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Recommendation strong male lead story

dan_odo93 ๐Ÿšซ

I'm looking for a medium/long story with an OP MC(be it because of his super powers/strength, strong-willed personality and/or super smart) and basically an alpha male(Jeff from Arlene and Jeff doesn't qualify in my opinion, he is just pussy whipped). I love Robberhands's MCs. So the story can be a monogamous one or harem based just no swinging stuff or other males getting in their relationship(MC should be capable of taking care of his girls if he has more than one be it physically or emotionally) and the relationship should be based on romance no slavery, mind control stuff. I've read a lot of stories like the one I've described but I'm looking for more so feel free to give me me some good recommendations

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Zellus ๐Ÿšซ

dan_odo93 ๐Ÿšซ

Thanks for the recommendations zellus. I forgot to mention that the stories should have as sexual contents ''some sex'' or more and to be pretty well done. Zaliterr's stories seem to be what I'm looking for and I'll give it a try with ''close call'' by augie56 even if I always wondered why most of his works have so low scores, that's why I haven't already tried reading some of his stories

Replies:   ChiMi
ChiMi ๐Ÿšซ


Maybe because of the power fantasies?
SOL is more about the "understanding beta-male/underdog" type. Guys with issues or growing up, or just a woman whisperer in general.

only read the gateway story but the MC is very alpha.

But for the most part, you will not be successful if all of those options have to be checked.

OP MC? most Chinese novels, but nothing in the sex department (porn is banned)
Harems? most western types have woman whisperers as their MC

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof ๐Ÿšซ



only read the gateway story but the MC is very alpha.


Does MWBT's stories go into sharing? I remember starting reading Growing Up a Master but put it on hold after MCs mother told MC that she and his father had done some swapping, and I felt that the MC might follow in their footsteps.

I like some BDSM elements, but it seems that alot of them goes into swapping and sharing which I despise, so I find it kind of hard to find good BDSM stories that's just focused on a couple and doesn't involve sharing and swinging. Even BDSM stories that doesn't have either of those two tags seems to have this occur at one point or an other.

Replies:   ChiMi
ChiMi ๐Ÿšซ


Except his housemaid, he doesn't share. And his housemaid belongs to his father. I only read growing up a master, though.

dan_odo93 ๐Ÿšซ

Thanks sunkuwan, I actually have The blind man bookmarked but I never got past the first chapter, guess I'll try again. Some of MWTB stories seem to be interesting, I'll check them out. What do you mean by woman whisperer?

Replies:   ChiMi
ChiMi ๐Ÿšซ


Give Gateway from Blind man another go, it is a great story.

With "Woman whisperer" I mean the type of guys who "understand" women or try to understand women. The guys who just KNOW how a woman ticks and what buttons to press for the sweet orgasm that no one else can give her ;)
The big downside of their awesomeness?
- They are emotionally fragile,
- don't care about relationships if they are cheated on (because they can take the next willing female and forget the one before),
- or are manipulated by their bestest childhood friend to "get it out of the system" before they are mature enough to marry their childhood friend.

Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ


I'm looking for a medium/long story with an OP MC(be it because of his super powers/strength, strong-willed personality and/or super smart) and basically an alpha male

Many of mine characters would fit, but many stories are also no sex. However, you may want to check these first:

Novel Sub ๐Ÿšซ

A bit off topic but since I'm also looking for strong male leads. Can anyone recommend a similar story to Mayhem by colt45?, you might wanna give it a read op. Thanks

dan_odo93 ๐Ÿšซ

Thanks Ernest, Finding home looks like something I'd enjoy reading but for the others the ma/ma tag keeps me away.
Oh yes I know what you mean sunkuwan, this kind of MC is one that often tends to share his lovers with other males.
I have Mayhem bookmarked but I'm waiting for more chapters cuz I have already a lot of on going novels

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ


I'd enjoy reading but for the others the ma/ma tag keeps me away.

While the ma/ma is a very minor aspect in the story, it is there to warn those who want to avoid any aspect of it all. In bot it's part of a punishment / revenge scene, and can be quickly skipped over. But I understand why you want to avoid them.

I'm about to start posting a new story that may appeal to you as well, about a teen named Hal. Should start within 24 hours once I finish preparing it for posting.

Replies:   dan_odo93
dan_odo93 ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

Nice I'll check it out

Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ

Most Jay Cantrell stories qualify, as do ezRiter's.

saemon.snowlock ๐Ÿšซ

You could allways use something like
Basicly inverts the colors of a webpage

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof ๐Ÿšซ


That's great, thanks!

Zellus ๐Ÿšซ

Replies:   dan_odo93
dan_odo93 ๐Ÿšซ


Yea I once wanted to read this one but wondered if there's a first part to this story since it's named Second Semester and where to find it

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ


Yea I once wanted to read this one but wondered if there's a first part to this story since it's named Second Semester and where to find it

check this link to explain all as it lists both stories.

Replies:   dan_odo93
dan_odo93 ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

Hmm I still see only the second story, maybe the first one is premier membership only?

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ


Hmm I still see only the second story, maybe the first one is premier membership only?

neither is set as a premier story. As has been suggested, it may be you have a tag filter hiding it. Here are direct links to both stories.

sunseeker ๐Ÿšซ

"What's all the fuss about" is the first story. At least that is what it says in the description of the 2nd story

AmigaClone ๐Ÿšซ

Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, mt/Fa, gi, Consensual, Romantic, Mind Control, Heterosexual, Fiction, Science Fiction, Extra Sensory Perception, Incest, Mother, Son, Brother, Sister, First, Safe Sex, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Water Sports, Pregnancy

There are two codes that might cause you to not see this story. If your account has "filtered" settings the gi code would cause it to be hidden.

