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Alien bots close Mexican border

Treestump ๐Ÿšซ

Guy has or finds alien tech. Gets elected president. 1st executive order is to secure the southern border. With large construction bots he builds a wall that will rise at the press of a button. There might be stealth cloaked fighters in the UN council Hall but I might be mistaken.

Replies:   samuelmichaels
samuelmichaels ๐Ÿšซ


Guy has or finds alien tech. Gets elected president. 1st executive order is to secure the southern border. With large construction bots he builds a wall that will rise at the press of a button.

Could be Retreads by Rotedrachen.

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ




Treestump ๐Ÿšซ

Hohoho! Thanks a lot Samuel and Ernest, it's been bugging me for weeks!

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

Sounds like Donald Trump fantasy material. 'D He could give a damn about the alien tech, he just wants to limit minorities in any way he can. Alien tech is better than the magic he's currently depending on.

Correction: Sorry, Trump isn't depending on magic. Instead, he's 'wishing upon a star' (his).

Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

Sorry, Trump isn't depending on magic. Instead, he's 'wishing upon a star'

Not a good idea, but better than going into debt buying votes from people who'll never make legal money or pay taxes like some of those he opposes - glad I don't get to vote in the US election.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

Sorry, Trump isn't depending on magic. Instead, he's 'wishing upon a star' (his).

Trump is a con man. He held a focus group and decided that there was enough of a market for anti-immigration view to win him the republican nomination and maybe even the white house.

Don't be fooled into thinking he actually believes any of the things he's saying.

Donald Trump believes in one thing and one thing only, Donald Trump. Donald Trump cares about one thing and one thing only, Donald Trump.

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Don't be fooled into thinking he actually believes any of the things he's saying.

Never said he didn't, but when faced with a con man and a bunch of known lying thieves, there's just a smidgen of a chance the conman may leave you with something where you know the other will take everything you have, including the shirt off your back and shoot you.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

Never said he didn't, but when faced with a con man and a bunch of known lying thieves, there's just a smidgen of a chance the conman may leave you with something where you know the other will take everything you have, including the shirt off your back and shoot you.

Except, if you knowingly give a con-man all your money, you've got only yourself to blame. If a politician does something illegal, there's (supposedly) legal checks and balances, and they may end up in jail (though more often, they're simply 'let off' once they resign in disgrace).

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Vincent Berg

If a politician does something illegal, there's (supposedly) legal checks and balances,

That only happens when it's an individual or small group, when it's the ones who are the government they just change the laws to make what they do legal, sometimes changing the laws before they do what they plan to do.

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

if you were to knowingly break the law you would go to jail, however if you are named Clinton you just say what does it matter then get to run for the presidency. the only thing trump has always said is if you don't come here legally then you have no rights that are reserved for CITIZENS. the "refugees" have invaded Europe and started a crime wave worse then any in history. we now have diseases here in the states we had all but eradicated thanks to these nonvaccinated persons. everyday some liberal tells me they think we should open our borders to them and then we see were they are raping and or murdering the same people that give them shelter,no thank you so do like my ancestors did and fight for you own freedoms in that disaster you call a country.we don't need them to come here and force us to be like what they left in the first place.

Replies:   Vincent Berg
Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


if you were to knowingly break the law you would go to jail, however if you are named Clinton you just say what does it matter then get to run for the presidency. the only thing trump has always said is if you don't come here legally then you have no rights that are reserved for CITIZENS.

Pardon me, but Clintons only crime was keeping classified mail on her private server, which was only classified after she was already being investigated. An investigation which those responsible for publicly claimed was politically aimed to derail her election.

Trumps 'refugee' comments are only a small segment of his many clearly unlawful and unknowledgeable pronouncements. Most of what he's running are not only racist/sexist and bigoted, but they're based on blatant ignorance. If Trump showed he could listen to advice from his own knowledgeable experts, I wouldn't be worried, but he seems utter unable to listen to anyone but himself.

That, more than anything he's said, is what makes him unqualified for office. Luckily for the U.S. and the rest of the world, there ain't enough old white men to still elect presidents (assuming enough people bother voting!).


I've never understood how there can be so much disagreement over ILLEGAL immigration.I can't see any citizen promoting IN-secure borders.I don't care if they double the number of legal immigrants from Mexico but first we have to secure the border.

I don't disagree with you, but the problem isn't with the borders, it's with the demand for services. The Republicans screaming the loudest about the border are also those hiring the most illegal aliens. Since they started getting called on it, they started subcontracting hiring so this practice couldn't be directly traced to them, but they know how much they're paying for services, and it doesn't take any great leaps in logic to see who's working for you.

Business owners create a huge market for jobs they don't want to pay citizens to do, then cry foul when workers enter illegally to take those jobs. We need to eliminate the illegal markets, and promote the hiring of citizens and paying living U.S. wages for services.

