Crossdresser's Revenge
Copyright© 2024 by Brianna-Leah
Chapter 4
Warning, very disturbing descriptions follow. No small animals were harmed in the writing of these chapters.
Things seemed to be a bit different now. People were fighting back against the random and fatal violence perpetrated against the gender variant folks. The police in general had never bent over backwards to stop this kind of violence even though they claimed every case was investigated quickly and thoroughly. How come the police nailed anybody who contravened Covid 19 isolation laws except when the “black lives matter” folks wanted to meet and protest?
Well, there are lots of examples of lackadaisical police work. Look at the OJ Simpson case. Look at Rotherham et al in the UK. I suppose you could make the case that police did not have enough resources to deal with all the garbage out there. And since the “De-Fund the Police” movement by the most brain-dead in Western Society, police forces all over have had increasing trouble attracting recruits. Officers have left departments in droves. Ditto the military. Does this make any sense at all in a dangerous world?
“The facts, Ma’am, just the facts.” Yes, indeed. What “Dragnet’s” Sergeant Joe Friday requested was what every police detective wants. Unfortunately, there were usually few if any witnesses to many of the murders/attacks on crossdressers/gays/gender dysphorics. Many of the murders (80% perpetrated against Black and Hispanic TG girls) left only a dead victim and no evidence. Police would be lucky to find any spent brass they could send to the forensics lab. Sometimes someone involved would talk and give up the perps in exchange for a lenient sentence.
Sometimes the incident was a little more intrusive. Our friendly peaceful religion guys were unhappy with a lot of stuff they saw in Western society. The Hammerskins too. And their religious leaders did preach about it. More like tried to incite violence against them. One of the things they didn’t like was gays and transgender people. They didn’t like them at all, you see. In Iran gays would get a long walk off a short pier. You get the picture. So they pulled the AK47s out of storage got rid of the Cosmoline and, of course, they had lots of 7.62 by 39 ammo. It is common and also cheap. Not even a nice sharp Karambit knife will help you against an AK47. Not even the promulgation of “anti-hate legislation” will help you if crazies are bent on doing a certain group fatal violence. And they were. And they did. They stepped over the line.
Many have done that since Charles Whitman shot up the University of Austin, in August, 1966 in the great state of Texas. He started a trend by murdering 16 innocent people plus his wife and mother. Did he ever. Feeling pissed off at the world? Lost your job? Can’t afford that new 57 inch big screen TV you want? Smashed your truck up? Got a brain tumour? Your girlfriend left you for another girl? Hate LGBTQ2CDLSD people who never did a thing to harm you?
There IS a solution for that. Break out the AK or the AR. And they did. A club was going to be targeted by two guys with AKs. It’s a simple thing really. Roll into the parking lot with your weapons fully loaded plus spare mags. Get out, slaughter the people at the front door allowing you easy access to the main body of patrons. You can step on them, they are going to be dead anyway. Don’t worry they won’t be armed. Happily proceed inside. Open fire and you are well on your way to earning your 70 some odd virginal ladies. Hopefully they will have big, firm breasts too. And very wet, nicely scented quimms.
It was not a pretty sight at the club afterwards. It never was. Pity the poor emergency people that had to clean up the mess. At the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fl Omar Mateen killed 49 and injured 53. (Here they did a little better than that with two AK47s, etc working.) It was an awful mess. But some escaped to live with some pretty horrific memories to relive and replay over and over daily.
Bad timing if you chose to go to that club on that particular night. Some were killed outright and others lay there bleeding out maybe to be scooped up into the ambulance only to die the next day in hospital. Horrible. The MSM, of course, decried the violent attack on LGBTQ2CDLSD people. Did they divulge who the shooters were? Not on your life. Not for awhile anyway. And did they divulge what religion the shooters were? Hell no. Not a chance.