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Marking a Series complete

Aiden Clover ๐Ÿšซ

I was curious to know how difficult it would be to be able to show a series (and possibly a universe) as completed or in progress. Recently I started reading a series that had 2 books in it. Both individual books were completed and hadn't been updated in several years. In fact, the last time the author posted anything it was a blog in 2018. I read the first two books and it was only AFTER I finished the second book that I realized there was supposed to be one more book but the author never finished it. I had no way of knowing that the series itself wasn't finished. Would I have still read the series if I had known? Maybe, I honestly don't know, but knowing ahead of time that a series is incomplete would be helpful.

You could POSSIBLY do the same thing for universes, but that gets much more complicated since a universe could be written by multiple authors (i.e. Swarm).

I know there are lots of readers that don't like to read a book until it's finished, and likewise with a series.

Replies:   REP  palamedes  Keet  hst666
REP ๐Ÿšซ

@Aiden Clover

You can't call a private series complete if the creator can write and post another story at some time in the future. A public series is another matter; especially if the creator allows posting without approval.

Replies:   markselias11
markselias11 ๐Ÿšซ


You can't call a private series complete if the creator can write and post another story at some time in the future. A public series is another matter; especially if the creator allows posting without approval.

Complete or In Progress would be up to the author of the series. It would be hard to do that with a universe since it could be shared, but a series wouldn't be hard to do. The author of the series would have the ability to mark the series as either "Complete" or "In Progress" though a third option could be added by the site admin for cases of death or other things that happen.

Replies:   REP
REP ๐Ÿšซ


the ability to mark the series as either "Complete" or "In Progress"

The question is, what would an author gain by declaring a series Complete or In Progress? All I see is unnecessary effort and nothing to gain.

palamedes ๐Ÿšซ

@Aiden Clover

I don't see how that could be possible. There are to many factors involved that can interfere things like Death, Writers Block, Burn Out, Author has a life or their priority in life changes

Each Author has their own idea of where or how they want the series to go but unless they can see the future or they wait till they have written every single installment of the series before posting how will they know when to mark it as complete. Then what do you do when the author has a series marked as complete but years latter decides hey I have a great new story to add but wait I can't put it in the series because it is marked as complete.

Replies:   markselias11
markselias11 ๐Ÿšซ


Then what do you do when the author has a series marked as complete but years latter decides hey I have a great new story to add but wait I can't put it in the series because it is marked as complete.

In a case like that the author could either himself, or by a request to the site admin, simply ask the series to be changed from Completed to In Progress.

Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ


In a case like that the author could either himself, or by a request to the site admin, simply ask the series to be changed from Completed to In Progress.

way too much hassle.

Is the an end to the Rivers Region series of mine - no idea beyond it's likely to be after I die and I have no plans of doing that ever. But I expect it will happen. The same is true for the Chaos Calls series.

Should I decide that's it and then do another story in a series, that means closing the series then reopening and then reclosing it. Ugh. I'm not going to put in that sort of effort for little return, and I doubt anyone else will.

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


In a case like that the author could either himself, or by a request to the site admin, simply ask the series to be changed from Completed to In Progress.

I see no difference to a serialised story in that respect. The author decides when the story is complete but has the ability to change the status in the future.

While I'd like to see this facility, I can see problems. Most series currently on SOL would have to default to 'incomplete and inactive', and that's not a good look.


Replies:   REP
REP ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

The real question is, "Why does an author need to declare their series/universe as complete or in progress?"

Another way of looking at it is, all series/universes are complete until something is added. Once something is added, the series automatically reverts to complete.

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ


The real question is, "Why does an author need to declare their series as complete or in progress?"

For readers, obviously. Those who won't read incomplete Stories are likely to baulk at incomplete Series too.

Equally obviously, complete or incomplete doesn't apply to Universes, but might be useful for Writing Events.

Another way of looking at it is, all series/universes are complete until something is added. Once something is added, the series automatically reverts to complete.

Substitute 'Story' for 'Series' to see the parallel.


markselias11 ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

For readers, obviously. Those who won't read incomplete Stories are likely to baulk at incomplete Series too.

