Porn Star Dad  - Cover

Porn Star Dad

Copyright© 2023 by Aramis

Chapter 28

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 28 - A daughter discovers her father's secret past.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Cream Pie   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 16 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)

The next few days passed quickly for the three women, their days spent soaking up both the sun and the admiration of every male above puberty on the beach, and their nights spend exploring and pleasuring each other’s bodies. Miriam bought a couple of bottles of wine, which the women drank while they were resting and added to the enjoyment of all three.

The night after Lisa and Karen came back with the dildo Miriam tried using the big toy on Lisa’s ass for the first time, and Lisa did better than Miriam thought she would. Lisa grimaced in pain and gasped for breath, her hands clenched into fists in the bedspread as Miriam eased the thick latex shaft into her tight virgin opening, her eyes tearing up for a few moments as she fought to relax while the big head of the dildo stretched her tight opening out more and more. Miriam took it slow and easy, using plenty of lubricant, and after a few moments she saw and felt Lisa relax as she slowly began to work the dildo in and out of her tight ass. Shortly after that Lisa’s hand was on her clit, rubbing it frantically as Miriam slid the dildo in and out of her ass, and very shortly after that she was cumming hard and fast as Miriam slid most of the ten inch long shaft into her ass. Karen sat on the bed next to Lisa, watching it all with rapt, wide-eyed attention.

When it was all over and Lisa collapsed on the bed, gasping and panting for breath from one of the most intense orgasms she’d had that week, Karen spoke up and asked Miriam to use the dildo on her as well. Fifteen minutes later Karen was lying on the bed next to Lisa, gasping for breath as she recovered from her own orgasm. Both girls were sore the next day but both said it was worth it, and both of them said they couldn’t wait to do it again so they could get ready for the real thing - Sam’s huge cock.

The last night they were there Miriam stepped out onto the balcony to call Sam before going to bed. Both of the girls were already out like a light, arms and legs still entwined from their last session. Miriam covered them up with the bedspread as she went past, then quietly slid the balcony door open so she could step out. She left the door open as she stood naked on the balcony, the warm night air feeling good against her skin. She had rediscovered her exhibitionist streak, and she didn’t care if anyone saw her standing there naked or not as she called her husband. Sam picked up on the second ring.

“Hi, baby,” he said, his voice sounding good in her ear.

“Hello, my love,” she replied, smiling. “How’s my big stud muffin doing this evening?”

“Just fine, baby, just fine,” he replied, a smile on his face as he sat on the couch in his office. “Looking forward to having you and the girls home tomorrow, that’s for sure!”

“And we’re looking forward to coming home!” Miriam replied. “It’s been a fabulous week, far better than I ever imagined it could be, but I’m ready to come home,” she said.

“I’ve missed you, baby,” Sam said, his voice filled with love.

“I’ve missed you, too, baby,” Miriam replied in the same voice. “Are you all healed up?” she asked, looking down at the boardwalk below and watching the people walking by.

“Sure am,” Sam replied, and she could hear the excitement in his voice. “Went to have the stitches taken out today, and the doc says I’m good to go! He cautioned me that it would take at least a month before my sperm count would drop to zero, so I think Lisa needs to stay on the pill for at least twice that long just to be sure, or at least until I go back and have my sperm count checked again. Once it’s zero she can stop taking it, but in the mean time she needs to stay on it,” he said.

“Agreed,” Miriam said, “although I have a feeling that between me, Lisa and Karen, we’ll drain you of any remaining sperm-laden cum you may have stored up inside you long before that!” She laughed at this, and Sam laughed with her.

“I’m quite sure you will!” he said.

“Did you see June?” Miriam asked.

“Yep, sure did,” Sam replied.

“And?” she said.

“And she said that she was looking forward to our evening together,” Sam replied. “She also couldn’t seem to break her gaze away from my crotch as we were talking,” Sam said, chuckling a bit. “Now I know how you women feel when a guy stares at your breasts!”

“I’ll call her in a few days and set it up,” Miriam said, turning around and leaning against the balcony railing. “I’m surprised she didn’t try to give you a blowjob while you were there,” she added.

