Haley and the Old Man - Cover

Haley and the Old Man

Copyright© 2024 by storyace

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - He's old, he's mysterious, he's the school janitor, and he supplies willing female students with upcoming test sheets. In return for certain favors of course.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Mult   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   First  

Mr. Lewinski was always easy to talk to for a while after he was sexually satisfied. I wanted to know if he’d really fucked my mother, and if he could have been the one who knocked her up. But I had to be subtle, I didn’t want him to figure it out and clam up on me.

“Was it good?” I asked timidly.

“Are you kidding? That was fantastic.” He wheezed graciously, lying on his back next to me with his soft worn-out cock.

“But the other girls; they’re prettier than me, and they have those big tits. I bet you had much more fun with them.” I said, putting on my glasses so I could see him better.

“Yeah, some of them are good looking.” He allowed, “But you’re special. I like you better.” He said.

“Did any of them suck your cock like me?” I asked,

“Only if I told them to.” He said.

“Did they kiss you and lick your ass?”

“Some did.”

“Who? Come on, tell me everything.” I pleaded.

“A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.” He said.

I didn’t understand what he meant; what gentleman?

I woke up early on Sunday morning. Mr. Lewinski was snoring loudly, on his back with his mouth wide open. I got up and poked around; I wondered if he kept trophies...

The apartment was sparse; barely a photo, no paperwork, not even a computer. Some of the clothes looked like they hadn’t been touched in years.

I found a complete collection of school yearbooks going back 20 years, and I knew that was it. He’d have pictures of the girls, but it was impossible to fault him for having it.

I pulled out the one I was interested in; 1995. Some pages were slightly dirty, having been handled more. One of those had my mother on it, but with 4 pictures to the page it didn’t prove anything.

I went to the bathroom and shaved my crotch, then made coffee and toast how he likes it. I’d get him talking eventually.

The next weekend I tried playing with his ass when we were taking a shower. He seemed to like that. I pulled on his cock and stuck my finger in his anus, and he just stood there with his mouth hanging open. Even though we’d just done it, he was as hard as steel. Hmm, I thought, that’s interesting. He put a hand on my shoulder and played with my tits with the other. He bent down and kissed my mouth, and came, just like that. Not much stuff came out, but he definitely had an orgasm; he was all grunting and shuddering.

I asked him about the vasectomy, his answers were pretty vague. “So you were using condoms before that?” I asked lying against him and toying with his hairy old balls.

“Yeah.” He said, “Or I used to pull out before I came, but I never liked that.”

“Aggravating for everyone.” I agreed, stroking his cock with my fingertips. “I love it when you come in me.”

“You’re such a sweetheart.” He said fondly, and kissed me.

I wasn’t getting anywhere; so one night when he was asleep, I swabbed the inside of his mouth for DNA and sent it off with my own sample for a paternity test.

I got a result in the mail; 75% shared DNA. It came with a note that the that a parent or full sibling would be 50%. The result of 75% was highly unlikely, the samples had to have been cross-contaminated. I’d been really careful though.

I went home and poked around aimlessly, looking for clues that would reveal what mom had been up to.

I could smell the sex on her sheets. I looked in her closets to figure out what she’d been wearing; the push up bra and the garter belt had been used. I went outside and looked at the driveway. A single narrow thread pattern. A small motorcycle.

Martin’s motorcycle.

The garden tools hadn’t been touched, there were no fresh prints in the wet mud around the garage.

Did she seduce him just so I couldn’t have him? To prove she could? I was depressed and angry; but I had to be sure. I was tired of living in the dark, I wanted to know everything.

Sonn afterwards, I was at my great-grandmother’s place for her birthday, and looking through some old photo books; actual books. There were old ones when she was a kid and she lived with her mom Granny Kendra and my mother on a farm; and I saw the weirdest thing.

“Gran, who is THAT?” I asked, pointing to a young guy who looked terribly like Mr. Lewinski; He had his arm around my great granny Kendra. She was sexy back then, with blond hair and big breasts. Granny Nadja was a thin girl on the edge of the frame.

“Oh, that’s your...” she stopped.

“That’s the devil.” Great-granny broke in. “He’s the one who stole the farm from us and sold it to developers.”

Even in the blurry old photo, I could see the blue of his eyes.

I remembered something my grandmother Nadja had said long before. She had an argument with mom, and she turned to me and said; “I should have had an abortion instead of bringing up the spawn of the blue-eyed devil!”

“What was his name?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

The older women were silent for a moment.

“We don’t say his name.” Granny said.

Could that really be the same man who I was now in love with? It looked like him but I wasn’t sure.

Yes, I admit it. There was really no other explanation; I thought of him all the time, I had tremendous orgasms when we did it together, I was always happy when we were together, even if he was doing one of the other girls. I can’t explain why I’d have such emotion for a man 60 years older than me, it made no sense at all.

