A Waltz Across the Night Sky - Cover

A Waltz Across the Night Sky

Copyright© 2024 by shs

Chapter 1: The Longest Day

Like a jarring discord in an otherwise harmonious symphony, the insistent blaring of her alarm clock shattered the serenity. Its shrill tone pierced through the tranquil ambiance of her bedroom, pulling Aurora from the depths of her dreams into the reality of a new day.

Disoriented and momentarily dazed, Aurora’s eyes fluttered open, their green depths adjusting to the soft, warm light that gently filled her room. The serene beauty of the scene outside her window stood in stark contrast to the persistent intrusion of the alarm clock. With a reluctant sigh, she reached out and silenced the disruptive noise, desperately holding on to the fading remnants of the enchanting morning that had swiftly dissipated with the jolt of awakening. As Aurora’s gaze wandered around her minimally furnished room, a sense of hollowness permeated the air. The absence of the usual scattered mess and cherished mementos of a teenager accentuated the eeriness. It was as if the emptiness mirrored the ache within her, a silent reminder of the unexpressed longing. Unbeknownst to her, everyone else in the house still slumbered, unknowing of the significance of the day. Resigned to the solitude that greeted her, Aurora let out a wistful sigh. In the quietude of her room, she couldn’t help but ponder the unanswered prayer she had whispered into the night before. It had been a heartfelt plea, a desperate longing for someone, anyone, to remember her birthday, to make her feel seen and cherished. The weight of disappointment and loneliness settled upon her shoulders, making this morning’s ethereal glow feel bittersweet.

Aurora’s father, Richard, dedicated his days to the demanding work at the Blackthorne Copper mine, the bustling epicenter of employment just beyond the town’s borders. Whispers echoed through the community about Richard’s profound love for his late wife, Diana. However, upon Diana’s tragic passing during childbirth, grief gripped Richard’s heart, pushing him towards the numbing solace of alcohol. The piercing reminder of Aurora’s eyes resembling her mother’s only intensified his pain, causing him to emotionally withdraw from his own flesh and blood.

On the day of Aurora’s milestone 10th birthday, Richard found himself overwhelmed by the haunting memories of the decade that had elapsed since Diana’s untimely departure. Seeking an escape from his inner torment, he sought solace within the welcoming embrace of a dimly lit local bar. In this realm of liquid catharsis, fate interwove his life with that of Vivian Frost, one of the receptionists at the Copper Mine’s Office. As days turned into weeks, Richard and Vivian sought solace in secret, their encounters culminating in an unexpected outcome - Vivian’s unwed pregnancy. Bound by appearances and apprehension, they reluctantly entered an undesired union, their hearts burdened with unspoken desires and regret.

Rory was completely caught off guard by her father’s sudden marriage. Although the first few months appeared to go smoothly, the hormonal changes Vivian experienced during her pregnancy, combined with Richard’s feelings of burden towards assuming the unwanted role of a husband and father once again, began to strain Richard and Vivian’s marriage. Aurora courageously attempted to bear the weight of their troubled marriage, inadvertently sacrificing her own happiness in the process. As Vivian’s pregnancy progressed, Rory became increasingly confined to the house, burdened with the responsibility of managing all household chores resulting in complete lack of social life.

As the flood of memories turned to a trickle, a single tear escaped her eye, tracing a gentle path down her cheek. With a tender whisper, she uttered, “Happy Birthday, Rory!!” to herself, the words carrying bittersweet longing for the only friend she ever had, Nate. Realizing she had spent enough time wallowing in self-pity, Aurora began her daily routine on autopilot.

Stepping into the warmth of the cascading water, gloom dissolved from her spirit, leaving her refreshed and renewed as she faced the fogged mirror. With a gentle swipe, she cleared away the condensation, revealing her reflection. The cascade of her long, brunette hair flowed in soft waves, effortlessly framing her face with a natural elegance. Her emerald eyes, shimmering with curiosity and fueled by unyielding determination, possessed an arresting expressiveness that effortlessly drew attention. Soft and peach-hued, her lips complemented her cute features, adding a touch of charm to her captivating visage. Adorning her slender neck was an air of delicate grace, a testament to her natural poise.