Exactly what he said. It's not about the writer in this case. It's about the reader. Readers deserve to know when they start a series that was written I. 2008 that it's complete 10 years later. They may choose to read it still but it's unfair to get them invested in a story only to stop it.

For active writers it's fine to have a series marked as "in progress". In fact having a series automatically be marked as "in progress" upon creation would be fine. That way the only time you mess with it is to mark it as complete. There is lots of code that could be done to automate and streamline it, but no reason why something couldn't (and shouldn't) be done. One of the biggest issues I have with SOL and FS is the sheer number of incomplete stories and series. There are a lot of them. I understand why. We are amateur writers who do this because we love to write. So when the love is gone or life gets in the way we stop writing. It's not a job for us. But that doesn't mean we don't have some semblance of responsibility to readers. One of those responsibilities is to let them know that, for whatever reasons, a story wasn't able to be finished.

Replies:   Switch Blayde
Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ


but it's unfair to get them invested in a story only to stop it.

The problem is, you've come across an incomplete story that the author broke up as multiple parts in a series. Like a trilogy without writing the 3rd book.

Each book should be complete in a series so it doesn't matter if the series is complete or not.

I have a Lincoln Steele series of 3 novels. Each novel is a separate story, however, there may be some characters and references to events that took place in earlier novels. But you don't have to read them in order (although that might be helpful) or read all of them.

I never thought of grouping those novels into a series on SOL. When I create the metadata for the ebook I indicate the number of the series. When I publish it on Amazon I also label the number in the series. But only two of the three novels exist on SOL. If I were to create a Lincoln Steele series on SOL but only have 2 of the 3 novels available for free (the other is on Bookapy, which happens to be the first in the series), I doubt Lazeez would be happy. And I'm posting the 2nd in the series now even though the 3rd one is already on SOL.

REP ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

An author may be planning 10 stories, or more, in a series. It may require 4 years, or more, to write those 10 stories. and additional stories could occur to the author.

Are you the reader going to not read the stories because the series in marked In Progress? Why should Lazeez mark a series as Incomplete and Inactive, if the author is posting other stories?

Personally, I think identifying the status of a Series/Universe is not worth the effort. If I have to give a status to my Series/Universes, I will make them In Progress and never change the status, which is essentially what we have now but without a posted status.

Switch Blayde ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

Those who won't read incomplete Stories are likely to baulk at incomplete Series too.

There's a big difference. Think of the James Bond series or maybe more recently the Jack Reacher series. Each book is complete but the series might be over or not. I don't see how that would leave a reader hanging like with an incomplete story. Should the reader really wait for the author to say he wasn't writing any more James Bond or Jack Reacher novels before they start reading them?

Replies:   awnlee jawking
awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ

@Switch Blayde

IIRC, those series don't possess overreaching series arcs. And James Bond will probably go on forever, written by replacement after replacement for the late Ian Fleming.

On the other hand, Vincent Berg has written some well-planned series for SOL, and missing the last book in each series does leave you hanging.

The much-missed Xalir's 'My Journey' series leaves readers hanging (but it's worth reading anyway). (Is there no way of getting book four into the SOL series, or is that contrary to the wishes of the author who completed it?)


Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@awnlee jawking

The much-missed Xalir's 'My Journey' series leaves readers hanging

because the author died in the middle of writing book 4.

Is there no way of getting book four into the SOL series

Xalir's editors did post what existed for book 4 to SOL under Xalir's account, though it looks like they didn't add it to the series.

Keet ๐Ÿšซ

@Aiden Clover

The best way is to do what aroslav did: create a sub-series in a universe and name it accordingly: Hero Lincoln Trilogy.

hst666 ๐Ÿšซ

@Aiden Clover

Reading the comments here, I would distinguish between planned books and sequels the author could come up with later. If the third book in a planned trilogy that is part of one large story is missing, that is different than a sequel based on ideas the author has after that original story. If each book stands completely on its own, then there's no need.

To be clear, I do not believe anyone providing free content is obligated to provide anything, but a notice of an unfinished tetralogy, trilogy, duology(?), etc. could be helpful.

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