A New Beginning - Cover

A New Beginning

Copyright© 2024 by AwkwardlySet

Chapter 1

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1 - This is a story about a lesbian D/s relationship. It will be consensual and romantic, with an age gap and plenty of fetishes, focusing on oral worship and foot fetish, but some other fetishes as well. It will build up slowly, but it will feature plenty of sexual content as well as some drama as the story progresses.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Squirting   Foot Fetish  

“Here I am!” Jenny exclaimed as she descended from the bus. She stretched her arms, yawning, and then arched her back. There was some stiffness from the travel. But she couldn’t keep the smile from her face. She was finally here, and she felt overwhelming excitement tinged with a hint of fear. For the first time in her life, she found herself in a real city. Her dreams, her expectations ... there were so many.

She hailed a cab and gave the address of the room she had booked online to the driver. The drive wasn’t long yet she hoped it would last longer. Gluing her face to the window, she couldn’t help wandering with her eyes and taking in all the sights the car passed by. As night was already falling, the city lights were everywhere, and she kept trying to absorb them as if they would reveal some beautiful secrets.

When they finally arrived at the address, she made sure to give a tip to the cab driver. The fact that she was poor and that she should conserve her money as much as possible didn’t seem to matter to her. She liked giving and pleasing people.

Entering her new home, a small room she had rented in an old lady’s apartment, Jenny took a deep breath and clapped her hands.

“Well, it’s not much,” she thought, “but it’s a start. I need to find a job ASAP or my small savings won’t last a month, even in a room such as this one.”

“Black coffee and a glass of water, please.”

“Coming right up, sir!” Jenny replied, smiling in her usual, sunny way.

It had been a week since she had arrived and five days since she started working as a waitress in ‘City Buzz’ cafe bar. Working hours were long and the pay wasn’t much but there were tips and the chance to meet the people of this exciting city. So far though, she had the impression that city people were always in a hurry or busy with something, and they kept the communication with her to the bare minimum. The same was true for other members of the staff. Apart from one waiter who was ogling her from time to time, nobody paid much attention to her. Luckily, they rarely worked in the same shift so she didn’t have to endure his obnoxious stares.

“Here you go, sir. Enjoy,” she said, putting the order on the table.

“Thanks,” was the absent-minded reply of the man who was engrossed in today’s papers.

As she went back to the counter, she heard the café door open and then saw a beautiful and elegant woman enter. The lady gave one quick appraising look and then went to sit at the corner table, away from other customers. She had long black hair and wore a dark red dress with black stockings and high heels. There was an air of elegance and refinement about her every move. Taken by the sight, Jenny couldn’t help staring at her, her eyes going over every curve of the woman’s body. As the woman’s eyes settled on Jenny, her trance finally broke and she hurried to the table to take the order.

“Good afternoon ma’am, what will it be?” Jenny said as those piercing eyes seemed to assess her.

“Latte and blueberry juice, please.”

The voice was so melodious, so sensual ... A second of awkward silence passed before Jenny found her voice again.

“Coming right up, ma’am.”

Walking back to the bar, she caught herself turning her head as if she was checking something to her left, just so she could still keep the beautiful woman in her peripheral vision.

“Oh my god, is she ogling me?” The thought almost made Jenny shiver with excitement but it also made her ponder for a moment. She had never considered herself a lesbian, although truth be told, she knew she wasn’t straight either. So far, her sexual experiences had been limited to her own fingers, and when she did masturbate, there were both men and women in her thoughts ... And for some reason, they were always older than her.

A couple of minutes later, Jenny picked up the tray and went back to the corner table. Walking to the table she saw the woman’s intense, appraising eyes on her, the way one would look at a painting or a sculpture. Once again, Jenny felt entranced simply by looking at this strange, alluring woman. Approaching the table, she felt her step waver and she felt her hands slightly tremble with insecurity.

“Here you go, ma’am,” she said in a timid voice, putting the juice on the table. Taking the latte, her hand finally betrayed her and some of it spilled on the floor but also on the woman’s high-heeled shoe.

“Oh my god, I am so sorry!” Jenny said, looking at the floor and realizing where the latte had spilled. “Please forgive my clumsiness! I don’t know how this happened ... I will bring you another...”

