Porn Star Dad  - Cover

Porn Star Dad

Copyright© 2023 by Aramis

Chapter 24

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 24 - A daughter discovers her father's secret past.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Cream Pie   Facial   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

The next morning Sam was the first one up, as usual, so he went downstairs wearing just his t-shirt – as usual these days – to fix the coffee. Ten minutes later the coffee was ready and he was sitting at the kitchen table, reading the paper and drinking his coffee when Miriam came down the stairs. She was wearing only her tie-dyed tank top – as usual these days – and Sam couldn’t help but smile as he noticed her huge, full breasts swaying beneath the cotton top as she moved. She smiled at him as she walked over to the coffee maker.

“Good morning, baby,” she said, detouring to come over and kiss him on the cheek. “Today’s the big day, huh? Are you nervous?” she asked, continuing on to the coffee maker.

“A little, yeah,” Sam said, putting the paper down. “I mean, the thought of someone coming at your balls with a knife is enough to make any man nervous, you know?” Miriam chuckled at his analogy.

“I never thought about it like that, so yeah, I guess so,” she said, pouring herself a cup of coffee. Just then Lisa came bounding down the stairs and into the room, full of the limitless energy that only teenagers have. She was wearing only a pair of black thong panties – as usual these days – and Sam was treated to the sight of yet another pair of big, full breasts bouncing as she went over to the refrigerator to get some orange juice.

“Morning, guys!” Lisa said, coming over to Sam and kissing him on the cheek, then repeating it with Miriam. “Today’s the big day, huh, Daddy?” she said, reaching up for a glass. Sam smiled at Miriam as he replied, and she smiled back.

“Didn’t we just have this conversation?” he asked Miriam.

“I think so, yes,” Miriam replied, smiling as she looked over at her daughter.

“You two are terrible!” Lisa said, sitting down at the table and taking a drink of her juice.

“That’s not what you said last night,” Sam said, grinning at her.

“Oh, Daddy!” Lisa said, slapping him playfully on the arm. Then she looked over at her mother as she spoke again. “Mom, you’re off work today because you have to take Daddy in for the procedure, right?” she asked.

“Right, honey,” Miriam replied.

“Well, Karen and I are going to go over to the mall and just mess around, window shop and ogle the guys, things like that,” she said, glancing playfully over at her father, “You wanna come with us? Make it a girl’s day out, that kind of thing?” Miriam looked over at Sam, who smiled at her and nodded.

“Why not, baby?” he said, patting Miriam on the arm. “I’ve got some last-minute work to get done here anyway, so you go on ahead and be with the girls; just be back in time enough to get me to my appointment and we’ll be fine!”

“Thank you, baby,” Miriam said, putting her hand on his and smiling warmly at him. Then she looked at Lisa and said, “So what time?”

“Great!” Lisa exclaimed, grinning broadly. “The mall stores open at nine, so we figured on being there about nine-thirty,” she said.

“Works for me,” Miriam said.

“That gives the two of you about an hour and a half to get ready,” Sam said, “so you’d better get a move on.”

“Not a bad idea, baby,” Miriam said, getting up from the table and putting her coffee cup in the sink before heading upstairs. Lisa got up and came over to her father, bending over to hug his neck and kiss him deeply on the lips.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she said, still bent over with her arms around his neck. “And you take it easy after your procedure, ‘cause by the time your stitches are out I’m gonna be so horny for you and that great, big cock of yours I’m liable to jump you as soon as you hit the door!” Then she turned and bounded up the stairs, treating Sam to a view of her firm, rounded ass flexing as she went.

An hour later the girls were gone, and Sam spent the rest of the day working in his home office on some last-minute project details that just had to get done. Then he spent the rest of his time until the girls got back just relaxing, and was lying on the couch dozing when the girls finally came back around three-thirty. He looked at his watch and sat up, the girls laughing and giggling as they came in the door. Sam noticed that Karen was with them, and all three of them were in a joyful, playful mood. All of them were carrying bags, which meant good news for them and bad news for Sam’s bank account. He shook his head slightly as he smiled, then the girls saw him walking towards them.

