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looking for stories involving

mcsweeneyronald01 ๐Ÿšซ

nanobots and they improving the person possible a hud in there vision etc

ai's helping an individual or a group etc

bionic appendages possible robotic arm/s or positronic brain or lower torso robotic etc

Replies:   helmut_meukel
sunseeker ๐Ÿšซ

Island Mine by Refusenik has the first 2. A great story I can recommend

Also Human Phoenix by Refusenik, though considered "abilities" and not ai/nanobots

3rd story Human Man is also good but he doesn't use his "abilities",,,

BlinkReader ๐Ÿšซ

Don't forget a "Nanovirus" from cmsix ...

Replies:   docholladay
docholladay ๐Ÿšซ


"Nanovirus" from cmsix ..

currently to my knowledge there are 2 different versions available. I will list them below:

the one available on SOL:

the two versions available on his blog page at page:

original version:

newer version I haven't actually compared with the version on SOL:

edited to add: I just wish I knew how to download the original version completely with its index page. But sadly I lack both the knowledge and the skills to do that. Hopefully I will still be able to pull it up for a good while.

Zellus ๐Ÿšซ

Power Tool by Ernest Bywater

helmut_meukel ๐Ÿšซ


ai's helping an individual or a group etc

AIVAS in Anne McCaffrey's Pern books.

bionic appendages possible robotic arm/s or positronic brain or lower torso robotic etc

Honor Harrington in David Weber's Honorverse.


richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ

Stories in the Swarm Cycle begun by Thinking Horndog have them and lots of aliens and Artificial Intelligences (AIs).

ArthurSB73 ๐Ÿšซ

I would suggest the Von Solon / castaway
stories by feral lady.

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


I would suggest the Von Solon / castaway
stories by feral lady.

Those stories have just about literally what the OP asked for concerning nanobots. Excellent suggestion!

hiltonls16 ๐Ÿšซ

The Evolution series by Misguided Child here and on finestories

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