Sandy's Summer Job - Cover

Sandy's Summer Job

Copyright© 2024 by HappyComet

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Sandy needed to get a job for the summer so she could buy herslef a car before the start of the Junior year and help her family pay some bills. She found a really good job that could achieve all her goals and more. But Is she willing to do all that is needed? *** Please note that this is all fantasy, a work of art, and is no way supossed to be a reflection of real life ***

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Blackmail   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fiction   Incest   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Nudism  

Hello, my name is Sandy, and I was asked to write about all my experiences this summer. First, I would like to share a little about myself. I am 16 years old, in 2 months I will be 17. I have not dated and been focused on school and sports and helping my parents with my younger sister and brother. I have a few good friends from school. My friends tell me I am pretty, but I do not think so and have never really focused on it. I am 5’6” and weigh 120 pounds. I have blue eyes with reddish brown hair that goes to the middle of my back. I also have a few freckles that I hate, but many others have told me how cute they are on me. This story is about what happened during the summer before my Junior year in High School. My parents thought it would be a good idea for me to get a job this summer to gain a little experience. The other thing about me getting a job is that it would help a great deal, helping my parents pay some bills. After looking for about a week I thought I had found the perfect job. It was at a private club with a pool, and they were looking for someone to help run the snack bar and cleanup and to do odd duties around the place before and/or after hours. It was a full-time job and it paid $18 an hour. That is more than my mom was at her job. I thought it sounded great and applied.

I got the call to come in for an interview that very night, the man on the line said that he had an opening today for an interview before the place opened, and asked if I could be there by 8 AM. He told me that if the interview went well, that he was hoping I could start the same day, and that I should dress to start work that day.

“Um, Mr. Davenport”, I shyly asked “What is the dress code for your place of business”?

“Well, the position is for the snack bar at the pool, and all the employees wear swimsuits. So, just wear whatever swimsuit you have. We have some suits here if you need to borrow one”.

“Ok, great, but I do not have any that fit me anymore so, would you have one that I could borrow”, I asked.

Mr. Davenport said that he would have a suit ready for me and that he was looking forward to seeing me in the morning.

My parents were very happy that I found a good paying summer job and they told me that the bills were behind and that I needed to help pay them or that we might be kicked out of the house. They also told me to do whatever I needed to be a good employee and to work as many hours as possible.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I am the oldest of the kids and have a sister and a brother. Sara is 14 but will be 15 in just a couple of months and Jason is 11.

I could barely sleep that night. I was excited, but I finally fell asleep, and my alarm woke me up. I was ready to tackle the day. Both my parents were already at work, and I told my little sister to stay inside and watch our brother. Even though I had my driver’s license I did not have a car. One of the reasons that I was working this summer was to get a car before the start of the school year.

I rode my bike 5 miles to the place that I was hoping to get the job. Mr. Davenport said that the place opened at 11 AM and my interview was at 9 AM. When I arrived, I only saw one car in the parking lot, and he was sitting inside. He saw me pull up on my bike and just out of his car.

“Good morning, you must be Sandy”, he said as he held out his hand to shake mine.

“I am, nice to meet you,” I said and shook his hand.

“Please come this way, and let’s go in and we can start the interview”. Mr. Davenport said as he unlocked the door.

Mr. Davenport was about my dad’s age, maybe a little older, but he was good looking (for an old guy) and seemed to be in great shape. When he spoke, it was in a soft yet confident tone.

We walked through the lobby and down a hallway until we got to what seemed to be his office. It was a big space, I thought, for an office. It has a couch in one corner and a table with a couple of chairs. He went and sat down behind his desk and put a packet of paperwork and asked me to fill it out on the table.

He did not speak while I filled out the paperwork unless I asked a question about how to fill out a section of the application. It took about 20 minutes, and I was done. He looked over it for a few minutes, said it looked good and then he showed me around the place.

