Maybe I'm just missing it, but, I know you can follow authors, so that their new stories get added to your library automagically. I've noticed that there is no visible indicator that you are following an author, it would be cool if on their authors page, it had some notice you were following that author.
Conversely, it seems that there is no way to add an author to a "Don't ever show their stories" option. There are a few that I've not liked, for various reasons, some being that they write things that I'm not interested in, and don't even want to accidentally see.
While I could use the tag system to some extent, not everything is included in tags. As a matter of observation, I've run across stories that were very squicky for me, that didn't have the appropriate tags (in my opinion), and I'd like to hide authors from my view.
So can we get the marker on an authors page about following status, and an ability to "block" or "hide" an author from your new stories feed, updated stories feed, and search results?