Looking for any greek mythology stories that features an original character who happens to be the main lead, male, and either a human or demigod. Bonus points if it also happens to have romance with one of the female gods or even multiple gods.
Looking for any greek mythology stories that features an original character who happens to be the main lead, male, and either a human or demigod. Bonus points if it also happens to have romance with one of the female gods or even multiple gods.
the Smith series by shaddoth has gods. Howard Faxon had one (or more) with a demigod. The Mage or Magician (I forget which) by QM had gods/higher powers. QM's ongoing has gods.
These may not be what you are looking for but it's a start.
Good Hunting, limab
You could try my 'de Danaan' story - it starts at Troy and then gets a life of its own, but Athena features in it periodically.