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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Universe

boppthejohn 🚫

I understand Mike Cropo died before he finished his series. I also know that his son was going to try and finish it/ I am not sure, but I think he has only written 1 chapter in like 4 or 5 years. Is there any way someone could finish the story? Is it even legal for someone to try? I know that Brandon Sanderson fisher The Wheel of time series after Robert Jordan passed. Just wish someone could finish it. Was a great story.

Replies:   REP  boppthejohn  Dicrostonyx


Is it even legal for someone to try?

If I am correct, Mike's estate owns the copyrights to all of his stories finished and unfinished.

If someone were to submit a request to complete a story and the executor of the estate gives that person permission, then yes if would be legal for the person to complete the story. However, that person's abilities and writing style would probably be different than Mike's style, and the end result may not be what you are expecting.

The copyright laws indicate that without being granted permission from the person who owns/controls the copyrignt, it would be illegal to change or complete copyrighted stores.

I am not a copyright lawyer, but the above is my understanding of the copyright laws.

boppthejohn 🚫


Thank you, REP. I do understand the writing styles would be different. It was that way in the Wheel of Time. There are a ton of things that were left unfinished in the story. To close all of the things (just that I noticed) would be a miracle in and of itself. Again, thank you for your response.

Dicrostonyx 🚫


I know that Brandon Sanderson fisher The Wheel of time series after Robert Jordan passed. Just wish someone could finish it. Was a great story.

Completely different situation. When Jordan was diagnosed in 2005 he made arrangements for the series to be completed if he passed before he could do it himself. When he passed in 2007, Sanderson was chosen as his successor by Harriet McDougal, Jordan's wife and editor. This was cleared with the publisher before an announcement was made.

McDougal also ensured that Sanderson had access to all of the materials that Jordan had prepared in advance, including all of his series notes and outlines.

This wasn't simply a situation of one fantasy author wanting to finish the series started by another, it was an organized ghost writer/ co-writer situation.

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