But again, a single joke has exploded into a full-fledged partisan conflict between forum members, so I suspect it's best if we shut this conversation down, as I doubt we'll ever agree over the issues. Few Americans are willing to see ANY shades of gray, much less any other colors than black and white.

I'll shut up. I never should have broached the topic in the first place. This is a forum for discussing writing/story topics, NOT a site for attacking whoever disagrees with you!

milehigh65 ๐Ÿšซ

I've never understood how there can be so much disagreement over ILLEGAL immigration.I can't see any citizen promoting IN-secure borders.I don't care if they double the number of legal immigrants from Mexico but first we have to secure the border. illegals who are already here is another problem entirely, with lots of grey areas to be worked out. Having control over who comes into the country seems to be a obvious priority to me.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


Having control over who comes into the country seems to be a obvious priority to me.

It's not obvious to everyone. The USA had completely open boarders for a very long time, at least for it's first century.

Boarder control, is however a necessity given the modern welfare state.

Of course, maybe dismantling the welfare state is a better answer than boarder control.

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Boarder control, is however a necessity given the modern welfare state.

In some countries they require you to prove your citizenship before you can access the state provided services, maybe that will resolve a lot of the problems with welfare services etc. Can't get it until you prove you're a citizen or legal migrant means the illegals can't access it.

Replies:   sejintenej
sejintenej ๐Ÿšซ

@Ernest Bywater

In some countries they require you to prove your citizenship before you can access the state provided services, maybe that will resolve a lot of the problems with welfare services etc. Can't get it until you prove you're a citizen or legal migrant means the illegals can't access it

Not sure which countries but what about an illegal who is carrying some nasty transmissible disease or one who is seriously injured in an RTA. Would you leave them lying in the gutter?

p0ps ๐Ÿšซ

before the early 1900 almost every one had open boarders .there was not enought people to matter

Replies:   Ernest Bywater
Ernest Bywater ๐Ÿšซ


before the early 1900 almost every one had open boarders .there was not enought people to matter

before then there was almost not such thing as a government funded service to the general public.

JimWar ๐Ÿšซ

I think there are many good reasons to have as secure a border as possible but I think that many people are convinced that we can completely secure the border. Maybe this idea is fostered by those that will make a fortune trying to make it so. Donald Trump and others paint a picture of the border that reminds me too much of the Berlin Wall or the mine fields that separate Gitmo from the rest of Cuba. Neither of these worked although there is a body count that goes with each of them. The thing is to me that this is not what America is all about. It used to be the bad guys that built these types of walls.

I'm sure that there are many people who believe that if we had in the past kept the Italians and Sicilians out we wouldn't have organized crime today. Before that if we had kept the Irish out we wouldn't have gangs in the inner city. Hell I'm sure the Amerindians are sure that if they had kept Europeans out this place would be much less crowded and much safer today. We are victims of our own success.

In the end the non-citizens today will become citizens of tomorrow and probably gripe just as loud about the next group of Johnny-come-latelies.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


Donald Trump and others paint a picture of the border that reminds me too much of the Berlin Wall or the mine fields that separate Gitmo from the rest of Cuba.

While I don't think Trump's wall is a good idea, there is a significant difference from a moral perspective between the wall trump wants to build and the Berlin wall.

Trump wants to build a wall to keep people out. East Germany built a wall to keep people in.

Capt. Zapp ๐Ÿšซ


too much of the Berlin Wall

I see it more like the Great Wall of China - to keep invaders out.

Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ

@Capt. Zapp

The Great Wall of China did not keep invaders out. It was intended to keep invaders from leaving China with their loot. There weren't enough guards on the wall to fight an army, but the Chinese could mobilize one and fight the invaders as they tried to leave. Leaving they were hindered by whatever they wanted to take back they had captured.

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

1 last thing for the wall. for centuries we built walls around cities to stop invaders from attacking, only then they used horses and cannons now they just walk in and use things like smallpox or the next deadly virus. when did defending American citizens become the same thing as being racist? this country has gone so far to the left it is no longer the country of freedom it is now the country of if I don't like what you say I will claim your some kind of ist. we can not even fly the flag of this country without it now being called offensive.(which was just upheld by the scotus)

Replies:   Wheezer
Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ


when did defending American citizens become the same thing as being racist?

It became racist when Trump announced plans to build a wall to keep out Mexicans. I haven't heard anything about a wall to keep out Canadians. The only other immigrants he wants to block (so far) are Muslims. That's what makes the idea racist.

Replies:   Not_a_ID  p0ps
Not_a_ID ๐Ÿšซ


It became racist when Trump announced plans to build a wall to keep out Mexicans. I haven't heard anything about a wall to keep out Canadians. The only other immigrants he wants to block (so far) are Muslims. That's what makes the idea racist.