Raising her eyes to look at the woman, she saw an intense and amused look that once again shook her mind, and her words caught in her throat. She felt as if those stern, piercing eyes could see right into her soul.

“Just look at what you have done,” the woman said reproachfully, but somehow, her voice seemed to have a hint of playfulness as well...

“I ... I am sorry...”

“I don’t care about the latte, but take a look at the mess you made on my shoe. Do you think I should walk around the city looking like this? Maybe you should spill some on my other shoe as well, so they match at least.”

There was that entrancing voice again.

“Ma’am, I...”

Jenny’s reply was barely a whisper as her mind and body seemed to betray her ... How could she do such a thing to this goddess among women? On an impulse, she took her napkin and went to her knees. With trembling hands, she thoroughly wiped the shoe that had some latte on it, and then switched to the other shoe as well, even if it was obvious that only one shoe had been affected. She rose abruptly, slightly embarrassed by her actions but also feeling an overwhelming surge of blood in her loins and her face. She glanced around to see if anyone else saw the scene but nobody else seemed to have noticed the incident. Turning her gaze to the floor once again, Jenny struggled against the anxiety of meeting the woman’s eyes.

“Well, now...” that voice said again. “Dear girl, look at me.”

Jenny raised her eyes to the unmistakable command in the woman’s voice, expecting to see the reproach and scolding on her beautiful face. What she saw, though, was the polar opposite. She saw a lovely, warm smile, and instead of an annoyance, she saw something else in those piercing dark eyes, something that made her shiver.

“You are quite obviously a sweet and mannered girl, so let’s forget this silly thing and start over, what do you say? My name is Diana.”

“I am Jenny...” Jenny said in a quiet, raspy voice. “I mean Jennifer! But everyone calls me Jenny...”

“Nice to meet you, Jenny. I believe you haven’t been working here long?”

“No ... I started just a couple of days ago. I arrived only a week ago and it’s my first time working in the city...”

“Let me guess, my dear, you want to go to college, but you don’t want your parents to pay for everything, you want to help out.”

“Eh ... you are right about my wish to go to college, but if I am to go to college, I will have to pay for it myself. My aunt and uncle can barely afford to pay their own bills and I wouldn’t dream of putting this burden on their shoulders.”

“Your aunt and uncle?”

“Yes ... I lost my parents ten years ago, so my aunt and uncle took me in. They already put me through high school, and I have no intention of imposing on their finances any longer ... They have their own kids to think about.”

Jenny felt weird telling all this to a complete stranger, but somehow the affection in Diana’s voice was making her loosen her inhibitions. She wanted to please this beautiful woman so much.

“Oh, I am so sorry to hear that, my dear girl. But how do you imagine paying for college on a waitress’s salary? I trust you are also paying for a room or a flat? It all seems very dubious,” Diana said.

“I know it won’t be nearly enough but I have to start somewhere. I believe if I work really hard and put my mind to it, it will work out somehow,” Jenny said, trying to sound confident. Diana was looking at her with such affection and amusement that she had to stop herself from squirming on her feet.

“That is a very commendable attitude, Jenny. Tell you what, I am actually in need of a ... let’s say an assistant, so what I am going to do is give you my card. I expect to hear from you very soon, so we can talk about my job offer.”

“I ... I don’t know what to say. I spilled coffee on you and here you are, offering me a job ... It feels surreal. Let me bring you a fresh latte, at least ... On me, of course.”

“Nonsense, Jenny. Forget about the whole latte thing, I don’t even feel like drinking it anymore. I just think that it would be a shame for such a lovely young girl to keep working as a waitress when her obvious talents can be employed better ... elsewhere,” Diana said, giving her a look that almost made the girl moan right there.

“Did she just call me lovely?!” Jenny thought, blushing deeply and provoking another dazzling smile from Diana. She turned her eyes at the card in her hand: ‘Diana Arnoult, Ph.D. of Psychology, therapist.’

“Wow, a Ph.D. She must be really smart,” Jenny thought, taking in Diana once again. “Such a smart and beautiful woman wants me to work for her ... It’s too good to be true.”

“I will call you! I mean ... I will think about it, definitely!”

She fumbled with the card, putting it in her pocket, and then giving one more timid smile, she walked away, barely stopping herself from curtsying.

