The Heavy Cruiser - Cover

The Heavy Cruiser

Copyright© 2023 by Adam.F

Chapter 2

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young man who is the executive officer aboard a heavy cruiser gets promoted to Captain after the old Captain dies of a mysterious illness. Join him as he battles aliens and forms a harem of women aboard the USS Argonaut in SPACE

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Military   Aliens   Space   Harem   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Pregnancy   Big Breasts   Doctor/Nurse   Small Breasts  

As I stood on the bridge of the Argonaut, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and awe as I looked out at the vast expanse of space before me. The ship was mine to command, and I was determined to prove myself as a worthy captain.

But my moment of triumph was short-lived, as our sensors picked up an unidentified alien vessel on the horizon. My heart raced as I barked out orders to my crew, preparing for the first battle of my tenure as captain.

The alien ship was sleek and menacing, its weapons glowing with an otherworldly energy. I knew that we were no match for it in a straight-up fight, so I had to rely on my wits and the skills of my crew to outsmart our opponent.

I called upon my chief engineer, a brilliant but eccentric man named Dr Zhang, to come up with a plan. He suggested that we use our ship’s gravitational manipulation technology to create a series of miniature black holes around the alien ship, disrupting its propulsion and weapons systems.

It was a risky move, but it was our only hope. I gave the order, and the crew sprang into action, working together like a well-oiled machine to execute Dr Zhang’s plan.

As the black holes took effect, the alien ship began to stumble and falter, its weapons firing wildly as it struggled to maintain control. We took advantage of the confusion to launch a barrage of torpedoes, scoring several direct hits and crippling the enemy vessel.

In the end, we emerged victorious, but not without sustaining some damage ourselves. As I surveyed the damage to our ship, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for my crew. We had faced our first battle as a team, and we had come out on top.

The universe was a dangerous place, full of mysteries and threats, but with the Argonaut and its crew, I knew that we could face whatever challenges came our way.

After the battle with the aliens, we were exhausted but relieved to have made it out alive. Our ship was damaged, but we were able to make repairs and continue our journey. As we ventured further into space, we encountered even more strange and wondrous sights.

One planet we visited was covered in a thick, iridescent mist that glowed with a soft, ethereal light. The mist was so dense that we could barely see a few feet in front of us, but it was teeming with life. We saw creatures that defied description, their bodies glowing with the same iridescent light as the mist.

Another planet we visited was a massive, gas giant with swirling storms of purple and blue. We sent a probe down to the surface, and it discovered a network of underground tunnels that were home to a race of beings unlike anything we had ever seen. They were tall and slender, with skin that shimmered like the surface of a soap bubble. They communicated with us through a series of clicks and chirps, and they were fascinated by our presence.

As we continued our journey, we encountered even more incredible sights and experiences. We discovered a planet covered in towering, crystalline structures that hummed with energy, and a moon that was home to a race of beings who could manipulate matter at will.

Despite the dangers and challenges we faced; we were determined to explore the unknown reaches of the galaxy. We knew that there was still so much to discover, and we were eager to see what other wonders the universe held.


As captain of the USS Argonaut, a heavy cruiser, I was always aware of the possibility of an attack by more aliens. Our ship had been tracking a strange energy signature for weeks, and my crew and I had been preparing for the worst. We were deep in uncharted space, and we knew that the slightest misstep could be our last.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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