Porn Star Dad  - Cover

Porn Star Dad

Copyright© 2023 by Aramis

Chapter 33

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 33 - A daughter discovers her father's secret past.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Cream Pie   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

It was about two weeks since Lisa took the anal plunge with her father, and ever since then both she and her mom had gotten into the habit of walking around the house without panties to show off the butt plugs they were now wearing on a regular basis. This had resulted in several impromptu sex sessions in various places around the house, with the latest and most memorable one involving all three of them at the same time where Sam fucked both of them in the ass, leaving a creamy deposit first in Lisa and then in Miriam. It was when they were all lying in a tangled, sweaty, lubricant-covered heap in the middle of the king sized bed in the master bedroom after a particularly spirited sexual romp that Miriam came up with an idea.

“Hey, you know what we should do?” she said, sitting up in the bed next to Sam with Lisa lying on the bed on Sam’s other side.

“What’s that, baby?” Sam asked, not moving.

“We should pack up and go to the beach for the weekend!” she said, grinning. “I mean, we girls went to the beach when you had your vasectomy and had a great time, so why don’t all of us go?” she said.

“Including Karen?” Lisa asked, sitting up on her elbows.

“Sure, why not?” Miriam said. “She’s almost one of the family now, so why leave her behind? What do you think, Sam?” she said, looking down at her husband.

“I think that’s a great idea,” he said, sitting up on his elbows as well. “When do you want to go?”

“Why not this weekend?” Miriam said. “I’ve got some time off coming from the hospital and you work on your own schedule; Lisa doesn’t have anything to get in the way, so why not this weekend?” she asked.

“Works for me,” Sam said. “Lisa?” he said, turning to look at his daughter.

“I’m good with it!” she said, sitting all the way up.

“It’s settled, then! I’ll call the hotel and make the reservation, and Lisa, you call Karen and ask her if she can come,” Miriam said, getting up from the bed.

“Okay, Mom!” Lisa said, also getting up and following her mom out of the room, both of them still naked.

“This is gonna be one hell of a weekend!” Sam said to himself as he got up from the bed, grinning.

Two days later the four of them were in Sam’s car headed for the beach, all of them looking forward to what they knew was going to be a memorable weekend. Miriam sat up from with Sam while the girls sat in the back, chattering away as young girls always do. Miriam glanced back at them, smiling as she turned her head back to the front again.

“Ah, the exuberance of youth,” Miriam said, smiling as she looked over at Sam.

“Yeah, those two are really something special,” Sam said, nodding his head.

“In more ways than one!” Miriam said, grinning.

“Oh, yeah!” Sam replied, also grinning.

Once they arrived at ‘The Windjammer’ Sam parked the car and they all got out, retrieving their bags from the trunk and then walking to the entrance of the hotel. Sam walked up to the desk to check in while the girls hung back in the main lobby, chatting away. The clerk gave Sam a big smile as he approached the desk.

“Good afternoon, sir, how can I help you?” he asked.

“Reservation for Jennings, please,” Sam said, handing the clerk his credit card. The clerk took the card and turned to the computer, bringing up Sam’s reservation.

“Sir, I have your reservation right here but it’s only for one room. Is that correct, or will you be needing two rooms?” he asked, looking up at Sam.

“Does the room have two king beds in it?” Sam asked.

“Yes, sir, it does,” the clerk replied.

“Then no, one room will be fine,” Sam said, giving him a wry smile. The clerk looked over Sam’s shoulder at the three women in the lobby, then looked back at Sam.

“I see, sir. Very good, sir!” the clerk said, the same wry smile crossing his face as was on Sam’s. He swiped Sam’s credit card and handed it back to him, typed something on the computer, then handed Sam two small envelopes with a room key card in each.

“Here you are, sir. You’re in Room 2226; will two key cards be enough, or will you need more?” he asked.

“No, two will be fine,” Sam replied, taking the small envelopes from him.

“Very good, sir. Enjoy your stay at ‘The Windjammer,’ and please don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything I can do for you,” the clerk said, still smiling.