“What is happening to me...” Jenny thought, taking a couple of deep breaths and trying to focus on the work at hand.

“Ah, I really needed that!” Diana purred as she came out of the shower. Reaching out for a towel, she stopped for a moment to assess her figure in the large bathroom mirror. The woman staring back at her was tall and beautiful, with shapely legs, meaty thighs, and an amazing and still quite firm ass - a result of her regular exercises, no doubt. Her slightly wider hips transitioned into a firm belly and a pair of beautiful D cups, not as firm as they used to be, but hey, she wasn’t complaining. Her slender neck was mostly hidden by her lovely dark hair wet from the shower. The face she saw was one of a woman much younger than her forty-two, well, except for the eyes. The piercing dark eyes that looked back at her radiated experience and confidence.

“Not bad at all...” Diana thought, smiling. As she was drying herself with the towel, her hand stopped at her trimmed pussy and she hesitated for a moment. She took a deep breath, her fingers hovering a fragment of an inch from her folds that hoped, pleaded for a touch...

“No ... The next time I get some release will be on those lovely lips ... or not at all,” she thought, shivering from the excitement. The images from today’s encounter hit her in all their vividness and she closed her eyes, smiling.

“That lovely girl...” she mused, thinking about the petite blonde girl she had met earlier today. “So cute and sweet ... That perfect butt, and god, those beautiful blue eyes ... On top of all that, she seems to be quite timid and delightfully submissive ... She is everything I have fantasized about for such a long time.”

Opening her eyes, Diana sighed, shaking her head as if scolding herself for something. “Enough fantasizing, Diana. This time I intend to go for it, no matter what. That lovely creature will be my submissive plaything or I will tear that psychology Ph.D. to pieces...”

That night in her creaky bed, Jenny kept thinking about today’s events ... She kept playing out all the scenes in her head as if to assure herself that it all truly happened, that she hadn’t been daydreaming ... The elegant beauty of that woman, that goddess, her dominant yet kind demeanor ... Jenny couldn’t believe that she actually went to her knees and wiped Diana’s shoes clean. She couldn’t explain the urge to do it at the time, she only knew that it had been a powerful one and that it made her whole body and mind come alive...

The scene hadn’t lasted for more than a couple of seconds, yet every time she replayed it, she felt a strange exciting sensation and tingling in her most private parts. And those powerful, knowing eyes ... Jenny’s hand moved by itself, finding her bathed pussy. This time though, as she kept rubbing herself, there was no doubt whose face would be in front of her eyes ... As her body convulsed in the throes of orgasm, she saw that beautiful face, she saw those dark, radiant eyes, and she saw herself ... kneeling. When her body finally settled down from the strongest orgasm in her life, she closed her eyes, and with a smile on her face, allowed much-needed sleep to take her over...

“Oh damn it, what should I do?!” Jenny exclaimed and, same as god knows how many times that day, rubbed her nose in frustration. Her words elicited no reaction from any of the customers in the café.

“Should I call her today? Would that make me seem too eager and desperate? If she sees I am desperate, maybe she will offer minimal pay only? Maybe waiting one more day or even two is better?” she thought, pacing around the bar counter. “If I wait too long, maybe she will find somebody else for the job? Maybe she will forget who I am even...”

She had been debating this since the morning and she was still no closer to the answer. She even thought about flipping a coin for it but then rejected the idea quickly. It would be so stupid to leave such an important decision to chance. Finally, as her shift was about to end, she decided enough was enough. She wasn’t going to risk an opportunity like this slip away. If that decision proved detrimental to her pay, so be it. It’s not like she was earning a fortune waitressing ... not to mention the fact that working as a waitress meant not getting promoted ever. There was nothing she could aspire to on this job, a fact she had learned well during her high school waitressing days.

Closing the doors of the ‘City Buzz’ behind herself and joining the city life, she took out her phone and pressed the keys. She didn’t even need to look at the card to check if the phone number was right; she knew the number by heart already, a result of taking many glances at the card today.

It was ringing. Jenny started pacing nervously, touching her nose and holding her breath.


“Mrs. Arnoult?” Jenny said, her voice slightly trembling.

“Yes, this is she.”

“Err, hi ... This is Jenny ... you know, the waitress from the café...”

