@solitudereplaced with an authors whose stories are up for archival one
A good idea, I'd vote for it, BUT - there are a few multi-author stories and generally the authors will come up for archival at different times (when multiple authors join the TBA list together, they are often nyms of a single author), and after the earlier author has been archived but before the later, the joint authorship stories are NOT archived, and also did not appear in the TBA list for the earlier author. There is, however, a bug so that when the latter author's works are due to be added to the TBA list they are instead immediately archived, so if you want to see them beforehand, you have to check through ALL the earlier author's works rather than just those on the TBA list. This situation can be spotted when the number of stories added to the TBA list is less than the total of stories for authors added. Lazeez has stated that it's not worth the effort of fixing this bug considering the relatively few stories affected and that's fine by me, however 1) probably the same bug means that stories reposted from an archived author from elsewhere under an old agreement with Lazeez, immediately drop behind the paywall with no grace period (this clause explains the few cases where for some archived authors, the last activity date is less than five years ago); and 2) the existence of the bug, and the required workaround, means it would actually be more useful to have the TBA list be of the authors, not stories.
Note that on the authors list pages (the A-Z lists) the author entry background goes to the check pattern when the author goes onto the TBA list, not when their works are archived, so there will be 7+ days where the author is flagged as archived on those pages, but their works are in fact still available to basic members.