“Thank you, I appreciate it,” Sam said. Then he turned and walked towards the elevator, motioning for the girls to follow. The clerk watched as they trooped out of the lobby and got into the elevator.

“That is one very lucky man!” the clerk said, grinning.

Once they got to the room and went inside the girls went to the bathroom to wash their faces and put on what they called their ‘beach clothes,’ leaving Sam to himself for a short while. Sam was already dressed in a guayabera shirt and khakis, his trusty old leather boat shoes without socks on his feet, so while the girls were changing he walked over to the patio door and slid it open, stepping outside. He stepped over to the railing and leaned on it, resting his forearms on the railing as he clasped his hands in front of him, looking up and down the beach and just generally admiring the view. Miriam came out onto the balcony and stood next to him, also leaning on the railing as she looked out over the beach.

“You have quite a challenge ahead of you, you know,” she said, looking over at him.

“Yeah, I know,” Sam said, smiling.

“They’re already bickering about who’s going to make you cum first,” she said, returning his smile.

“Yeah, I kinda figured that,” he replied, returning her smile. He turned to face her, leaning against the railing with one arm as he did. She had changed into a halter top and jeans shorts, with the halter top barely able to contain her huge tits and showing about a mile of cleavage along the way. He felt his cock responding at the sight of her, shifting in his shorts as it started to grow.

’Damned thing has a mind of its own!’ Sam thought to himself.

“So who’s it going to be? Who’s the lucky winner?” he asked.

“I am,” Miriam replied, smiling. “They just don’t know it yet!” she said, chuckling.

“Pulling rank on them, I see,” Sam said, smiling at her.

“Damned right I am!” Miriam replied, returning his smile.

“Hey, that works for me!” Sam said. “Right now I think we should round the girls up and go get something to eat, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yes, I do,” Miriam said. Just about that time Lisa and Karen came over to the patio door, giggling as usual. They were both wearing t-shirts without bras, shorts, and sandals, the shirts being snug enough to show off their ample chests.

“Are you girls ready to get something to eat?” Sam asked.

“Absolutely!” Lisa said, with Karen nodding in agreement.

“I’m thinking ‘The Pizza Shack,’ since the nipple fest you three have going on right now precludes us from eating at ‘The Gull Reef Club,’” he said, motioning to the three women’s chests. They all looked down and then laughed when they realized Sam was right – all of their nipples were clearly visible through the thin cotton of their tops.

“Pizza Shack it is, then!” Miriam said, taking Sam by the arm. “We’ll save The Gull Reef Club for tomorrow night, and we’ll be sure to dress accordingly,” she said.

“Fine by me,” Sam said. Then they walked back into the room and out into the hallway, headed for ‘The Pizza Shack.’

The dinner was very enjoyable for all of them, the four of them becoming the center of attention as soon as they walked in due to the outfits that the women were wearing and that Sam was the lone male in the group. Their waiter was a young man in his early 20s, and the ‘nipple fest’ that Sam had mentioned earlier ensured that he gave Sam and his party the best service he could. Sam left a generous tip when the meal was over, the waiter smiling at him as he walked out with the women in tow.

“That is one lucky son of a bitch!” the waiter said as he pocketed the tip, then began clearing the booth where they had sat.

The four of them spent the next several hours just walking the strip, acting like a group of tourists, going into the various shops and looking around, with Lisa and Karen buying some souvenirs along the way. It was close to eight PM when they finally got back to the room, and as soon as they did Lisa announced that she and Karen were going to go for a walk on the beach. They each kissed Sam on the cheek and then left, leaving Miriam and Sam alone in the room.

“I smell a setup,” Sam said, smiling at Miriam as she sat on one of the beds.

“Possibly,” she replied, returning his smile. “Come out onto the patio with me,” she said, getting up from the bed and taking Sam by the hand. She led him out onto the patio where they once again leaned on the railing, looking out over the night sky and the rising moon shining on the water.