Its also possible to have stories with certain codes hidden. One of the other codes in the story is "water sports" that is a fairly common squirk.

dan_odo93 ๐Ÿšซ

Thanks guys it was a default filtering of characters under 13 years in stories, changed it and now I see it

DiliosSpartanetz ๐Ÿšซ

Yes even if it is necessary it's still a turn off for me. What I value most in stories is the faithfulness between MC and his girl/s throughout the story

Robberhands ๐Ÿšซ

Jealousy and possessiveness might not be fair but they are common human traits and even though the male protagonists in my stories are not precisely men, at least in this regard they are very human.

Replies:   tippertop
tippertop ๐Ÿšซ


Why are they not fair? Males in the animal kingdom fight to the death with each other to prevent other males from mating with their female(s). In fact, among human societies, both past and present, cultures that practice polygyny are in the vast majority, and only 4 cultures on record that practice polyandry, and even then only due to a general breakdown of usual social norms or as a result of calamity.

One might even argue that polygny is the natural state of the human race (and DNA records certainly prove this, since in caveman days 40% of men mated with 80% of women). Monogamy is actually a more recent development in our species, likely as a means to increase overall productivity, stability and loyalty of men to society at large.

Either that or it was simply a case of natural selection. Societies that adopted monogamy at a certain point were simply more prosperous and unified than those that did not, though even then the rich and powerful often engage in concubinage, usually keeping one (or more) mistresses.

Replies:   Dinsdale
Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ


Males in the animal kingdom fight to the death with each other

uh, no.
Chimps don't, horses don't, deer/elk don't, wolves don't (within the pack). There will be occasional exceptions but I can't think offhand of any animals which always fight to the death.

DiliosSpartanetz ๐Ÿšซ

I think it's not fair only if you abuse this kind of feelings without caring for how females really feel and if you hurt them in any way

DiliosSpartanetz ๐Ÿšซ

I'm atm reading the last recommendation '' What's all the fuss about''(I'm only at the beginning, it's pretty good but It's walking on dangerous steps(MCs parents were/are swingers and I don't know if MC will follow their steps or not, hopefully not)).
I've read all your recommendations, some skipped because of the sharing stuff, and I'm looking for other stories. When I'm talking about alpha males it doesn't necessarily have to be about heartless MC that treats his girls like his things, the most important aspect of the alpha male that I'm looking for is the no sharing rule of his girl/s with other males

DiliosSpartanetz ๐Ÿšซ

I dropped the last story, couldn't handle anymore MC's bullshits and stupid girls around him that think even his farts smell like roses...

dan_odo93 ๐Ÿšซ

Thanks for the link, couldn't find him here. However I think that only My inheritance could be something that I'm looking for, all the other stories are about cuckolds and cheating the opposite of my preferences

Eldof ๐Ÿšซ

I had the same doubts as Darth, knew already from reviews about this girl that his father will give him to train but I'm gonna read it if he doesn't share his girls.

The main character has 3 girls that are dedicated to him, and he uses one of them for trading at one point, and he later give her away to an other man. So if you don't want any of that, you should probably skip out on Growing Up a Master.

DiliosSpartanetz ๐Ÿšซ


Thanks man, I hate stories where MC at one point gives to others girls that are faithful to him or starts sharing them

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof ๐Ÿšซ


I hate that aswell, and I found the trade that happened distasteful and unnecessary. As for giving her away, while I don't like that he had to do that, the reasons that he did was atleast understandable.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


The main character has 3 girls that are dedicated to him, and he uses one of them for trading at one point, and he later give her away to an other man.

It should be noted that in Growing Master, the reason the girl in question was given away was because the MC was going away to college and the girl in question was still in high school, but she needed a master in her life or she could easily be taken advantage of by everyone, because she didn't have the capacity to say no.

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Yeah like I said,

As for giving her away, while I don't like that he had to do that, the reasons that he did was atleast understandable.

It was a perfectly good reason that made him give her up, but I and others might not like that it was necessary in the first place.
OP has said that he doesn't like sharing or giving up girls that are faithful to him, so he should know that it happens in the story and not be ambushed by it.

DiliosSpartanetz ๐Ÿšซ

Actually I've been reading Woodward Academy for some time and no it's not like he was cheated on or he had some serious relationships, it was just kind of sad(the MC wasn't really in love with any of those girls and found other ones pretty fast) that no one wanted to commit to him except recently. It's definitely not my preference to always pity MC for his misfortunes in relationships but there are worse things out there

ChiMi ๐Ÿšซ

Eric Storm is primarily a stroke story guy.
But Woodward Academy with its soon to be 8 books is a plot-heavy story. He depends on on the donations, so he has to include some sex to make his donators and fans happy.
And in all his stories there is always either some kind of harem or polygamy.

the protag in WWA does want to get a stable relationship, but the main girl mysteriously *can't* be that right now.

Replies:   tippertop
tippertop ๐Ÿšซ


Didn't he move away from harem stories towards writing about swinging and open relationships? I remember reading a comment by him saying exactly that.

I can't say I've read the Academy story since "chain monogamy" stories (is that what's they call it these days?) aren't really my thing.

the protag in WWA does want to get a stable relationship, but the main girl mysteriously *can't* be that right now.

I'll pass. There's enough relationship drama as padding in mainstream literature for me to waste my time on it.

Replies:   ChiMi
ChiMi ๐Ÿšซ


As a Plot-Story WWA is amazing, you could just skip the sex scenes, that what I did after 3 books.

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