“Hi, Daddy!” Lisa said, coming over to kiss his cheek.

“Hi, sweetie,” he replied, giving her a quick hug.

“Hi, Sam,” Karen said, kissing his cheek also.

“Hi, Karen,” he replied, hugging her as well. As soon as she stepped away Miriam came over, slid her arms around his neck, and gave him a long, deep, intense, toe-curling, cock-hardening kiss that made the other two girls gasp and giggle.

“Hi, baby,” she whispered to him when she ended the kiss, smiling seductively at him. “Miss me?”

“Can’t you tell?” Sam said, flexing his muscles and making his now-hard cock jump against her. Miriam giggled again, then kissed him lightly on the lips before she turned to pick up the bags and head upstairs.

“I’m gonna put these things upstairs, baby, and then we gotta go if we want to be on time,” she said, talking over her shoulder as she walked towards the stairs.

“Okay, baby, I’ll be down here waiting for you,” Sam replied, sitting back down on the couch.

“Daddy, we’re gonna hang out here while you two are gone,” Lisa said, coming over to sit down on the couch. “I want to be here when you get back, just to make sure you’re okay ... okay, Daddy?” she said, a genuine look of concern on her eyes.

“Thank you, sweetie, I’d like that,” he replied, and then she hugged his neck. Miriam came back into the room just then and spoke.

“None of that, you two,” she said, playfully chastising them. “You don’t have the time, not even for a quickie, so you’re just going to have to wait a week,” she said, grinning.

“Mom, you’re terrible!” Lisa said, laughing as she got up from the couch. Sam got up as well, walking over to Miriam.

“Ready, baby?” she asked, holding his hands in hers and looking up at him.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” he replied, “so let’s go.” Miriam slipped her arm around his waist and they walked through the kitchen, then out the door and into Sam’s car for the drive to the doctor’s office.

Sam and Miriam arrived for his appointment ten minutes early, even though he was the last appointment for the day and he was sure the doctor would be running late. They walked in at 4:15PM and checked in with the woman at the sign-in window, and sure enough she told him that the doctor was running about fifteen to twenty minutes behind schedule. Just as they were about to turn away from the window Miriam’s friend June walked into the office, breaking out into a smile as she saw Miriam standing at the window with Sam.

“Hang on, Miriam, I’m coming out!” she said, turning to walk out of the room. The door to the left of the window opened a few seconds later and June walked out, going over to Miriam and hugging her with Miriam returning the hug. After exchanging the usual “How have you been” and “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” greetings Miriam turned to Sam and introduced him to June.

“And this handsome specimen of manhood is my husband, Sam,” she said, reaching out and slipping her arm around Sam’s as she took his hand. “Sam, this is June, my roommate from nursing school that I told you about.”

“Pleased to meet you, Sam,” June said, giving him a warm smile as she extended her hand.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Sam replied, shaking her hand. He’d had a chance to look June over as she and Miriam were exchanging greetings, and he liked what he saw. June was about Miriam’s height but much thinner, with a small bustline but a spectacular rounded ass to make up for it. She had an angular face with a thin nose and slightly thin lips, but her smile was broad and warm. She wore gold wire-rimmed glasses that accentuated her face perfectly, but what really caught Sam’s attention was her hair. June was a natural redhead, and the two things in the world that turned Sam on the most were big boobs and redheads. June’s red hair was fairly short, not quite touching her shoulders, and just curly enough that she didn’t look like a little girl with a perm. As he shook her hand and looked into her green eyes Sam had the feeling that she was sizing him up, much in the same way he was sizing her up. He released her hand after a few moments, and she turned back to Miriam.

“The doctor is running about twenty minutes late,” June explained. “We had a procedure take a little longer than expected right after lunch, so it put him behind and we just haven’t been able to catch up.”