“This is my favorite place in the whole world,” Sam said, looking out over the ocean.

“Remember the first time you and I came here?” she asked, looking out over the ocean as well.

“I sure do,” Sam said, smiling at the memory. “We were still in college, I was still making porn, and we came here to get away and relax,” he said.

“And fuck ourselves silly,” Miriam added, looking over at him and smiling.

“And fuck ourselves silly, yes,” Sam replied, smiling as he looked back at her. “And as I recall we did a pretty fair job of it, too!” he said.

“Remember where we had sex for the first time that weekend?” Miriam asked, edging closer to him, her voice low.

“I do, yes,” he replied, looking in her eyes and seeing the desire burning there. “It was out on the balcony with the room lights turned off so no one could see us,” he said, smiling at the memory.

“Go turn off the room lights,” Miriam said, her voice a husky whisper. Sam turned and walked into the room, crossing it to turn out the lights, then walked back out onto the patio where Miriam was waiting for him, leaning on the railing with her back to the beach, her arms back and her huge tits thrust out in front of her. The look in her eyes made it very plain what she wanted, and Sam was more than happy to give it to her.

“Sit down, baby,” she said, nodding to the plastic deck chair next to them. Sam stepped over to the chair and sat down, Miriam walking over and standing in front of him between his outspread legs. She looked him in the eyes as she reached behind her back to untie the halter top, letting it fall free once it was untied. She pulled the halter up and over her head, revealing her huge, heavy breasts to him, her nipples hard as she dropped the halter to the patio next to where Sam sat. Without a word and keeping her eyes locked on his Miriam squatted down in front of him between his legs, spreading his knees apart with a hand on each knee. Then she slid her hand up his legs and into the legs of his shorts, finding his flaccid cock with both hands. She gripped his cock with both hands and squeezed, tugging on it gently, smiling as she felt it immediately begin to get hard, thickening in her hands.

“Ooooh, look what I found!” she said, giving Sam a wry smile as she pulled on his quickly hardening cock, loving the feeling of it growing thicker, harder, and longer in her hands.

“I think we need to let him come out and play, don’t you?” she said, slipping her hands out of the legs of his shorts and reaching up to unfasten them. She pulled the zipper down and then pulled the shorts open, letting his semi-erect cock spring free.

“There we go! Much better!” Miriam said, grinning up at him as she gripped his cock with one hand, pulling his big, heavy balls free with the other. Without another word she lowered her head down to his cock, opening her mouth and taking the bulbous head inside. She closed her lips around the head of his cock and sucked firmly, pumping his shaft with one hand while tugging on his balls with the other. She was rewarded with a flow of precum, swallowing down the salty fluid as soon as it hit her tongue.

Sam loved watching Miriam sucking on his cock; he always had, and he always would. She was without a doubt the best at the fine art of the blowjob, something she was proving now. Sam watched as she slid her mouth further down onto his cock, knowing that she was capable of taking it all down her throat. She bobbed her head up and down on his thick shaft; he was fully erect now, his cock hard and throbbing as she worked it into her mouth and down her throat.

’God, I love the taste of his cock and how it feels in my mouth!’ she thought to herself as she swallowed his cock bit by bit. It took her less than a minute to get his entire length in her mouth, the bulbous head slipping past the back of her throat. She held it there for a moment before she began sliding her mouth up and down on his turgid shaft, pulling and tugging on his balls as she did. She did this for several long, enjoyable moments before she slipped her mouth from his cock and spoke, looking up at him with her eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

“I’d love to make you cum in my mouth right now, but there’s something else I want to do first,” she said, pumping his cock as she spoke. Then she dropped her mouth back down onto his cock again, pushing it all the way down before sliding it all the way up. She did this three times, then slid her mouth from his cock and stood up, gasping a little as she did. Keeping her eyes locked on his she unfastened her shorts and slid them down over her hips, letting them fall to the patio around her feet before stepping out of them. Sam wasn’t surprised to see that she wasn’t wearing any panties, nor was he surprised when she turned around and bent over in front of him to reveal the blue gemstone butt plug nestled between the rounded cheeks of her ass. She backed up and reached between her legs for his cock, grabbing it and pointing it straight up at her pussy that was hovering just above it.

