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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Phoenix23: Blog



Posted at

Hmmm...As ah rite reel poorly, I consider My self a reader not a writer(as I have proven). That said, I have some queries to the people who actually ARE writers, and actually understand grammar.

At what point do you change writing out numbers? I was always taught(many many years ago) that past 10 it should be 10 not ten. Scores would be 100-99 with the higher score being the winner (we lost 100-99 not we lost 99-100, or we lost ninety nine to one hundread).

Words, very few write as sky instead of skies, there is only one. (My Radio instructor hounded us over that one as he was a local TV weatherman).

Things that may have changed when I wasn't looking:
Many authors use drug instead of dragged. Now is writing about an illiterate 1950's cowboys that makes sense to use.
Anyways instead of anyway.

There are more that I do not recall off the top of My head. But curiosity got the best of Me as I also read some excellent writers on Patreon as they post as they write the stories and comment when when I see, what I perceive as errors. I am in no way shape, or form, a writer. My wife didn't proofread this likely MANY grammar errors in this post :)

OldGrump and comments

Posted at

yeah I agree. Society is getting worse. Trashing people seems to be a way of getting their jollies. To those to just trash the fine writers that post on here, please write your own stories so people can comment. Get out of Mom's basement and interact with real people. I understand you have no idea how to talk to people, but hey gotta learn sometime.

People like to blame others with their own shortcomings and not look in the mirror where the blame belongs.

To all the writers here I understand why you turn off comments. I applaud those who publish their prose on this and other sites. Doesn't mean I read them all or like the content, but you write what you like to write.


Posted at Updated:

Some might think I am a hypocrite as I have (poorly) written only one story. But something that drives Me batty is you find a fine writer and the RARELY finish off a series...sigh The gentleman has 25 stories posted, two are in progress, ***17*** are listed as incomplete and inactive. I can imagine the one I started reading in progress is headed for the same fate...argh... lol Just venting don't take Me many fine writers on here I am just grateful they share their prose.

Thank you for the kind words and wisdom

Posted at


WOW I was overwhelmed with the kind words and advice from what I assume are mostly other writers. Some valuable comments.

I guess as a few have said and I am paraphrasing "write for yourself". I have never been a writer, I have never written for Me. This story was written to someone specific that I thought I would share. Our lifestyle is swing, some of our friends are the BDSM crowd. So its little bits that were included in My prose.

Get an editor. Very valuable, I saw the list of volunteer editors and My head started to spin. No idea where to start. I asked advice from a couple editors and they said essentially there are some who basically spell check and some who want to totally rewrite your story. Finding the editor who works well with you felt like a "needle in a haystack".

One person mentioned character development and suggested reading other works. I do read a tonne on here. I still don't understand character

I admire and marvel the skill of My fave authors to tell a story. I wrote what felt like too much. It came out o 4,000 words and 25KB story. I can't fathom the imagination, time and effort that goes into 300-400-500KB and larger stories.

Anywho just wanted to say thank you.




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