Crossing the Virtual Rubicon - Cover

Crossing the Virtual Rubicon

Copyright© 2023 by Writer D

Chapter 5

On the Morning that Jayde had awakened in the Virtual Reality game as Azure Kat, her sister Steel Seraph, as Emily had gone to her work, as there was an important meeting with the devs and their supervisor, to discuss the glitches that had been reported. Azure Kat had faced a Fire Dragon, rather than a Green dragon, and the slaver incident in the starting city of Arcadia.

As Steel Seraph, in the real world as Emily, entered her workplace, she felt a mix of anticipation and concern. The recent glitches in the game had raised eyebrows among both players and developers, prompting a meeting to address these issues. The virtual world, while offering immersive experiences, had unexpectedly presented challenges and deviations from the intended gameplay.

Inside the meeting room, the atmosphere was tense, yet focused. The developers and supervisors gathered to discuss the recent anomalies reported by players. Emily, being part of the team, took a seat and prepared to contribute her insights to the discussion.

The lead developer, Mr. Carson, initiated the meeting by addressing the concerns. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for gathering today. We are aware of the glitches reported by players, and it’s imperative that we address these issues promptly. Emily, could you provide an overview of the incidents you investigated?”

Emily, aka Steel Seraph, nodded and began detailing her findings regarding the unexpected encounter with a Fire Dragon instead of the planned Green Dragon and the slaver incident in Arcadia. She emphasized the urgency of rectifying these discrepancies to maintain the integrity of the game.

Mr. Carson listened attentively, taking notes as Emily shared her observations. Other team members chimed in with their own analyses of reported glitches and deviations from the game’s design. The discussion delved into the intricacies of coding, server interactions, and potential points of failure.

As the meeting progressed, a consensus emerged among the developers that these anomalies required immediate attention. The virtual world they had created needed to provide a seamless and enjoyable experience for players. Strategies were discussed, and plans were formulated to address the glitches and implement updates that would rectify the issues.

After the meeting concluded, Emily returned to her desk, tasked with collaborating on the solutions proposed during the discussion. The Pixelpact Union, the guild Emily was part of, also played a crucial role in providing feedback and suggestions to enhance the overall gaming experience.

In the virtual realm, as Azure Kat continued her adventures, the developments in the real world hinted at a dynamic and evolving landscape for both players and developers alike. The challenges faced within the game mirrored the complexities of the digital realm and the continuous efforts to enhance the gaming environment.

As Emily focused on her work within the game development team, a notification on her screen drew her attention. The alert indicated that her sister, Azure Kat, had deactivated the log-out feature for sleep. This feature allowed players to remain in the game even when they were offline, and Emily realized that her sister had chosen to spend the night in the virtual realm.

Concerned but also curious about her sister’s decision, Emily decided to reach out to her. She sent a message to Jayde as Azure Kat, inquiring about the choice to stay logged in during the night.

“Hey sis, noticed you turned off the log out feature for sleep. Is everything okay? Having too much fun in there?” Emily typed, her fingers dancing across the keyboard as she awaited a response from her sister.

As the message was sent, Emily returned to her development tasks, knowing that her sister’s adventures in the virtual world continued intertwined with the ongoing efforts to address glitches and improve the gaming experience for all players.

As Emily worked, Greg stopped by Emily’s desk. “I might be almost done with my part, how are you doing?’ He asked her.

Emily looked up from her screen as Greg approached. She offered a smile and replied, “I’m making progress. Just dealing with a few more bug fixes, How about you? Anything interesting on your end?”

As game developers working together on the same project, Emily and Greg often collaborated and shared insights on their respective tasks. The dynamic nature of their work kept them engaged and fueled their passion for creating an immersive gaming experience.

Greg smiled as he spoke. “Same for the most part, bug fixes and all. I think we might have something that fixes the dragon issue, but I am not sure if it does yet. Oh! and my daughter, Sally, sent me a message,” They both knew that Sally was the player Acorn.

“That’s great to hear,” Emily replied. “Sally is quite the player. Did she find something interesting or need assistance with something?” The virtual world they were working on had become a shared space for players like Azure Kat (Jayde) and Acorn (Sally), as well as an ongoing project for the developers like Emily and Greg. It created a unique blend of professional and personal involvement in the game’s development.

Greg grinned wider. “She wanted to report on the quest she and Jayde did, Relics in the cave, where they had to find the relics. She said it was fun, and she helped Jayde prepare for the celestial spirit body. Jayde named her celestial spirit Lumina.”

“That sounds like an exciting quest,” Emily said with a smile. “And Lumina is a beautiful name. It seems like they’re having a great time in the game. Anything else interesting in her report?” As a developer, Emily was always interested in player experiences and feedback, especially when it came to new quests and features. It provided valuable insights for further improvements and adjustments.

Greg shook his head. “Nah, she just wanted to let me know the fun they were having, which made me happy, especially with her making a friend in your sister. Especially after that apartment fire, you mentioned Jayde got caught in,” he said.