He explained that being a private club and pool, at times I would be given the opportunity to make some extra money if I chose to work at private parties for the members. It took about 15 minutes to tour the place and he led me to the employee changing room.

“Sandy, what size swimsuit do you wear”? Mr. Davenport asked, and he started looking into a box marked “Company Suits”.

“I am not sure, it has been a long time since I wore one” I said as I saw him looking at me, trying to guess my size.

“Well, you look like you could be a small top and a medium bottom”. He said as he handed me a two-piece bikini!

I have never ever worn a bikini. My mom and dad never allowed it. He saw the strange look I had on my face and told me that all the girls wear them here and it was part of the required dress code. I almost told him that I could not wear it, but then I thought about the car I wanted and how my parents said they really needed my help with paying off a few bills this summer, and My mom saying that I needed to whatever I had to be a good employee. So, I grabbed them and headed into one of the changing stalls. In a couple minutes I came out of the stall and was feeling very under dressed, standing in front of a man I just met.

He told me to put my clothes into locker #68 and handed me a combination lock and told me the code. He made a joke about any higher of a locker number then I would have to eat it. I did not get the joke and when he saw my face, he just laughed and said, “oh boy, you are sweet 16, and innocent”. I did as I was asked, and all too soon I was standing there again feeling very exposed without having my clothes to protect my modesty.

“WOW Sandy, you look great! Turn around so I can see how it fits on you.” I did, “That suit fits your ass perfectly, and the top looks good on you as well”. He said which made me turn very red and now even more vulnerable.

I did not know what to say and only said “Thank you”.

He told me to follow him out to the pool and he would help me set up the snack bar and go over my duties. Thinking back, he never even asked me if I wanted the job, he just acted like I did and that I was hired.

Being half naked in front of a man I did not know was heavy on my mind, but other than a few comments Mr. Davenport was a complete gentleman. I thought that the suit was too small as it barely covered anything, and it was only covering about half of my butt cheeks, and even though my breasts were not large, the suit only covered half of them as well.

Mr. Davenport shocked me once again when he told me that I needed to get an all over tan, and that all the girls are hairless from the neck down. He said it so calmly, like it was no big deal. I was freaking out in my head. Once again, he saw my freaked outlook on my face and asked what I was thinking.

“Sir, I am not sure how to get an all over tan and I have very little hair on my body, do I still need to remove it? And if I do, how do I do that”? I said without looking at him.

“Sandy as I have been telling you since you got here, this is a private club, and our membership expects things to be a certain way and I am very keen on paying attention to detail. Our membership has been going down slightly over the years and I have taken over to change that trend and I am looking for employees that are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. We all must do things in life that may take us out of our comfort zone from time to time. On top of that, I have been given the authority to give out bonuses to those employees that go above and beyond to help reach the goal of adding 100 new members by the end of summer.” Mr. Davenport looked at me and continued, “Sandy I was hoping that with your help we could both achieve our goals and make a lot of money this summer”.

Then he continued, “Sandy, as far as tanning goes, you can go to a tanning booth and pay for it, or you can just come into work every day early and work on your tan here. As far as the hairless part is concerned, we have the tools here to help you with that. I am sure that one of the girls will help you, and if they do not, I am willing to help”. He said with a calm and straight face as if there was nothing wrong with that fact that he just offered to help me remove all my body hair.

“This is all so much. I just don’t know if I can do it. I do need the money, but”...

I was cut off by Mr. Davenport, “Sandy, I can tell you right now that you will be a big hit with the members and many of them are very rich and will probably give you big tips and you will be able to work at private parties and make even more money. If you are looking for a job that can pay a lot in just a few months. This is the job you are looking for. Yes, it will require you to do things that you may not be comfortable doing, but you will not find another job that could make you this kind of money”.

“How much money do you think I can make this summer if I did it all”? I asked as I looked him in the eyes for the first time in a while.

“Well, I have seen some girls make over $500 in tips for just one night doing a private party”. He said with a smile. “Of course you would get the regular pay for doing a party which is all double time”’

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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