Sylvia (old version) - Cover

Sylvia (old version)

Copyright© 2023 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 1: Meet The Bullies

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 1: Meet The Bullies - old version - not very good. read the new version.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   Public Sex  

*** Meet The Bullies ***

The initial two days at Aprico Island Reform School were at least outwardly uneventful. Sylvia took the initiative to introduce herself to her class of 16 male students assigned to her. Her innate shyness made her uncomfortable standing in front of these 16 dark-skinned young men. Aware of their delinquent status and the reason for their presence in the reform school, Sylvia felt a nervous anticipation. However, their warm smiles, showcasing white teeth against their dark faces, managed to put her at ease.

Sylvia discovered that her responsibilities extended beyond just teaching English; she was assigned to instruct in world history, mathematics, and physical education. Her role essentially required her to stay with the same class from 9 am to 2 pm.

However, the semblance of peace and normalcy shattered on the ominous third day, plunging her into a nightmare. After the class as Sylvia was cleaning up her teacher’s desk to be ready to leave, three of her students walked in.

Sylvia greeted them with her usual warmth and friendliness, a bright smile on her lips. But suddenly and without warning, one of them struck her left thigh with a wooden rod they were holding. The blow caught Sylvia off guard, causing her to let out a high-pitched “eek!” of surprise. Before she could even process what was happening, another strike landed hard on her buttocks, eliciting an involuntary “ouch!” from her lips. Instinctively, Sylvia pushed out her hips out in reflex, only to be met with a third hit directly on her crotch, sending a sharp stinging pain through her pubic area. “Ouuuuu,” she cried out, taken aback by the unexpected attack. Desperately trying to make sense of the situation, Sylvia pleaded for them to stop, gasping for breath between each word.

As Sylvia tried to process the situation, her mind racing with fear and confusion, she heard one of them speak in a menacing tone, “Take off your clothes!”

She was in disbelief at what was unfolding before her eyes. The same black boys who had been attentive and friendly during her lecture just an hour ago were now attacking her, demanding that she remove her clothing. She begged them to stop, tears streaming down her face.

With a growl of frustration, one of the boys delivered another merciless blow to Sylvia’s buttocks. The impact reverberated through her body, sending waves of pain and discomfort coursing through her. She couldn’t help but let out a sharp cry as she instinctively reached back to massage the inflamed skin. “I said take off your clothes!” the boy barked, his voice harsh and commanding.

The three boys stood their grounds, their wooden rods held high above their heads. And then, with sadistic pleasure in their twisted eyes, they began to swing their weapons down upon the poor white woman before them. Sylvia’s screams and desperate pleas fell on deaf ears as the brutal blows rained down on her body, each strike causing waves of searing pain to course through her. Her cries were like music to their ears, only fueling their sadistic actions.

Her body was completely defenseless against their relentless assault. With each blow, she felt as if her very bones were being shattered from within. Their strikes were calculated, targeting specific spots of her body - her buttocks, breasts, and groin - with cruel precision. There was no respite from the unrelenting violence as they continued to attack every inch of her vulnerable form.

With each passing moment, the full force of their assault became more and more apparent. Every part of her was battered and bruised, bearing the marks of their merciless aggression. No matter how desperately she tried to shield herself with her hands, they always found an open spot to strike next with ruthless force. Trapped and helpless, she could do nothing but endure the humiliation and agony inflicted upon her by these sadistic boys and their wooden sticks.

She couldn’t understand why they were doing this or what they hoped to achieve. But just when she thought things couldn’t get any worse, they paused their assault, and one of the boys spoke up again in a cold and calculated voice: “This is just a taste of what’s in store for you if you don’t do exactly as we say.

“Now, take off your clothes!”

Sylvia couldn’t help but instinctively hesitate, and her hesitation was met with a sharp CRACK as the wooden stick connected with her back, causing her to arch and thrust out her voluptuous triple-D breasts. The next strike landed on her chest, sending shockwaves of pain through her body. SMACK. Next, the stick struck her buttocks, her crotch, her tender breasts, leaving burning welts in its wake. She cried out in agony as each strike came faster and harder, blurring into an unrelenting barrage of pain.

“Please, stop! I’ll do it! Please stop hitting me, please!” Sylvia begged in terror, her voice pained and desperate. She begged and pleaded for the boys to show mercy, tears streaming down her face as she desperately offered to strip naked if it meant the beating would end. Finally, they paused their onslaught momentarily, giving her a chance to undress.

