1: Aftermath by Al Steiner Very strong post-apocalyptic story. Extremely good characterization and plotting.
2: Hunter by Lazlo Zalezac I strongly disagree with many of the philosophies and politics written about in this story, but despite that it is a wonderful read. Very few authors (dead-tree or not) can make me like a story that preaches on things I disagree with.
3: The Millionaire Next Door by Lazlo Zalezac One of Lazlo's best stories, and that is saying a lot. Many people rave about his writing, and I'm happy to be in that bandwagon.
4: Sam by Samantha K. The first 10 or so chapters of this story contain extreme non-consensual bad things that rate on most people's squick list. The rest of it (and its sequels) are a lighthearted tale of a unique super heroine. If you have problems with the first part of it, struggle through. The story that it turns into is worth the uncomfortable beginning.