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Was the scoring system changed recently?

LucyAnneThorn ๐Ÿšซ

Two things:

My latest stories showed a score in the author stats page until some point yesterday, when it switched to an asterisk (and the premier qualifying size dropped instantly, not an issue for me but maybe for others). Was that change intentional, or something else going on under the hood that created that mystery?

I expected the score to become visible in the front page stories list once ten or more votes were reached. One of the stories has 11, the other 13 votes, but the lists still show asterisks for vote count and score. Did the cutoff change or did I just remember it wrong?

Replies:   jimq2  Pixy
jimq2 ๐Ÿšซ


I don't know about the first point, but your story needs 20+ votes for them to show.

Replies:   LucyAnneThorn  madnige
LucyAnneThorn ๐Ÿšซ


Thanks. I could have sworn it was 10. A classic case of filling a knowledge gap with wishful thinking, I guess.

madnige ๐Ÿšซ


your story needs 20+ votes for them to show

The 20 stories figure came from trimming the top and bottom 5% story scores, at 20 votes/stories = 100%, a single story = 5%, counting only entire scores.

However, somebody (and not this nerdy pedant) pointed out that 16 would round up to 20 (or the equivalent in story scores), so LJ modded the scoring display system to show scores from 16+ votes cast (this was quite a while ago).

Replies:   REP
REP ๐Ÿšซ


Your comment seems to intermingle number of votes for a story and the computation of the story's score.

It is my understanding that Lazeez does not display a score until a story has received 20 votes.

Dropping the top and bottom 5% of the ratings assigned by readers is part of the algorithm Lazeez uses to compute the story's score.

Replies:   madnige
madnige ๐Ÿšซ


Dropping the top and bottom 5% of the ratings assigned by readers is part of the algorithm Lazeez uses to compute the story's score.

...and is/was the reason for the non-display of score until 20 (now 16) voters - inherently intermingled.

Replies:   REP
REP ๐Ÿšซ


until 20 (now 16) voters

No idea why you keep indicating displaying a story's score when it has less than 20 votes. There is no percentage decrease associated with the number of votes required before a story is displayed.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


No idea why you keep indicating displaying a story's score when it has less than 20 votes. There is no percentage decrease associated with the number of votes required before a story is displayed.

The comment was about displaying the score, not displaying the story.

Pixy ๐Ÿšซ


Are you looking at your story list from two separate viewpoints?

Did you change from looking at your story list from your (personal) author page to the public author page? (ie, you clicked on your story from the main page, rather than going into 'Authors/editors', then 'Story stats').

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