The ships AI accepts him as captain.
The ships AI accepts him as captain.
How "ancient" does it have to be?
in (Shakes Peer2B) it is 300 years.
in (Vincent Berg) it is probably less than 100.
That's all I can think of, off hand.
Lets see:
The Destroyers by Monbade went from 2498 AD (CE) to 800 AD(CE) and then picked a new captain around 2000.
The New Emperor by Adam F. set in 3000 ship mothballed 2900.
Ka_Hmnd has at least 2 one is only on wayback.
Genesis Project by Mr. Marvel The ship had been there for 10000 years.
Of course there are dead tree books, unfortunately the only one I can think of is Mutineer's Moon by David Weber.
There are others, but my brain isn't cooperating today.
Good Hunting, limab
just an fyi for anyone interested...The Genesis Project by Mr Marvel is incomplete and inactive since 2006...
Only looked at this story as I hadn't heard of it before
True, I didn't consider that part (completeness). I think The New Destroyers is incomplete here ( I won't say more. Look it up.)
Three square meals by Tefler
While there are a couple of ancient space craft encountered, the MC does not end up in control of them. The ship the MC does have is not ancient, he served on it while he was still in the Terran Federation Navy.
Right, I misread the accepts as captain as in control.
Two ancient progenitor ships are encountered in the story. On, the MC's father's ship was obliterated.
They captured an intact Progenitor ship, but the MC left it to his father.And there's nothing in the story about how old it is.
The other ancient Progenitor ship is a fragment that was "rebuilt" by the Ashnath (??? the grays, not sure if I've got the name right), who remain in control of it.
The MC doesn't have control of either of those ships.
The SOL definition of "bitter sweet" - finding an interesting story, that's never to be finished.
There's never completed, and then there's abandoned, usually because they wrote themselves into a corner and couldn't figure out how to resolve the story. Generally most 'never completed' are due to health, lifestyle or new spouses (who disapprove of their new partner writing porn stories online).
Not sure what you mean unless the ship controlled him thru the healer Little One. You have read the story, right? Now if you meant to highlight the Tefler story, Dominions Son, then I would understand. I think Motrin should help wiith the pain from missing brain cells.
I just reread the story. I should have thought of it right off the bat. Hmm now that I reread my response The New Destroyer sentence should not have been in my response to you, sorry.
ow if you meant to highlight the Tefler story, Dominions Son, then I would understand. I think Motrin should help wiith the pain from missing brain cells.
It looks like I replied to the wrong comment. I meant to reply to WordsToTheWise who suggested Three square meals by Tefler
I meant to reply to WordsToTheWise
WordsToTheWise who deleted 'The Vengeful Tide'?
WordsToTheWise who deleted 'The Vengeful Tide'?
Copy/paste error. Should have been itsmehonest
GreyOldWolf: Blazing Star
Unfortunately the author disappeared while working on a chapter around the time a Cat5 hurricane went through the Philippines close to his place, so I am afraid we won't see more chapters...
Update: he is fortunately still alive, got a message from him yesterday, we hopefully will see more chapters. by
The Chofri, desperate to find a way to escape from the ravages of the Gorz, frantically send explorers to other planets to find a refuge. When one lands on Earth, he thinks he's found the right place, but it's too little, too late. Three hundred years later, Colin McClintock finds the Chofri combat armor - or does it find him?
[More Info]
Tags: Science Fiction
Sex Contents: No Sex
80,250 words
Posted: 3/2/2007, 4:05:01 PM Concluded: 8/19/2009, 1:51:37 PM
Oops! My bad. Between the first post and my reply was TWO WHOLE DAYS! At my memory retention level, that's 4.7 decades.
Substitue "her" for "him" and you end up with "Ghost Ship", book 12 in the Liaden Universe by Sharon Lee and the late Steve Miller. It's preceded by "Fledgling" and "Saltation" and makes for a mighty fine yarn ;-)
The Liaden books are available from Baen Books, or any other ebook outlet.
Was really sorry to hear about Steve's passing last month. Have been a fan of the Clan Korval stories for many years. Warning to new readers - those three stories are just the beginning for Theo Waitley ...
Damn. I missed that. I'll have to send her a condolence card. I met them several times at various bookstores. Nice people.
Thanks limab
From the description this may fit your requirements:
Check the codes though.
I can't remember the author's name, but he wrote on about a guy living by a lake an discovers a space ship that had wreck in the lake and laid buried under the lake. He was able to gain admittance to the ship and there were a lot of bots that were trying the make repairs. When MC sat down in the captains chair, and AI came alive and told the story of its civilization being destroyed the ship was attacked and the crew went aboard life pods to escape. The author has written a lot of books about buying ships and converting them to be live aboards and doesn't take a good view with the government.
Sounds interesting... I'll have to keep checking this thread to see if anyone knows the story!
I don't remember reading this one before but it sounds interesting! Thanks!