We haven't had problems with thousands or even millions of people entering our country illegally through our Northern Border, while that isn't the case on the southern one. And it isn't just Mexicans crossing on the southern border, in all reality from what I recall hearing, the majority of the illegals crossing from Mexico have not been Mexican for a number of years now.

p0ps ๐Ÿšซ


why was it not racist when Carter deported muslims and stop
muslims from coming in

Replies:   Wheezer
Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ


why was it not racist when Carter deported muslims and stop muslims from coming in

Fact checking is easy. You should try it. While most Iranians are Muslim, most Muslims ARE NOT Iranian. Carter's actions were against the citizens of a country, not against all followers of a religion. That's the difference between Carter & Trump.


Replies:   p0ps
p0ps ๐Ÿšซ


If you study it you will find out that it was aimed at the Shiite Islamists and snopes normely reports in a left lean

Replies:   Wheezer
Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ


...and snopes normely reports in a left lean

It has been my experience that Snopes.com usually is neutral and very good about uncovering the truth. OTOH, right-leaning conservative media sources such as Fox news, Rush, etc. lie and distort routinely. Anything not in line with their Conservative ideals is considered left-leaning or Liberal - as if those viewpoints are something to be ashamed of. >:^/

Replies:   imsly1  Dicrostonyx  tppm
imsly1 ๐Ÿšซ


Roflmfao ...snopes is a Liberal Propaganda Machine....it is not Neutral ...

FYI Hillary Clinton is a fucking career Criminal....period..she is guilty of numerous murders to cover her an Bills drug business and their numerous scams...I repeat She is Career Criminal ..if she wasn't a democrat she'd been on death row decades ago...an so would've Bill...

You can say all you want about Trump...but he is not a Murderer...or a Drug Smuggler like the Clintons ...both of the Clintons Murdered Americans for money for their Fake Clinton Crime Family Foundation ...

Neither Clinton are worth the toilet paper to wipe your ass with...Period....

Talk about con artist they wrote the Fucking books on scams an lies...

Bill has been a rapist since college ...he got kicked out of Oxford for rape...

You can bet he picked that up in high school...

So if you want to trash trump...fuck you...he can kill 1000 people today and still have killed less people than the Clintons..

And if you don't understand you...deserve to be invaded
Sanders is a billions times a better candidate than Hillary...
And I voted for Jindal ..to win...

Replies:   Wheezer
Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ


Just curious, but how much is your monthly bill for tinfoil hats, or do you buy in bulk to save money?

Replies:   imsly1
imsly1 ๐Ÿšซ


No ..I leave them for liberals to wear...they wouldn't know or admit the truth even if it was the only answer available..

Liberals are the ๐Ÿ’ฉ Of the American population..

The only people more mentally retarded than liberals are .the ..Muslims...

Dicrostonyx ๐Ÿšซ


Snopes.com usually is neutral and very good about uncovering the truth

re: p0ps & imsly1

Wheezer, you have remember that facts are a conspiracy perpetrated by the left.

Replies:   Wheezer
Wheezer ๐Ÿšซ


Wheezer, you have remember that facts are a conspiracy perpetrated by the left.

Bwaaaahahaha! I read this very thing earlier today on "Bill Maher Rules!" :D :D :D

tppm ๐Ÿšซ


Snopes.com usually is neutral and very good about uncovering the truth

Yeah, left leaning, like he said.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ

The issue isn't about not wanting to protect workers, it's about the two-faced demands by businesses to 'protect' the borders while also demanding ever increasing access to cheap domestic services. Thus they demand extensive government border patrols while offers employment opportunities to whoever can sneak across.

They key isn't stopping them at the border but stopping the open market for whoever crosses. There's no way we can stop everyone, but if we stop the hiring of illegals, we can circumvent the entire problem.

We've already reached the end of the cycle, and the changing economics we now have an exodus of unskilled labor back to Mexico, rather than more people entering the country. It seems odd Trump is only now making an issue of it, now that he no longer needs to worry about hiring groundskeepers.

But as others have noted, this country has always been built on those seeking a better future driving those already here--secure with what they already have. And each generation of immigrants turn around and decry the next generation as 'wanting something for nothing. It's an endless cycle of seeking better fortunes and decrying endless wants.

