I'D Do Anything to Protect My Son - Cover

I'D Do Anything to Protect My Son

Copyright© 2024 by DaMuddaFukkah

Chapter 4

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - 36 year old gorgeous and conservative Jewish mom Julie Altmeyer is stuck throwing a birthday part for her 14 year old son and his two friends while her husband is out of town. Even worse, when a thief breaks in, words that Julie says in both anger and haste are then put to the test. Come along and see as Julie is tested to see if she will walk the walk as readily as she talks the talk and if she really will do anything to protect her own son.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   Horror   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   MaleDom   Humiliation   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Petting   Big Breasts   ENF   Slow  

“Oh god please no!” gasped Julie in horror.

“Chuck please what ... what are you doing?” On one level, Julie didn’t need Chuck to answer her question for she knew what was happening. It was just that the reality of the situation was now so horrible, vile and repugnant that the pretty Jewish mom wouldn’t let herself believe it.,

“Just remember what I said you dumb bitch” was Chuck’s only reply, “one more moment of hesitation out of you and the game’s over. Henry gets the saw.”

In an insane world it was good that Chuck said what he did for his words now were probably the only thing that could have stopped Julie from slamming her arms back down. As it was, her heart now beat even faster and her body trembled in terror. She would have never guessed she could have this much adrenaline flowing through her system, that she could ever have been this awake or that her sense of awareness of everything going on around her could have been heightened this much.

“Awwww, what’s the matter mommy?” said Chuck in a most patronizing way.

“Thought you were hot stuff, did you? Thought you were large and in charge, able to handle any situation that came your way? Well, Mrs. A, let me tell you, you ain’t nothing but another dumb piece of pussy and you only been put here on this earth for the enjoyment of boys young as me.”

In the implausibility of the situation, the horrifying, humiliating words were almost a blessing for, as Julie sat there in stunned silence, her mind trying to process just what Chuck was saying. Her mind now spun and her world was crumbling to such an extent that the pretty Jewish mom refused to believe this was true. Her beautiful cranberry sweater wasn’t rising and it certainly wasn’t being lifted off of her by the boy she hated most in the world. None of these things were happening and so Julie just sat there with her mouth hung agape as the bottom edge of her sweater rose above the level of her breasts and then above her shoulders. It was only when it rose above her eyes and therefore obscured her vision that Julie’s faith was finally shaken but, at that point, it was too late to struggle and that was probably a good thing. For there was no telling just what Chuck would do although the possibilities were unlimited and, as horrible as this was, Julie had made up her mind to save Henry’s life.

“Oh, fuck yeah” said Chuck as he now held the cranberry sweater inverted. The black boy had extended his legs so that they were now at a 90-degree angle and his hands were above his head as the loose neck hole of Julie’s cranberry sweater was pulled over her face. It was Julie’s long brown hair that, lastly, was also pulled inverted until the body of her sweater was finally off.

“Put your arms down” ordered Chuck and Julie did what she was told. In her ignominious defeat, her arms seemed extra heavy and Julie was all too glad to not have to hold them up. slowly did as she was told. Now all that was left was to free her arms from her sweater and Julie’s entire body shivered in disgust as she felt the heavy material of the sweater slide over her turtleneck. Now, even though she was still wearing this thin and form fitting garment, the pretty Jewish mom still felt as if she were horribly exposed. So, she looked down at the comforter which covered the bed as she was too ashamed to look at Chuck or even meet his eye.

“Yeah-heah baby”, Chuck said triumphantly.

“Thirty-six-year-old grownup woman and mom just let a fourteen-year-old boy take her sweater right off her. Didn’t even do nothing to stop me. Well, I guess you right so far Mrs. A. You would let a fourteen-year-old boy make out with you and take off your sweater to save your son but I wonder what else I can challenge you with.”

It was a statement that once again struck cold fear into Julie’s heart and the pretty Jewish mom now looked across the room to look at her son as if she wanted to see that Henry was still in danger. She had never been a violent person but had grown up in an upper middle-class family. She had never had to throw a punch, but now ... the moment Henry was out of danger Julie swore to herself that she was going to find something sharp, a pen perhaps, and then she would jam it right into Chuck’s smug little throat. Henry, for his part, hadn’t moved from where he had been before. He was still standing over against the far wall with the thief right beside him. The giant man now held the pistol in one hand while the blade of the saw rested against Henry’s head. Julie now knew that all it would take was to switch on that saw and then the blood would spurt everywhere; she could almost hear the high-pitched screams of her one and only son.

