Beyond the Line - Cover

Beyond the Line

Copyright© 2024 by Melissa Jewels

Chapter 6- Blurred Boundaries

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6- Blurred Boundaries - A young married couple start a new chapter in their life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   True Story   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   White Couple   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Size   Slow  

I stumble into our apartment, my mind reeling from the bombshells Marcus just dropped on me. I feel a headache brewing behind my eyes, a dull throb that pulses in time with my racing heart.

“Hello, baby,” Emma’s voice cuts through the fog, drawing my gaze. She’s standing in the bedroom doorway, clad in a silky nightie that clings to her curves. “What took you so long? I thought you were just running to the store.”

I slump onto the couch with a groan, rubbing at my temples. “Long line,” I mutter, not ready to get into it.

But she knows me too well. She settles herself on my lap, looping her arms around my neck. “Nuh-uh, something’s been bothering you for days now. I can tell. What is it?”

I sigh, leaning into her touch despite myself. “It’s nothing, really. Just some stuff at the office.”

She pulls back to glare at me, not buying it for a second. Then she’s standing abruptly, tugging at my hand. “C’mon. Let’s have a shower.”

I blink up at her, nonplussed. “Now?”

“Yes, now.”

Her tone brooks no argument.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to talk, but the prospect of being naked with Emma under the warm spray had its appeal, a way to ground myself, to remember what was real and good in my life.

And so I let her lead me into the bathroom. As she shed her nightie and stepped under the spray, I tried to banish the image of Marcus, of his proposition, from my mind. I wanted to tell Emma everything, to unburden myself of this twisted secret. But the fear of her reaction held me back.

She must have sensed my hesitation. Turning, she removed my clothes and slipped her arms around me, her bare skin slick with water.

Her hands are everywhere, kneading the tension from my shoulders, trailing teasingly over my chest and abs.

“What is it, honey?” she murmurs, her lips close to my ear. “Something’s eating you up. Tell me. Please? What’s going on in that head of yours?”

“What?” I say, trying to sound light and carefree, which I am most definitely not. “Didn’t I tell you nothing is wrong. It is just ... some office stress, that’s it.”

She fixes me with a skeptical stare. “You’ve barely looked at me all week, Mike. And don’t try to sweet-talk your way out of this.” She leans closer, her fingers tracing the line of my jaw. “Tell me. What is it?”

“It’s nothing, Em.”

I war with myself, torn between unburdening my troubles and protecting her from this particular brand of crazy. But then inspiration strikes. A way to test the waters, so to speak.

“Actually,” I say slowly, “there is something interesting I found out recently. About our neighbors.”

That gets her attention. She leans back to look at me, eyebrow arched. “Oh? What is it?”

“You know Rhonda and Chris, right?”


“Ran into someone in the building yesterday. Heard some ... interesting gossip,” I say, hoping my voice doesn’t betray the churning in my stomach.

“What kind of gossip?”

“Apparently, they have an ... open marriage.” I let the words hang in the steamy air, watching her reaction.

“Open marriage?” She sounds more surprised than judgmental. “What? Like ... swingers and stuff?”

“That’s the rumor.” I try to shrug it off, even though the memory of Rhonda and that ... guy is seared into my brain. “Apparently, Chris likes to ... watch.”

I watch Emma’s eyes go wide, her mouth falling open in shock.

“No way,” she breathes when I’m done. “I never would have guessed they were into ... that.”

I nod, my pulse picking up as I remember Marcus’ words. “Apparently the appeal is, uh ... Well, they are pretty huge. Down there.”

She blinks, then huffs out a surprised laugh. “Is that so? Guess Rhonda’s a lucky girl then.”

I swallow hard, my cock twitching traitorously at the thought. “Guess so.”

I can’t stop thinking about Marcus’s words, about his insinuation that Emma might have desires like Rhonda, that I might even enjoy watching her explore those desires with someone else...

We stand there in silence for a few heartbeats, the heat of the water mixing with the rising tension between us. I’m acutely aware of her naked body pressed against mine, her damp skin, the sweet scent of her.

