The Club - Cover

The Club

Copyright© 2024 by donb4103

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - 20 boys age 18 on the last day of summer camp decide that it`s time to take their moms as their personal sex partners

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Incest   Mother   Son   MaleDom  

Josh waited with the other guys for his mother, and he stood with his close friend Kyle. The two boys looked like David and Goliath, as they couldn’t have been less similar. Josh was tiny at 4 feet 10 inches, and Kyle at 6 feet 4 inches. Everyone said Josh should have been a jockey, but he would have none of it. And their mothers were the same. Beth, Josh’s mum is 5 feet 10 inches, exactly 1 foot taller than her son. Josh is skinny, where his mother is very solid in build – that sexy type of solid build. Beth was waiting for her little man to be her big man, but sadly it had never happened. On the other hand, Kyle’s mum was only 5 feet tall with a very slight build. The two sets of mother and sons were very close, and many of the boys teased Josh and Kyle a little that they must have been switched at birth. The jibs hurt both boys as they loved their mums with intensity. However, none of the guys ever persisted in their teasing because they were too frightened of Kyle, and Josh had a heart of gold and everyone loved him too much to go on with it. When Beth and Heather arrived almost at the same time, they chatted as their boys said their good-byes and put their bags into their respective cars.

On the way home Josh was very quiet, which was odd for him as he usually loved to tell his mum all about the camp. His mind was wrestling with how he was going to seduce his mother, and he had no idea. Beth tried to engage her son into conversation, but to no avail; he was far too busy with his dilemma. He so wanted his mother; he loved and wanted her so much. Later that night as Josh and Beth sat at the kitchen table, drinking their coffees, to say a light bulb went off in Josh’s head would be an understatement; the whole fireworks on the Sydney Harbour Bridge on New Year’s Eve went off in his head. A number of things had been floating around in his mind, seemingly unconnected until his cleaver mind had suddenly found the link. It was something Jeremy had said. He told the boys the signs to look for in their mums, which would show they were being aroused and therefore able to be seduced by their sons. He had said to watch their eyes, as they would either widen, become dreamy or both. Their mum’s would probably squirm if they were sitting – a sign they were feeling excitement in their pussies, and their mouths would open slightly. Josh had seen his mother’s eyes widen and then become dreamy, and this had been the link his mind had been searching for.

Some months ago when Beth’s sister Jenny, had been visiting, the two women sat in the kitchen as they always did drinking Irish Cream. They chatted for hours, and as the alcohol loosened Aunt Jenny a little more then usual she relayed a story to her sister. The story was one of mother and son incest that had just broken down Jenny’s way. Josh had looked sideways at his mum to see her eyes fly open and her expression was all interest in Jenny’s story. Aunt Jenny was a local reporter and knew all the juicy details, which she now related to her older sister by two years. Both women had forgotten about Josh – sometimes his size came in handy. The son was nineteen and his mother 37, and they had been caught by her husband and father of her son.

“So what happened, how did it start, tell me everything,” Beth pleaded with her sister and Josh could hear the excitement in her voice. When Jeremy had spoken to them, this night had instantly been recalled in Josh’s mind. Aunt Jenny had smiled like a naughty little girl with a very dirty secret. As she gave her sister a blow by blow account Josh watched his mum’s eyes go from very wide to very dreamy and she squirmed on the kitchen chair. Yet, not only was his mum Beth reacting this way, but so was Aunt Jenny. Now, weeks later, a plan developed in Josh’s mind within an instant as he drank his coffee. Beth had seen her son’s sudden change of expression.

“What is it?” she asked hoping her son wanted to talk now and gave him her undivided attention. This was the second thing that was floating around is in his mind. Beth loved to listen to his stories, and Josh was a great story teller; he could draw his mum into his stories so she felt though she was there, and her emotions went with her; he also would act out different scenes with his listeners for emphasis. Josh concentrated; he wanted to get this perfect.

“Well on all the nights on camp, the guys told stories,” he began and Beth could imagine the scene, as she knew all the other 19 boys who stayed in the same dormitory.

“Did you tell stories?” a proud Beth asked, because she knew how good he was at story telling. Josh looked disappointed.

“I couldn’t, because they all told stories about sex,” he told his mum with a frown on his face, “and I don’t have any of those. But guys who did, told good stories,” he said this with enthusiasm, leaning toward his mum for emphasis with a big grin on his face. Beth’s eyes widened the first indicator.

“They were good stories were they?” she asked with as much enthusiasm as her son. Beth was on board and her emotions were with her.

