Hot Fuck Date With an Older Man - Cover

Hot Fuck Date With an Older Man

Copyright© 2024 by emmzzy

Shopping trip ends with a hot hook up

Erotica Sex Story: Shopping trip ends with a hot hook up - tired of the usual, boring dating scene I signed up for a dating site looking for older men.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Small Breasts  

During those couple of days after our date Tony kept in touch regularly, he sent me a draft of his next blog post for approval ( the blog is about his sexual exploits with women, for those readers who didn’t know). It was like reading something out of a dirty sex story, I couldn’t believe I had actually done all those things with a man I just met, his blow-by-blow account of our date seemed so unreal to me but they were all true, even the part about him cumming on my face, something I’d never let a guy do before. He described me as shy and nervous at first but could tell I had a wild side which definitely came out ( he wasn’t wrong, haha), along with the detailed text Tony also added in some photos of me modeling his cum on my back and butt which he described as “one of the best tushies he’s ever seen and unloaded on”, that line had me giggling. I had to admit it was a hot read, I didn’t even realize I was touching myself until I heard a message alert from my phone.

So what do you think? Do I get the nod of approval? he asked with a winking emoji.

I laughed before typing my response,” sounds a bit embellished but I’ll let that side”, I joked

“You know what ... I think you are right, next time I’ll have to make sure to get more photo evidence or maybe video?, no one’s going to believe a sweet girl like you would let this old man do what I claimed in the blog” “ he replied back.

I grinned and chuckled at his message, Tony was trouble I thought to myself ( but I loved it),” I’m so ready for next time already, hehe”.

“Fuck girl ... I’m actually hard right now thinking about that hot body of yours, work is busy right now ... Or else I’d invite you over right now ... I can’t wait for Friday though”, he wrote back

“that’s ok, looking forward to Friday as well”, I answered back.

I tossed my phone down and reached into my black leggings and urgently rubbed my pussy, it felt good but a nice big cock is what I really craved. I stopped my impromptu self-love and let out a huge sigh, what was happening to me? I was becoming a sex-obsessed monster, I chuckled to myself and somehow gathered the willpower to jump out of bed, deciding a little shopping trip would keep these depraved thoughts at bay until Friday.

Walking about the shopping mall kept my mind busy for a short time, it didn’t help that I started noticing guys checking me out, not so much the boys around my age, I was use to that but more so older men. I never use to pay much attention to mature guys thinking most wouldn’t be interested in someone as young as I and to be fair I wasn’t interested either, that was until my recent exploits opened up a whole new world outside the normal dating spectrum. I guess the quote “ never judge a book by its cover” or “don’t knock it until you tried it” never seemed so prominently true to me than right this minute.

Tall, short, bold, fat, stocky, skinny, men of all different types were drawing my curiosity, I think mostly because sex was at the forefront of my mind, (I probably should masturbated this morning) I chuckled to myself finding it hard to control my urges. I guess it didn’t help I chose to wear tiny, figure-hugging blue, bike shorts and a white, scoop-neck crop top that showed off my toned belly and arse, who could blame men for looking? ( hehe). I had to take a deep breath and think of something else, god this was a mistake coming out, I should have just studied or watched TV, I swear if one of these older guys came up and asked to fuck, I probably would have said yes ( lol).

Anyway, I kept walking through different shops and boutiques, not looking for anything in particular, maybe stock up on a few personal beauty products or maybe a top or two or a skirt, maybe a pair of jeans ( haha) this always happens when I go shopping, lucky my dad doesn’t mind me spending his money, within reason of course 🙂.

“Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but could you recommend a make-up kit for me?, my daughter is turning 13 this weekend and her mother mentioned she’s been pestering for one, I just have no clue about this stuff”, this tall, older man asks me as I was trying on some lipstick. He looked a bit out of shape, with a clear beer belly and small man boobs showing through his white button-up, collared shirt. His face was actually quite attractive, light stubble of facial hair, dark, brown eyes, defined jaw, he looked to be Greek or maybe of Italian heritage, olive skin.

“Oh no problem, I had something like this when I was around her age, it has everything you need to get started, should be perfect”, I politely answered with a happy smile staring up at him with the kit in hand.

“Looks good to me, sorry again for bothering you, it’s just no one seems to be around to help a confused dad”, he chuckled, his deep voice adding to his charismatic nature.

“That’s no problem, I’m always glad to help a man in need and we wouldn’t want your daughter and her mum angry at you for buying the wrong thing, I know when I was her age I would be if dad got me a lame present”, I replied then giggled.