“I know,” now said Chuck, rather cheerily. Julie looked up at him and saw he had touched the index finger of his right hand to his chin as if he were really pondering something deeply.

“I bet, Mrs. Altmeyer, that there’s no way you’d let me take that pretty white turtleneck of yours off you, not even to save your son.”

Julie didn’t know what to say and she didn’t know what to do. Obviously, she couldn’t let Chuck take her shirt off but, at the same time, how was she supposed to get out of this without Henry getting hurt.

“Chuck, that’s enough,” Julie then said as she tried to sound way firmer and more authoritative than she felt.

“Alright? You’ve made your point and you’ve had your fun. Now, this sick game of yours has gone on long enough. I’m tired of you and I’m not going to put up with it anymore. And, as for you,”

Julie’s brown eyes were burning as she now turned and focused them on the robber.

“Just take what you want and get out of my house. You came here to rob us so just take our things and go. I...”

Julie’s conviction now waivered as the anger waned inside her and she then began to wonder if she were making a mistake.

“I ... I’m tired of this and I ... I just want you all to leave. I ... I promise I’m not going to call the police. Just please, take what you want and go.”

The large man on the other side of the room merely smiled at her and, even at this distance, Julie could see the same crazy light danced in his eyes as brightly as it did in Chuck’s. There was something unsettling about that but, even in her brilliance, the overwhelming stress of the situation now kept Julie from putting two and two together.

“Oh, don’t you worry lady. I’m gonna pick your house clean trust me. By the time I get done with it ain’t gonna be nothing left of that you can be sure.”

The thief then paused for a moment and the silence was also creepy. It was cold in the room but Julie’s shiver was one of disgust and she was trying to think of just what to say before the big man himself continued to speak.

“But right now, I’m too intrigued by this game we’re playing to go anywhere. You givin’ me orders? Lady, you in a position to give me orders you think? I think I carve my initials into your little boy’s skull right here. Maybe then you get another idea about whether you in a position to give me orders.”

The thief then pressed the red button on the side of the saw so that it kicked on again with an ear-splitting scream and then Julie herself screamed at him to stop while Henry cried out that he didn’t want to die. A second or two later the saw was turned off and Julie could see Henry was sobbing in fear. Julie was now on the verge of crying herself but she needed to be strong. If both of them went to pieces who knew what would happen and so she held it together while she thought what to do. However, before she could formulate a plan, Julie’s attention was again torn away as she now felt Chuck’s hands lift up her arms.

“Chuck don’t do this” Julie now warned. “Trust me, I know you think this is funny now but you’re starting something you don’t understand and trust me, you’ll regret it in the long run. You don’t want to do this because it can’t be undone.”

In response, Chuck said nothing. He just looked down at her and smiled and his eyes were half lidded as if he was stoned. As they had before, Chuck’s hands lifted Julie’s arms until they were pressed to her ears and, once they were there, Chuck’s hands sank back down. A moment later Julie felt something alien, or like a spider, as eight tiny black fingers pulled her white turtleneck out from her jeans.

“Oh, I don’t think so” the fourteen-year-old black boy now said. His voice was soft and calm and he spoke in a manner so casual that he could have been talking about something as mundane as the weather.

“I don’t think I’m going to regret this at all. On the contrary, I think I’m going to savor the memory of this moment for the rest of my life. But since I want to be nice to you Mrs. A, I’ll make you a deal. You pretend like you want me to take off your turtleneck and I promise you that, after that, I won’t go ahead and take off your bra.”

The thought that she might end up completely topless had never even occurred to Julie yet but it was such a horrifying and outlandish thought that even after all the events of tonight, it was still totally unthinkable. Now the idea of it burned brightly in her mind and what it left her with was a jumble of emotions about who she could trust. It was then in that confusion that Julie did something she never would have believe for, before she could stop herself, her voice rang in her ears that she accepted Chuck’s proposal.

“I, uh, Ch-chuck ... I-uh ... I ... I wuh-want ... that is ... I’d uh ... I’d uh ... luh-like you t-to t-take off my t-turtleneck puh-please.”