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

I don't care if you are blonde blue eyed from Norway if you come illegally then you dont get shit. if you come here and drop another brat JUST to stay then you and the brat need to go.

lnettnay ๐Ÿšซ

Because he was a Democrat! :-P


p0ps ๐Ÿšซ

using that reasoning we could outlaw mexicans but not outher centeral American and it would be ok

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

the difference between the truth and the facts id the truth will put Hillary in office and the facts would put her under the prison. no democrat has ever met a truth they could not twist to suit their needs for the moment. just ask micheal browns family. the gentle giant was a criminal til he was caught then the poor kid was murdered for just being there. Hillary asked who do you want to answer that 3a.am. phone call well I guess she forgot to charge her phone when Benghazi was calling right.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


ust ask micheal browns family. the gentle giant was a criminal til he was caught then the poor kid was murdered for just being there.

Even if he was a criminal, he certainly didn't do anything that merited the death penalty. There is zero evidence aside from the testimony of the officer who killed him that Brown did anything to justify the use of lethal force.

Cops lie. They lie all the time. They tell obvious easily disproved lies and most people still accept anything they say uncritically.


Officers drive two hours out of their way to go serve a misdemeanor warrant on a black woman, a US veteran with PTSD.

They drive a truck through her fence, mace her dog, bust down her door then shoot her in the back of the head.

The officer's claim she pointed a high powered rifle at them and fired. They claim they saw the muzzle flash and heard the shot.


The only weapon present other than the ones carried by the officers was a bb gun. It had no finger prints on it. When tested, it wasn't even functional.

The officers who fired their weapons fired not through the open door, but through the wall several feet to the side of the door.

The woman was shot in the back of the head. Please explain how it would be possible for them to shoot her in the back of the head, if she was shooting at them. She died not by the door to the outside, but by her bedroom door.

The were cleared by the investigator who interviewed no independent witnesses and didn't review the physical evidence to compare it against the officer's testimony.

There are a lot more similar stories here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/

Believe nothing said by any cop unless it is backed up by video or physical evidence.

Replies:   docholladay
docholladay ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Cops lie. They lie all the time.

Very true, that is the reason I still laugh every time I remember the case where the cop's knew I was guilty as hell, but could not prove it in court. I used a little basic understanding of certain types of people along with being supposedly drunker than sh-t, crying in my booze in the right(wrong) bar.

Cops only evidence was eye-witnesses who all believed I was drunk. No physical evidence of any kind to prove otherwise. Then to rub it in. The day the man was beaten and robbed I was having coffee in the same restaurant they were having dinner in.

They cussed me out.

edited to add: There were reasons during both WW I and WW II they said loose lips sank ships. A well proved cause of loose lips was "BOOZE".

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

it would not matter to people like the black lives people if a black person was shooting an uzi in time square it would always be the cops fault. yes some cops are bad, but more backs are killed by blacks then by cops it just does not make the liberal beliefs look good to point that out. so don't blame the blue until you look at the black, just like here in my home town a black kid tried to fight a cop that was arresting him and got killed. on camera you can see the little shit start to fight when it was over the mother swears her little baby didnt do nothing wrong he never was in trouble. she forgets the little fucker was a known gang member with a weapons warrant. nothing her little fucker did was wrong it was all the cops fault for trying to arrest him. personally I say if a gang member gets arrested and convicted of a violent crime then fuck them and fire 1 .45 caliber to the back of the head and be done with the waste of space and let some other good person breathe free of fear.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


. yes some cops are bad

Most cops are bad. All the evidence you need for that is the existence of the blue wall of silence and the fact that they cover for each other.

If the good cops were the majority, the good cops wouldn't be afraid to speak out against the bad cops.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I say if a gang member gets arrested and convicted of a violent crime then fuck them and fire 1 .45 caliber to the back of the head and be done with the waste of space and let some other good person breathe free of fear.

When the cops make themselves judge, jury and executioner; good people should fear the cops.

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

I did not say for the cop to do it and only an idiot would say all cops are bad. if you were standing on the street and I came out of nowhere and started beating your ass with a bat and a cop was standing there would you ask him for help or just take the ass beating? ask all the people that have been helped by a cop if they are all bad.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


I did not say for the cop to do it and only an idiot would say all cops are bad. if you were standing on the street and I came out of nowhere and started beating your ass with a bat and a cop was standing there would you ask him for help or just take the ass beating? ask all the people that have been helped by a cop if they are all bad.

Believe me, if you've ever talked to most black and Hispanic residents of most cities, they don't trust the cops to do anything. When they call for help, it takes hours to arrive, they arrive too late with multiple cars to harass the residents, and they're likely to kill people not responsible for any crime than to actually make an arrest.

If you think I'm kidding, I had to train my kids friends to never drive in New Jersey, because it was virtually a death sentence for years for young black men. Black women were treated like dirt, but they wouldn't be shot, and if the black men were in the back seat, nothing ever escalated. Yet the crimes committed by blacks in those communities is no greater than those committed by whites, it's just that the police think so little of any black or Hispanic man that they'll shoot them dead rather than risk they might be innocent.