He pulled on his collar and gritted his teeth hearing my playful reply before laughing, “Oh I know full well the wrath of a teenage girl and as for her mum, I don’t think she could get any more pissed with me, we have been seperated for a few months now”, he explained looking quite annoyed talking about the subject.

I gave him a concerned and heartfelt expression,” I’m sorry, that must be hard on your daughter and on you of course, I’ve got a couple of friends who went through divorcing parents, it sucks”, I tenderly said.

“Thank you, we’re trying to keep things civil for her sake but it looks like it’s heading for a divorce, we agreed we both should start seeing other people ... anyway, I shouldn’t be laying my problems on a stranger, youre probably thinking why is this old guy still bothering me?”, he joked.

“Oh, I don’t mind a chat, I’m not really doing anything important, and you don’t look too old to me, what are you? Like 24? 40, 67?”, I teased, grinning up at him.

He snickers, scratching his head, “Very funny, I’m 44, and I probably shouldn’t be seen talking to a girl of your age for too long, people might think I’m some sort of pervert”.

I giggle in response nodding my head, “You are probably right, my friends would tease me to death if they saw me chatting with a handsome, older man”, I flirtatiously replied battering my fake eyelashes and twirling my hair ( wow, I was openly flirting with this man whom a week ago I wouldn’t have thought twice about).

“Christ, I don’t know about handsome but thank you for the compliment, you seem like a sweet girl, and way too pretty to be stirring up a guy like me, I feel like I’m being pranked or something”, he implied, his eyes darting down at my small chest, trying there best to not be obvious.

I laughed at the light-hearted accusation, adjusting the neckline of my top suggestively, smirking as his eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to the area once more, what little chest I had was clearly on display in the tight top. “ no prank, I just enjoy chatting to older guys, It’s fun, I’m Emma by the way”.

“Nice to meet you, Emma, I’m Nico or you can call me Nic, I have to say this is all new to me, It’s not every day I meet a girl your age who thinks older guys are fun, you must be 16 or 17?”, he enquired nervously.

I gave him a wicked grin and chose to ignore his question, it was fun seeing his conflicting expression, no doubt wondering if it was wrong to be attracted to me which he clearly was. I turned away and continued browsing through different lipsticks as other customers walked by, I enjoyed teasing Nic but was still concerned about what others might think, especially if someone I knew strolled past.

“I’ve recently discovered that age isn’t at all that important when it comes to fun Nic, you should try to worry less and just do what feels right, plus I doubt anyone will find out unless you tell them, I know I wouldn’t”, I spelled out for him, adding a devilish giggle.

“That does sound like wise words Emma, but I don’t want to end up in prison for soliciting a minor, no matter how hot she might be”, he retorted from behind me, leaning close to my ear so no one could pick up.

“Who said anything about soliciting? We’re just two people having a conversation that’s all, getting to know one another, no crime in that”, I pointed out while still pretending to look busy browsing the shelves.

I looked back over my shoulder at the older man still seeing the sense of worry in his eyes and face, also catching him staring at my little butt ( guys just can’t help themselves, haha). A naughty idea popped into my head, seeing the same thing happen in movies I pretended to accidentally drop the lipstick in my hand, naturally I had to bend over and pick it up, knowing my already skin-tight bike shorts would stretch even more over my bubble butt, I paused for longer bent over before finally picking it up and turning around.

“oops I’m a little clumsy sometimes, anyway what do you think of this color on me?”, I ask as I begin slowly and seductively applying the pink lipstick to my small, cute lips, kissing the tip and even giving it a playful lick.

Nic stared and took in a deep breath watching my display, I think he was starting to sweat,” It’s really nice, suits you”, he simply said.

I laughed and turned away once more, giddy with adrenaline, I knew exactly what I was doing and how wrong it was, I wasn’t even sure I found him attractive or if I would do anything more but the teasing really got me going, I just couldn’t help myself torturing this older man.

“Yeah you’re right, it looks cute, for an old guy you have good taste, maybe I should ask for your opinion on some other things as well since we’re here”, I quired while glancing at myself in a mirror.

“I probably shouldn’t Emma, It was great meeting you, and thanks for the help earlier, but I think I should get going before I say something stupid or embarrassing”, he apologetically explained.

I felt a sense of guilt hearing his words, I guess I got carried away with the teasing and didn’t think, Nic was definitely a nice man,” oh ok, It’s no problem at all, anytime, and I enjoyed talking to you “, I replied kindly.