Sylvia’s hands shook as she reached for the hem of her t-shirt, pulling it above her head, revealing a triple-D size bra that was covering her ample breasts. She hesitated, knowing what would come next. With trembling fingers, she unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down, kicking off her sneakers in the process. As they hit the floor with a thud, she felt a pang of guilt and shame wash over her. But before she could fully process it, another sharp smack landed on her already sore buttocks. “Please,” she begged, but inside she knew it wouldn’t stop until she gave in completely. The internal struggle raged on as the boys paused once again, waiting for her to surrender to their demands.

Reaching back, with a flick of her fingers, she unhooked her lacy bra and her full breasts tumbled free, their weight causing them to jiggle enticingly. Next, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slid them down, revealing a dark triangle of unshaven pubic hair and plump buttocks that begged to be admired. The boys couldn’t help but marvel at this white woman trembling before them, an exquisite beauty - her alabaster skin was luminous in the soft light, so white and smooth and soft that they longed to reach out and touch it. But they knew there would be plenty of time for that later, as the anticipation built with each passing moment.

As she stood there naked, an instinct surged within her, compelling her hands to instinctively dart to the remaining shreds of her modesty. Her right arm found refuge across her triple D breasts, once symbols of femininity that now bore the weight of scrutiny and shame. In a feeble attempt to preserve some semblance of privacy, her left hand desperately sought sanctuary over the untamed tangle of unshaven hairs that guarded her pubic mounds. The remnants of her dignity clung precariously to her trembling frame as she stood exposed, each vulnerable curve scrutinized by the merciless gaze of these three local black boys, who reveled in her humiliation.

In the brightly sun-lit classroom, Sylvia’s desperate pleas echoed like fragile whispers against the looming walls. Her voice, a symphony of vulnerability, carried a feeble plea, a last-ditch effort to reason with these boys, her students, orchestrating her descent into humiliation.

“Please, don’t do this,” Sylvia implored, her voice trembling with a blend of fear and desperation. “I’m your teacher. This is so wrong, please. Let me get dressed. It’s not too late to stop. I won’t tell anyone.”

Her plea hung in the air; a fragile thread of hope woven into a tapestry of despair. However, the cold response that followed shattered any illusions of mercy. A stinging blow, sharp and unforgiving, found its mark on the back of Sylvia’s hand, the very hand attempting to shield the remnants of her modesty by covering her hairy pubic area. The pain seared through her, a visceral reminder of her vulnerability in the face of merciless authority.

“Remove your hand!” one of them commanded. His tone leaving no room for negotiation. “Raise your hands, straight up, and keep them above your head!”

In the haunting silence that ensued, Sylvia felt the weight of compliance settling upon her shoulders. The rundown classroom of poverty stricken island, witness to the unraveling of her dignity, seemed to close in, suffocating her pleas within its oppressive confines. The cruel demand reverberated, demanding submission, as Sylvia reluctantly obeyed, her hands now suspended above her head, a pitiful gesture of surrender in the face of impending degradation.

One of them spoke, “We’re going to teach you how to dance, with these sticks. it’s gonna hurt, but don’t you dare bring your hands down. These wooden sticks will break your bones and we’ll make sure to give you twice the punishment for disobeying us.” Before Sylvia can even process his words, the first strike hits her bare chest with brutal force. A sharp pain shoots through her triple-D size breasts as she lets out a piercing scream that echoes through the room.

Instinctively, her hands flew to her ample, heaving breasts, gripping them tightly in an attempt to soothe the sharp pain radiating from within. A forceful blow that landed on the hand shielding her aching breasts. It was a harsh reminder that resistance only fueled their brutality. Before she could fully comprehend and process the agony of that assault, another vicious blow found its mark on her ample buttocks, leaving behind searing pain and a sense of helplessness. The sound of wood stick hitting flesh echoed in her ears as she struggled against the pain, desperately trying to protect herself and her body from their relentless assault.

“As I said,” the boy’s voice was filled with malice, “we’ll break every bone in your hands.” Sylvia’s heart raced as she raised her trembling hands above her head. She knew she was in for a world of pain if she didn’t comply. “Raise them higher,” he demanded, his eyes cold and unfeeling. With a deep breath, Sylvia pushed her hands up, feeling the strain on her muscles and joints. “I forgive you just this once,” he sneered, “But next time, we’ll break your hands first.” His words sent shivers down Sylvia’s spine and she fought to keep her hands aloft, not wanting to give him any reason to harm her further.

Sylvia’s hands trembled as she raised them above her head in fear. The wooden sticks began to fall upon her body like heavy rain, striking her buttocks, breasts, and pubic mounds with brutal force. She couldn’t bear the pain and danced and writhed in agony, fighting the natural urge to bring her hands down and protect herself from the onslaught.