Sam watched as she lowered her pussy down to his cock, then began rubbing the bulbous head up and down between her smooth-shave outer lips. She was already wet, and it only took a few swipes along her slit for the head of his cock to be coated with her juices. She placed the head at her opening and then lowered her hips down, pushing her pussy down onto the head of his cock.

“AAAHHHHHHH!” Miriam moaned as the big head of his cock penetrated her, stretching her out and filling her up. She let go of his cock and put both hands on the tops of his knees for support as she sat down on his cock, taking more than half of it inside her before she pulled up a little and then sat back down again.

“OHHHHHH, my God, I love how your big cock feels inside me!” she moaned as she worked her pussy down onto his cock, feeling her pussy being stretched out as she took his throbbing shaft deeper and deeper inside her.

Sam watched as his wife slowly swallowed his cock with her pussy, engulfing it bit by bit until she had all of it inside her. She moaned as she ground her hips down onto him, the feeling of her wet pussy wrapped tightly around his cock making him sigh. Then she began to move, riding his cock slowly, her ass rising and falling as she slid her pussy up and down his thick, hard cock, the shaft glistening with her juices.

“Ohhhhhh, that feels so fuckin’ good!” Miriam moaned as she rode Sam’s cock, increasing the pace just a little. She rode his cock for several minutes, neither of them speaking but just enjoying the moment, until Miriam finally spoke up.

“I’m gonna cum, baby, I’m gonna cum all over your big cock!” she said, glancing back at him as she increased the pace of her hips moving up and down as she rode his cock.

“Go ahead, baby, let me feel it,” Sam urged, putting his hands on her hips. She increased the tempo again, moaning with her eyes closed, feeling her orgasm quickly building inside her. Then her orgasm hit, her body shaking as the waves of pleasure went crashing through her, Miriam biting her bottom lip and moaning loudly as she dropped her hips down hard, impaling herself on his cock.

“NNNGGHHHHHH!” she moaned as she came, helpless in the grip of her powerful orgasm. She raised her hips up and slid her pussy up on his cock, then dropped it down onto him again, holding it there as her orgasm ran its course. When it was over it left her shaking and gasping for breath, Sam’s cock and balls covered with her juices.

“Oh, my God, that was good!” she gasped, panting for breath and taking several breaths before speaking again.

“And now I’m going to make you cum,” she said, getting up from Sam’s hard cock and quickly turning around, dropping down to her knees while grabbing his cock with her hand.

“I want you to cum in my mouth so I can swallow every drop!” she said, looking up at Sam. Without another word she opened her mouth and dropped it down onto Sam’s slippery cock, tasting her juices on him as she swallowed his length down her throat. She bobbed her head up and down on Sam’s lap, expertly taking his entire length into her mouth and down her throat, never gagging once.

“It always amazes me how you can do that,” Sam said as Miriam deepthroated his cock over and over again, pulling and tugging on his balls as she did. She looked up at him and winked, never even slowing as she continued sucking his cock. Sam knew what she wanted, and he also knew that she was going to get what she wanted very soon. He could already feel the familiar twinging sensations in his balls, and he knew that he was going to be cumming in her mouth and down her throat very, very soon.

Neither of them heard the door to the room open, and as soon as Lisa saw that the lights were out she turned to Karen and put a finger to her lips, telling her to be quiet. They entered the room quietly, not making a sound, creeping over to the bed closest to the balcony to sit down and watch as Miriam sucked Sam’s cock.

“Holy shit, look at her go!” Karne whispered in Lisa’s ear, so softly that Lisa barely heard her. Lisa nodded in reply, not taking her eyes off of her mom’s head bobbing up and down in her father’s lap, the sucking sounds of oral sex wafting into the room.

Oblivious to the fact that they were being watched, Miriam concentrated on making Sam cum, and it only took another minute or two for that to happen.