As her gaze traveled down, Rory’s figure radiated both modesty and equilibrium, with a slender waist and substantial curves flawlessly harmonized. It was as if her physique had been designed with perfection in mind. The physical demands of her step-mother’s insistence that she handle all household chores gifted her with ample physical activity, sculpting a toned physique that showcased her inner strength.

As she opened her wardrobe, a collection of thrift store discoveries met her gaze. Each piece had been chosen for affordability rather than trendiness or comfort. Rory’s limited funds meant she often resorted to oversized, baggy clothes that could withstand years of wear as she grew. This unintentionally concealed her remarkable physique and kept unwanted attention at bay. However, as she hesitated to select an outfit for her birthday, she realized that her entire wardrobe could fit into a simple duffle bag. Eventually, she settled on one of her favorite white blouses and paired it with dark blue jeans. Pulling her long hair into a tight ponytail as she descended the stairs to the kitchen.

With the absence of any other sounds in the house, Rory took on her usual morning task of preparing breakfast. As she busied herself, the persistent thought of the duffle bag lingered in her mind, gradually turning into contemplation of simply running away. Perhaps she would be better off on her own. She doubted anyone would even notice her absence, and her own family might not realize until they found an empty table without cooked food. Amused by the irony, she let out a sad laugh. Quickly finishing the breakfast preparations, she found herself lacking the appetite to eat.

Gathering her book bag and jacket, Rory quietly slipped out of the front door long before anyone else woke up in the house.

As the English teacher droned on about Refugee by Alan Gratz, Nate impatiently looked at the analog clock over the blackboard. To his frustration, the hands of the clock didn’t move much since he last saw it 30 seconds ago. He has been looking forward for this day for over two months now. It was Rory’s 16th birthday and he was pretty excited about the lunch break that day, the only place where he could talk to her.

Nate’s parents Sam and Alice Hunter were neighbors and good friends with Rory’s parents Richard and Diana long before Nate and Rory were born within 6 months apart. Rory and Nate had become the closest of friends ever since the moment they first met, which Nate swears he remembers despite being not even an year old. While they were younger, Nate had trouble pronouncing her name correctly, but his attempts eventually resulted in her nickname, Rory, which stuck. Their friendship was so special that Nate was the only one who was allowed to refer to her by that name.

After Diana’s passing, Alice embraced Rory wholeheartedly, tending to her every need with a mother’s love. Determined to keep Diana’s memory alive, Alice shared cherished moments through photographs and videos, ensuring that Rory felt the warmth of her birth mother’s presence despite her absence. Alice and Sam were aware that, despite his best efforts, Richard found it challenging to forge an emotional bond with his daughter due to the constant reminders of Diana that she presented. While he could provide for her physical needs, he struggled to truly care for her. Rory, on her part, always tried to please her father, but his indifference towards her actions consistently left her disheartened. With Rory virtually spending all her time at the Hunter household, She and Nate became the thickest of friends with no secrets between them.

Their houses nestled in a secluded corner of the subdivision, surrounded by the tranquil embrace of a wooded area. During a carefree summer stroll at the tender age of 7, they stumbled upon a hidden gem - a small clearing by an ephemeral stream. With Sam’s helping hand, they brought their dreams to life constructing a beloved treehouse, destined to be the epicenter of their adventures in the summers to come. However, it was on a slightly chilly spring evening, within the sacred walls of that treehouse, where his most precious memory was forged.

It was a momentous occasion as Rory celebrated their 10th birthday. In the cozy confines of Nate’s kitchen, the two friends sat together at the table, engrossed in helping Alice bake their all-time favorite White Chocolate cake for the evening’s party. Throughout the week, Nate had been eager to coax Rory into revealing what they desired as a birthday gift, yet Rory remained evasive. The thought of time finally slipping away fueled Nate’s anxiety to a whole new level, prompting him to breach the topic then and there.

