I am deeply involved in the arts - visual, musical, and written, both as a professional and as an amateur. I've chosen storiesonline.net as a way to share my erotic writings because I appreciate the site's openness to a wide variety of genres and fantasies.
I'll be honest - I find some of the stuff on here personally repugnant. I'm sure some people would find my stuff repugnant as well. But that's ok; it's all out there for you to pick through until you find what you like, which is the way it should be.
Just a quick note about incomplete stories. Creative writing (in any genre) is both exhilarating and mentally draining for me. Throw in the fact that I'm quite busy in real life, and it usually takes an awfully looooong time for me to finish writing and posting stories on this site. I apologize, and it's frustrating for me as well, but I can't seem to write good erotica unless my mood is just right. I can promise that I have completed a rough outline for every incomplete story (plus several more), so they will get finished eventually. (Eventually.)
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what's available. If you let me know which which story you'd like to see finished first, I'll see what I can do. Thanks!