“Ah yes, of course. It’s good to hear from you, Jenny.”

The response came after a second only, yet to Jenny, it felt like hours ... Diana’s voice was pleasant and kind and Jenny finally breathed out in relief.

“So Jenny, did you have time to think about my offer?”

“Yes, I would like to take you up on your offer ... if the offer still stands?”

“Of course it still stands. I will text you my home address and I expect you there tomorrow at 8 A.M sharp so we can discuss your duties and other terms of the job. I suppose you would want to know everything before you commit, wouldn’t you?” Jenny heard the voice say with a hint of amusement.

“Yes, that would be great! I will be there!”

“All right, that’s great, Jenny. See you tomorrow then, bye!”


The morning sun had just begun to show its muscle, casting a variety of patterns on the ground as it shone through the swaying treetops. Like a huge gray snake, riddled with parasites of various colors in the shape of cars, the road was mercilessly cutting through those patterns. One of those cars was a white taxi with an inquisitive young girl at the back.

“These houses are so big and so fancy!” Jenny said in wonder.

“Yeah, this is a rich neighborhood, miss,” came the driver’s disinterested reply.

Jenny knew they were getting close to their destination and she kept looking at house numbers, trying to guess from afar which house was the right one.

“Here we are, miss.”

“Thank you,” Jenny replied as she handed him the charged amount topped with a decent tip.

She got out of the taxi and looked at the house, her eyes wandering from one side to the other. Like most other houses around, it was fairly big, and it had a lawn and a large garage. Jenny judged there was probably a large backyard as well. The house with its yards was surrounded by trees and other smaller growth, which acted as a natural wall between houses. People valued their privacy in this neighborhood, it seemed.

Awed by what she saw, Jenny walked towards the house door, her step timid and self-conscious. She was wearing her best jeans and blouse and proper office shoes on her small feet. She glanced at her watch.


She was eleven minutes early. Once again she was unsure if she should wait until 8:00 or just knock at the door. Concerned that somebody might think she was some weirdo or even a thief if she kept standing there for eleven minutes, she took a big breath and knocked at the door.

The door opened after several moments and the sight took Jenny’s breath away. It was Diana, smiling and more gorgeous than Jenny expected. She was wearing a satin bathrobe that reached a couple of inches above her knees. Her hair was slightly wet as if she just came out of the shower. Glancing down from Diana’s face, Jenny noticed that the bathrobe was showing some cleavage and she felt blood rushing to her cheeks. Unable to stop her eyes from going further down, she gaped at Diana’s shapely legs that ended in a pair of beautiful feet with perfect blood-red painted toes encased in open-toed high-heel mules. She couldn’t say for how long she kept staring at Diana’s feet until she realized what she was doing. She raised her eyes abruptly, meeting Diana’s smiling face and blushing fiercely...

“Welcome, my dear girl!” Diana said, beckoning Jenny inside the house.

Jenny entered the house, struggling not to look intimidated. As if reading her mind, Diana gave her a warm hug the very next moment. Being considerably shorter than Diana – especially in those sexy high-heel mules, Jenny found herself engulfed in Diana’s cleavage. The gentle touch of the satin fabric and the slightly wet skin on Diana’s chest along with the discrete lavender smell, overwhelmed Jenny’s senses. She breathed in, closed her eyes, and caught herself wishing this moment never to end ... To her displeasure, Diana broke the hug after a few seconds.

“I am sorry for receiving you in a bathrobe, but you are slightly early and I have just finished my shower,” Diana said with a smile that suggested something other than being sorry.

“Err ... it’s no problem, ma’am, really,” Jenny said in a slightly hoarse voice.

“All right then. Let’s sit and have some refreshments first,” Diana said and led her into a beautifully furnished, spacious living room. Jenny tried to take the whole room in, but what held her attention was the fact that the whole side of the living room wall was made of glass, with big double wing doors leading into the spacious backyard that contained a relatively large pool.

“After we talk, I’ll show you the whole house,” Diana said, clearly catching the curiosity and awe in Jenny’s eyes. As they both took a seat on the sofa, Diana poured some coffee and juice.

“I trust you found the house easily?” Diana asked after they both took a sip of the delicious warm coffee.

