The Club - Cover

The Club

Copyright© 2024 by donb4103

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - 20 boys age 18 on the last day of summer camp decide that it`s time to take their moms as their personal sex partners

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Incest   Mother   Son   MaleDom  

At the end of every year on Boxing Day, there was a camp for boys without dads. They were a group of boys who had been coming for as long as they could remember, and of these there was a strong core group of twenty. It was the last night and the twenty all aged eighteen – who called themselves ‘The Clan’, were gathered in one of the huts. It was a squeeze but they didn’t mind, and were farewelling each other with their ‘party’. They had been going strong for a few hours, and as they ran out of steam they began to talk.

“Oh, I’m not looking forward to going home,” said Jack as he leaned back against the wall. Many of the boys sniggered and some others nodded sympathetically. They all knew Jack’s mother was a little over the top. Benny had been watching his close friend Jeremy, and saw his brow furrow.

“What’s going through your mind,” Benny asked and all the other boys went silent, because when Jeremy thought it paid to listen. It was he who came up with the great plan of each year, and this year’s plan got them across the river to watch the older, eighteen year girls of the ‘all girl’s camp’ showering.

“What Jack said,” Jeremy replied and his brow was still furrowed.

“What? how Jack can avoid his mum tomorrow?” Daniel asked, who was also another close friend of Jeremy’s. Benny, Daniel, Bobby and Jeremy all went to the same secondary school and had grown up together; they were extremely tight. Now all four would be attending the same university together.

“No, quite the opposite,” Jeremy told Daniel.

“WHAT?” bellowed Jack.

“Have you read Dr. Michael Abbotts?” Jeremy asked Jack with a serious expression.

“Who the hell’s he?” Jack shot back.

“You’re kidding?” asked Benny of Jeremy with a look of awe on his face, and all the other boys were all ears.

“So you know what he’s talking about?” Jack asked Benny.

“Yeah,” he smiled broadly at Jack.

“So what’s this about?” Sean, Jack’s best mate asked both Benny and Jeremy.

“I think I know where you’re heading with this,” said Benny and his eyes were filled with excitement, “so tell them.”

“Like myself, Benny has read Abbotts, who is a psychologist in a particular field, and considered an expert in this field. His field is ‘sexuality in families’, and his specially is ‘single mothers and their sons’.” All the boys except Benny were sitting, mouths open looking very bewildered.

“What are you saying?” asked Jack.

“Well according to Abbotts, women who are single with one son at home, and only one son and no other children, who then show a particular behaviour are...” he paused for effect, “shall we say vulnerable.” The others looked ay each other and Brian asked,

“What the fuck did he say?”

But Daniel understood.

“Are you serious?” he asked Jeremy, who nodded at him and Daniel’s face reflected the awe he felt.

“Bloody hell,” was all he could say.

“What,” screamed Brian, voicing what all the others felt.

“Let me translate,” said Benny and the others gave a collective sigh of relief. Jeremy was very smart, but they had all needed Benny.

“Abbotts had a theory that single mothers with only a son at home, who never goes out on a date, harbours sexual desires for their sons.” Benny just loved the impact this had on the others. Their expressions were priceless.

“What?” Jack said.

“This Abbotts thinks our mums want to fuck us,” Benny said evenly. Jeremy was grinning.

“What,” yelled Brian, “that’s bullshit.” Brian looked angry, and many of the others were voicing and nodding their agreement with him.

“Well,” broke in Jeremy, “Abbotts to support his theory did exhaustive experiments. Want to hear about them?” All the boys were silent and nodded as one, even Jack and Brian.

“Ok then. He interviewed two thousand women of all ages, because he wanted to see if his theory would hold up for the past generations. What he found was that ... the mothers with one son at home and didn’t go on dates, did harbour sexual desires for their son.” The boys all expressed their wonder at this.

“But that’s not all.” The boys were all ears. “Most of the mothers had fucked their son.”

There was a collective intake of breath and then some said softly, ‘no way’ or ‘you’re kidding’. Jeremy allowed them to express their disbelief and shock to each other, and as the volume rose he spoke.

“Now think for a minute. We are all only sons, with no other siblings and our mum’s don’t date, so who thinks their mum shows them too much attention and especially to much affection?” Jeremy knew he would have to lead these guys to the truth, everyone put up their hands.

“Who thinks their mum is a little fixated on them?” All hands in the air.

“Now before you answer this one think about it properly, just don’t copy others or say what you think the others would want you to say. Tell it like it is and trust me.” He waited a couple of seconds.

“How many of you have had sexual thoughts about your mum.” To Jeremy’s surprise everyone put their hands up at once, without even looking at each other.

“Good,” Jeremy smiled. But Brian wasn’t convinced.

“Ok, so some of us jack off to thinking about out mums, that doesn’t prove a thing.” Benny, Daniel and Bobby grinned at each other, ‘wrong thing to say’ all three thought.

Jeremy proceeded, as he knew he would have to and he would lead them from one revelation to the next, and by the time he was finished they would all be believers.

“You’re right, but,” he paused again for effect, “how many of your mums constantly tell you how much she loves you, how much she needs you, misses you, and some may even says ‘want’ you?”

All hands up again.

“How many of your mums put their hands on your arms, shoulders and the like, a little too much?” All bar three boys (Benny, Bobby and Daniel) looked at each other shaking their heads, and they all voiced the opinion that this was not the case.

“Now I did not ask you to consider this on your own, and not answer as you would expect the others think you should, and oh, I meant touch you more then boys with fathers that you know.” Jeremy’s last words were like a bombshell. The boys stopped talking, looked at the floor or somewhere in front of them, as they thought and Sean was the first to answer again.

“You’re right. Mum’s always touching me, holding my hand as she talks to me puts her hand on my knee, even inside my thigh just above the knee. Sometimes she hugs he for no reason, and other times when I making her laugh she gives he a little hit – nothing hard.” As Sean went through his list, all the other boys nodded, they too experienced the same things from their mums.

There were low spoken ‘yeah you’re right’, or ‘she does too’.

“So Abbotts found that this was the particular behaviour that predisposed mums to having sex with their sons – in fact he found all mothers who had sex with their sons acted this way before doing so. However, he further theorized that the mums who showed this behaviour, but didn’t have sex with their sons, didn’t because the sons were unable to read the signals.” Again all breathed in heavily as one.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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