That's Premium only. For non-Premium members it's only 24 hour - sort of.
I'm not talking about the 24 hour story counter. For Premium, that still happens, with a 24 hour reset. So I read 5 stories, out of the 300 I can read, and that counter resets every day.
Right now my counter says StarFleetCarl (0/300)
I click on that, it goes to a screen that says No Stories in Recent List.
Then under that is a button that says 'History'. I click on THAT, it shows Page 1 of 17 pages. Cycle through, it goes back to 1650 stories, January 29, of 2007, when I first read 'Retreads', by Rotedrachen.
I can ALSO get to that history page by going to the My Account page. In the second group down, where it says, Total Downloads - to the right of that is a bar that says, 'Account History'. I click that, it goes to that same History page.