“She did, actually; well, she suggested it, anyway,” Sam replied. “But I told her no, that it was only right that you have first crack at me after my procedure was finished,” he said, and Miriam smiled at this.

“Thank you, baby, that was very sweet!” Miriam said, “and that also happens to be the same thing I told the girls this week, too, so they know they’re just going to have to wait for me to finish with you before it’s their turn,” she said.

“So are they going to double-team me?” Sam asked.

“Yeah, I think that’s the plan,” Miriam replied.

“Tell them I said to bring it on!” Sam said.

“You can tell them yourself tomorrow after I’m finished with you,” Miriam said, “which should be, oh, around nine PM or so!” She laughed again, as did Sam.

“I’ll hold you to that,” Sam replied. “I love you, baby,” he said.

“I love you, too, baby,” Miriam replied, her eyes misting up a little. “Sleep tight, and I’ll see you tomorrow!”

“Looking forward to it,” Sam said, and then he hung up. Miriam pressed the END button on her phone, staying where she was for a moment or two before going inside and sliding the balcony door closed behind her. She turned out the lights and got into bed, the glow of the full moon lighting up the room as she relaxed in the soft bed. She was asleep in moments.

The next day was bright and clear, and all three of them were in a hurry to pack up, check out and get home. After taking a few moments to have one last look at the beach from out on the balcony, the three women picked up their suitcases and backpacks and trooped out the door, headed down to the car in the parking deck. A few minutes later they were in the car and headed for home, all of them excited about going home and seeing Sam again.

Sam was excited about the girls coming home, too, and he was finding it surprisingly difficult to relax while he waited for the girls to arrive. He was ansty, unable to sit still for very long, and he found himself glancing out of the kitchen door or out of his office window at the driveway, looking for the girls to arrive, at least once every ten minutes or so.

When he first got out of the shower and started to get dressed, he seriously considered wandering around the house in just a t-shirt or nothing at all, but after a short deliberation he decided to wear a pair of baggy shorts - without underwear, of course - and a tank top. After slipping these on he slid his feet into his sandals and then went downstairs to make some coffee and begin his vigil for the girl’s arrival.

A little after eleven o’clock he heard the car pulling up into the driveway, and looked out of the window of his office to see Miriam’s car just coming to a stop. As the girls got out of the car and started to retrieve their luggage Sam walked out of his office and into the kitchen, opening the kitchen door and holding it open for them.

“Daddy!” Lisa shouted when she saw him, then she dropped her backpack and ran over to him, her large and obviously unfettered breasts bouncing as she ran. Sam immediately felt his cock stirring. Lisa threw herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as she pressed her body against his. She kissed him on the cheek and then looked at him, grinning from ear to ear as she held her body against his. She felt good in his arms and against his body, and Sam held her just as tightly in return.

“Hi, sweetie!” he said, grinning back at her. “Did you miss me?” he asked.

“Terribly, Daddy!” she replied, still pressing her body against his. “And I see that you missed me, too!” she said, referring to his quickly hardening cock that she could feel pressing against her.

“I did, yes, but not just for that reason, you know,” he said, looking down at her.

“I know, Daddy, I missed you too for the same reasons,” she said.

“Good,” Sam said.

“Hey, a little help here, please!” Miriam called from the driveway. Lisa kissed her father quickly on the lips and then let go of him, turning to trot back to the car to retrieve her backpack and help her mother and Karen. Sam followed behind her, thankful that he had worn baggy shorts that morning. Miriam grinned at him as she watched him approach, noticing the bulge showing in the front of his shorts. Sam walked up to her and held his arms out for her, and she stepped into them and wrapped her arms around him as he encircled her with his. Then they kissed, long and deep, softly at first but quickly growing in passion and intensity, and when the kiss ended Miriam was breathless and Sam was hard as a rock.

“Hi, baby,” Sam said softly, looking at his wife’s soft eyes.

“Hi, yourself, you big stud muffin, you,” Miriam replied in a soft voice, smiling up at him. “I missed you, Sam,” she said, then kissed him softly and briefly on the lips.

“I missed you, too, baby,” Sam replied, then hugged her close again.

“I can’t wait to get that big dick of yours inside me!” Miriam whispered in his ear, then slipped her tongue around the outside of his ear and making him shiver with excitement.

