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Clitorides voting

sunseeker 🚫

Too bad we have to vote for all 3 places and can't vote for only 1 or 2, if that is all the stories we have read. In a couple of categories I have only read 1 story but had to vote for other stories as well or not vote for the story I liked and read.


Replies:   REP  nihility


but had to vote for other stories as well or not vote for the story I liked and read.

Just one of the reasons I avoid the Clitorides as much as possible.

nihility 🚫


I think this is intentional, to encourage people to read stories that others have felt were nomination-worthy.

Replies:   sunseeker
sunseeker 🚫


Sucks when other stories have tags that push my squick button so I won't read them no matter the score lol...

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