Trust me, it's not a matter of trust, it's one of institutional racism, and until we get that through everyone's head, nothing will ever change in this country. It's easy to shout that "Racism is over" is you never have to deal with anything but black servants or Hispanic gardeners your entire life.

There are many decent cops, but they're so few and far between, that they can't be trusted to act.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I did not say for the cop to do it

That's even worse.

and only an idiot would say all cops are bad.

I didn't say all cops are bad. Only a delusional idiot could see the number of people that are being killed by police (more than a thousand last year) and still think the majority of cops are good.

By the way, Law Enforcement is:

1. not on the top ten list of most dangerous jobs in the US, and it never has been.
2. Is safer now than it ever has been.
3. Roughly 80% of all LEOs who die on the job are killed in traffic accidents.
4. On average only around 50 cops die by felonious acts each year nation wide.
5. The last decade has been significantly below that long term average
6. 2014 was a 50 year low for officer deaths by felonious acts.

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

why is it that when retard sharpton says to march the black community starts goose stepping? he accused several white cops of raping a 16yr old girl that was later found to have been with her boyfriend at the time. did he make it right? no he said well they probably did it to someone. he helped accuse duke lacrosse team of rape and then when it was proved they didnt do it either what did he do? not a fucking thing. if you want to stop the racism then try not believing everything you hear from people like him. more blacks are killed by blacks in 1 yr then by all the cops in the last 15 yrs. if you count the drugs and other nonviolent crimes they make up more then 57% of the criminals and then want to sue their victims if they fight back. how many times does it take for a kid stealing a car or breaking into my house for his crying mommy to say little rayray was a good boy? if I shoot his dumbass while he is in my house she gets to sue me for wrongful death and say he was just trying to earn some money. well fuck him and his crying mommy. when the cops show up to help don't stand there and say we didn't see nothing start pointing out the bad guys and then the cops might actually believe you want to have help, but why would they show up just to hear we didn't see nothing every time? stop snitchin is what causes cops to not trust you when they show up. so next you see a fight or a wreck and the first thing you do with your phone is hit the video button instead of 911 I hope your ass is the 1 needing help and no one calls.

Replies:   docholladay
docholladay ๐Ÿšซ


I was abused by a pedophile Atlanta Police Detective. I spent over 4 years in a damned mental hospital with a record a mile deep that I could not outrun. I was 13 at the time he raped my fucking ass. When he finally got caught raping a young girl in the act. What did your so-called honest cops do. They gave him "Early Fucking Retirement" and sealed all of his records. Tell me about honest cops and see how much I will believe in them. If they want my goddamned trust they first have to earn it other wise to hell with them.

edit: Do you need his fucking name. I still remember it after over 50 years?

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

again you let 1 act color you view for all time against cops. do you think all rappers are drug dealing gang bangers too? or all white people wear hoods and burn crosses? or are you going to cross the street every time you see a young black man coming your way at night? if you answer no to these then why not use the same degree for cops? I seem to recall mlk was arrested several times by white cops and never once did he say to the young blacks death to all pigs and honkies or that white babies should be killed at birth unlike some of your heroes in the blm. when a young man points a gun at cops and is shot why does the family get 6 million for it? was he too damn dumb to know better? why does and man with a record 5 pages long get shot during a shootout with cops and the family claim he wasn't doing nothing? when the families start saying you know what rayray was a fucking moron and we don't blame the cops for doing their job we can move on. when the minorities learn that just because you are not white does not mean you can break the law then claim racism. the biggest problem is when the democrats learn to stop letting the minorities do those things they will improve this country. the dems started the kkk and assassinated the first republican that tried to help the blacks. a republican tried to pass the civil rights bill in the 50s but was blocked by the dems. the 1 party that has tried over and over again to make the minorities in this country better has been the 1 most hated by the,why?the only people that see and shout about race are the 1s quickest to shout racial slurs. when was the last time a white leader went on tv and started preaching for the end of the black race or any religious freedoms? just today odumbass has demanded that Christians give up there values again by allowing boys into the same rooms where young girls can be naked or even be on the same sports teams as girls. there is also a discussion going on about women being given 7 days a month off for their period with pay.this again is another divider supplied by the left.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


White space, capital letters, and punctuation, learn to use them correctly.

Your comment is nearly unreadable.

Sorry, you won't get me to agree that the cops are just doing their jobs when they kill unarmed people, no matter what the circumstances.

Vincent Berg ๐Ÿšซ


again you let 1 act color you view for all time against cops. do you think all rappers are drug dealing gang bangers too? or all white people wear hoods and burn crosses? or are you going to cross the street every time you see a young black man coming your way at night?

You judge each individual as an individual, but you learn that certain organizations promote certain behaviors. As such, the members of that group will be more likely to react a predictable way, and those that don't don't speak up for fear of being ostracized or tossed out of the organization.