“The feeling is mutual, I assure you,” he replied, whispering in her ear. He pushed his now-hard cock against her body for emphasis, and he heard Miriam moan softly in his ear. Then he released her from his embrace and turned to see Karen standing there looking at him, a big smile on her face, holding her backpack with both hands down in front of her as she stood.

“Hi, Sam,” she said, not moving. “Do I get a hug and a kiss too?”

“Of course you do!” he replied, holding his arms out. Karen dropped the backpack and threw herself into his arms, planting her lips on his and kissing him deeply. She molded her body against his as they kissed, pressing her big breasts into his chest and her pelvis against his hips as they kissed, feeling the hardness of his huge cock against her body. After several long, intense moments she finally released her grip on his neck and ended the kiss, looking up at him and smiling broadly as she gasped slightly.

“Wow,” Sam said, smiling back at her. “I guess you kinda missed me, huh?” he said, and Karen nodded.

“Yep, I did, and as soon as it’s my turn I’m gonna show you just how much!” she replied.

“I’ll be looking forward to it,” Sam said. “Right now let’s get all of you into the house so we can relax, and then we’ll talk about lunch!” he said to all of them. Sam grabbed the closest suitcase as they picked up their bags, then went into the house. Once in the house they dropped their bags on the kitchen floor, and then Miriam took Sam by the hand and led him across the kitchen to the stairs. She turned and looked at him over her shoulder as she spoke.

“We can eat later,” she said, giving Sam an evil smile as she mounted the stairs with Sam in tow. Behind him Sam heard the two girls giggling.

She led him up the stairs and into their room, closing the door behind her. Then she turned and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pressed her huge, firm breasts into his chest. She slid a hand up to the back of his head and pulled his lips down to hers, kissing him long and deep. Sam wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him, pressing his body against hers. She could feel his huge cock pressing against her as it was trapped between their bodies, and she longed to feel it in her hands, in her mouth, and in her pussy. She sucked his tongue into her mouth as he pressed her body against his, and she moaned slightly as Sam slid his hands down her back to her ass and gripped the globes of her ass in both hands, squeezing hard as he pulled her against him. She could feel her pussy begin to flood, and after a few more pleasurable moments she broke off the kiss and spoke.

“God, I want you so bad, Sam!” she said breathlessly, the look of lust evident in her eyes. She saw the same look in Sam’s eyes as well as he looked back at her.

“I want you just as much, babe,” he said in a soft voice. “It’s been a very long week without you!”

“Are you sure you’re okay to do this, baby? I mean, you’re all healed up and everything?” she asked, and Sam nodded as he replied.

“Got a clean bill of health from the doc, so we’re good to go,” he said.

“Good!” Miriam said, slipping out of his grasp and taking a step back. “So get out of those clothes before I rip them off you!” she said. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and quickly pulled it up over her head and off of her body, revealing her huge breasts in all their braless glory to Sam. Then she quickly slipped out of her sandals and shorts, sliding the shorts down her shapely legs with Sam watching her big breasts swaying as she moved. He always loved to watch Miriam’s huge tits sway as she moved, and this was no exception.

She straightened up after dropping her shorts on the floor and put her hand on her hips, looking at Sam and waiting for him to strip also. Sam came out of his tit-induced trance and quickly stripped his own clothes off, Miriam’s eyes drinking in the sight of him and locking on the thick, throbbing shaft of his huge cock as it stood up proudly in front of Sam when he straightened up. She saw a huge drop of precum forming at the tip, glistening in the light as it slowly ran down the underside of the head of Sam’s cock.

Miriam stepped forward pushed Sam back down onto the bed, then dropped down between his knees and reached for his throbbing, erect cock. She pulled the bulbous head towards her mouth and immediately slipped her lips over it, sucking the head into her wet mouth and licking the precum from the tip to immediately swallow it. Then she began sliding her mouth down his thick shaft, running her tongue up and down the sensitive underside as she went. She was intent on getting all of his cock down her throat right away, and was wasting no time in getting it done.

