2: The Defenceman by Cold Creek This is such a cool series. I hope Cold Creek continues with it.
3: Doing it all Over by Al Steiner You can't miss with any story by Al Steiner. Ready them all. If they were for sell I would buy them all.
4: Greenies by Al Steiner You can't miss with any story by Al Steiner. Ready them all. If they were for sell I would buy them all.
5: Hindsight 20/20 Book 1 by SmokinDriver This is a time travel book. Very well put together and enjoyable. It's a little over the top in some places, but heck, it started with time travel!
6: Human Phoenix by Refusenik Nice long story that will keep you turning pages to see what happens next.
7: Intemperance by Al Steiner You can't miss with any story by Al Steiner. Ready them all. If they were for sell I would buy them all.
8: Island Mine by Refusenik This one is a little out there, but I still enjoyed it. Just go with the premise and you'll enjoy it too.
9: John Carter by Lazlo Zalezac This is a long series and worth the read. I really hope Lazlo is busy writing another sequel.