EDIT - After a reading a little I remember it now but don't remember how it goes so I'll continue! Thanks again!
Didn't take long to remember more and why I didn't finish reading it...and I didn't again...
I really liked Refusenik's Island Mine, read it a few times.
MisguidedChild - - has a series Evolution where an alien crash lands on Earth and manages to transfer a sort of symbiote to the human character capable of opening a rift into another universe or something and bring other such symbiotes to bind with humans... and with the help of these symbiotes they invent nano technology that gives them armor with AI and intelligence, faster reaction times and healing
I remember reading here or on scifi stories the start of a series, written by Ben Winston: Talosian Chronicles
This is the first book in the series, Olympus :
Basically a space ship crashed on the moon 4000 years ago and due to some radiation leak or something like that, the actual aliens had to leave the ship and land on earth and "blend in" because they would have died otherwise until the ship's AI could make the robots fix the radiation. The captain of the ship instructed the AI to periodically sample human dna and when it finds someone with dna close enough to his, that person would become the new captain.
The initial version was light on sex and the book version was polished more and made milder.. but some people commented about the main character adopting that alien race's tradition of having multiple wives and having sex with multiple women.
Quite interesting series otherwise, a sort of what it humans get access to alien tech but keep it hidden from military and governments and do their own thing.
There's another series with lots of books that does this well - human picked up by a ship's AI to become captain and use technology to improve planet and protect it from an eventual enemy attack. It goes from nothing to building floating cities, inventing new metal alloys, making planes that can go into space, making space stations ..
It's not on SOL but I hope it doesn't hurt anyone if I mention the series.
It's Bob Blanton's Delphi in Space series, which starts with Starship Sakira :
It's not quite MC but one of the main characters but I felt like it may be worth mentioning
DanK's "The Adventures of BΓ©la, the Vampire Girl" series:
I've only read the first four entries... not much aliens in first part, goes wild in the next parts
NOTE though that the series has lots of violence, gore, getting shot or beaten,
The basic idea is that a woman is like a vampire, can't die, has some rudimentary telepathy, gets off by getting into rough sex, heals by drinking blood of people and runs a bar where she eventually meets a guy and falls in love with him
Turns out that actually she was one of the aliens on a spaceship that entered our galaxy but was badly damaged due to some fighting with other aliens to the point where they lost the ability to open worm holes and leave so they had no choice but to stay close to Earth.
The aliens couldn't tolerate the sun radiation so in order to be able to live on Earth one of the scientists engineered human bodies and the alien's "spirit" or "soul" was transferred into it, and that's how a part of the ship's aliens lived on Earth without knowing they're aliens.
At the end of first part where she practically dies due to an explosion, she's picked up by the space ship and they remake her human body but it takes a few years for her body to be remade so by the time she has a body the ship is on a trip towards another planet so it takes a few more years to return ack to Earth. In the meantime she learns other skills like teleportation, flying...
turns out the aliens that remained on the ship analyzed the Sun when they got here and determined the radiation is bad for them, and figured out that the Sun will explode in a few hundred years so they have started building an artificial moon all the way behind other planets, an Earth 2, to save the humans for when the Sun eventually blows up and swallows earth, mars etc in that shockwave and now they're making trips to and from Earth to pick up earth, animals, humans to transplant them on that artificial Earth
So it's quite interesting to see how civilization slowly degrades, more or more sun and heat, the vampire girl and her friends that gain supernatural abilities from her blood surviving and preparing to leave Earth for good...
Sounds weird to me, because BΓ©la written that way is a male name in my language, and I found no other languages having it written with the same characters. :-)
The Galactic Chronicles universe by Vanessa Ravencroft has a few ancient ships that accept humans as captains.
Seeing your question brought to mind a story I read quite some time ago called "I won a spaceship" by Harison Park. I don't think it's on SOL but I did a google search of the title and it was one of the top results.
The basic idea is that a contemporary earthguy answers the door and outside is someone telling him he won the first prize in the intergalactic lottery and the prize is a luxury spaceship.
Seeing your question brought to mind a story I read quite some time ago called "I won a spaceship" by Harison Park. I don't think it's on SOL but I did a google search of the title and it was one of the top results.
The basic idea is that a contemporary earthguy answers the door and outside is someone telling him he won the first prize in the intergalactic lottery and the prize is a luxury spaceship.
I think it was originally posted as Connard Wellingham here (who still has a number of stories posted), and then taken down to publish elsewhere.
$25 for "I won a spaceship"? Please tell me you are joking! I believe there are many here on sol who have copies of this from years ago.
I checked where I found it and it's on a site called "Free Novel Read".
Not posting a direct link since Lazeez doesn't like us doing that.
To 420 to dig them out, but there are two or threeee stories in the Swarm universe that fit the Loki mold
Have you met Loki yet? See G. Younger's new novel, Norse: A Star Academy Prequel.