Julie looked up at Chuck with her brown eyes open wider than they ever had been before as they welled over with tears. The pretty Jewish mom had never felt so disgusting and dirty in her whole entire life. The thought that this putrescent fourteen-year-old had gotten her to do this; yet again it was a blessing that her mind couldn’t accept that this was actually happening.

“And why is that Mrs. Altmeyer?” asked Chuck as if he didn’t already know the answer. His left hand then pulled a large swath of her turtleneck out from the front left corner of her jeans revealing the pink and olive tinted skin of Julie’s flat and feminine stomach.

“What is it? Is it the thought of letting your own son’s fourteen-year-old little black friend see you in your bra? Or is it the thought of letting him look down and see the tops of your tits, that turn you on. Mrs. A?”

Unbeknownst to Chuck, Julie’s bra didn’t allow for anyone to see any of her breasts. It was a detail Julie always made sure her undergarments possessed before she purchased them. Of course, if her bra came off, then all three boys, including her own son, would get to see all of her breasts and, if she didn’t continue to play along, who knows where it would go from there. So, Julie swallowed hard again and tried to force a smile while she looked up at Chuck. Instead, only the muscles on one side of her face contracted and it twisted her gorgeous features into something like a person having a stroke. Meanwhile, Chuck’s right hand now pulled on her turtleneck by the top of her jeans while, at the same time, he leaned down and whispered in her ear.

“Oh please, stand up to me. Please, show you’re still defiant. Please Mrs. A I’m begging you, give me a reason, any reason at all, to take off your bra. I’ve always wanted to know what those big succulent looking tits of yours, the way they always made that large and gorgeous curve in your sweater, I’ve always wanted to see them for myself. Even more so, I’ve been dreaming about getting my hands on them since the first time I met you.”

The idea that Chuck was not only going to take off her bra but also grope at her breasts was now just enough to push Julie over the edge. Once again, without allowing herself to think of what she was doing or the far-reaching implications of the horrifying act, the pretty Jewish mom began to speak.

“Uh ... I ... um ... yes Ch-chuck ... you ... you are, um ... yes ... ih-it does. The thought of a t-fourteen ... of uh t-fourteen-year-old b-black b-boy ... the thought of him s-seeing the t-top of my tuh-tits ... that uh ... that ruh-really_”

Julie felt her throat flex once again as, for a moment, she thought she was going to be sick. The words wouldn’t come out, they couldn’t. She could never say anything so abhorrent. Then, an image flashed in her mind, a picture of her sitting topless right there on the bed with Chuck still straddling her as he grinned and fondled her breasts. That was something that Julie couldn’t allow to happen and if telling one horrifying lie, a lie no one would ever believe anyway, if that got her out of an act so disgusting, so depraved that she couldn’t even imagine it, then she supposed it was well worth it. Julie’s brown eyes now looked up at Chuck once again, wide and staring. The words came out before she could think of what she was saying and that was probably a good thing because she knew if she thought too hard, then she was bound to freeze up.

“The ... the thought of you seeing the t-top of my t-tits Chuck ... it just...”

Julie swallowed hard again unsure she’d be able to get the final few words out.

“It just really ... it j-just really t-turns me uh-on.”

She had done it. Julie had gotten the words out and now her reward was to feel the back of her turtleneck as Chuck pulled it out of her pants. Then his left hand was on her shoulder again and Chuck was pushing her back. His right hand now grasped at her sweater right above the button on her jeans. It was the last place where her shirt was still tucked into her pants and, once that was pulled free, there would be nothing to stop the boy from taking her turtleneck off.

“Well O.K. then” said Chuck who sounded like he was trying not to laugh. The fourteen-year-old black boy then pulled the last bit of Julie’s shirt free.

“I’m glad to hear you finally admit it. I somehow always suspected that you wanted to show me your tits. Just like I always knew the thought of your own fourteen-year-old son seeing you in just your bra was a turn on for you also.”

Julie stared up at Chuck, her eyes wide with horror and her mouth falling open in shock. The pretty Jewish mom had to believe she was nearing the end of this horrible game and that her every mortifying statement was almost the last one. Up until now, Henry had been at the far side of the room and, in that way, it was easier for Julie to not think about him. Now though, Chuck changed that and Julie had to wonder just how much more of this she could possibly endure.