She eyes me speculatively, a slow smile spreading over her face. “Looks like someone’s excited by the idea,” she purrs, reaching down to grip me firmly to cup me through the stream of water. “Did our neighbors’ little arrangement give you some ideas.”

Heat floods my face. I glance down, confirming the evidence that’s been pushing against my leg for the past few minutes.

“Em...” I groan, my hips bucking into her fist.

“What’s the matter, baby?” she coaxes, her fingers tightening around me. “Does it turn you on, thinking about it? About me...” her voice drops to a husky whisper, “being with someone else? Being a little ... slutty?”

Jesus fucking Christ.

I make a strangled noise, my brain shorting out at her words. She just grins, wicked and knowing.

“Maybe I should head over to Rhonda’s,” she whispers, her lips brushing my ear, her breath hot against my neck. “See what she’s up to. Spread my legs in her place ... for some stranger and ... Would you like that, Mike? Watching me take every inch of a huge—””

I don’t let her finish. In one swift motion, I’ve got her spun around and bent over, the head of my cock nudging insistently at her entrance.

“Wha—” she starts, but then I’m slamming into her, hard and deep. She cries out, scrabbling for purchase against the slick tile wall.

“Is this what you want?” I growl, setting a brutal pace. The obscene slap of skin on skin echoes through the room, nearly drowning out her desperate moans. “You want to be stuffed full, split open on a massive cock?”

“Oh god,” she whimpers, pushing her hips back to meet my thrusts. “Yes, damn, just like that...”

I keep pounding into Emma from behind, my hand coming down on her ass with a sharp slap. I push on her back, urging her lower, my fingers digging into her shoulder as I chase my release. The wet slap of our bodies mingles with the spray of the shower, nearly drowning out our desperate moans.

“Mike...” Emma gasps, her voice laced with a pleasure that both excites and terrifies me. “God, you feel so ... big ... like this.”

The word big reverberates in my brain, a hammer blow against the dam holding back the torrent of thoughts about Marcus. I grind against her, my hips snapping forward with a primal urgency I can barely control.

“As huge as...”

The name sits on the tip of my tongue, a burning ember threatening to ignite a wildfire.

Emma twists her head, her eyes meeting mine for a fleeting moment. There’s a mischievous glint in their depths, a playful awareness that both inflames me and fuels a deep-seated dread. “Maybe not,” she breathes, a smile curving her lips. “But who knows? I haven’t been fucked by anyone else to compare.”

Her words send a jolt of electricity through me, my grip tightening on her hips, hoping to dispel the ghost of Marcus that’s looming over this encounter.

I slam into her again and again, her back arching against the tiles, the sound of our wet bodies slapping together echoing in the steamy confines of the shower. I lose myself in the rhythm of our bodies, the slick heat of her, the frantic race towards release.

But beneath the pleasure, a cold coil of anxiety constricts around my heart. Every thrust, every moan, seems to blur the lines between our usual lovemaking and the forbidden scenario playing out in my mind. It’s exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

My throat feels raw from the guttural sounds I can’t hold back. I suck in a ragged breath, meaning to say something, but it’s lost in a flash of white-hot pleasure as my balls draw up tight. I slam into her one last time, grinding as deep as I can, my head thrown back in ecstasy.

The water sluices over my face, my heaving chest, but it’s a distant sensation compared to the pulsing bliss of my approaching climax.

I reach around to circle her clit, relishing her full-body shudder. “You close, baby? Gonna cum all over my dick?”

She keens, high and broken, her walls fluttering around me. “Mike, please...”

“That’s it,” I urge, my own orgasm barreling down on me. “Cum for me, Emma.”

She does, with a ragged cry that rings in my ears. I follow her over the edge, spilling deep inside her clenching heat, stars bursting behind my eyelids.

We collapse to the shower floor in a tangle of trembling limbs, both struggling to catch our breath. Emma turns her head to shoot me a dazed, sated grin.

