The thread about Tefler's Three Square Meals got me thinking. I've just finished the latest chapter and one of the things that really stood out to me was how the chapter jumps from one group to another rather than stick with the Protagonist.
In Lord of the Rings, you could spend a lot of chapters following one subgroup and then you'd jump to another subgroup so you could follow along with them for a few chapters. With Tefler's story, though, you often see chapters where you are jumping between two subgroups, but one's narrative is extremely limited - maybe just a few short paragraphs to remind everyone he's still there.
How do you decide which route you're going to take? I'm not saying one's better than the other, but it did cause me to wonder.
Personally, I like the LOTR style, but that only works when you have groups of characters doing something and can stick with them for several chapters. When you're dealing with a single chapter.... jumping back and forth like that is a little odd because you end up saying not much for the secondary scene.
Make sense?