“Hey Henry, you hear that. Your mom just admitted she wants me to see the top of her tits. Now she’s going to admit that she wants you to see them too. Get on over here boy. You can’t catch an eyeful from over there. Get on over here and get so close you’ll be able to count the tiny hairs that are coming out of every inch of bare flesh your mom says she wants to show us.”

“Chuck, don’t do this” Julie now said and the pretty Jewish mom tried not to sound mad although this was the one time in her life when she could honestly say she was in a murderous rage.

“You don’t know what you’re doing. It’s bad enough that you’re doing this to me, there’s no reason you need to bring Henry into it. If you’re his friend like you say you are ... you’ll end this right here and now.”

In response, Chuck simply smiled down at her while Julie glared up at him all too aware that Henry and the robber were walking there way with the oafish thief letting the saw’s extension cord play out behind him. Then the two of them were at the edge of the bed and it was all too much for Julie to bear. Sweet, young Henry, his own eyes impossibly wide and staring at her, his face still as much of a cherub as the day she brought him home from the hospital. Sweet young Henry with his skinny body and his crooked haircut, all innocent round cheeks and lips sticking out in an unconscious and simple looking expression. Her own son was going to get to see her have her shirt taken off by his friend and God only knew what would come after that. The thought of it now was all she could take and so Julie put her arms down in an act of defiance but when Chuck grabbed the bottom edge of her shirt as it now hung loose on either side of her, the pretty Jewish mom didn’t resist as he lifted both it and her arms.

“Chuck don’t do this, I’m warning you” Julie now said again. Yet, even to her own ears, the idea of her giving out warnings seemed laughably ridiculous.

“Oh god fuck” Chuck exclaimed in awe as he now lifted her arms. For Julie’s broad and flat midsection covered in slightly olive tinted pink skin now appeared as a voice in Julie’s mind screamed at her to slam her arms down and under no circumstances to allow them to be raised. For the sake of her son though, Julie used all her willpower to ignore that voice and it did take everything she had. Instead, she looked at Henry.

“Henry, baby, look away. You ... you don’t want to see this.”

But Henry didn’t look away. No, instead, Julie’s son kept staring right at her as if what was happening was some sort of horrifying tragedy that had demanded his attention and, no matter how painful it might be to watch, he just couldn’t look away. Julie’s upper arms were now lifted to the point of being horizontal and the pretty Jewish mom let out a little gasp of both shock and humiliation as she felt the bottom edge of her shirt slide over the bottom her bra. Yet, if that wasn’t bad enough, the pretty Jewish mom let out a little whimper and her eyes moved from Henry to Chuck as her arms continued to rise. Julie’s soft, brown eyes were now filled with tears and also pleading as the defiance, the outrage and the sense of authority that they had so recently held was nowhere to be seen. Then, a moment later they were hidden for they were obscured by her shirt. Chuck was pulling her shirt so that it was inverted as his hands started to alternate maneuvering the collar over her head. Chuck’s fingers now slipped inside as he stretched out the collar and, even with all the of her horror, Julie felt a slight pang of sadness as Chuck stretched out her favorite shirt. Then the turtleneck’s collar was sliding over her chin and then over her nose and Julie felt her skin crawl as she felt Chuck’s fingers brush against her cheek. Finally, the front of her shirt’s collar was rising above her eyes. Julie could see again as Chuck’s hands moved to her sleeves. Here the fourteen-year-old black boy grabbed the turtleneck’s fabric again and Julie’s brilliant mind could hardly keep up with all that was happening. First the fabric of her sleeve was pulled down off her left arm. Then, once the delicate fabric had slid down her arm and over her wrist, the process was repeated with her right arm. Julie now wore her shirt like some sort of ridiculous Indian headdress as the entirety of her turtleneck rose up from her skull and rested against her back. Now, there was nothing left for the fourteen-year-old black boy to do but lift the pretty Jewish mom’s shirt off of her head and this he did as, with one gently yank Julie’s shirt was pulled free. All that was left now was for Julie’s long and silky light brown hair to come sliding out of the neck hole and once this had happened it cascaded down her back. It was over. Chuck had done the impossible and perhaps the thing that Julie most would have like to never have happened. Her son’s friend, a little fourteen-year-old black kid not even out of Junior High school yet had let it be filmed while he took her shirt off her so that she was only in her bra. Now, defensively and reflexively, Julie crossed her arms over her chest. All three of the boys were staring vacantly, with their mouths wide open with shock, although, out of the three of them, Julie thought Henry was the worst.

