Dinner Date - Cover

Dinner Date

Copyright© 2023 by Jack n Jill

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - An account of how the romance between my mother and I began - and how the pathway to the devil awaited.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Incest   Mother   Son  

For Margo and me, it was a lenthy journey to Camp Adam.

It had involved an air-flight and several cab-trips to get us to the mysterious motherfucker retreat. Throughout the journey we both got bouts of jitters over why we had got ourselves into such a dubious escapade!

It was a little-known destination even by those living in the nearby town of Mayville Heights, but as our final cab journey approached Camp Adam in the late afternoon sunlight, we saw it was a large country-manor in a very beatiful location.

“Oh Jason, it’s just dreamy darling! I’m sure we’ll be ok - just be ourselves - we don’t have to talk to anyone if they look awfull -do we?” Margo enthused.

“Well seeing as it is, it sure is impressive - and remember Margo, we are as good as any of em!”

We were greeted at the reception desk by a dignified ‘Geives’ and he spent time outlining the ground rules of our stay. We also learned that Camp Adam had been succesfully opperating in it’s current form for over two years. They had a maximum capacity of forty couples, but being the off season the present occupancy was around twenty-five couples. Mixing freely in the public places - resturants, bars, longes, gym and gardens was encorouged, but sometimes there were private parties to which you need an invitation to take part in.

“What kind of parties?” Margo asked, looking round and taking in some of the guest who were lounging nearby; quietly chating.

“Disscussion groups sometimes madam, we often have intellectuals and accademics staying here; it depends on what the meeting is aiming for; but we the management do not get involved in the detail naturaly. So now I’ll have you shown to you suite and wish you a comfortable, enjoyable stay.”

Our suite was impressive, one might almost say sumptuious. Needless to say, the bed was a big double and trying out for its bounce quallity was the first thing Margo did the moment we were alone! Then we spent an hour or two getting ourselves uptogether in the bathroom and sorting our clothing and when we felt satisfied with the way we looked, I took hold of Margo’s hand and we bravely left the safety of our suite and apphensively made for the main lounge bar.

Yet we found our fellow guests to be the kind one expected to see on a quality vacation; it was only when you tried pairing off couples it became off-beat; the males were noticibly younger than their Fems. And some even had a family resemblence!

But mostly they were sociable and willing to indulge in a conversation, over how far you had travelled and if you had been before and so forth. Within an hour of mixing arround, we were feeling quiet at home and then the gong went for dinner.

Into the resturant we were shown to an empty circular table for six; for three pairs.

The first pair to join us were younger and more nervious than us; his name was Alvin. He was quite thin and he looked barely seventeen and seemed submissive to his Fem Mandy, who was a slightly plump woman.

Then the next pair arrived and introduced themselves as Richie and Jacinda from Texas. They were older, he was about forty and full of confidence; but she was sixtyish; timid and shy and there was no doubt that her son was in charge of her.

Jacinda was dressed in a gracefull long dress and arround her gracfull neck was a tight thin leather collar from which hung three tiny links of chain. I also noticed she wore virtually no make-up; and I wondered why?

Later in the evening, over a drink in a bar, Richie boasted he’d been fucking his mother twice a day since he was fiveteen; and still she loved it!

I asked how his father had felt about it?

“He was jellious as hell when he discovered I’d seduced her, because she had put him on tight rations in the bedroom, because he wasn’t able to satisfy her. When our lovemaking became obvious to him he hit the bottle and then eventually he scooted off! So Jacinda got a divorce on grounds of desertion.”

“Well you certainly have kept her in nice shape Richie. I ceartainly thought her very fuckable for an elderly Fem. Have you ever traded her?”

“Only once or twice; and always well away from home; like here for instance. Did you know they hold an auction here Jason?”

Auction? What do they auction?”

Richie laughed! “Your kidding me - right? Now what do you think? Men like to see how much their Fem will bring if they offer them out for the night! The Fem stands in a pen all niced-up and the bidding begins. The owner can put a reserve on the bint but if its met he has to alow her to spend the night with the highest bidder. Occasionally you get offered a deal you simply cant refuse Jason.”

My jaw dropped as I took in what Richie was saying; my mind conduring-up Fems in pens ready for auction,” So when’s the next auction Richie?”

“It’s tomorrow night my boy! It’s tommorow night!

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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