“Come on, tell me the truth. He was your boyfriend, right?” I asked Kendra.

“Yes.” She admitted reluctantly. I looked at Granny Nadja and she looked back with an odd expression; shame? But I’d lived with her, Nadja had no shame.

Kendra and Gran were pretty wild back in the 80’s, if the man in the photo was Kendra’s lover and had also done it with her daughter, my granny Nadja, he could be my grandfather, the blue eyed devil who no one ever named.

“Where is he now?” I asked casually.

“Who knows?” Granny replied malevolently. “Far away I hope.”

I looked at mother, she got up quickly and left the room as if she had forgotten an important meeting.

Could that be the same man that was fucking the crap out of me 40 years later? My head throbbed with the insanity of it; no way, it couldn’t be that my lover was my grandfather. He would know who I was, no one would do that. Anyway, at least he couldn’t have knocked up my mother, he clearly knew her when she was a baby.

It was just a few days before graduation; Mr. Lewinski was kneading my left tit while finger-fucking my vagina, when he suddenly pulled his tongue out of my mouth and sat up.

“Your breasts, they seem swollen.” He said.

“Yeah, I think you’ve been sucking on them too much.” I said, squeezing his hard old cock and wishing he’d shut up and just fuck me.

He pulled his fingers out and ran his hand up my belly. “Did you miss your period?” he asked excitedly.

“Uh, yeah I guess I did.” I said.

He rolled over and got between my raised knees, and I put his penis against myself as he pushed it into me.

It felt so good when he did that; it made me proud that his old penis still worked, still got hard enough to do what I needed. I looked up at his handsome weathered face, and his blue blue eyes as his cock got to that place in my abdomen where it tickled so deliciously. Where it pressed that button inside me that I so desperately needed pressing.

I put my hands around the small of his back as he pulled it out and thrusted deep again, I just needed a little more, just a few good hits like that for my orgasm. His weight on top of me, his thin strong old body crushing my doubts as he took his pleasure and provided mine.

“My sweet sweet girl!” he huffed as he slid it in and out vigorously, “I will give you another house; no, I’ll give you three houses, so you’ll have income and security too, yes.”

I wished he would shut up, his voice was distracting. What did he mean, houses? He was a janitor who lived in an apartment. I pulled on his hips and he responded with good hard thrusts, I was almost there. His eyes glowed like a devil, a blue eyed devil.

“I know you didn’t plan to be a young mother like Arora and Nadja, but darling it’s for the best.” He went on, “You’ll want for nothing and when our child is grown you’ll still be a young woman with your whole life ahead of you.”

“Yes, yes!” I gasped as my orgasm contracted my brain. Everything was good, so good after the orgasm.

His words didn’t land until I started to think again the next day.

Another house? Wait, was he the one who had given mom the first one? Mom had told me our house was from my biological father.

Jyoti said he was some sort of demon, and I suddenly knew it was true. I was barely attracted to males at all, but I couldn’t get enough of him. The other girls all hated him, yet I’d been in the bed with them as he brought every single one of them to orgasm.

“You don’t really own all those houses, do you?” I asked him, “You’re not serious.”

“I’ve owned them since the neighborhood was built 25 years ago.” He told me, “I sold the land to the developer and bought 10 of the houses as rentals. I still own 7, and the mortgages are all paid now.”

“So why do you work as a janitor?” I asked.

“It’s the only job at the school I’m qualified for.” He said.

The DNA; 75% of me was him. He was really my secret dad, and he was also the very blue eyed devil who had impregnated my grandmother 35 years before.

The baby inside me was practically a clone, 87.5% him.

I stared up at his old face in horror; it was all true! He was the man who had knocked up Nadja when she was 15, and then did it again to her daughter, my mother Arora when she was 16. My stomach turned over and I almost vomited.

All he did was thrust his old penis deep into my vagina, while staring at me with his devil eyes. It hit the button in there that turned off my brain and made me COME.

None of it mattered; maybe it was all true, maybe it wasn’t. All that mattered was that we loved each other, and his cock did this thing to me, and I could have the baby and he’d take care of us and we’d be a family.

I stumbled out into the street an hour later, confused in my mind and body. I tried to imagine a future; if I carried the baby, I’d be throwing away my education, the chance to make my own life. I’d have my own house and enough money to live well.

Or I could defy him, get an abortion. Now that I knew that he was the source of my trust fund and the house where I lived with my mother, if I went that way I’d have to leave it all behind. That was frightening, exciting, and liberating.

There was a military recruitment office a few blocks away, and my feet took me there. The recruiter was good; he told me what I could expect, and that I needed parental consent, and I might still be rejected if I didn’t pass the physical and drug test.

I’d be free of them all; my lying cheating mother, boyfriend, and most of all HIM. I’d make my own life, selling myself to the government for food, shelter, education, and health care.

Granny Nadja was still my legal guardian.