“Oh now Mrs. Altmeyer, I don’t think we can allow that.”

Chuck’s hands now pulled on her wrists and, when she resisted, Chuck once again played his trump card.

“Oh, come on now, you don’t want to make me challenge you, do you? We both know how that’s going to end up if I do so why don’t you just not make me angry and do what you and I both know you’re going to end up doing anyway.”

Chuck then pulled on Julie’s wrists again and, as the muscles in her arms trembled violently, Julie was torn between resisting and trying to save her son. Then the gorgeous and feminine limbs shuddered once more before they relaxed as Julie allowed a fourteen-year-old black friend of her son to stop her from covering her chest with her arms. Meanwhile, Chuck was smiling down at her as he pulled Julie’s arms to her sides while the pretty Jewish mom was eternally grateful that she always bought the most modest type of bra. Unfortunately, this gratitude was now immediately shattered as Chuck raised his hands to her breasts as the fourteen-year-old boy began to grope Julie’s jugs through the material of her bra.

“Chuck don’t” said Julie firmly and, as she glared up at him, she could see that he wasn’t taking her seriously. A moment later, his right hand let go of her breast and instead it grabbed a fistful of her hair.

“Every time you tell me what to do-,” Chuck said and then yanked on Julie’s hair hard enough to make her cry out in both surprise and pain. His face now came closer to hers until it was only two or three inches away.

“That’s one more time I’m gonna take this party just a little bit further. On the other hand, each time you cooperate -”

Chuck now leaned forward until his lips were on hers as the painful yank on Julie’s hair tilted her pretty face up. Begrudgingly, Julie allowed him to do this. His latest threat was still burning in her ears and his lips felt extra meaty and repulsive in their eagerness. Chuck’s lips then pulled insistently upon hers and, if he was trying to draw all of her into his mouth, he almost succeeded. Yet, instead, Henry’s black friend now sucked first on her top lip and then on her bottom one. His left hand then stopped its slow, gentle groping of her right breast which, mercifully, still happening through her bra. Meanwhile while Julie continued to agonize over what she could do to make this all stop and still save Henry. Then that left hand pressed against her again only this time it touched her right near the top inside edge of her right bra cup. In a flash, the pretty Jewish mom now immediately knew the fourteen-year-old black boy’s intention although what really panicked her even more was the question of whether there was anything she could do about it.


In both fright and outrage, Julie now squealed into Chuck’s mouth which was still firmly pressed against hers. Even worse, when she did so, Chuck took the opportunity to slip in his tongue. His right hand kept a tight grip on her hair while his tongue sought out hers. There was nowhere for it to run and Julie soon found it spiraled around Chucks. At the same time, the fourteen-year-old black boy tightened his grip on her hair even more and Julie knew that the pain she felt in the back of her head was a warning. Now, if she didn’t want Chuck to see if he could tear that part of her scalp away, without even mentioning what might happen to Henry, she had better cooperate with whatever Chuck wanted. A moment later, Chuck’s hand began to slide down now as Julie moaned in abject horror. His fingers pressed into the inside her bra cup and then into the supple flesh of Julie’s 38D breast. Julie’s own hand rose up, for she couldn’t stop herself from resisting but when it did Chuck merely pushed her back and the fear of being lain flat was too great to ignore. Just as her hand had instinctively rose to push Chuck’s away it now flew behind her. It then braced itself against the mattress and kept Julie upright. Unfortunately, this meant that there was now nothing to stop Chuck’s black hand and its four probing fingers slipped inside Julie’s bra. These were followed by the rest of Chuck’s hand until it cupped her whole breast. Chuck’s smooth and soft palm slid over Julie’s nipple.

“Oh god fuck yeah!” moaned Chuck after breaking off their deep passionate kiss.

“Oh man Henry, I totally got all of my hand inside your mom’s bra. Dude, I’m totally cupping your mom’s tit. Your mom’s totally letting me grope her and she’s not trying to stop me.”