“Damn, baby. Seems like you really needed that.”

I huff a breathless laugh, pushing the wet hair from my eyes. “Guess so.”

I card my fingers through her damp locks as we lay there, my mind churning. Should I tell her that I actually found Rhonda with Marcus? About my talk with him? About the sick excitement and crippling fear that’s been twisting inside me.

But the words get stuck in my throat. What would she say? Would she be disgusted? Would she turn away from me? Or worse, would she be intrigued?

But even I’m not sure what I want. What I’m ready for. It all feels like too much, too fast.

The weight of the unspoken hangs between us as I absentmindedly stroke her wet hair, tracing the curves of her shoulder blades with my fingers.

“Hey, Em?” I venture after a long moment. “What do you think about this whole Rhonda and Chris thing? I mean, about them doing ... you know...”

She shrugs, tracing idle patterns on my chest. “I don’t know. I mean, it’s their marriage, their lives. Not really my place to judge.”

“Right. But what about ... I mean, do you ever see us doing something like that?”

Emma goes still and then sits up, “Honestly? Not really. I think our sex life is plenty spicy as it is.”

I try to ignore the conflicting swoop of relief and disappointment in my gut. Of course she’s not interested. Why would she be?

But then a sly smile curves her lips. “Although ... I can’t say I mind how riled up it’s gotten you. Maybe we could use it for a little inspiration now and then. Keep things fresh.”

My heart kicks against my ribs. So she does like the fantasy. Just not the reality.

“Yeah,” I manage, forcing a smile. “As long as we’re both getting what we need, that’s all that matters.”

She leans in to kiss me, soft and sweet. “Exactly.”

As she pulls away, she groans and stretches, her naked body glowing in the warm light of the bathroom. “Damn, you really did a number on me. I’m going to feel that tomorrow.”

I watch her go, admiring the pink handprint blooming on her ass. She flashes a grin before disappearing through the doorway, leaving me alone with the echoing silence of my unanswered questions and a desire I’m too scared to name.

But as the bathroom door clicks shut behind her, I feel the doubt and confusion creeping back in. The nagging sense that I want more than stolen moments of dirty talk and role play.

More than Emma is willing to give.

Fuck. What is wrong with me? When did I become this person, secretly craving my wife in another man’s bed?

It’s just a fantasy. A harmless kink. It doesn’t mean anything.


I lean my head back against the cool tile, closing my eyes. Trying to banish the image of Emma spread out beneath Marcus, lost to pleasure. Trying to ignore how badly I ache to see it in the flesh.

She’s not interested. Our marriage is enough for her, even if it’s suddenly feeling like a cage to me.

I should be grateful. Should be relieved that my filthy, fucked-up desires are mine alone. That they’ll never see the light of day.

But I’m not. And I hate myself a little for it.

I stay in the shower long after she’s gone, letting the water cascade over me, trying to wash away the confusion and guilt.

But I know they’re not going anywhere. This thing - this dark, tangled knot of fantasy, fear, and something that feels disturbingly like excitement - it’s taken root. And I have no idea what to do about it.

1 month later...

I’m still reeling a month later, my thoughts a tangled mess of confusion and desire. The days blur together in a haze of distraction, my mind constantly drifting to the forbidden images that haunt me. I can’t shake the echo of Marcus’ proposition, the weight of the secret I’m keeping from Emma.

I don’t know why I haven’t told her. Maybe I’m afraid of what it says about me, that some dark part of me wants to take him up on it. That I’m desperate to see my wife lost in ecstasy under another man. Or maybe she will feel disgusted by me.

I try to probe her feelings on the subject, bringing it up in roundabout ways. But she always brushes it off, insisting they don’t need that kind of excitement. That she doesn’t really get the appeal.

Each time, I’m flooded with equal parts relief and disappointment. It’s fucked up, I know it is. But I can’t seem to help myself.

True to his word, Marcus never brings it up again. If anything, he’s become less flirtatious, more reserved. Where before I would catch him shooting appreciative glances at Emma, now he maintains a careful distance.