“Oh yeah,” Josh said and gave a far away look as though remembering them.

“Well go no, tell me some,” Beth encouraged her son and Josh knew he had his mum hooked. Now he was in unknown territory.

“Are you sure you want to hear them, they’re very explicit, very detailed?” Josh asked his mum giving her an exit, but also attempting to heighten her arousal.

“Yeah, give me all the juicy details,” Beth gave her son permission and that’s all he needed. He grinned up at his mother and leaned forward a bit more, and Beth did the same; the movements of co-conspirators to a deep dark secret. Now Josh had to make up a series of stories, but that was his forte, and he knew how to keep anyone engrossed in his stories, especially his mum.

“Well Jeremy started the whole thing off on the first night, as he always leads and that set the tone for every night and every story.” Josh was dragging this out deliberately, as he knew this worked best on his mum. Beth nodded for him to get on with it.

Josh told his mum that Jeremy’s story was about a couple around his mother’s age in a cinema, who were sitting up the back, but Jeremy had crawled up the isle and watched the couple. As Josh told his mum all the sexual details he slipped out of his chair and with his hands talking as much as his mouth, he moved next to Beth. She sat totally fascinated with her face turned to her son and she had a strange expression, somewhere between rapture at the story and aroused by the detail. Josh pushed on.

“After Jeremy came Benny, but you may not want to hear his story, it’s pretty kinky,” Josh warned his mum, believing he had her where he wanted her. Beth was highly aroused now and wanted to hear more.

“Oh, how bad can it be coming from a nineteen year old?” Beth enquired.

“It’s very kinky, but boy it had an effect on all of us guys,” Josh told his mum, pulling the lure a little more and Beth followed it.

“Let’s hear it then,’ she said with a sign, thinking it would be fairly tame.

“Well Benny knows this guy at his school and they’re pretty good mates. So one day Benny’s mate Mike, invites him over to his place after school.” Josh began to talk with his hands and stood very close to his mum, and lowered his voice for effect.

“When Benny got to Mike’s place he could tell there was something a bit odd about Mike and his mum, as she gave his a ‘hello’ kiss when he got home, right in front of Benny. But it wasn’t a mum and son peck on the cheek, you know like this,” Josh gave his mother a peck on the cheek.

“Mike put his arms around his mum’s neck,” Josh demonstrated, “and they kissed on the lips and then Benny could see they opened their mouths, and Mike’s mum moaned as they kissed.” Josh kept his arms around his mum’s neck, but didn’t kiss her. Beth’s eyes were very wide and she squirmed a little.

“Benny just watched, and when Mike and his mum finished his mum said in a real husky voice with her eyes half closed ‘Hi gorgeous, I’m so glade you’re home I’ve missed you sooo much.’” Josh left this hang for a second or two. Beth was nodding her head ever so slightly.

“Benny said he was really turned on by what he saw, and as he followed Mike to his room to the Playstation, Benny said he got hot and his heart was racing – that’s what it did to him,” Josh said as he dropped his hands slowly from his mum’s neck and gently placed them on her knees.

Beth was wearing her usual light cotton house dress with the flower pattern, and as she sat it came to a few inches above her knees. Beth had so wanted her ‘little man’ to make physical contact with her as he spoke.

“How did you feel when Benny told you his story?” Beth asked right on cue.

“Well Benny’s story hadn’t finished, it got really – well kinky, but I think I can tell you how I felt, you might think I’m weird,” Josh pleaded.

“No I won’t,” Beth said as she desperately wanted to hear how her son had felt. Josh gave his mum a sideways look for a second and then told her in a whisper, as he absent mindedly dragged his chair and sat right next to Beth.

“I got turned on. I’m sorry mum, but I did.” Josh rubbed Beth’s knees as he told her and her eyes grew big again and her breathing quickened. Josh pushed on, not wanting to break his spell over his mum. Beth turned to face her son once more and her knees parted about 12 inches.

“So Benny said they played with the Playstation for about an hour and a half when Mike’s mum looked in and said dinner would be ready soon, and it was time for Benny to go home. But Benny reckons she said it in a really odd way for a mum to her son.” Josh was now rubbing his hands ever so slightly up his mum’s thighs and Beth spread her knees a few more inches – she was totally engrossed in her son’s story.

“Well, Benny didn’t go straight home, but ran around to the side of Mike’s house to look in the kitchen through a window, because that’s were Mike had gone as Benny left. Guess what he saw through the window mum?” Josh asked as his heart pounded and he could taste the dry adrenaline in his mouth.

Beth was breathing heavier and her mouth was open, and Josh was delighted.