We said our goodbyes and parted ways, a tinge of regret swelled within me, I had never played with a guy’s emotions like that before, though in the moment it was fun, but it definitely wasn’t a feeling I liked in hindsight (let’s just stick to guys I know who are looking for something naughty) I vowed from here on.

I continued to stroll through the department store, browsing mostly cloths when my phone buzzed with a message, It was from the WhatsApp group chat Tony had recommended I join during our first date.

“hey girls, it’s panty Tuesday, let’s see what you have on right now”, the message read coming from a user calling himself MarkXXL41.

I stared at the message and wondered if anyone would reply to his announcement, I was new to the chat and didn’t have any history to go off, was this really a thing that happened on Tuesdays? I chuckled. A minute or two passed by when I got another alert, this time it was a pic sent by naughtyxChrissy18 showing off her lace, Brazilian, black thong, the picture taken in front of a mirror. Another pic was sent to the chat then another and another and another, each pic the girls showing off what panties they were wearing, one pic was even taken by a girl who seemed to be in class at the time, shot under her desk.

I grinned and made the choice to share as well, It seemed exciting and daring and I didn’t have to show my face so what would be the harm, I paced over to a free changing room and closed the curtain, I peeled down my bike shorts and posed at the mirror taking shots from the front and rear, I was glad I chose to wear a cotton blue thong today, It just looked hotter and fitted the theme of the group chat. I sent a couple of pics showing my panties from both sides, giggling when they were reacted to with likes and various emojis, some men even messaging me privately to compliment my pic.

I walked out of the changing room beaming from ear to ear, having read a few more private messages, one even from Tony who commented on my pic reminding him how good my butt looked as he was fucking me. I decided I needed to head home before my panties got wetter and just use my vibrator to ease my need, at least then I might be able to study a bit(haha).

Sitting, waiting for my bus I kept scrolling through the group chat reading random messages, a couple of guys were asking if I was interested in a meeting, I was tempted, but finding out the travel time, It just wasn’t feasible being later in the day already so I declined.

I was still busy on my phone when a black SUV pulled up by the bus stop, a familiar voice called out, “Hey Emma you need a lift?”.

The sound of my name drew my attention away from the phone, I looked to see that it was Nic calling out, I got up and walked over smiling, “Oh hey again, I’m ok, my bus shouldn’t be too long, but thanks for the offer”, I responded with.

“Are you sure? a comfy airconditioned car might be better than a hot bus full of people, do you live close by? I’m heading north”, he suggested.

I contemplated his kind offer, it did sound a lot better than the bus, I know I shouldn’t get into cars with strange men but I was confident Nic wouldn’t turn out to be some serial killer so I just nodded and opened the passenger side door, quickly getting inside before Nic started driving.

“Thank you, you really didn’t have to stop and offer, I live just a couple suburbs away, northside”.

“It’s no bother, I’m living in about the same area with my brother at the moment since the separation, he is actually the reason I stopped, I was talking to him on the phone and somehow our meeting earlier was brought up”.

“oh ok, how did that come about?”, I asked more than a little curious.

“He’s been nagging me to go out and try dating other women, I told him I was at the mall and he suggested I strike up a conversation with someone there and I told him about you to shut him up, I didn’t go into details but he said I should just stop worrying and just have fun”. Nic explained.

“Did you tell him I was a lot younger?”, I playfully interrogated, unable to help myself.

“No, I didn’t, but he is a bit of a bachelor and often dates younger women, you know you still haven’t told me how young you are yet? I feel like such a creep asking that question”, he remorsefully said.

“I’m 19, does that make you feel better knowing you weren’t eyeballing an underage girl?”, I devilishly teased, giggling while waiting for a reaction.

“It’s definitely a relief I’m not going to lie, but you being 19 only makes it a tiny bit less bad”, he chuckled.

“I’m 100 percent certain you are not the first or would be the last older man to ever admire a younger woman, don’t be so hard on yourself, I liked it, that’s why I was teasing you”.

“Well you are very good at it, I have to admit I was on the verge of a full-on erection, It’s kind of why I had to leave, if store security saw I would have been kicked out”.

I laughed out loud at his confession, grinning and feeling quite bashful surprisingly, “Well no one’s here right now, you are safe and free to have all the erections you want”, I sarcastically joked, giggling away like a school girl.

“I probably will if I see your arse again in those shorts, you young girls do know they leave very little to the imagination right?”, he stated quite seriously.

“It’s just the fashion these days, they are also really comfy and relaxing, I think you would suit a pair of tight bike shorts as well Nic”, I teased.

“oh boy, I think I’ll leave the bike shorts for you and the guys that are in better shape”, he replied causing both of us to laugh.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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