“I’m glad she’s finding enjoyment in the game and making connections,” Emily replied. “And I appreciate you keeping an eye on her. It’s interesting how virtual worlds can provide a different kind of escape and social interaction. I hope it continues to be a positive experience for her.”

As they continued their work, Emily couldn’t help but think about the unique aspects of the game and the impact it was having on players, including her sister. The virtual realm seemed to offer not just entertainment but a sense of adventure and camaraderie that extended beyond the game itself.

“Speaking of your sister, I noticed that for a while, she’s gaining experience, while remaining at that mobile base I designed. I’m thinking she bought a couple of those traps that Nicole(Texii), had designed and sold to the stores in our guild territory.” Greg also added.

“That’s a smart move,” Emily acknowledged. “Those traps could be quite handy for leveling up, especially if they continue to provide experience even when the player is offline. It’s interesting to see the different strategies players come up with to optimize their experience and progress in the game. It seems like the dynamics of the virtual world are offering a lot of creative possibilities.”

She continued to focus on her work, occasionally checking in on the progress of the bug fixes and improvements they were implementing. The combination of game development and player interaction added a layer of complexity to their responsibilities, but Emily found the challenges both rewarding and intriguing.

“I’ll let you get back to it, just wanted a quick break to let you know what Sally said,” Greg said to Emily.

“Thanks for the update, Greg. It’s always good to hear about the positive experiences players are having in the game. Let me know if you need any assistance or if there are any new developments. We’re working together to make this virtual world as enjoyable as possible for everyone,” Emily replied with a smile.

Meanwhile, in the Virtual Reality game, Azure Kat had gone for a nap, and when she woke up, she found a late message from her sister. The game’s HUB’s message system was connected to the devs, which meant her sister can send her messages, with perfect grammar and spell check, while Azure Kat could send one either to the player, or her computer. “Hey sis, yeah everything is ok, it’s just this bed ... is seriously comfortable like times 100 compared to the hospital bed, so I thought this would be better, plus I read that the traps disappear when I log out so I wanted to keep it active and there.” Jayde as Azure Kat wrote to her elder sister.

“Hey Jayde, glad to hear you’re doing well in the game. And I’m relieved that you’re finding the virtual bed comfortable. Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself, both in-game and in real life. Remember, even in a virtual world, it’s essential to maintain a balance. If you ever need anything or want to chat, I’m here for you. Have fun exploring and leveling up! Love, Emily,” replied Steel Seraph to Azure Kat.

Azure Kat smiled at the kind, caring nature of her sister as she stretched her arms.

With a refreshed spirit, Azure Kat continued her adventures in the virtual world, ready to face new challenges, make more friends, and uncover the mysteries that awaited her. The journey had just begun, and the virtual realm held endless possibilities for her to explore.

As she moved from her bed, she suddenly got a notification. The experience gained from the traps she’d laid out had allowed her to acquire a massive amount of materials from monster and animals. But that wasn’t the only thing. The experience had dramatically increased her levels, and she was now at max rank.

Congratulations, Azure Kat, on reaching the max rank!

With the newfound power and status, Azure Kat carefully selected the special job that would optimize her damage output with the great sword. The virtual world had presented her with an array of choices, and she wanted to make sure she enhanced her combat abilities to their fullest potential. After choosing her special job, she took a moment to review her stats, skills, and abilities, eager to see the impact of her decision on her virtual persona.

As Azure Kat looked through, she’d remembered that she hadn’t added anything to her defense stats when she created her avatar with Byte the Owl Anthro’s help, so she thought a Berserker would be perfect for her. It was a strategic decision, aligning with her preference for a high damage output with the great sword. As she delved into the details of the new class, she could feel the surge of power and strength coursing through her virtual veins.

After a few minutes of testing things out, she’d returned to the Guild Territory Nexus Haven, and it was at that moment she saw Texii walking a head of her. “Hey Texii!” she called to the other player and hurried to catch up. “I wanted to talk to you about opening a Machine Shop. Your niece said I should talk to you about it, and that you’d had ideas for gatherers and things like that.”

Texii turned around, her avatar mirroring a friendly smile. “Ah, Azure Kat, good to see you! Acorn mentioned something about a Machine Shop, huh? Well, you’ve got a keen interest in machines and crafting, don’t you? That’s a fantastic idea, and we could certainly use a dedicated Machine Shop in Nexus Haven.”

She led Azure Kat to a quieter corner of the guild territory, where they could discuss things more comfortably. “Setting up a Machine Shop involves a few steps. First, we’ll need to find a suitable location for it. I have a spot in mind near the crafting area. Once we decide on the location, we can work on the setup and gather the necessary resources. It’s essential to have a crafting station, storage, and display area for your creations. Oh, and don’t forget to design a unique logo for your shop!”

Texii paused, giving Azure Kat a moment to absorb the information. “What kind of machines are you interested in crafting? Weapons, tools, or perhaps something more specialized? We can tailor the setup based on your preferences and skills.”