“Yeah, no problems.”

“Okay, let’s get down to business straight away, shall we?”

Jenny nodded eagerly and Diana leaned in, crossing her legs and exposing her thighs considerably.

“As I mentioned already, I am in need of an assistant ... of a sort. I believe you would fit that role perfectly. So let’s cover the three most important things that you would likely want to know. What would be your duties, what would be your working hours, and last but not least, what would be the pay.”

While Diana was speaking, Jenny was trying her best to look at her face, yet she couldn’t help occasionally taking a glance at her legs and at her pretty foot that kept dangling the high-heeled mule. The motion of the foot and the mule had an almost mesmerizing effect on Jenny, and she had trouble focusing on the subject. Also, her arousal had been steadily increasing ever since she entered the house, and she was thankful that she had jeans on, otherwise, she was sure her wetness would start showing.

“Your duties would include-” Diana continued, and Jenny once again tried to focus on her face, yet at the same time Diana increased her foot rhythm, making things even more difficult.

“-making deliveries to some of my associates, but also buying groceries, picking up dry-cleaning and stuff like that, and I will be frank with you, I need most of your help in the house itself. I like my house tidy and organized. There is a housekeeping service that comes around every 10 days or so, but it’s not nearly enough. I often work from home, so I will need plenty of assistance with various things and chores.”

“Eh, ma’am, you mentioned making deliveries, buying groceries, and so on ... How would I do that? I mean, it seems awfully expensive to use a taxi every time...”

“Do you have a driving license, Jenny?”

“I do,” Jenny said with a hint of pride in her voice, “ ... but I didn’t have that many chances to actually drive. I did drive my uncle’s car occasionally...”

“Excellent, you will adapt fast, I have no doubt. There is a small car in my garage that will be at your disposal for these chores and it has a GPS navigation system so you will be able to go anywhere without problems,” Diana said in a confident voice that didn’t leave much choice for Jenny to contradict her. Truth be told, Jenny couldn’t see herself contradicting this goddess, ever.

“Now, as for the working hours, I would need you here every morning at 8 A.M and you would stay until I dismissed you for the day. You would eat here, of course, and you would have breaks during which you could use the pool if you wish. Who knows, some of the chores might involve us being at the pool together,” Diana said with a smirk.

“Wow ... Swimming in that pool would be amazing ... I have been to the public pool in my town, but there were always so many people there...”

“Well, there would be only the two of us here, so you would only need to make sure to bring your swimming suit. So ... I think I have covered everything. What do you say about the job details, Jenny?”

“It all sounds so great ... But she didn’t mention the pay yet. I would need to know if I would be able to pay for my room and everything on that pay...” Jenny thought, gazing into Diana’s eyes and getting lost in them. After a long moment, Jenny finally opened her mouth to speak.


Jenny’s eyes followed the sound and she realized that Diana’s dangling mule had fallen to the floor. With a seemingly startled look on her face, Diana kept looking at the mule as if it had fallen to the bottom of a chasm. She threw a quick, affectionate smile at Jenny, and once again, Jenny felt an unstoppable impulse overtaking her. She slid to the floor, reverently picking up the mule and placing it on the extended foot with trembling hands. As she gripped Diana’s foot gently, she felt her heartbeat going through the roof.

“Oh my god, why am I so excited by this...” Jenny thought as electric waves went through her small body. She slid the mule back on the foot, slowly, and then raised her eyes to look at Diana’s face. The face looking back at her was beaming with affection and approval. She smiled back shyly and continued holding the pretty foot in her hands, even if her mission had been completed successfully.

“Thank you, my dear, that was really sweet of you. So, what do you say about the job offer?”

On her knees still, her hands caressing Diana’s foot in a completely absentminded way, Jenny managed to find her voice. “Yes, I think I accept, ma’am,” she said in a raspy voice, the pay completely forgotten.

“Excellent! Now come sit next to me so you can take a look at the contract I prepared.”

Jenny sat back on the sofa and started reading the contract. She went through all the points and it was more or less as Diana described. Then, she reached the clause about her pay.

“Wow! This is twice as much compared to what I am making as a waitress now ... and it even says it’s only the initial pay ... Isn’t this too much, ma’am?”

