I've two items I'd like you to consider for the messaging system, and both relate to the archive section of them.
A. Is it possible to allow for me to create sub-folders with names of my choice within the archived system? This is so I can then have a folder for various topics so I can archive the the messages for that topic to its folder and only have to search that sub-folder when looking for an archived message.
I realise this may be too hard to organise, but I'm asking, anyway.
B. Can you amend the code to allow me to have a page open in the archive and 'right click' to open a selected message in a new window? That way if it's not the message I'm looking for I can simply close the message and still be where I'm at in the archive list. I was looking for a specific prior message that was archived some time back, and was several pages into the archives when I thought i found it, a check of the actual message showed it wasn't the one I wanted, and when I went back to the archives I was back on the latest page and had to start diving through again. This process takes a lot more time and data download than if I could've stayed at the last list page or been returned to there.
I really hope this one is doable.
edit to add: While I normally send most requests in via the messaging system, I did it this way today in the hopes that others may comment in support or against the ideas.