Option #4 - Cover

Option #4

Copyright© 2023 by A Bad Attitude

Chapter 1

I am standing looking out at my truck in the parking lot. I see a girl probably 20 years old looking around to see if anybody is watching her. Then she jumps up in the back of my truck and gets under the tarp where my new power sprayers are located.

About now you are asking yourself what is going on. Right?

Well let me try to explain. First of all I am not in the United States. I am in the Republic of Panama on the Inter-American highway. The parking lot is in front of Price-Smart about 20 miles from the border of Costa Rica. The girl is most likely a Colombian trying to make her way to the U.S. So why is she hiding? Panama has very strict immigration laws and they do not permit Colombians to enter without a Visa. All a citizen has to do is call the local police and you will be paid $100 for each illegal person captured. That is about two weeks’ pay for the average Panamanian. Why am I not calling the police and collecting my $100? Well maybe I should start at the beginning.

The name on my U.S. passport is John Williams, the name on my Panamanian passport is Juan Diaz. Both are legal. How you ask?

My father was a Navy pilot stationed in the Canal Zone. He met my mother and fell in love, married and momma was soon pregnant with me. Dad found out after they were married that she was not just some Panamanian girl looking for a quick way out of a poor country. No, she happened to be from one of the richest families in Panama. They owed thousands of hectares of coffee growing land in the mountains close to Costa Rica. While my parents lived on a base in the Canal Zone and had rights to the base hospital I was born in a hospital in Panama City. Why?

Mom was visiting her parents one day and went into labor. They rushed her to the closest hospital which happened to not be the one in the Canal Zone. So I was born in a foreign country. No way was I going to be elected President of the United States so it did not matter. What it did was give me dual citizenship. This would come in handy later in my life.

When I was about 2 years old my dad was transferred to the States and I was raised on Navy bases. First in California, then in Virginia. I spoke English at school and Spanish around my mother. My English turned out to be a southern drawl like my dad who was from South Carolina.

Dad was killed in a training accident when I was a junior in high school. Mom stayed in the states until I started college at Georgia Tech, then she moved back to Panama with her family. She visited me often and I went to Panama for holidays. When I graduated I joined the Marines. I went to OCS, then the Basic School then to Okinawa with the 3rd Marine Division. After a month or so of getting use to the heat I was running search and destroy patrols in and out of the DMZ or Dead Marine Zone as we grunts referred to it. I made it back without a scratch. I decided the Marine Corps was not for me. I did my time and I had seen enough killing to last me a life time. I headed back to Georgia and used my mechanical engineering degree to get a pretty decent job in a plant making auto parts. That’s when I met Lisa. She was a natural blonde, tall, with small tits and blue eyes. I fell in love with her at first sight. We dated and after about 10 months I asked her to marry me.

My mom came up for the wedding and she told Lisa how I was the only heir to a coffee empire in Panama. Later that night Lisa talked about signing a pre-nup. She said she would have not have a problem but I told her it was not necessary. Her love was all I wanted. I trusted her. Anyway pre-nups are for pussies. We married in front of her family and my mother. All was well for about two years.

We had bought a house in a new development near Atlanta and close to where we both worked. She did not have to work but she wanted to. Every 3 months or so I got a check for my part of the coffee sales in Panama. It was substantial. I had talked to Lisa about her quitting and us starting a family and she always had an excuse why now was not the right time. It was her body so I had let it slide.

One day soon after we moved into our new house I got sick at work. I took the rest of the day off and went home. As turned the corner I noticed Lisa’s car in the driveway. That was odd she was supposed to be at work. I slowed down and parked about three lots from the front of my house. Like I said this was a new development and there were no houses near us, just empty lots.

I went in the backdoor and I heard them in the upstairs bedroom.

“Tell me you love my big black cock.”

“I love your big black cock!”

“Tell me you love it more than that white cock of your husband.”

“You know I love how you fuck me.”

“Tell me how much better you cum with me than with him.”

“No one ever made me come like you do. I love the way you make love to me. I always have. God, don’t stop now. Please, harder that’s it. Yes! Yes!”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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