Dinner Date - Cover

Dinner Date

Copyright© 2023 by Jack n Jill

Chapter 5

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - An account of how the romance between my mother and I began - and how the pathway to the devil awaited.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Incest   Mother   Son  

Our first day’s activities at Camp Adam had left us fairly exhausted towards the end of the evening; what with an early start for the airport, and flight; it wasn’t surprising I was ready for an early night without sex!

As Margo and I climbed into the luxurious bed I said, “Do you think we’ll stand the pace here honey? I already feel knackard after just one day!”

Her hand ran over my naked body and my spine tingled at her tender toutch, “With this cock inside me darling, I could last out in this place for a month. I’ve seen you get the glad eye from other Fems here too! So don’t go astray with it darling, or I might bite it off by mistake?”

“My hand ran over her waist and hips, “Iv’e not seen a single Fem here I would rate anywhere near you Margo.”

“Oh Yea! I saw the effect Jacinda had on you Jason - you weak bastard! ... Jezz! She’s old enough to be your mother!”

Then Margo’s hips press into mine. Her kiss was seductive.

She still had a great figure with her breasts full and high, and barely held in check by the little bra she was still wearing. Her waist was slim and flared onto her inviting hips. Her legs were long, slender and firm.

My cock fully stiffened and my arousal was obvious to her, so I pressed it against her. “Jesus! Is that for real?” she murmured.

There was just the sound of our breath against each other. Her lips came close again. I caught her full lower lip gently between my teeth, stretching it and letting it pop loose. I gave her a full kiss and our tongues duelled for a minute while our hips writhed together. Margo’s hand came onto my swollen cock and began fondling. I went back to our conversation about Jacinder,

“Richi’s Jacinder yea; but you have to admit she’s fab for her age honey; sixty-five and still getting heavily fucked!”

“Yea she’s cool for sure; but I can’t help feeling there’s something kinky about them both somehow?”

Margo was intent now on getting me properly arroused; she began putting little kisses on my neck.

“You know what Margo - when I was chatting with Richie in the bar, I got a strange feeling he had subjected his mother to a public flogging; for a cash bounty, here at Camp Adam!”

“Mm, I wonder ... she may be one of those women who gets turned-on with a beating; you know saddistic like.” Margo’s mouth came onto my cock; holding the foreskin back and painfully nibbling the head!

“You mean enjoys sexual pain; like I’ve taught you to do lately?” I smiled knowing she would be blushing at that remark.

“Yea, well ... but never with people waching me like some side show ... that’s truely sick Jason.”

Then she began slowly swalling my cock all the way to the back of her throat. I grunted in ecstacy. Knowing I had lost all hope of having an early night, I pulled my cock from her mouth and pushed her onto her back; before mounting her roughly!

We exploded into a frenzy of sex.

Afterwards we lay there fondling each other; recounting our fortunate friendship with Richi and Jacinda; giving us a fast lane introduction to insider acctivities. As well as the weekly auction, Richie showed us where the ‘floggin of fems’ took place; sometimes public and sometimes invitation only.

Richie explained the floggings were sometimes a punishment; say if the Fem had refused to give-head to someone. But it may also be that the mother-fucking couple got off on exhibitionism; especially Fems with outstanding figures. Some women will do anything for attention. The Fem might be flogged semi of fully naked; depending on her son’s prefrence.

But the Camp rules stated they take place in the Gym; and the Fem to be hung by the wrists with a stretch-bar between their knees. A maximum of eight lashes was permitted and only one of three camp-flogger whips could be selected for use.

The event was overseen by an offical allowing no cameras or images taken; appart from those taken for the official record. However, copies of these official photos could be bought from from the Camp Shop!

Richie said when a flogging was announced, an excitable buzz spread through the camp; with everyone eager to know who was on the recieving end! If it was a public flogging, it would be standing room only in the Gym.

Before falling asleep, Mago said softly,” What would be interesting tomorrow, is going to that camp shop for a look through the Flogging Albums darling.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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