Azure Kat listened politely as Texii spoke to her. “I was thinking robots since I made Crimson Blade using parts I’d found in the Forest of Beginnings, where I’d found that Flight Matrix for the airship I transferred to you.” As she spoke, the dual Companion and Mount had made its appearance beside Azure Kat, letting Texii see it.

Texii observed the robot companion with interest. “Ah, impressive work! Crimson Blade looks like a versatile creation. Crafting robots is a fantastic idea, and it adds a unique touch to the guild’s offerings. We can definitely set up your Machine Shop to focus on robot crafting. Those include both companion and mount types.”

She took a moment to consider the logistics. “For robot crafting, you’ll need a combination of metal resources, electronic components, and specialized parts. We can arrange designated gathering areas or trade agreements with other members to ensure a steady supply. Once you’ve crafted a few prototypes, we can showcase them in your shop. It’ll attract players looking for reliable and unique companions.”

Texii glanced around, contemplating the layout. “I’d suggest a section for assembling, testing, and displaying the robots. We can set up a crafting station with all the necessary tools and create storage spaces for raw materials and finished products. What do you think of these initial ideas?”

Azure Kat smiled as she listened to Texii’s comments. Thus far, she had never seen robotic companions, and judging by the looks they were getting, neither had anyone else. “I like the initial ideas, but I should ask, how much space are player owned businesses allowed to have? Will I have room for a assembling and testing area? I’m sure I can fit displaying them in the main store area. How big would the robot crafting stations be? “She asked as her old robotic building interest returned to her

Texii nodded thoughtfully. “Player-owned businesses usually have a decent amount of space to work with. I’d say you’ll have enough room for separate sections—assembly, testing, and display. The crafting stations themselves won’t take up too much space; they’re designed to be efficient. We can allocate specific areas for different purposes within the shop.”

She continued, “For the main store area, we can set up displays showcasing your creations. This can include both finished robots and any unique features or enhancements you decide to offer. Players will be able to browse, inquire, and make purchases. I’ll ensure that the space allocation aligns with the guild’s policies and the overall layout of Nexus Haven. It’s an exciting venture, and I’m looking forward to seeing your machine shop thrive.”

Texii paused for a moment before adding, “Additionally, we can integrate a system where customers can place custom orders, allowing you to tailor robots to their specific preferences or needs. This could open up additional avenues for business and creativity.”

Azure Kat smiled at Texii with gratitude as she listened to her speaking. “Should I add blue prints to the store, in case someone wants to build their own robot companion?”

Texii nodded in agreement. “Absolutely, offering blueprints is a great idea. It not only provides an option for players who enjoy building things themselves, but also adds a unique aspect to your shop. You can showcase different designs and functionalities, and players can choose whether to purchase a finished robot or the blueprint for a DIY project. It caters to a broader audience and adds an interesting dynamic to your business.”

She then suggested, “You might consider organizing workshops or tutorials occasionally, where you can demonstrate the assembly process or share tips and tricks for building robotic companions. It could become a popular and educational aspect of your shop, drawing in more players and enthusiasts. It’s all about creating a dynamic and engaging experience for your customers.”

Azure Kat grinned wider. “sounds good, and as for organizing workshops or tutorials I liked doing that before the ... apartment fire, so would be fun in doing that again, especially for a live audience,” she said.

Texii smiled in return. “That’s the spirit! Engaging with the community and sharing your knowledge can be incredibly rewarding. It creates a sense of connection and camaraderie among players. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to showcase your skills and establish a strong presence in the game. If you ever need assistance with setting up or organizing these events, feel free to reach out. The Pixelpact Union is a supportive community, and we’re here to help each other succeed.”

“I love how supportive everyone is,” Azure Kat said, as excitement filled her. “So, let’s go to the spot you think would be perfect for the shop.” She said as a result of her excitement.

Texii nodded in agreement. “Absolutely, let’s head to the location. I’ll guide you there, and we can discuss the layout and potential arrangements for the shop. It’s an exciting venture, and I’m confident it will add a unique and valuable element to our guild territory.” With that, Texii led Azure Kat to the chosen spot for the machine shop. They discussed various aspects, from the layout of the crafting and testing areas to the display space for finished products. The collaborative effort between Texii’s experience and Azure Kat’s enthusiasm laid the foundation for a promising addition to Nexus Haven.

When they arrived at the location, they found an old, rundown building that had long been abandoned. As they approached it, Azure Kat saw through her HUD a place for her to activate her purchase of the business. Now filled with anticipation, she activated the purchase of the building to establish her machine shop. The old, run-down structure would soon be revitalized into a hub of innovation and craftsmanship. As the purchase was confirmed, the building underwent a transformation, with virtual construction and improvements unfolding before their eyes. The once-dilapidated structure now took on a new appearance, reflecting the potential of the machine shop.

Texii guided Azure Kat through the process of customizing the interior space, helping her allocate areas for assembling, testing, and displaying robot companions. They discussed the layout, ensuring efficiency in workflow and a visually appealing presentation for potential customers.

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