“Aeeeek ... ouuuuu...” Sylvia’s cries rent the air, each syllable dripping with raw pain that seemed to seep into the very walls of the room. Her pleas reverberated, seeking mercy in a realm devoid of compassion, a dark theater of degradation. Each cry bore the weight of agony and desperation as she endured the relentless assault. The three African boys, so much younger than her yet devoid of juvenile innocence, orchestrated a brutal symphony of violence, forcing Sylvia into a macabre dance of suffering. Despite her anguish, she fought to keep her hands above her head, fighting her natural instincts to shield her nakedness from their predatory gaze and to fend off the punishing blows. The act laid bare her vulnerability, leaving her exposed and defenseless in a room that had become a twisted stage for her own torment.

Meanwhile, the three African boys stood in awe, their wooden rods swinging mercilessly against the white woman’s body even as their eyes remained transfixed on her captivating figure. Sylvia, now exposed before them, twisted in a macabre dance of pain, her naked form unfolding like a true work of art. Her body defied conventional standards of beauty, each curve and contour a testament to her unique allure. In the midst of her torment, Sylvia’s physicality became an embodiment of aesthetic perfection, her form speaking volumes in silent defiance against the brutality unfolding around her.

Her breasts, large and supple, yet firm, stood proudly as symbols of feminine allure, their contours casting shadows that danced with each agonizing twist. The graceful curve of her hips drew the eye towards her alluring buttocks, their softness inviting touch and exploration. But it wasn’t just these conventional features that held their gaze; it was the revelation of her unshaven, yet meticulously neat, pubic hair that added a touch of intimacy. Each dark curl seemed to whisper secrets of untamed wilderness, framing her delicate womanhood with a hint of wildness. Her pubic mounds, plump and wide, created a visible thigh gap that beckoned with subtle allure. The rest of her body was a canvas of alabaster skin, flawlessly smooth and without blemish, radiating a sense of purity and sensuality that seemed untouched by the brutality surrounding her.

The smooth, luminous canvas of Sylvia’s skin served as a captivating backdrop, accentuating every curve and line of her body, enveloping her in an ethereal glow. In that moment of vulnerability, she stood naked, her hands trembling and raised in surrender, tears streaming down her cheeks, her chest heaving with sobs. The three African boys, momentarily arrested by her presence, paused their beating at the gesture of one among them, and gazed upon her with awe. Before them stood a living masterpiece—a body that seemed to transcend the ordinary, surpassing the boundaries of reality into the realm of the extraordinary. Sylvia became a manifestation of beauty, each inch of her a work of art, crafted with precision and grace that left them spellbound.

But their admiration did not stop their dark desire. Sylvia’s relentless ordeal continued as the trio’s commands cutting through the air like a cruel melody. “Dance! Keep your hand above your head, and start dancing,” one of them barked, punctuating the demand with a quick and stinging whack to Sylvia’s hairy pubic mounds. The impact forced Sylvia to instinctively pull back her hips, an involuntary reaction to the searing pain.

Without respite, another blow followed, this time landing on her ample buttocks. The force of it propelled her hips forward, and before she could regain her composure, yet another blow struck, this time targeting her triple-D sized chest, hitting her left breast. The pain resonated through her, causing her to push her belly out and twist her chest to the left, in a desperate reaction to the stinging pain.

Each merciless blow was accompanied by a symphony of Sylvia’s anguished shrieks, desperate cries, and fervent pleas for mercy that seemed to fall on deaf ears. The dance of degradation continued, an unremitting performance fueled by the sadistic whims of her tormentors. The physical blows were matched only by the emotional anguish etched across Sylvia’s face as she endured this relentless spectacle of humiliation. Standing naked, her hands raised above her head, in front of three African boys, she became a tragic figure, a symbol of vulnerability in the face of brutality.

Sylvia was trapped in a twisted performance, her body contorting and writhing to the cruel rhythm set by the wooden stick landing on her vulnerable skin. Each strike and movement were dictated by her tormentors, turning her into a living embodiment of shame. She was a screaming, crying mess, her once composed adult self reduced to a pitiful state at the hands of three skinny African boys. The pain radiated through her body, every nerve ending alive with agony as she endured their sadistic commands. It was a scene of utter humiliation, as if she were nothing more than a puppet being controlled by their sick desires. She had once seen these young African men, her students, as innocent boys, but now they were her captors, forcing her into this display of humiliation in the very classroom where she had taught them just few hours earlier.