For anyone (non-white) who's ever had interactions for the police, their institutional racism is well-founded, had hasn't diminished an iota over the centuries. It's what the cops DO, and why they're needed. Local communities hire racist cops to keep black/Hispanics/gays/etc. out of their communities! Hell, in most cases, the minorities hired by the police departments are worse than most of the white cops in terms of harassment, simply because they have to be to exist in those organizations.

So don't go preaching to every non-white that ALL cops are misunderstood because minorities are criminals. Many of us have had first-hand experience with cops spanning decades, and we've seen them at the worse, and we've never seen any indication they're likely to change over time.

And don't go switching definitions. The Democrats of the 1950s are very different beasts from the modern Democrats, just as the modern Republicans are a far cry from the early Republican party. Essentually, most of the Southern Racists fled the Democratic party after Lyndon Baynes Johnson passed the Civil Rights legistlation, and neither party has looked backwards since. The Republicans are now as overtly racist and the Democrats used to be, though both parties practice racist behaviors on a consistent basis, which is why so few minorities vote.
But the modern Republicans are certainly no saints, by anyone's account!

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

when did I use an unarmed person as an example? trust me if you are faced with someone bigger or stronger then you, you will use whatever means at your side to win. try being the cop that comes to the aide of a woman getting the crap beat out of her by a man with people watching and when he tries to help her the people start beating him up. I also noticed you did not say anything was wrong with the dumb shits that point guns at cops and get killed and the families getting paid. I bet you are the kind of person that would walk into a burning building then sue the firemen for not telling you to stay out.

docholladay ๐Ÿšซ


Yeah, only your attitude is like all the cops I have ever known. The same laws we are supposed to go by do not apply to them. They are ABOVE the law. So you are damned right I don't trust any of them. Trust is not a gift it has to be earned and all the cops I have ever known since I was 13 have helped to destroy that. Individuals might earn a bit of trust. But as group NEVER again. In fact if i saw one run over by a car or whatever. The most I would do is stand and laugh while the cop died.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


when did I use an unarmed person as an example?

Brown was unarmed.

I bet you are the kind of person that would walk into a burning building then sue the firemen for not telling you to stay out.


I also noticed you did not say anything was wrong with the dumb shits that point guns at cops and get killed and the families getting paid.

I have little sympathy for anyone suicidal enough to point a gun at a cop.

Can you provide a documented case where that happened and the family was paid, because I am not aware of any such case.

Personally, if a PD settled such a case without a trial, I would be inclined to believe that the PD had no evidence beyond the officer's testimony that in fact the victim pointed a gun at the officers, or was even in possession of a gun at the time of the incident.

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

the little 12 yr old bastard in Cleveland was pointing a gun at people that called the cops, and when they showed up he pointed at them. after being told several times as testified by witnesses both black and white to drop the gun. he refused and they shot him. it was not til afterwards that they found out it was a toy so the CITY settled with the family because the blm was claiming racism. as for brown you must have missed where it was proven thru the autopsy that his hands weren't up and he was seen by others to be trying to reach for the officers gun. of course with people like you it would not matter if the found him carrying 10lbs of c4 with directions to the nearest kindergarten class. all you see is a cop did what he was trained to do and you think the cop should be punished for wanting to go home safely. since you said you would laugh at a cop hit by a car I can only say I hope that whatever family you have has better a sense of being a human being then you do and that you die soon so you quit poisoning the rest of the gene pool.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


the little 12 yr old bastard in Cleveland was pointing a gun at people that called the cops, and when they showed up he pointed at them. after being told several times as testified by witnesses both black and white to drop the gun. he refused and they shot him.

You have no idea what you are talking about. There were no witnesses other than the cops and a security camera across the street.

I've seen the video. The boy wasn't holding the gun at the point the cops arrived, it was in the waist band of his pants and he never reached for it while the cops were there.

They roared in at high speed and stopped with in 10 feet of him. It looked like they were going to run him over. The rookie cop got out of the squad car and opened fire. There was less than 2 seconds between when the squad car came to a complete stop and when the officer fired the first shot. There was no time to order the boy to drop a weapon he wasn't holding or to react to any order they gave him.

as for brown you must have missed where it was proven thru the autopsy that his hands weren't up and he was seen by others to be trying to reach for the officers gun.

Okay, his hands weren't up, but he was more than 30 feet away from the officer and unarmed when he was killed.

As for reaching for the officers gun, there were no witnesses to this other than the officer himself. This supposedly happened inside the squad car while brown was leaning in the window. There was no one in any position where they could have seen much of anything other than the officer and Brown, and Brown isn't alive to testify.