“Nonsense, Jenny. I am certain you will earn every cent of your pay. Now sign all three copies, please, so we can get that done.”

As Jenny signed all three copies, Diana rose to her feet.

“I am sure this will be a wonderful journey for us, Jenny,” she said with a smile, touching Jenny’s cheek in a gentle, sensual way, and provoking a sigh and a blush.

“Now, I will go and change into proper clothes. In the meantime, feel free to look around.”

“God help me, I need a towel right away... “ Diana thought, entering her bedroom and opening her robe. She started dabbing at her legs and pussy with a towel. “I can’t remember the last time I got this wet ... I almost started dripping on the floor,” she thought, barely stopping herself from laughing.

“But it felt so good ... All the teasing I did, and betting on her to get down to the floor. I didn’t expect her to accept the job while being on her knees before me, that was just the cherry on top ... Ohh!” Diana thought, struggling to keep her arousal in check.

“She didn’t even ask about the money before accepting ... Oh, how I like playing these mind games ... They truly make me feel so alive. I wonder if I could have gotten her to sign, without mentioning any money in the contract,” Diana thought with a chuckle.

She kept going through her clothing, taking time to pick the proper attire. “I can even imagine her working for me, every day, 24/7, without earning any money, her only pay being the privilege of serving me ... Oh my god, the thought itself is making me go insane with lust!” Diana thought, suddenly gripping the blouse she was holding. The need to touch herself, to get some release from the immense arousal she was feeling, was overwhelming. She took a couple of deep breaths and then slowly relaxed.

“No, I need to stop these thoughts. I would never do such a thing. As arousing as that would be, my conscience would eat me alive. I would never want to exploit this lovely creature that way ... I want to mold her into something amazing but I also want to shelter and protect her. The money she would be earning is irrelevant ... Well, now when I think about it, it IS relevant. Paying her well means not taking away her choice. I want her to earn enough money to be completely independent so she can choose to stay and serve me, every day ... Oh damn, I better stop these thoughts, or I will need a fresh towel.”

Meanwhile, Jenny walked around the living room, glancing at the paintings and giving timid looks at other parts of the house through the doors. She didn’t even think about entering any other room.

“I can’t believe I will be working in this amazing house. And my job will include so many things ... I don’t need to just deliver beverages the whole day anymore,” Jenny thought with a smile. “Well, there are many housekeeping duties, sure, but I don’t mind cleaning and dusting, especially in a house like this one,” she thought, taking in the large, finely furnished living room once again.

“And the pay is just unbelievable ... Mrs. Arnoult is so great for giving me this chance. And she won’t regret it. I will work so hard that she will be in awe! I will do anything to please her ... Yeah, she really is amazing ... and my god, the way she makes me feel ... I HAVE been attracted to women before, but not like this, never like this.”

Diana returned after a couple of minutes, interrupting Jenny’s thoughts. She was wearing a white blouse and a loose skirt that reached just below her knees. And those same sexy mules, of course...

“Jenny, let’s take a tour of the house. I will show you the rooms, the way you need to maintain them, where the cleaning supplies are and so on. The house has a living room, dining room, study, kitchen, three spacious bedrooms, two bathrooms and a smaller room I used for storage before, but it can also be used as a room. It has a bed and everything,” Diana said with a knowing look.

“There is also the backyard and the pool. During the day, if I am working from home, I will be around, and as I have activities in most of these rooms, you will be seeing me a lot. I work in my office downtown some days also, so those days you will be here alone, unless I send you on an errand. Those days I usually come home around four or five.”

Jenny nodded and followed Diana around the house. Diana showed her around, explained the duties and everything, and once that was done, Jenny started her first working day on the new job. She had already called the café to let them know she wasn’t coming to work anymore. She knew she would be easily replaced there.

Jenny intended to impress her boss on the very first day, so she pulled up her sleeves. There was a lot of dusting, sweeping and cleaning to be done, a lot of laundry and ironing. True to her word, Diana was spending time all around the house, but she mostly stayed out of Jenny’s way. A few times when Jenny was cleaning around and under the dining room and living room tables Diana would sit at the table and read some documents. In those moments Jenny was often close to Diana’s feet and she wondered if the mule episode would repeat itself, but it never did and Jenny caught herself being disappointed about it.

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