“What?” Beth asked breathlessly.

“They were kissing again, just like before,” Josh said wide eyed and his mother shook her head slowly, but her eyes were shining.

“But there was more,” Josh threw out the bait as his small hands slowly slid up his mum’s thighs, and she spread her knees a few more inches – his hands were mid thigh now under her dress.

“Go on, go on,” his mum encouraged him. Josh looked around as if making sure no one was listening, and Beth looked with him. Josh moved even closer and dropped his voice again.

“Mike had his hand up his mother’s skirt, and Benny could see Mike’s hand was moving under her skirt.” Beth slid her butt forward a few inches on her chair, pushing her son’s hands higher up her thighs to within a few inches from her panties. Beth was quite shaken by how good it felt to feel her son’s hands on her.

“As Benny watched,” Josh continued, “Mike’s mother threw her head back like this,” and he demonstrated by throwing his head back and arching his small body toward his mum, and Beth felt his hands slid the last few inches to her panties and she let out a moan. Her moan was in response to both her son’s story and his lovely small hands.

Spontaneously, Beth threw her arms around her son’s waist, drawing Josh into her. Josh allowed his hands to slide around his mum’s thighs to her hips, were he felt the very thin sides of her panties. Both mother and son were incredibly turned on, and Beth held her son as she revelled in an overwhelming feeling of love for him. She hadn’t been so sexually aroused for years – if ever, and all her son had done was speak. Imagine what he was capable of if he were to touch her, Beth wondered. Josh found himself suddenly exhausted. The lateness of the hour, the adrenaline and concentration had had their toll on his small body. But he held his mum by her nearly bare hips as she held him tightly and he stood between her legs, knowing the barrier was down – if there had been one, and now his mum was his. She also knew he was hers; although he always had been. Beth felt a physical sensation she could only describe as a mid orgasm, and she knew her son could feel it wash over her too. Both were overcome with joy, and tears rolled down their faces as she hugged him and he held her hips.

“Hey mum?” Josh asked into his mum’s shoulder.

“Yes my lovely, little man,” Beth’s voice quavered. She had never said ‘lovely’ before, Josh thought.

“I’m exhausted. Can I tell you the other stories tomorrow morning?”

Tomorrow was Saturday. Suddenly Beth found she too was physically and emotionally drained – what could he be capable of doing for her if he was physical with her, she wondered again.

“That would be perfect baby. I’ll see you in the morning,” Beth said as she reluctantly released her son. They went to bed as they had every night before.

Josh woke suddenly and sat bolt upright in bed; disorientated by his surroundings. Then he realized he was at home, in his room and not at camp. As his breathing eased he heard his mum scream his name 3 times, and without a second thought he leapt out of bed and raced to her room. Beth had been dreaming; strange dreams, but truly delightful and unbelievably satisfying – sexually that is. She suddenly sat bolt upright in bed with her right fist pressed to her thin summer nighty between her small breasts; her breathing fast and ragged. Her mouth was pulled wide by a grimace and tears streamed down her face.

“Josh, Josh, Josh my loving, little man,” she screamed. She heard her bedroom door open and her Josh flew into her room in just his boxers. His small, thin body was the most beautiful and sexually arousing body she had ever seen. Beth always slept with a low wattage lamp on; she hated waking up in total dark, as she needed to see what was around her. She threw her arms out for her son as soon as Josh entered her bedroom, and he was quickly in his mum’s arms. His small arms just reach around her solid body, but Beth was able to envelop her son’s body and then some. They held each other as Beth sobbed and Josh struggled to understand why. Josh was snuggled into his mum’s body, with his face pressed into her breasts.

“What is it mum, what’s the matter?” he asked as he reached up, stroked her hair and then whispered ‘shh, shh’ to her.

“Oh Josh, Josh, my beautiful, little man, my loving little man. Oh Josh, Josh.” Was all Beth could say as her emotions were wrapping her body and mind in painful confusion. Josh decided to take control of the moment. He moved his hand from his mum’s hair to her face and stroked her cheek.

“Mum it’s ok, I’m here, I’ll always be here for you, no matter what you need or want, I’m here for you totally.” This seemed to get through to Beth.

“I had a terrible dream. I dreamed I had lost you, you had left, moved out and you weren’t coming back. I was heart broken Josh, the pain was, was unbearable,” his mum sobbed into him, and Josh felt the same pain as he tried to contemplate leaving Beth.

“Oh no mum, no, I will never leave you, never,” he said it with such conviction that Beth’s sobbing ceased and all her fears suddenly melted away.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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