“That’s okay, we can wait,” Sam said. “We’ll just grab a seat on the couch over there and wait until the doc’s ready for me.”

“Or, if you want, I could take you back now and prep you,” June suggested, looking at him for a moment and then over at Miriam before looking back at him again. She paused for a moment before adding, “It’d be just one less thing for you to have to wait for, you know?”

“Go ahead, Sam, you might as well,” Miriam said, nudging him on the elbow. “I’ll just wait out here until you’re done and then drive you home.”

“Okay, sure, why not?” Sam said, and June broke out into a big smile.

“Excellent! Then come this way and I’ll take you to the exam room,” she said, holding open the door to the hallway leading to the exam rooms. Sam turned and kissed Miriam, then went through the door. Once in the hallway June led him down to the last exam room on the right, and Sam got a good look at her tight, rounded ass beneath her slightly-too tight scrubs as she walked. He didn’t see any panty lines so he was pretty sure she was a thong woman; either that, or she didn’t wear panties at all. Either way, she had one hell of an ass that Sam appreciated. She turned to him and smiled as she held open the door to the room.

“Here you go,” she said as Sam walked past her and into the room. She walked over to a cabinet, took out a paper gown, and handed it to Sam. “Go ahead and change into this, and then have a seat in the exam chair,” she said. “You can put your clothes on the chair in the corner, and I’ll be back in a few minutes,” June said, then left the room and closed the door behind her. Sam did as he was told, taking off his clothes and putting them on the chair after he put the gown on, then sat down in the exam chair. The vinyl chair was cold and made him gasp as he sat down. A few minutes later June came back into the room and smiled at him when she saw he was ready.

“Well, it looks like you’re all ready to go, Sam,” June said, walking over and patting him on the arm. “Are you nervous?” she asked, keeping her hand on his forearm and looking into his eyes.

“No, not really,” he said, smiling back at her.

“Well, good! And even if you were, the valium drip would take care of that,” June said, patting his forearm and smiling at him. “So, did you prep yourself before you came today like the doctor told you during the consultation?” she asked. Sam nodded as he replied.

“Yep, all nice and smooth just like the doctor ordered,” he said. “But like I told the doc, I do that anyway so it wasn’t any big thing.”

“Not that I don’t believe you, but I have to check anyway, you know,” June said, a little breathless as she spoke but not breaking eye contact with him.

“Hey, it’s your job, right? Check away,” Sam said, holding out his arms in an “I surrender” gesture. “It’s not like you’ve never seen one before, now is it?” He chuckled a bit at his own joke and June laughed with him.

“No, it’s not,” she said, reaching down and lifting up the bottom of the gown, looking down as she did so. “I’ve certainly seen more than my fair share of...” she paused in mid-sentence, her eyes growing wide and her mouth dropping open as she saw Sam’s cock.

“Oh ... oh, my!” she said in surprise, her eyes locked onto the huge, thick shaft lying across Sam’s thigh. She stood motionless and speechless for several long moments, unable to take her eyes from Sam’s cock.

“But I’m willing to bet you’ve never seen one that big before, have you, June?” Sam asked, a grin on his face. June slowly shook her head, then looked up at Sam with her mouth hanging slightly open as she replied.

“That’s incredible!” she said in a quiet voice, dumbfounded by the sheer size of Sam’s cock. She dropped her eyes back down to his cock again, and her eyes got a bit wider as Sam’s cock began to respond to the attention she was giving it by shifting on his leg and growing just a bit. “How ... I mean, how big...” she stammered, her eyes locked on his slowly growing shaft.

“Eleven inches, and as thick as your wrist,” Sam replied, quoting the ad from his movies.

“Eleven inches!” June said, looking up at him in astonishment, then back down at his slowly expanding cock. “And your balls are big, too!” she said, dropping the professional lingo and talking like a woman now. “Oh, my God, I’ve never seen a cock like this before!”

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