The standard Do Over story may be ready to evolve in other directions. Not just Over, but under, around and through.
Do Under stories would follow Jules Verne, Journey to the Center of the Earth, or at least cave exploration. Maybe diving in the sea or a body of water would be under.
Do Around might have multiple sex partners or traveling in circles. Orbits? Maybe space fiction.
Do Through would probably involve excavation. Or perhaps traveling through rain, snow, or some other meteorological phenomenon. Or a barrier other than bad weather. Dorothy goes to Oz by tornedo. Travel to other dimensions.
Or combine them into Do Over, Under, Around and Through. Return to an earlier age, travel through a tunnel or cave, go in circles, and enter another dimension. Maybe an earth similar to ours but at an earlier time. Caveman fiction, like some of Cmsix or other authors who get sent way, way back by aliens.
Its not just Do Over time. Do more.