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Looking for 2 different types of stories

Eldof 🚫


Like the title says, I'm looking for two different types of stories.

The first one is lesbian femdom. It could be anything from a partner in the relationship being more dominant than her partner, to bdsm, slavery etc. The only thing that I don't want in these stories is straight sex, it should be purely lesbian. Something like Consensual Consequences by Clare de Luna. I don't really like hypnosis and mind control, I find it way better when the people involved are fully aware, but that story comes closest to what I'm looking for of the stories I've read.

The second type of story I'm looking for is something completely different.

I'm looking for a college romance (straight this time) that's love at first sight-soulmates-let's live happily ever after kind of sweet, and not too much relationship drama. It doesn't have to be love at first sight etc, but I'm looking for stuff in that vein, something like Finding a Place by Don Lockwood, some of Jay Cantrell's stuff probably qualifies (though some of the stories I'm thinking of might have been high school rather than college), I liked The Bitch by Mister NiceGuy aswell, it's slow on the updates though.

So yeah, basically a college romance with low to no relationship drama, no cheating and no swinging.

Replies:   ChiMi  Capt. Zapp
ChiMi 🚫


For the first: practically anything by
but the author has a strange fetish of silk stockings *shrug*

Capt. Zapp 🚫


I'm looking for a college romance

Check out the Tech and State Universe by Unca D

LonelyDad 🚫

Ahaz has several lesbian stories.

There are other stories in this collection, but I think these three are the closest to what you are looking for.

Replies:   tendertouch
tendertouch 🚫


Janet wouldn't work since Dractus doesn't want any straight sex in the lesbian stories. Other than that, I don't think that Ahaz's stories have much of the femdom angle.

Janna Leonard's 'Shirley Jean' has a little of that - one partner is more dominant - but not much.

When I asked for low relationship drama stories one of the first suggestions was auguy's 'Gaming for Love'. College romance, low relationship drama, sweet love story but with a little more outside dramatic tension than 'Finding a Place'. I highly recommend it even if, like me, the whole PokΓ©mon thing goes over your head.

WTSMan's 'Evening School' is a college romance with a difference.

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof 🚫


'Gaming for Love'

That one was good even if it's a bit short for my preference, thanks for the suggestion.

Replies:   tendertouch
tendertouch 🚫


Trybble's 'Geek Goddess' has maybe a bit too much relationship angst but is a good story. Moghal's 'Judgements' is a bit darker on the relationship side. They both, though, feature the guy getting the girl of his dreams (in the latter case, long standing dreams) in the end, though.

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof 🚫


Trybble's 'Geek Goddess' has maybe a bit too much relationship angst but is a good story. Moghal's 'Judgements' is a bit darker on the relationship side. They both, though, feature the guy getting the girl of his dreams (in the latter case, long standing dreams) in the end, though.

I don't really feel the gangbang code of Geek Goddess, so I'll probably not read that. I might give Judgements a try. I'm not sure what you mean with "darker on the relationship side", but that combined with that the only review for it says university students with lots of baggage who can and will do stupid things makes me hestitant to pick it up, as it kind of alludes to relationship drama common to college stories that I'd like to avoid, you know, maybe drunk frat parties, cheating, abusive relations, hot'n'cold, does she love me or does she not etc etc. I might decide to give it a try anyway.

FairWeatheredFriend 🚫


I just finished Judgements and its not worth it unless you like a LOT of drama, hell i personally hated both the male and female lead.

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof 🚫


Alright thanks.

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