Always respectful, always appropriate.

Emma, on the other hand, has amped up the dirty talk to eleven. I think she’s cottoned on to how much it revs my engine, hearing her describe all the filthy things she’d let another man do to her. How she’d scream for his cock, cum on his tongue.

It gets me off like nothing else, I can’t even lie. We’re fucking more frequently these days, chasing the high of that taboo fantasy.

And yet, I knew, with a certainty that made my stomach clench, that it was just that - a game. For her, it was a way to spice things up, to add a thrill to our already passionate sex life. So it begins and ends with talk. She’s not interested in making it a reality.

But I am. God help me, I really am. Or at least I think I am. It was a torment, a constant reminder of what I craved but couldn’t have.

The knowledge eats at me, even as I lose myself in her body night after night. Even as I scour online forums, marveling at how many men are out there living this lifestyle. Craving it. Just like me.

Men who watched their wives with other men. Who claimed to find it exhilarating, erotic, even liberating.

They are my kindred spirits, my dark reflection in the digital mirror.

I hate them, and I envy them in equal measure.

I feel like I’m going crazy. Like I’m split in two - the devoted husband who would never betray his marriage vows, and the depraved pervert desperate to watch his wife get railed by another man.

Then, one morning, a text message shatters the tense equilibrium I’ve managed to construct.

Marcus- Hey Mike, game’s on tonight at my place. You guys free?

I glance at Emma as she gets ready for work, my pulse already kicking up.

“Marcus wants to know if we’re up for watching the game at his place tonight.”

She shrugs, swiping on mascara. “Fine by me. What time?”

“He didn’t say. So ... we should go then, right?” I aim for casual, but I can hear the eagerness bleeding through.

She caps her mascara and turns to me. “If you want to, sure. You know I’m up for whatever. I am off ... by six.”

She pecks me on the lips and breezes out, calling a goodbye over her shoulder. I stare after her for a long moment, my stomach in knots.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror, a stranger looking back at me, his eyes hollow with a hunger he doesn’t understand.

Then I text Marcus back with trembling fingers.

Mike- We’ll be there.

I spend the rest of the day pacing, my mind spinning out a thousand sordid scenarios. It’s ridiculous, I know. It’s just watching a game with a buddy.

A casual hangout with a neighbor.

But it feels momentous somehow. Weighted with possibility.

Like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff, about to jump into the unknown. And I have no idea if Emma will be there to catch me.

Or if she’ll let me fall.

The hot water did little to soothe the tension coiled tight in my gut. I stepped out of the shower, toweling off roughly. Looking in the mirror, I saw a tired guy with dark circles under his eyes.

“Come on, Mike, pull yourself together,” I mumbled, raking a hand through my damp hair, willing myself to believe the words. I tugged on some jeans and a faded blue T-shirt.

I sit on the couch, my leg bouncing with nervous energy as I wait for Emma. My mind is a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and desires, flashing back to the last time we were at Marcus’ place.

It’s not like this is the first time we’ve seen him since that fateful conversation. We’ve had him over for dinner twice now.

Me and Emma felt bad for him, thought he must be lonely rattling around in that apartment all by himself.

And he was the perfect gentleman both times, I have to admit. Didn’t even respond to Emma’s playful flirting, kept a respectful distance. It almost made me wonder if I’d imagined the whole proposition.


But the truth lingered, a bitter taste on the back of my tongue.

The scene in his bedroom, Rhonda on her hands and knees, Chris in the corner, Marcus’s powerful, dark body looming over them ... It was burned into my memory, a scene from a movie I couldn’t turn off. The stark contrast—his blackness, her pale skin, the primal urge in their eyes.

I remember the sounds filtering through the wall, the slap of skin on skin. The knowledge of what I witnessed.

It’s seared into my brain, that image. I can’t escape it, even if I wanted to.

Every night, Emma and I engaged in our own brand of transgression, fueled by whispered fantasies and unspoken desires. The things I murmured in her ear as I buried myself inside her.

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