There was a powder burn on Brown's hand, but the position of the burn indicates that brown would have had his hand on the barrel of the gun. This is a defensive grasp, trying to push the gun away from being pointed at him, not an offensive attempt to take the gun and use it on the officer. Which would be irrelevant in any case as that threat had ceased several minutes before Brown was shot.

A threat that has been successfully ended without the use of lethal force does not remain a legitimate justification for using lethal force after the threat has ended.

all you see is a cop did what he was trained to do and you think the cop should be punished for wanting to go home safely.

First, their training is fucked up, so that is no excuse at all. Cops are being taught that they have at best a 50/50 chance of surviving any given traffic stop, which is absurd on it's face. There are an order of magnitude more traffic stops per year than there are cops. If traffic stops were even a quarter as dangerous as police cadets are being told, annual turn over in PDs would be close to 200%

They are being taught to empty their magazines any time they open fire, which is both dangerous (you can't shoot accurately like that) and tactically stupid. If you face two threats and empty your magazine on one, you have effectively disarmed yourself against the second threat.

There are many incidents over the last decade of NYPD cops opening fire on a suspect and shooting half a dozen to a dozen bystanders.

Second, a cop's desire to go home safely does not supersede the rights of all the people around him.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


the little 12 yr old bastard in Cleveland was pointing a gun at people that called the cops, and when they showed up he pointed at them.

One more point. The officer who shot the boy was fired. It is exceedingly rare for officers to be fired over a single use of force incident, particularly rookies. That case isn't what you clam and the Cleveland PD knew it.

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

like I said no matter what the little fuckers do you blame the cops. if a white woman was raped a by 6 black guys you would blame her even if she was a 60yr old nun. your just a racist hiding in plain sight by using the uniform instead of skin color.

Replies:   Dominions Son  Oyster
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


like I said no matter what the little fuckers do you blame the cops

In the Cleveland case the boy did exactly nothing to justify the use of lethal force I know of no one who has actually watched the video that disputes this. Heck even the Cleveland PD has admitted that this was unjustified.

You will excuse the cops no matter what the actual facts of the case are, or how excessive or unwarranted the use for force was as long as the victim is not white.

I wonder what excuses you will make for the SWAT team that threw a flash bang grenade into a baby's crib? That raid was a drug raid and they found nothing. The victim's family was completely innocent of any wrong doing.

I hope you never end up the victim of a 2 AM SWAT raid for a building code violation (yes, this has happened)

Oyster ๐Ÿšซ


Wow, just wow.
So a twelve year old playing with a toy gun is a little fucker who deserved to be gunned down two seconds after contact by an emotionally unstable man who should not have been allowed to own a gun or be a cop.

Walter Scott deserved to be shot in the back while he was unarmed, right?

Let's delve a bit into history for the next one: Frank Serpico deserved everything that happened to him when he reported corruption by his "brothers in blue".

Or how about that female cop who stopped another cop for a DUI and was harassed by other cops who illegally used their official computer systems to look her up (all documented in lawsuits she had to bring against many police departments).

Now, those may be discounted as single cases where individuals did something wrong, so let me give you a few examples where whole institutions were involved:

Homan Square in Chicago
Lee Baca's department and its prisoner abuse and failed coverup where they tried to hide an undercover FBI agent
NYPD's arrest quotas

The truth is that there is no war on cops, but the police have lost the trust and respect of many people due to their own actions and inaction.
Do I blame individual cops? No, but I blame their woefully inadequate and wrong training and their attitude that one of the worst crimes is to disrespect them.
And I blame the system which allows them to get away with lying on reports and in court or even with murder. No accountability has led to these problems.

Replies:   docholladay
docholladay ๐Ÿšซ


The truth is that there is no war on cops, but the police have lost the trust and respect of many people due to their own actions and inaction

You are right here. Its funny how they insist we trust them, but then betray that trust every time.

Of course those cops who wanted to arrest me when a man pulled a butcher knife (what it was called then) on me as I attempted to enter my own apartment. I was unarmed not even a pencil to use as a weapon. But I was the guilty party so I was about to be arrested. The man with the knife was just told to go home and put the knife away. Honest, trust worthy cops for sure.

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

no i am willing to admit that SOMETIMES the cops are in the wrong whether by accident or intent, but I don't blame every cop for the actions of a few. you on the other hand would blame all of them no matter what they did or the reasons they did it. you are so focused on your hatred for 1 thing that you say happened to you that you refuse to allow for the good guys to do the right thing. you see nothing wrong for a cop to be sitting in his car at a redlight and be shot in cold blood. you say the only good cop is a dead cop. if said the same about a black person or gay person I would be labeled as a racist or homophobe, yet you are a hero to the assholes tearing this country apart.

docholladay ๐Ÿšซ


Wrong party for the hate idea. I am the one with the hate and with a good damned reason. Anyone else and they would have been tried and probably convicted. But since he was a "COP" he was retired with benefits and his records sealed for "HIS PROTECTION". Forget anything about the pedophiles victims rights to justice.