Despite Sylvia’s valiant effort to suppress the extraordinary embarrassment coursing through her, her best was deemed insufficient. Blows landed on her buttocks, each accompanied by degrading commands. “Swing those hips!” one of the boys demanded. Sylvia had no choice but to comply, her hips swaying side to side in a desperate attempt to please her assailants and halt the assault. But then, another blow landed on her hairy pubic mounds, with orders to move her hips back and forth, back and forth. Blushing furiously, she pushed her hips forward, then back, with increasing speed and vigor, feeling the weight of humiliation bearing down on her as she realized how absurd she must look, naked with her hands raised, dancing to the rhythm of pain.

Her ample chest didn’t escape their cruelty either, as blows landed on either side of her triple D breasts with commands to “shake those milk jugs, shake!”. Sylvia obeyed, shaking her large breasts as vigorously as she could, feeling a deep sense of shame and degradation wash over her with each movement. It was a grotesque parody of sensuality forced upon her by her tormentors, three African boys, and she could do nothing but endure it, trapped in a nightmare of their making.

The relentless forced dance of pain felt like an eternity to Sylvia, a seemingly endless barrage of humiliation that etched itself into her memory. Yet, to her tormentors, time seemed to warp, adhering to the adage that claims time flies when you’re having fun. Sylvia’s face contorted in pain, her mouth gaping open as agonizing screams escaped her lips. Tears streamed down her face, her eyes tightly shut in a futile attempt to block out the humiliation. The room, devoid of music, echoed only with the perverse symphony of commands, blows, and Sylvia’s muffled sobs mixed in with agonizing screams of pain, amplifying the grotesque nature of her coerced performance.

Finally, with a gesture from one of the men, the coerced dance came to a brutal end, leaving Sylvia a disheveled and pitiful sight. Her once immaculate appearance was now stained with the tracks of her own tears, her body slick with sweat and exhaustion. Despite the aftermath, her beauty still shone through, though it now bore the marks of her harrowing ordeal. The radiance that once emanated from her seemed dimmed by the trauma she had endured.

Sylvia’s naked body stood exposed, her hands trembling as they reached towards the ceiling, fingers clenched tightly to combat the fatigue of having kept her arms raised above her head for a prolonged period. Despite the strain, Sylvia persisted, knowing that lowering her arms would only invite further punishment from these African boys who watched her with cruel eyes. Her bare skin glistened under the harsh glare of fluorescent lights, beads of sweat tracing pathways down her arms and legs. With each passing moment, her muscles strained under the relentless pressure, her entire body trembling not only from physical exertion but also from fear. It was a testament to the overwhelming power the these three boys now held over her, reducing this grown woman, a white woman, their teacher, to a state of obedient compliance in the face of unimaginable torment.

The room was alive with hushed, conspiratorial whispers of her tormentors as they deliberated on the next chapter of their cruel game. One of them seemed to murmur commands to the other two, their words shrouded in secrecy. Sylvia strained to hear, but every movement and utterance seemed to carry an unspoken threat, thickening the air with tension and making each breath a struggle. She, a lone white woman, mature and taller than all of them, stood small and vulnerable, surrounded by these three black boys, her students, who she had believed admired and liked her, especially as she taught. Now, however, she could feel their eyes burning into her with malice and delight at her impending humiliation. The walls seemed to close in on her as she braced herself for whatever degrading act they would force upon her next.

As the three boys huddled together, their voices low and conspiratorial, Sylvia could feel a knot of fear forming in her stomach. Finally, one of them turned to her and spoke, “Mrs. Sylvia, now, we give you a choice. Either we can give you more pain or pleasure, which one do you want? If you want pleasure, say, “please touch me. Touch my pussy, my ass, and my titties”. If you say anything else or remain silent, I will consider your answer as you wanting more pain. Make your choice, you have 10 seconds.”

Sylvia hesitated, torn between her aversion to pain and her reluctance to utter such words to these three boys. The countdown began, each second ticking by like an eternity. “One, two, three ... ten,” the boy declared, interpreting her silence as a preference for pain. Panic surged within Sylvia as the realization sank in.

“I guess Mrs. Sylvia here likes pain more than pleasure. Boys, why don’t we tie her up, she’s gonna get some severe whipping,” he continued, the threat hanging heavy in the air. Sylvia’s heart raced, terror gripping her as two of them advanced menacingly towards her.

“No ... no ... please ... Please ... touch me, please. Touch my p ... pussy ... touch my titties ... touch my ass ... pl ... please, I’m sorry, please. Touch me ... please ... don’t hurt me anymore...” Sylvia’s words tumbled out in a frantic plea, her fear rendering her speech disjointed and desperate. She trembled uncontrollably, her entire being consumed by terror.

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