“So, Rory! Can you please tell me at least now what I can get you for your birthday?” Nate asked eagerly.

“Not here!” Rory hissed softly, their voice barely audible.

Nate was taken aback by Rory’s cryptic response. “Alright then, let’s step outside.” he suggested, turning towards his mom for approval.

Alice who was diligently mixing the cake batter, glanced at the clock on the wall before responding, “Your friends won’t be here for at least another hour. Alright you can go, but make sure to be back within 30 minutes.” she said.

“Okay, Mom.” Nate and Rory responded in unison, swiftly leaving the table behind.

With jackets bundled tightly around them, they made their way through the back door and embarked on a wordless stroll towards their cherished treehouse. Sitting side by side on a log in front of the treehouse, they relished the calming silence for a couple of minutes.

Suddenly breaking the tranquility, Rory asked, “You know my friend Heather, right?”

“Yeah!” Nate replied, drawing out his response a little, curious to understand the connection between Heather and Rory’s birthday.

Rory continued, sharing a seemingly unrelated story. “She went to Texas over winter break to visit her cousin’s family.”

“Uh huh!” Nate responded, his confusion lingering.

“She kissed her cousin while she was there, and ever since she came back, she won’t stop swooning about how amazing it was. It got me thinking about what it would actually feel like, and it’s been driving me crazy. I want you to kiss me!!” Rory blurted out, the words cascading out in a single breath.

Nate’s mind took a few seconds to process Rory’s startling request, while Rory’s cheeks turned a subtle shade of pink.

“Say something!!” Rory pleaded with impatience looking at the ground stridently, unable to meet his gaze.

Meanwhile, Nate found himself dumbstruck, struggling to articulate a response. Like a fish out of water, his mouth contorted into odd shapes, silently trying to find the right words to express the maelstrom of thoughts swirling inside.

Nate’s voice came out in a hoarse whisper, “I don’t know how.”

“What?” Rory questioned, finally looking at Nate, straining to hear his response.

“I really have no idea. I’ve never kissed anyone before.” Nate repeated, his tone more assertive this time.

Rory responded with frustration, “I know, genius! I haven’t kissed anyone either.”

Silence settled between them, lasting for a couple more minutes as they both got lost in their own thoughts.

After a while, Nate spoke up hesitantly, “Okay, maybe we can give it a try and see how it goes.”

“Okay.” Rory agreed.

Nervously, they shifted around on the log, attempting to find a more comfortable position.

“Ready?” Nate asked.

“Ready.” Rory replied.

With hands firmly planted in their laps, they leaned towards each other slowly and awkwardly. Their lips met for merely a fleeting moment before they instinctively pulled away, tongues unconsciously gliding over their lips.

“I didn’t feel anything!” Nate remarked.

“Neither did I.” Rory confirmed.

After a few seconds, Rory stood up, saying, “Okay, let’s try something else.” She offered her hand to pull Nate up, and they stood facing each other.

“I saw Sam and Alice kissing the other day, and they didn’t know I was there!” Rory said in a conspiring tone. “Let’s try doing it the way they did.”

Placing Nate’s hands on her hips and delicately enclosing her own hands around his neck, Rory looked deeply into his beautiful blue eyes.

“Ready?” Nate asked once again.

“Ready.” Rory answered.

A faint mist escaped from their slightly parted lips as they leaned closer to each other. Rory balanced on her toes, while Nate bent down halfway to meet her. As their moist lips touched, they instinctively pulled each other closer, their lips mashing together. Rory’s lower lip slipped between Nate’s lips, and he instinctively caught it, gently nibbling and causing Rory to let out a soft whimper and sag slightly in his arms. Time seemed to freeze as the electric sensations coursing through their bodies left them breathless. Reluctantly, they released their grip on each other’s lips, a thin sheen of perspiration glistening on their foreheads. Leaning against one another, they struggled to fill their lungs with air.

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