His rights as a cop came first. That had to be an act of the entire police department and DA's office nothing else could have buried it so damned well. My only regret now is I did not take the offer a couple of people from different organizations made me to take care of him for me in the mid 70's. But I wanted that pleasure myself.

edited to add: That act took away any chance of a day in court whether in criminal court or a civil court as a claim for damages.

edited to also add: That fucking cop's name was "I. A. Thomas" and to hell with any risk I incur for naming the asshole.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


You are getting confused. I didn't say anything happened to me.

Sometimes the cops do get it right, but you keep defending specific cases where they got it obviously, egregiously wrong.

Yes, I blame every cop, because no cop ever stands up and testifies against the bad cops instead the so call "good cops" lie to defend the bad cops.

If a cop defends the bad cops, he is one of the bad cops.

It's very wrong if a copy is shot in cold blood. However that is extremely rare for that to happen. On long term average no more than 50 cops nation wide (out of more than 800,000) are killed by felonious acts. And the last 10 years have been well below average, with 2014 being a 50 year low.

There is no official tally of how many people cops kill. However, last year the UK's Guardian news paper undertook to count all the people killed by police the tally they came up with is 1,134.


No one on this thread as said that the only good cop is a dead cop. The real good cops are generally driven out by their fellow officers.

You are one of the assholes tearing this country apart.

Replies:   docholladay
docholladay ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

I like your references makes it easy to check. Heck its like when I had small kids coming up and asking me things. Because of their instinctive act of trust. I felt like I had to earn it even more. No Lies, total honesty was required even for those questions every adult hates being asked by kids. The worst I could do was to tell them I couldn't answer the question, usually suggesting the library might have the information.

docholladay ๐Ÿšซ

Its funny how important "Trust" really is in everyday life. Trust is not something that can be demanded because of a particular job or title. It has to be earned and if given upfront, a person needs to earn it as that trust carries a great responsibility.

Anytime someone trusted me. I always felt I had to go out and earn it even more so I would be worthy of that trust.

redlion75 ๐Ÿšซ

name 1 thing that has been done by the republican party in the last 20yrs to hold back LEGAL minorities? and I don't mean anything to do with laws or views based on the Christian faith. have they done anything to cause more unemployment to minorities, have they promoted more abortions to babies of minorities? just about every policy from the left has done nothing good for anyone except themselves. when a man says the president does not sound like a negro unless he wants to is that racist or just an oops? for those of you that don't know who it was that said that, it was v.p. joe biden a dem about odumbass.

miksmit ๐Ÿšซ

Like others have said it is the organization that most of us have an issue with. Who watches the watchers? The major problem I have is the loss of trust. A few decades ago a few bad police officers betrayed the public trust, and the good ones didn't protest enough or they flat out lied about them. By doing that they lost the authority they had. They gave up the trust of the public like it meant nothing. The problem is it meant everything. They were the local layer between us and the elected. People wonder why there is a lack of respect for those in authority, the loss of trust in the police is a huge reason.

docholladay ๐Ÿšซ

For me its funny how its always put down as a racial problem. But from my observation and experience it doesn't matter. The reason race or color or whatever enters into it is the fact those races are headline news. Sure blacks and Mexicans and such have it bad. But they also have major benefit advantages over the whites in the same neighborhoods or using the same government agencies. This generation had nothing to do with what was done a 150-300 years ago. The only thing this generation should worry about is the example they set for their children.

edited to add: Just check out the forms for benefits of any kind at any government agency. They all ask racial questions before checking citizenship status and sometimes they don't even ask about citizenship.

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


For me its funny how its always put down as a racial problem. But from my observation and experience it doesn't matter.

You are quite right. That list from the guardian of all the people killed by police in 2015, while blacks are disproportionately over represented, all races are on the list.

It isn't even a class/economic issue (not just poor people) either. This article; https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2016/05/16/as-videos-expose-wrongdoing-by-south-carolina-cops-police-agencies-tighten-control-over-footage/

under the sub heading of "A scuffle in Five Points"

Details the unlawful arrest of two white men. Not only are the two men both attorneys, one of the men is a prosecutor in a neighboring county.

Despite this non of the officers involved were in any way disciplined. City officials said the local PD would investigate the matter. The local PD said the were not investigating the incident because a state agency charged with investigating officer involved shootings and other possible police misconduct was investigating. A year latter the state agency said that they knew nothing about the incident and had never opened an investigation.

A white Assistant District Attorney was unlawfully arrested and he couldn't do a damn thing about it.

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