“I’m gonna cum, baby!” Sam said, gasping for breath. Lisa grabbed Karen’s knee in anticipation, her other hand going to her big breast and squeezing it. Karen already had one hand down her pants and the other on her breast as well, rubbing and squeezing as Miriam sucked on Sam’s cock.

Then Sam’s orgasm hit, making Sam groan loudly as his cock exploded in Miriam’s mouth. He gripped the arms of the chair with both hands as his hips bucked upwards, his cock blasting stream after stream of hot cum into Miriam’s mouth and straight down her throat. Miriam grabbed Sam’s hips to hang on as he came hard, expertly swallowing again and again to make sure that none of his cum escaped her wet, sucking mouth. Four, five, six, seven times Sam’s cock pumped his cum into her mouth and down her throat, and she swallowed it all.

When Sam’s orgasm was finished it left him gasping for breath. Miriam slowly pulled her mouth from his cock, sucking the last bit of cum from the tip before she sat back on her haunches to catch her own breath. She glanced over towards the room and saw the girls sitting there, both of them wide eyed and rubbing themselves, and it made her chuckle.

“What are you laughing at?” Sam asked, confused.

“We have an audience!” she replied, pointing towards the room. Sam turned in his chair and looked, chuckling when he saw the two girls and what they were doing.

“So did you enjoy the show?” Sam asked, grinning.

“Shit, that was hot, Mom!” Lisa said, still rubbing her pussy.

“To say the least!” Karen said, also still rubbing her pussy and squeezing her tit.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking, baby?” Miriam said, looking up at Sam first and then down to his cock, then back up at him again.

“Yeah, I am,” he said, feeling the little bit of softening that had taken place after he came instantly be replaced with a renewed hardness.

“Go for it!” Miriam said, getting up and stepping back out of the way. Sam got up from the chair, stepping out of his shorts and shoes, then walked into the room and stood in front of the two girls, his huge, fully erect cock standing out in front of him like a telephone pole.

“So who’s first?” he asked, holding out his hands.

Both girls jumped off of the bed and ran over to where Sam stood, falling down to their knees in front of him and nearly knocking him over in their haste to be the first one to grab his cock and get their mouth around it. Lisa won, but not by much; she barely got her mouth around the head of Sam’s cock, Karen’s mouth an inch behind her at the most. As Lisa worked the bulbous head of his cock into her mouth Karen ran her tongue down the side to his balls; once there she ducked her head and opened her mouth, sucking one of his smooth-shaven balls into her mouth.

While Karen sucked on his balls Lisa was hard at work getting Sam’s thick, hard cock as deep into her mouth and down her throat as she could, sliding her mouth up and down on the hard shaft as she pumped the base with her hand. She looked up at her father for a moment as she sucked his cock, then focused her attention on his cock again.

Just then an idea struck Miriam, and she eased her way past Sam and the girls who were still in the doorway, walking into the room and over to the dresser. She opened the drawer and took out the camcorder, turning it on and switching the setting to ‘night.’ Then she held it up so she could see the screen and pressed the ‘record’ button, smiling when a clear picture of what was going on came into view.

“Excellent!” she said to herself, grinning as she recorded Lisa sucking Sam’s cock and Karen sucking his balls.

“Good idea, baby,” Sam said, giving her a thumbs up.

“I have them every now and then!” Miriam said as she continued to record the action.

Sam stood there and let the girls have their way with him, and was pleased when Lisa changed places with Karen after a few minutes, letting Karen suck his cock while she sucked on his balls. Since he had just cum a few minutes before there was no danger of him cumming again any time soon, so he decided to make the best of it.

“Girls, if I may be so bold as to suggest we move over to the bed where we’ll all be more comfortable?” he said, looking down at the girls as they licked and sucked on his cock and balls.

“Good idea, Daddy!” Lisa said, releasing his balls from her mouth. “Come on, Karen, let’s get him onto the bed so we can fuck him!” she said, standing up.

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