Sam sat back and watched Miriam engulf his cock in her mouth, moaning as she slipped her tongue along the underside of his shaft. Her mouth felt wonderful, warm and soft and wet, and it made him all the more anxious to get his cock inside her pussy which he knew would be even more wonderful, warmer, softer and much wetter. He watched as she quickly deep-throated his cock, taking the entire length into her mouth and down her throat; it never ceased to amaze him how easily she was able to do that, and he realized again just what a lucky man he was to have her as a wife.

He groaned a bit as Miriam buried her nose in his pubic hair, his entire cock now embedded in her throat, and he gasped as she swallowed around the head of his cock. Then she began moving her head up and down the length of his shaft, sucking hard as she came up and slathering her tongue all over and around his shaft as she went down. His cock was glistening with her saliva as she sucked his cock, and he could detect the aroma of her musk beginning to fill the room.

Miriam sucked Sam’s huge cock like a woman possessed; it had been a long time since she was away from Sam for this long a time, and she was filled with a desire for him that surprised even her. She slid her mouth up and down Sam’s big, thick cock for several minutes before releasing it only to slide her mouth down the shaft and latch her lips onto his balls. She heard Sam gasp as she sucked one of his balls into her mouth, and she was careful not to suck on it too hard. When Sam didn’t cry out in pain after a few moments of this they both figured that he was in fact completely healed, so Miriam increased the suction on his balls as she stroked his slippery, throbbing cock with her hand.

“Oh, my God, that feels so good!” Sam said, leaning back on his elbows as he watched Miriam sucking on his balls.

“You like that, baby?” she asked, releasing his balls from her mouth just long enough to speak, looking over his cock at him. The lust was plain in her eyes, as was the pleasure she was taking from doing this. “You like when I suck on your big balls like that?” she asked, then sucked one of his balls into her mouth again.

“Yes, I do,” Sam replied, “I love it!” Miriam smiled at him as she sucked on his balls, running her tongue over and around them one at a time. Finally she released them from her mouth and spoke again, still stroking his cock in her hand. His cock was slick and glistening with his precum by now, and she knew they were both more than ready.

“Are you ready to fuck me now, my love?” she asked, her voice husky with desire.

“More than ready,” Sam replied, his voice low.

“Good,” Miriam said. She released his cock from her grip and stood, then sat on the bed next to him briefly before sliding up into the center of the bed and lying back, her knees up and her legs wide open. The scent of her musk was heavy in the air; Sam turned and watched as she got into position and held her arms out to him before speaking.

“Now come fuck me!”

Sam quickly got up and climbed onto the bed, positioning himself between her outspread and uplifted thighs, his throbbing cock bobbing in front of him as he moved. Miriam watched him move, her eyes locked onto his throbbing cock as he moved, her mouth hanging open slightly and her breath coming quickly. She watched as Sam grasped the thick pole of his huge cock in his hand and guided the bulbous head down to her slit, and she gasped as he rubbed the big head up and down between her slippery outer lips. She gasped again as the head pressed against her hard clit, and she tilted her hips upwards towards him to urge him on. She wanted - no, she needed - his big cock inside her, and she needed it now!

Sam saw the look of lust in her eyes and heard her shallow breathing, and he knew that he could wait no longer. His cock was so hard it hurt, throbbing in his hand, and all thoughts of taking it easy his first time after his procedure vanished from his mind. He placed the big head of his cock against her wet opening and pushed, the petals of her pussy lips parting to take him in. She was hot, wet, and tight, and Sam sighed as he felt his cock slip inside her tunnel. Miriam watched Sam guide his cock into position to enter her, and she she gasped as he

pushed the head of his huge cock into her opening. Sam pushed again, sliding more of his cock into her pussy, and she groaned as she felt her tunnel being stretched as his monster cock slowly filled her.

“Oh, God, that feels so good!” she moaned, grabbing her knees and pulling them towards her head to let him in easier. “Give it to me, Sam, all of it ... shove that big cock of yours into my pussy and then fuck me with it!” she pleaded, gasping for breath.

“Your wish is my command,” Sam said, looking down at her and seeing the heat in her eyes. He paused for a moment with more than half of his cock buried in Miriam’s tight pussy, then pulled back a little bit before thrusting his hips forward hard, shoving nearly all of his cock deep into his wife’s tight, wet pussy and making her cry out in surprise and pleasure.

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