The ClitoridesAwards are now in the voting phase. Read and vote for your favorites
We're having an April's fools writing contest. Few more days until submissions close.

Mocha1120: Favourites

1: Ed Biggers by Lazlo Zalezac
This is my favorite story in Lazlo Zalezac's John Carter Universe. Ed Biggers' story is a tale of redemption for a man that originally no one really likes including Ed himself. After seeing the example of John Carter, Ed decides there may be more to life than the pain he feels inside. Ed never seems to forget that he has feet of clay, no matter what others think of him. Of all Lazlo's characters Ed is the one I can identify with most.
2: Greenies by Al Steiner
Another great story by Al Steiner. This is the story of the Martian revolution with all its plot twists and multiple story lines. A good old fashioned space opera story.
3: Island Mine by Refusenik
This is one of those stories that has just enough of reality in it to make you overlook the improbability of the main premise. Refusenik has written a very good story. Now that the story is complete I hope to see a sequel because I want to know about the next chapter in Waylon's life.
4: A Perfect World by Al Steiner
I enjoy most of Al's stories and this is Al Steiner at his best. The classic fish out of water tale of how a man frozen for 188 years copes with a very changed world. Al Steiner creates a world which is a unique vision of the future. Come along for the ride as Ken Frazier tries to adapt and survive in this new world. This is the story which inspired me to write The Accidental Martian.
5: The Tides of War by Robin Lane
A well written historical novel with a dash of romance thrown in for good measure. The characters are well developed and by the end of the story I found myself caring about what happened to them.
6: Unending Night by Jay Cantrell
This is a quirky story that starts out as no good deed goes unpunished then takes a hard left turn into romance. Telling more would spoil the story for you.


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