“Granny, I need you to sign this.” I said, slapping the parental consent form onto her kitchen table. “I’m joining the navy.”

“Don’t be silly.” she argued, “Darling, you graduated a year early at the top of your class, and your trust fund will pay for any collage you like.”

“I’m pregnant. And the father is...” I choked, somehow I just couldn’t say the name.

“Yes?” she pressed me.

“I ... can’t say his name.” I told her.

“Try writing it down.” She suggested, but my hand refused to form the letters. Oddly, I was able to type it on my laptop with no trouble at all.

Granny looked at the screen and turned pale; “Him!” she gasped, “How did ... Oh fuck, but he must be 75 years old!”

She stared at me in shock; I stared back the same way. She signed the form.

I was being torn in two; half of me wanted the terrible embryo out of my womb, wanted to get away from this place and everyone in it. Away from the property and power of my lover, father and grandfather, Mr. Lewinski.

Another part of me wanted to go back to his door, up to his apartment, and be with him. Bask in his love, his approval, and get fucked by him in every way. I would serve him as I swelled up with our baby, be his only girl, his special girl. His devil eyes would be only for me. There was plenty of money, I’d want for nothing.

My granny Nadja took my hand. “Are you really going to join the navy?” she asked me.

I started talking, and I told her everything. Almost.

“I don’t know what to do, I have a terrible urge to go to him, another to get away from here.”

“Oh, I can’t say his name. you know, Him, the blue eyed devil. You’re addicted to him, and in the short term the only antidote is to get fucked.” She told me, “Really well fucked. Your friend Martin, is he well hung by any chance?”

“Granny, he slept with my mother!”

“Yes, well, listen, that’s not such a big deal, it’s a kink that lots of guys have, it happens all the time. You know me, I’m good at these things. I bet that Martin is great in bed, he just has the look. You need to reset your hormones by looking into that beautiful young face while he makes love with you.”

“It sounds like you want to do it with him.” I joked.

“If it was an option, I’d be on him!” she laughed. “Now, you need to get that boy between your legs, and maybe a few more boys too. You have to ignore your thoughts and just do it, it’s medical. Believe me darling, I’ve been there. You’re under his spell, and sex is the antidote. Do it like the 60’s if you can. And one more thing; it works best without condoms.”


“Yes, for this to work, you need the slime. I don’t know why, it’s just how it is. And if you’re still thinking about ... you know, that man, then I’ll take you to the navy place myself; and you will get a termination, right?”

My granny is cool, but I didn’t take her too seriously. Her solution to most problems seemed to be to jump into bed with some guy or other.

I had all the paperwork in a big envelope, all I had to do was walk into the recruitment office and hand it in. I started to walk towards the place but my feet went to Mr. Lewinski’s apartment instead. Luckily he wasn’t home, or I’d have had his penis in me again.

I went to June’s place. She was letting her hair grow and it was nearly to her shoulders; I ran my fingers through it as we cuddled on her bed.

“What are you wearing to the party tonight?” she asked as my hand went between her thighs.

“I’m not sure I want to go. Gloria wants to have some sort of sex orgy. I think she just wants to do it with my boyfriend.” I said.

“Martin? Yeah, we all want to do it with him.” She admitted as I gently fingered her, “You know most of us have never done it with any guy except the janitor? Half of those boys we hang around with are gay, fake boyfriends. What about Martin, he’s straight?”

“Yes.” I said, nibbling her ear, fondling her breast, and fingering her clit. “And he has a big cock, BIG, darling. I’ll let you have him, I’ll set it up.”

She grunted and squirmed, and I felt juices flowing around my fingers.

“We could have a threesome!” she moaned, grabbing my face in her hands and pushing me down between her open thighs, “Do you think he would? Lick me baby, lick me!”

June was as fucked up as I was; she hated the old janitor, but had one orgasm after another when he fucked her.

She came as I tongue whipped her clit too, a soft orgasm though. Not the screaming gasping convulsions she had when we lay face to face kissing while the old man’s dick was in her from behind.

Mr. Lewinski was a good looking man, but he wasn’t a movie star. He didn’t have a huge penis. He was a good talker and a better listener, but there was just no reasonable explanation for why he made every teenage girl he coerced into his bed come the way we did.

Gloria was going out with a really nice, good looking boy. She said she loved him, yet admitted to me that sex with him wasn’t ever as “hot” as with the old man. Most of us went out with boys we didn’t have sex with at all. I talked to each girl in our little club one at a time. Everyone had a different rationale for why the best (or only) sex they had was with an old man. And no one ever spoke his real name, although everyone knew it.

“This is weird, seriously weird.” Granny said when I told her about my findings. “What do you feel about him now?”

“Fear. At the same time, I really want to go see him.”

“To sleep with him again?”

“Oh Granny, he just makes me feel so good, I tingle just talking about him.”

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