I am an amateur photographer. Full time IT geek. Almost failed grade 12 English MANY years ago. So My writing is going to suck. That said figured I wanted to try once.
I admire many writers from SOl and other sites. Stangstar06, Saddletramp1956, JPB, Oldgrump, Todd172, Just_words, Crazytruckerdave, Kathrynmburke, Papatoad, soul71, skippy47. There are more to list but I will stop there.
I tend to like group sex or cheating revenge stories for some reason even though I have been happily married for 25 years, go figure. We are considered swing scene.
Not a fan of incest, torture, serious BDSM, or rape stories. I little ouch is fine, whole different kettle of fish from hard core BDSM, I know I have seen some of those. Sorry I babble on sometimes :)