. Fancy boutiques only today.”

The day was wonderful. As wary as she was of Vanessa, Jenny had to admit that the girl was quite fun when in Diana’s company. The two of them were obviously very open with each other and Jenny felt a bit envious of their relationship.

After lunch – a wonderful seafood risotto that Jenny vowed to learn to prepare and was even ready to pester the restaurant’s cook for the recipe - to the endless amusement of Diana and Vanessa, they started going through some fancy shops until they ended up in a huge, ridiculously expensive boutique. Jenny felt completely out of place as she looked around and noticed nothing but glamour. Well, she sure as hell wasn’t even gonna try any of the clothes or shoes. This place wasn’t for mere mortals.

But it seemed that Diana and Vanessa didn’t share her opinion. They went through various dresses and shoes, some of them having astronomical price tags! Jenny knew Her Lady had money but it all still seemed insane to her.

“Those would look great on you, Mom.”

“Don’t be crazy...”

“Try them on!”

Jenny came closer and saw Diana holding a beautiful pair of high-heeled sandals in her hands. The older woman finally caved to Vanessa’s insisting and she sat down to try them on. Jenny searched for Diana’s eyes and finding a subtle, seductive, taunting smile she so loved, she knelt before Her Lady to remove her shoes and to put the sandals on. She didn’t even glance around to see if anyone was looking at them. Her Lady was all that mattered.

“Ohh...” Jenny cooed in wonder. “My L- ... Ma’am, these are amazing! They look as if they were made for your feet.”

“I don’t know...” Diana said, but it was obvious that she loved the exquisite sandals. They were made out of black leather and adorned with crystals. The strap had a buckle made of gold.

“She’s right, you know,” Vanessa said.

“Yeah, never mind. I tried them on as you wanted and that’s all there is to it,” Diana said, gesturing for Jenny to help her remove them.

“You aren’t gonna buy them?” Jenny asked.

Diana chuckled.

“Did you not see the price tag, Jenny? I can afford them, but it’s pure vanity to buy shoes as ridiculously expensive as these,” Diana said, shaking her head.


“Enough of this. I’ll go and check those dresses there. One of those, I might actually buy.”

And soon, Jenny saw Her Lady enter a fitting room with a couple of dresses over her hand. Maybe she could sneak in? A mischievous smile appeared on her face and she made a few hesitant steps...


Jenny turned around to see Vanessa sitting down with a pair of sandals in her hand. Her legs were crossed, one foot extended towards Jenny. There was an intense look on Vanessa’s face, her finger silently pointing at her extended foot.

Jenny found herself unable to react. This wasn’t Her Lady’s playful tease she loved so much. This was the image of a dominant woman demanding obeisance. And once again, annoyance, shame, arousal, desire to please ... they all warred inside Jenny’s mind, each pulling their own way. After a long moment, Jenny felt her feet move on their own, taking her towards this cold-eyed predator. She knelt silently, and lowering her eyes, gently removed Vanessa’s sandal, her hands grazing the soft foot that immediately landed in her lap. Not looking up, she took the proffered high-heeled sandal. It was dark red, the color of Vanessa’s streaks. She put it on carefully and then repeated the process with the other foot.

Vanessa got up to try a few steps, her hand pushing down on Jenny’s shoulder with a clear message – stay on your knees. All Jenny saw were Vanessa’s sexy feet, as the older girl walked around, testing her steps, while Jenny struggled to get a grip on her arousal and feeling of shame. After a minute, Vanessa sat back down and extended her feet one by one for Jenny to put her old sandals back on.

“Put these back,” Vanessa ordered, then got up and went to check out some dresses in the other part of the boutique.

After a moment Jenny got up to her feet, looking around herself and realizing with a sigh of relief that no one had witnessed her humiliation. She put the sandals back and then rushed towards Diana’s fitting room. The need to touch Her Lady was overwhelming.

“Oh, it’s you. What-”

Instead of answering, Jenny started raining kisses all over Her Lady’s curvy body. Diana was in her underwear and that only fueled Jenny’s lust.

“Jenny!” Diana whispered. “Have you gone mad?!”

Diana was trying to push Her Pet away, chuckling at the girl’s desire. But Jenny wasn’t having it.

“I Need just a taste...” she moaned, pulling down Diana’s panties and shocking the older woman. Her tongue went deep inside Diana’s pussy, swirling, tasting, savoring, the older woman biting down on her tongue to prevent herself from moaning. After several wonderful, amazing tongue swipes that awarded her with some sorely needed nectar, Jenny finally pulled away. She smiled at Diana who was shaking her head and laughing.

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