A moment later, Chuck gave Julie’s breast a gently squeeze as he looked down at her and smiled/ it was that same offensive smirk; the one that said ‘I win. Even though you’re a thirty-six-year-old mom and I’m just fourteen, I still got one over and did the last thing you’d ever want me to do. Chuck then started a slow and rhythmic massage of Julie’s defenseless breast and, while his hand continued to squeeze, Chuck moved his forearm to the right. It pushed against Julie’s bra strap until it slid off of her shoulder.

“You promised you wouldn’t take my bra off” Julie complained weakly as her eyes searched Chuck’s face but found no mercy there.

“You still wearing it ain’t ya” Chuck now said back arrogantly before following it up with “don’t make me angry or I’ll find some other way to make you suffer.”

Julie said nothing but instead just suffered in silence as Chuck rotated his hand and stroked her breast horizontally.

“Let’s make out some more” he then demanded and before Julie could think, his mouth was back on hers. A moment later Chuck’s tongue was probing between Julie’s lips as it sought entry to her previously surrendered orifice. Now poor Julie felt she had no choice but to give Chuck what he wanted and the pretty Jewish mom once again shuddered with revulsion as she opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to enter. Confidant that she was subdued, Chuck’s right hand finally untwisted itself from her hair and for a moment Julie felt relief, at least until she felt that hand now press against her ribs right below her other breast, it wasn’t quite as gentle as Chuck’s other hand as it pushed her left bra cup up and over her breast. That breast was then quickly covered by Chuck’s hand but not before Julie had a chance to worry that her son hand seen it. A moment later Julie was sure that Henry had seen at least one of her breasts as Chuck’s left hand slipped out of her right bra cup and then pushed it up. Julie’s bra, while technically still on her body, was now some twisted and crumpled thing. It didn’t cover any of her breasts, that was now being done by Chuck’s hands while her bra was completely folded over on itself as it cut into her skin. Now, it was the accumulation of everything, the hands of her son’s little black friend on her bare breasts and his tongue sliding over hers that was just too much for her to bare. In an unplanned revolt, Julie now started to thrash. She twisted her head back and forth until she successfully broke away from Chuck’s passionate kiss as a look of mortified agony that no one who knew her would have ever recognized showed on her face.

“Chuck please!” Julie now begged in an exasperated scream while Chuck merely scowled down at her as if she had once again made him mad.

“You really starting to piss me off with all this resistin’ Mrs. A,” Chuck now said. “I’m starting to think that there’s plenty you wouldn’t do in order to save your son.”

Before she could reply, Chuck continued to talk and what he said just about broke Julie’s heart.

“For example, I bet you wouldn’t look right at your son right there and ask him to get up on this bed and take off your bra. I bet you wouldn’t do that and then ask him to suck on your breasts because that’s something you always secretly wanted.”

Julie just looked up at the black kid in uncomprehending horror. If she had lived to be 1000 years old, the pretty Jewish mom would have never believed anyone could be so depravedly sick.

“I...” Julie stuttered.

“Of course,” Chuck now began again, “you know we can’t just take your word that you wouldn’t do something to protect your son. You know ... we gotta prove it. And that means, if you refuse, then old Henry gets the saw. Making you watch your own little boy get all chopped up is the only way we can be sure that ... you know ... you were lyin’ when you said you’d do anything to protect your son.”

Julie never would have believed it in a million years but her breasts, which were completely uncovered and less than two feet away from her fourteen-year-old son, had now been forgotten about. Instead, the pretty Jewish mom struggled to understand just what was happening to her, why it was happening and how she could stop it. How could she possibly be expected to do what Chuck asked of her? Julie knew she couldn’t and yet she couldn’t let anything happen to Henry and so, in response to Chuck’s latest demented request, the pretty Jewish mom simply stared down at the bedspread as she started to sob. And Julie now remained that way until the ear-splitting, high pitched electric whine of the saw coming to life ripped through the air. A moment later it was dying out as the thief thumbed its off button just as quickly as he had turned it on.

“Mom, please ... don’t let them hurt me.”

Henry sounded terrified and it was the terror in her son’s voice that now have spurred Julie into action.

“I-uh” Julie’s throat flexed and her Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. Her tears now caused Julie’s vision to double as, somehow, the pretty Jewish mom smiled a sick and heartbreakingly sad smile. She then looked at her son all too conscious that his own eyes were fixated on her enormous breasts.

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